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6 What Happens when Teachers Tell Kids to Lie to Parents

In our previous reports, we have provided scientific evidence that giving gender confused children drugs instead of counseling is severely harmful to those children. In this article, we will review 32 examples of the harm inflicted on ALL children and their parents by state laws and school district policies that require teachers to tell children that their parents can not be trusted and that it is OK for students to lie to their parents.

The reason kids are told to lie to their parents is to hide the fact that these kids are being told that it is possible to change their sex merely by changing their name and their pronouns. In fact, it is not possible to change from one sex to the other as there are over 6,500 significant genetic differences between boys and girls.


The magnitude of this harm is staggering. Prior to the Transgender Cult laws, less than one percent of all children suffered from gender confusion. Recent surveys by the CDC and Gallup confirm that about 20 percent of all students in the US are now suffering from gender confusion. Since there are about 50 million school age children in the US, the number of children that have fallen victim to Transgender Indoctrination is about 10 million students and rising. There is a very high risk that many of these 10 million kids will become addicted to transgender drugs and become permanently sterilized. Based on a series of lies that make billions of dollars for drug companies, the Transgender Takeover of our schools is one of the worst crimes against children in human history.


2019 Washington State passes a Lie To Your Parents Lawa
In 2019, the Washington State legislature passed Senate Bill 5689 which claimed to change the definition of harassment in schools. But the real purpose of this bill was to prevent parents from finding out about their child’s change in gender status.

This bill also requires each school to have a Transgender Gestapo and requires schools to use a students magic pronouns and to allow Trans Bio Males to use the Girls Bathrooms. The bill also requires that all teachers and administrators go through the Transgender Training propaganda program.

Here is one of many negative comments: “This bill would begin to educate children as early as kindergarten about those who identify as LGBTQ and will present their choice as acceptable. This is not okay because it is a moral issue, and contradictory to what is taught in many homes and churches. Some families will remove their children from the public school system if this bill is passed. Safety for all students is important. By elevating LGBTQ individuals, the state is discriminating against others.”

The bill passed on a party line vote and became RCW 28A.642.080 which required every school board in Washington to pass School Board Policy 3211 by January 2020. In July 2019, the Washington State School Directors Association adopted this new 4 page model policy 3211P. https://wssda.app.box.com/s/1c2bjp451nezhbdjvyxl2fqcwvuwdxaa

The policy falsely claims that hiding information from parents is required by FERPA: “Information about a student's gender identity, legal name, or assigned sex at birth may constitute confidential medical or educational information. Disclosing this information to other students, their parents, or other third parties may violate privacy laws, such as the federal Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. §1232; 34 C.F.R. Part 99). Parents have the right under FERPA to request their student’s records and if requested, the District will provide the student’s educational records to the parent according to 3231/3231P – Student Records modify number and name of policy as accurate for your district. To ensure the safety and well-being of the student, school employees should not disclose a student's transgender or gender-expansive status to others, including other school personnel, other students, or the parents of other students, unless the school is (1) legally required to do so or (2) the student has authorized such disclosure.”

History of the claim that it is OK to Lie to Parents
The original source for School District Model 3211 appears to be a 2016 15 page document written by GLSEN (Gay Lesbian Educator Network) in collaboration with the ACLU called Know Your Rights: A Guide for Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Students. On page 5, it states “If your school reveals [your transgender status] to anyone without your permission, it could be violating federal law… tell them very clearly that you want your information kept private and that they shouldn’t out you to other students, parents, or anyone else without your consent.) The guide on page 8 then refers to both Title IX and FERPA as protecting the rights of Trans students when in fact Title IX protects rights based on biological sex and FERPA protects the rights of parents to be informed. https://perma.cc/RPD4-UFJJ

More than 1,000 School Districts ban Parental Notice
As of August 30, 2024, the database maintained by Parents Defending Education lists 1,116 public school districts in 38 states and the District of Columbia with written policies that authorize or require withholding gender-related information from parents. These districts include 20,473 schools attended by nearly 12 million students. https://defendinged.org/investigations/list-of-school-district-transgender-gender-nonconforming-student-policies/

Parents and Teachers go to Court to oppose the Lie to Parents Policy
As a result of these insane policies, since 2020, there have been at least 32 cases filed across the US opposing state laws and school district policies that ban Parental Notice when kids as young as 5 decide to change genders. We will review several of these cases in order to better understand the challenges parents face in protecting their parental rights.

At 4 cases were filed in 2020 and 2021:
Doe v. Madison Metro. Sch. Dist., (Dane Cnty., Wis., filed Feb. 18, 2020);

John and Jane Parents 1 v. Montgomery Cnty. Bd. of Educ., (removed to federal court on Dec. 7, 2020);

Littlejohn v. Sch. Bd. of Leon Cnty., Fla., (N.D. Fla., filed Oct. 18, 2021);

T.F. v. Kettle Moraine Sch. Dist., (Waukesha Cnty., Wis., Nov. 11, 2021);

At least 11 cases were filed in 2022:
Perez v. Broskie, (M.D. Fla., filed Jan. 24, 2022);

Doe v. Manchester Sch. Dist., (N.H. Sup. Ct., filed Mar. 3, 2022);

Tatel v. Mt. Lebanon Sch. Dist. (W.D. Pa. 2022)

Ricard v. USD 475 Geary Cnty., KS Sch. Bd., (D. Kan., Mar. 7, 2022);

Foote v. Ludlow Sch. Comm., (D. Mass., filed April 12, 2022);

Figliola v. Sch. Bd. of the City of Harrisonburg, Va, (June 1, 2022);

Konen v. Caldeira, (N.D. Cal., removed to federal court on Sept. 12, 2022);

Thomas v. Loudoun Cnty. Pub. Schs., ( filed June 29, 2022);

Parents Defending Educ. v. Linn-Mar Cmty. Sch. D, (Iowa, Aug. 2, 2022);

Parents Protecting our Children v. Eau Claire Sch D, Wisc, Sept 7, 2022).

Doe v Bethel Loc. Sch. Dist. Bd. of Educ., S. D. Ohio (file Nov 22, 2022)

At least 13 cases filed in 2023:
Regino v. Staley, No. 2:23-cv-32 (E.D. Cal., filed Jan. 6, 2023);

Kaltenbach v. Hilliard City Schs., (S.D. Ohio, filed Jan. 16, 2023);

Doe v. Washoe Cnty. Sch. Dist., (D. Nev., filed Mar. 27, 2023);

Lavigne v. Great Salt Bay Cmty. Sch. Bd. (D. Me., filed Apr. 4, 2023);

Willey v. Sweetwater Cnty. Sch. Dist. No. 1, (D. Wyo., filed April 20, 2023);

Mirabelli v. Olson, (S.D. Cal., filed April 27, 2023);

Lee v. Poudre Sch. Dist. R-1, (D. Co., filed May 3, 2023);

McCord v. S. Madison Cmty. Sch., No 1 (S.D. Ind., filed May 18, 2023);

Blair v. Appomattox Cnty. Sch. Bd., (W.D. Va., filed Aug. 22, 2023)

Tapia v. Jurupa Unified School District; C.D Cal. (filed 08/24/23).

Short v. N.J. Dep’t of Educ., No. 1 (D. N.J., filed Oct. 12, 2023)

Walden v. Mesa Unified Sch. Dist., (Maricopa Cnty., Az. Nov. 20, 2023);

Mead v. Rockford Pub. Sch. Dist., No. 1: (W.D. Mich., filed Dec. 18, 2023)

Four cases files so far in 2024:
Doe v. Del. Valley Reg’l High Sch. Bd. of Educ., (D. N.J., filed Jan. 5, 2024)

Doe v. Pine-Richland Sch. Dist., No. 2 (W.D. Pa., filed Jan. 12, 2024);

Vitsaxaki v. Skaneateles Cent. Sch. Dist., No. 5 (N.D. N.Y., Jan. 31, 2024);

Landerer v. Dover Area Sch. Dist., (M.D. Pa., filed Apr. 3, 2024)

We will cover a few of the most shocking cases in the order that they were filed or decided.

2020 Doe v. Madison Metro. Sch. District
In February 2020, several parents sued the Madison School District in Wisconsin state court. The parents claim that the policy of lying to parents violates parental rights by allowing students to use names and pronouns at school different from those they were assigned at birth. The Wisconsin Supreme Court stated it was a federal matter and not a state matter.

2020 John and Jane Parents 1 et al. v. Montgomery Cty Bd of Educ.
In October of 2020, three parents sued the Montgomery County Board of Education over its gender identity policy which falsely stated that: All students have a right to privacy. This includes the right to keep private one’s transgender status or gender nonconforming presentation at school. Information about a student’s transgender status, legal name, or sex assigned at birth may constitute confidential medical information. Disclosing this information to other students, their parents/guardians, or third parties may violate privacy laws, such as the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).”

The parents alleged that the guidelines were unconstitutional, though none of them alleged that their children had gender support plans, were transgender, or were struggling with their gender identity.

While the parents were seeking relief in the form of information about any possible future gender support plan for their children, the parents did not allege that their children were likely to direct the school to refuse to share their gender identity with their families. However, the parents alleged that the parental preclusion policy violated their fundamental right to parent their individual children by violating their right to obtain information about them.

In rejecting the parents’ claim and granting the defendant’s motion to dismiss, Judge Paul Grimm acknowledged that while government actions infringing on a fundamental constitutional right are subject to strict scrutiny analysis, there was no fundamental parental right to be “promptly informed of their child’s gender identity, when it differs from that usually associated with their sex assigned at birth.” Grimm noted that the Fourth Circuit has rejected the use of strict scrutiny analysis for parental rights claims based on an alleged substantive due process violation unless an associated allegation of a violation of one’s right to the free exercise of one’s religion is also asserted.

The plaintiffs cited the Eleventh Circuit’s decision in Arnold v. Board of Education of Escambia County, Alabama, in which the court concluded that a “parent’s constitutional right to direct the upbringing of a minor is violated when the minor is coerced to refrain from discussing with the parent an intimate decision such as whether to obtain an abortion; a decision which touches fundamental values and religious beliefs parents wish to instill in their children.” But Judge Grimm distinguished Arnold, saying that none of parents in this case alleged specific facts regarding the application of the guidelines to any of their children.

In fact, every one of the children had been exposed at school – which they were required by law to attend - to a severely harmful program which falsely told them that they could not trust their parents, that it was OK to lie to parents and – worst of all – that it was possible for the child to change their gender and become someone else merely by changing their name and their pronouns – a pathway so deadly that it is the equivalent of turning trusted teachers into drug pushers whose goal is to get kids addicted to toxic transgender drugs.

In claiming that parents do not have standing to protect their kids from such harm, judges are turning their backs on millions of victims and allowing drug dealers to continue harming millions of innocent children.

On appeal, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit did not address the merits of the parents’ claims. Rather, a majority of the three-judge panel determined that the parents lacked standing to bring the challenge in the first place. In an opinion by Marvin Quattlebaum, the court held that because none of the parents’ children had gender support plans, were transgender, were struggling with the issue of gender identity, or were suspected to be at a heightened risk of considering gender transition, the plaintiffs could not demonstrate that they had suffered an injury in fact and therefore lacked standing. While the court did acknowledge the Board of Education’s policy was “staggering,” and that it might be “repugnant as a matter of policy,” it noted that “just because a policy or practice exists and is unconstitutional does not mean a particular plaintiff has been injured and has standing to challenge it.”

Judge Quattlebaum acknowledged that the parents’ strongest support for standing was its reliance on Parents Involved in Community Schools v. Seattle School District No. 1, because there, too, the harm (being forced to participate in an unconstitutional, race-based system) depended on a chain of future events involving the decisions of others. But the court determined that nothing about Parents Involved applied beyond the context of equal protection claims, and it did not read the opinion so as to abrogate the “certainly impending” test that applies to cases involving future injuries.

Neimeyer Dissent. In dissent, Judge Paul Neimeyer took issue with the majority’s finding that the plaintiff parents lacked standing, relying specifically on Parents Involved and the Supreme Court’s finding of standing even though the harm in that case was only speculative. Writing that “parents whose children are subject to the policy must have access to the courts to challenge such a policy.”

The policy, Neimeyer argued, directed staff to engage in a form of cover-up by providing that “[s]chools should seek to minimize the use of permission slips and other…forms that require disclosure of a student’s gender or use gendered terminology.” In shutting parents out from an open relationship with their children, the parents had experienced a redressable injury and had standing.”

Because the complaint alleged a broader constitutional injury—that of usurping parental roles—it was dispositive that the guidelines were not voluntary but mandatory and applied to all students in the system. As a result, the parents now had to “contend with the worry that school officials might…deem ‘unsupportive’ the Parents’ view that their child ought to transition only after professional psychological or psychiatric consultation.” He also charged the majority with suggesting that “injury under the Due Process Clause yields rank to injury under the Equal Protection Clause”—something not supported by the Parents Involved decision, or in any decision from the Supreme Court, since.

Judge Neimeyer’s dissent is in line with the notion that “federal courts have long held that the deprivation of a constitutional right is irreparable.” He also recognized that intangible harms can and do give rise to standing. Developing and implementing a gender transition plan for minors without their parents’ knowledge does not simply implicate a curricular or policy decision, but goes to the “very personal decision-making about children’s health, nurture, welfare, and upbringing, which are fundamental rights of the Parents.”

Prior to the publication of this Legal Memorandum, the parents in this case filed a petition for a writ of certiorari with the Supreme Court in which they asked the Court to address two discrete questions:

1. When a public school, by policy, expressly deceives parents about how the school will treat their minor children, do parents have standing to seek injunctive and declaratory relief in anticipation of the school applying its policy against them?

2. Assuming the parents have standing, does the Parental Preclusion Policy violate their fundamental parental rights?

Their petition to the US Supreme Court was dismissed on May 8, 2024.

2021 Littlejohn v. Sch. Bd. of Leon Cnty., Florida
In late 2021, January and Jeffrey Littlejohn learned that the school had developed a gender support plan with their daughter without their knowl- edge, affirming their daughter’s belief that she was nonbinary, providing housing and bathroom recommendations, and instituting a plan to use “they/them” pronouns for their child. The Littlejohns subsequently filed a lawsuit under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 against the Leon County, Florida, School Board and various school officials alleging a violation of, among others, their constitutional rights under the Fourteenth Amendment.

The trial judge, Chief Judge Mark Walker, rejected their claim, stating that “the law regarding substantive due process rights afforded to parents is an unsettled area of constitutional law, such that a reasonable person would not be able to know when their conduct is in violation of the law.”

His opinion ignored more than 100 years of jurisprudence establishing the Fourteenth Amendment substantive due process parental right as “fundamental.” Because he determined the law on parental rights to be “unsettled,” Chief Judge Walker held that the individual school officials were entitled to qualified immunity because they were acting within the scope of their employment and discretionary state authority. When assessing the actions of the school board, Chief Judge Walker ignored binding Eleventh Circuit precedent indicating that when fundamental rights are at issue, a shocks-the-conscience analysis is inappropriate; rather, the court should employ a strict scrutiny analysis that balances the interests of both the individual claimant and the state.

The case is currently on appeal to the Eleventh Circuit, U.S. Court of Appeals. On May 30, 2023, 26 states filed a 31 page Amicus brief in favor of Littlejohn. Here is a quote: “Appellants claimed that shutting them out of A.G.’s decision-making process for these crucial decisions, including the use of a new name and pronouns, caused A.G. emotional distress and exacerbated A.G.’s psychological and educational difficulties, increased the costs associated with providing educational alternatives to A.G., and damaged their family.”

2021 T.F. v. Kettle Moraine Sch. District

This judge disagreed with the school district claim that their policy was required by Title IX. The judge said: “such legal assumptions, without the benefit of Supreme Court or Seventh Circuit authorities establishing Title IX liability for transgender discrimination, present merely speculative risk of Title IX liability for the School District.” https://adflegal.org/case/tf-and-bf-v-kettle-moraine-school-district#case-documents

On October 3, 2023, the state court found in favor of the parents: “This particular case is simply whether a school district can supplant a parent’s right to control the healthcare and medical decisions for their children. The well established case law in that regard is clear – Kettle Moraine can not. The School District abrogated the parental rights of B.F. and T.F. on how to medically treat A.F. when the district decided to socially affirm A.F. at school despite B.F. and T.F. requesting it does not. Through its policy of disregarding parental wishes on a medical or health related decision and with how fast questioning ones gender can arise, P.W. and S.W. are at real risk of being harmed by the current School District policy. The current policy of handling these issues on a case-by-case basis without either notifying the parents or by disregarding the parents wishes is not permissible and violates fundamental parental rights.”

On November 21, 2023, the school board apologized to the parents for violating their parental rights. https://dm1l19z832j5m.cloudfront.net/2024-03/TF-and-BF-v-Kettle-Moraine-School-District-2023-11-21-Kettle-Moraine-School-Board-apology.pdf

2022 Perez v. Broskie
In January 2022, Wendell and Maria Perez learned their 12-year-old daughter had attempted suicide
by hanging twice on campus at Paterson Elementary. Their daughter's suicidal ideation reportedly stemmed from initial bullying by peers during the beginning of the 2021-2022 school year over being too "boyish". The 12-year-old reported the bullying to school administration, though her parents were not informed. The student reportedly felt conflicted about her sex and subsequently conducted internet searches about self-harm, to which administration notified Mr. Perez who said he and wife Maria would address the matter.

Mr. Perez claims that Clay County District Schools then secretly "transitioned" his 12-year-old daughter without his knowledge and "affirmed" a male name and pronouns, which contributed to her attempted suicide in a school bathroom. Without the consent or knowledge of the Perez family, the student began weekly counseling sessions with school counselor Destiny Washington, who allegedly assisted the 12-year-old in adopting a male identity and insisted on referring to the student by a male name. Washington promised the 12-year-old her parents would not be notified of their meetings nor the content discussed. Washington also reportedly referred to the 12-year-old with a male name around the student's peers, which made the bullying worse.

The student informed Washington of the increased bullying, though the counselor did not contact the Perez Family citing the family's Catholic faith.

In July, 2022 the Clay County School District released a statement at the time saying "the district has performed a thorough and complete investigation into this matter as it was presented to us and has determined that the allegations are completely false, fabricated, and appear to be intended solely for the purpose of inciting the public."

The school district filed a motion to dismiss citing the plaintiff's lack of stating a federal law in which the Board violated, along with a failure to identify a violation of a cognizable right: "Defendants are not under any constitutional obligation to notify Plaintiffs of the issues complained of, nor do they possess protected constitutional right to receive such notification that these discussions took place, if they even occurred, which is disputed."

The Board's Parental Rights And Student Welfare policy appears to violate Florida's Parental Rights in Education bill, which passed in March 2022. The bill prohibits "school district personnel from discouraging or prohibiting parental notification and involvement in critical decisions affecting a student's mental, emotional, or physical well-being."

The bill also prohibits "a school district from encouraging classroom discussion about sexual orientation or gender identity in primary grade levels or in a specified manner" and further authorizes "a parent to bring an action against a school district to obtain a declaratory judgment that a school district procedure or practice violates certain provisions of law."

The case is still being litigated.

2022 Doe v. Manchester Sch. Dist., (N.H. Supreme Court)
In 2021, the Manchester School District in New Hampshire adopted a policy allowing students to keep their gender identity while at school hidden from their parents. The lawsuit was filed by the mother of a student who found out inadvertently that their child was using a different name and pronouns while at school. The mother, who disapproved of their child’s transgender status, alleged the school was violating her parental rights by shielding that information. On August 30, 2024, the New Hampshire Supreme Court ruled that the policy does not violate a parent’s constitutional rights.

Here are quotes from the majority opinion: “We respectfully note that there appear to be differences among federal district courts in addressing cases such as this. See Doe v. Del. Valley Reg’l High Sch. Bd. Of Educ., No. 24-00107, 2024 WL 706797, at *11 (D.N.J. Feb. 21, 2024) (finding that the United States Constitution does not mandate school districts to notify parents of a minor’s gender identity and receive consent before using alternative names and pronouns).”

Here is a quote from the Dissenting opinion which cited three other recently decided cases concluding that parents have a right to know about the status of their child: “This case involves a substantive due process challenge to a Policy, which, I believe, on its face, interferes with a parent’s fundamental right to parent. I believe that this case—which involves whether a public school may conceal from a child’s parent the child’s decision to identify as a gender other than that assigned at birth—implicates such a right. Cf. Tatel v. Mt. Lebanon Sch. Dist., 675 F. Supp. 3d 551, 569 (W.D. Pa. 2023) (noting that the school-related defendants’ “alleged conduct implicates the violation of parental interests of the greatest importance about forming the gender identity of their children”); Ricard v. USD 475 Geary Cnty., KS Sch. Bd., No. 5:22-cv-04015-HLT-GEB, 2022 WL 1471372, at *8 (D. Kan. May 9, 2022) (opining that “it is difficult to envision why a school would even claim—much less how a school could establish—a generalized interest in withholding or concealing from the parents of minor children, information fundamental to a child’s identity, personhood, and mental and emotional well-being such as their preferred name and pronouns”).”

Because accurate information in response to parents’ inquiries about a child’s expressed gender identity is imperative to the parents’ ability to assist and guide their child, I conclude that a school’s withholding of such information implicates the parents’ fundamental right to raise and care for the child. Cf. Willey v. Sweetwater County School District No. 1, 680 F. Supp. 3D 1250, 1277 (D. Wyo. 2023)”

2022 Tatel v. Mt. Lebanon Sch. Dist. W.D. PA
On May 5, 2023, the court issued an opinion which can be downloaded from this link: https://casetext.com/case/tatel-v-mt-leb-sch-dist-2

Here are quotes from this opinion:

This case involves the extent of parents' constitutional rights when a public school permits a teacher to inculcate the teacher's beliefs about transgender topics in first-grade students over the objections of their parents.Here, the parents allege that their children's first-grade teacher pursued her own transgender agenda outside the curriculum, which included: (1) instructing the children in her first-grade class that their parents might be wrong about their children's gender; (2) telling a student that the child could dress like a different gender and be like the teacher's transgender child; (3) telling a student that she, the teacher, would never lie (implying that the parents may lie about their child's gender identity); and (4) instructing students not to tell their parents about the transgender discussions.”

The defendant (School District) argument (that parents have no rights regarding what is taught in school) is contrary to Third Circuit Court of Appeals precedent, which recognizes that a public school's actions may conflict with parents' fundamental constitutional rights and when conflicts occur on matters of the greatest importance, the parents' rights prevail unless the public school can demonstrate a compelling interest for its actions. C.N. v. Ridgewood Bd. Of Educ., 430 F.3d 159, 184 (3d Cir. 2005) (“C.N.”); Gruenke v. Seip, 225 F.3d 290, 305 (3d Cir. 2000). “

Defendants' refusal to recognize any parental rights in a public school setting is contrary to clear, binding Supreme Court and Third Circuit Court of Appeals authority. The court's initial motion to dismiss opinion quoted numerous Supreme Court decisions which emphasized the fundamental nature of the parental rights at issue. (ECF No. 38 at 20-23). In Gruenke, the court cautioned: “Public schools must not forget that ‘in loco parentis' does not mean ‘displace parents.'” Gruenke, 225 F.3d at 307. In C.N., the Third Circuit Court of Appeals reaffirmed that “ parents, not schools, have the primary responsibility to inculcate moral standards, religious beliefs, and elements of good citizenship.” C.N., 430 F.3d at 185 (emphasis added). In C.N., the court recognized that “introducing a child to sensitive topics before a parent might have done so herself can complicate and even undermine parental authority.”

Parents' fundamental constitutional rights have been recognized as superior to the interests of a public school. Mahanoy, 141 S.Ct. at 2053 (Alito, J., concurring) (“In our society, parents, not the State, have the primary authority and duty to raise, educate, and form the character of their children.”); C.N., 430 F.3d at 185. The institution of the family predates the Constitution and was recognized as fundamental from the beginning of the nation. See Moore v. East Cleveland, 431 U.S. 494, 503, (1977) (“The Constitution protects the sanctity of the family precisely because the institution of the family is deeply rooted in this Nation's history and tradition”).

Defendants' argument that parental rights must always yield to public school preferences is directly contrary to binding Third Circuit Court of Appeals precedent. In Gruenke, the court held exactly the opposite: “when such collisions occur, the primacy of the parents' authority must be recognized and should yield only where the school's action is tied to a compelling interest.” Gruenke, 225 F.3d at 305

It is not educators, but parents who have primary rights in the upbringing of children. School officials have only a secondary responsibility and must respect these rights… Under Gruenke, if a conflict occurs on a matter of greatest importance, the primacy of the parental rights must be respected.

The court adheres to its conclusion that there is a fundamental circuit split between decisions like Parker and Fields and Third Circuit Court of Appeals' precedents like Gruenke, C.N. and Combs. Parker and Fields represent a “school-primacy” view, under which parents whose children attend a public school have no constitutional rights. The Third Circuit Court of Appeals, by contrast, adopts a “parent-primacy” approach.

2022 Ricard v. USD 475 Geary Cnty., KS Sch. Bd

Here is a quote from this case: “The court held that the district's reason for adopting the policy was not a legitimate or compelling state interest as it was premised on an erroneous understanding of federal law. The district initially told parents in an email that the policy was adopted to comply with FERPA. The district's email stated that "USD 497 will not communicate [names and pronouns] to parents unless the student requests the administration or counselor to do so, per FERPA guidelines."

The court pointed out that FERPA actually empowers a parent to receive a child's education records and districts are required to disclose a child's education records when requested. Additionally, the court noted that FERPA does not exempt records that include a student's preferred name or pronouns from the law's disclosure requirements. The court commented that under the constitutional principal that parents have a fundamental right to control the upbringing of their children, it is "difficult to envision why a school would even claim an interest in withholding or concealing from the parents of minor children, information fundamental to a child's identity, personhood, and mental and emotional well-being such as their preferred name and pronouns.”

After the judges ruling, the teacher and school district reached an out of court settlement where they paid her $95,000.

2022 Foote v. Ludlow Sch. Comm
Because this case was in a Massachusetts federal court, the court decided against Parents Rights based on the Parker decision. In Foote, the parents notified school officials that they were getting their child professional mental health help and requested that school officials not have private conversations with the student. The parents alleged that their parental rights were violated when school officials disregarded that request, supported the child's request to use alternate names and pronouns, and failed to notify the parents about that request. The court dismissed the parental rights claims even though the court found it “disconcerting that school administrators or a school committee adopted and implemented a policy requiring school staff to actively hide information from parents about something of importance regarding their child.”

2022 Figliola v. Sch. Bd. of the City of Harrisonburg, Va
This is a case brought by three teachers who refused to lie to parents about the gender status of their children. The Harrisonburg City Public School Board in Virginia is usurping parents’ right to direct the upbringing of their children and forcing school staff to violate their religious beliefs by affirming the board’s view on gender identity. Upon a child’s request, school district policy requires staff to immediately begin using opposite-sex pronouns and forbids staff from sharing information with parents about their child’s request, instead instructing staff to mislead and deceive parents. The teachers contend that the policy violates their rights to freedom of religon and freedom of speech under the First Amendment. On December 2, 2022, the court declined to issue a temporary injunction because the teachers have not yet suffered “irreparable harm” because they have not yet been disciplined for failing to comply with the new policy. The case is still being litigated.

2022 Konen v. Caldeira
A mother who claims teachers secretly manipulated her 11-year-old daughter into changing her gender identity and name filed a case against Spreckels Union School District. The district was responsible for “extreme and outrageous conduct” that led the student on a path toward transitioning as a boy and drove a wedge between mother and child.

Jessica Konen said two middle school teachers who ran the school’s Equality Club planted the seed that her daughter was bisexual in 6th grade and then introduced the idea she was transgender. Konen’s was kept in the dark about her daughter’s participation in the club and a “gender support plan” created by administrators. She said her daughter was even told how to make a binder to keep her breasts from developing.

In a leaked recording from a California Teachers Association conference, Caldeira and Kelly Baraki were quoted discussing how they kept meetings private and “stalked” students online for recruits. The California Teachers Association said the conference was one of dozens each year that, in part, help educators understand the need to protect students from discrimination, including sexual orientation and gender identity or expression. The district hired a law firm to investigate, which is ongoing, and the UBU club was suspended. On July 17, 2023, the Konens settled the case for a payment of $100,000.

2022 Thomas v. Loudoun Cnty. Pub. Schs
The case was dismissed when the Court found that the plaintiffs did not have standing. Although the Court recognized that parents have a self-executing right under the Virginia Constitution to bring cases to protect their parental rights, the Court said that these particular plaintiffs had not alleged appropriate injury.

2022 Parents Defending Educ. v. Linn-Mar Cmty. Sch. Dist.
On February 21, 2024, PDE settled with the school district which agreed to start complying with the First Amendment rights of students, teachers and parents. Parents Defending Education’s lawsuit against Linn-Mar Community School District has ended in a settlement agreement that will end the use of a speech-silencing policy that punished students who “misgender” others.

After PDE prevailed in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit, Linn-Mar agreed to rescind—and promised never to reinstate—the portion of Policy 504.13-R that prohibits an “intentional and/or persistent refusal by staff or students to respect a student’s gender identity.”

PDE also challenged the “parental exclusion policy” component of Policy 504.13-R, which stated that parents of students in seventh grade and older did not have the right to know their child’s gender identity at school. In the wake of PDE’s lawsuit, the state of Iowa passed a bill banning districts from knowingly giving “false or misleading information” to parents about their child’s gender identity, which the Eighth Circuit found mooted PDE’s appeal on that issue. However, PDE’s research has identified more than 1000 districts across the country that still maintain such policies.

2022 Parents Protecting our Children v. Eau Claire school district
On March 7, 2024 the 7th Circuit ruled that parents lack standing to challenge the policy that hides the gender status of their children. On June 5, 2024 Parents Protecting our Children filed a 37 page Petition for Review with the US Supreme Court. Here is a link to their petition. https://will-law.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Cert.-Petition-FINAL-PDFA.pdf

Here are the questions presented to the Supreme Court:

The Eau Claire, Wisconsin School District (the “District”), like over a thousand other school districts across the country, has adopted a policy to facilitate gender identity transitions at school and to keep this hidden from parents who would disagree that it is in their child’s best interest to change gender identity. The District even trained all of its staff that “parents are not entitled to know their kids’ identities. That knowledge must be earned.”

The plaintiff and petitioner in this case is an association of parents, all of whom have children in the District and do not want school district staff making decisions about their own children that are kept secret from them. Although they are subject to this policy and directly harmed by it, the District Court dismissed the case for lack of standing before it even got off the ground, and the Seventh Circuit affirmed.

The question presented is: When a school district adopts an explicit policy to usurp parental decision-making authority over a major health-related decision—and to conceal this from the parents—do parents who are subject to such a policy have standing to challenge it?

This case, and the many like it, represent one of the most significant failures of the federal judicial system in our lifetime. School districts across the country—by one count, over 1,000, covering nearly 11 million students—have adopted policies to facilitate minor students, often of any age, changing their gender identity at school (names, pronouns, and bathroom use) in secret from their parents. Many of these policies, like the Eau Claire School District’s, prohibit teachers from discussing with parents what is happening with their own child at school and even require staff to actively hide things from parents.

Secret Gender Transitions Can Cause Long-Term Harm to Children
In Florida, a school district withheld from the parents that their 12-year-old was struggling with her gender identity, until she attempted suicide. Twice.

Same story in Ohio—a school district withheld from parents that their daughter was struggling with gender dysphoria and that school staff were addressing her as if she were a boy, until she attempted suicide.

The same thing happened in Colorado where a school ran a “transgender club” which failed to inform parents until after one of the club members attempted to commit suicide.

Many experts believe that facilitating a transition and treating a child as if he or she is the opposite sex by using a different name and pronouns can do long-term harm to the child by reinforcing a false belief, causing that belief to set in and reducing the likelihood that the child will find comfort with his or her body. The vast majority of children who struggle with their gender identity or experience gender dysphoria ultimately resolve to comfort with their biological sex, if they do not transition. Thus, “many experts recommend against ‘affirmation’ and an immediate transition, and instead believe the appropriate first response is to help children dealing with these issues to understand what they are feeling and why.”

Are federal courts so inadequate to the task of addressing the most blatant and widespread violation of parents’ constitutional rights in our time (perhaps ever)? Is federal standing law so constrained that when a school district openly declares what it will do when a child expresses a desire to transition—that it will not only make the decision for parents about whether that is in the child’s best interest, but will also hide it from them—parents are powerless to challenge that policy until after their children have been harmed by it, hope they discover it, and even then, good luck overcoming all the other obstacles?

Petitioner’s members have standing under at least five different strands of this Court’s standing jurisprudence.

First, Petitioner’s members are presently injured by the loss of their exclusive decision-making authority over whether a gender identity transition is in their child’s best interest. Petitioner’s claim is that they have a constitutional right to make decisions with respect to their own minor children and that the District has transferred that authority to itself. This prevents Petitioner’s members from saying “no” to a transition, because the District will always say “yes” and will hide that decision from the parents when it occurs. Without parental notice and consent, parents have no way to stop a transition at school.

Judge Niemeyer, in his dissent in John & Jane Parents 1, got it exactly right: These policies are “effectively a nullification of the constitutionally protected parental rights,” by “granting the school the prerogative to decide what kinds of attitudes are not sufficiently supportive for parents to be permitted to have a say in a matter of central importance in their children. “

Second, parents have standing to challenge a school policy to which they and their children are subject.

Again, Judge Niemeyer got it exactly right: “As in Parents Involved, the parents in this case have alleged (1) that the school has implemented a policy with systemic effects that reach all enrolled students and their families; (2) that the parents are forced into this systemic policy; and (3) that the policy causes them constitutional injury.”

Fourth, the very existence of a policy inviting minor students to keep secrets from their parents harms the parent-child relationship, which this Court has held is constitutionally protected. See Quilloin v. Walcott, 434 U.S. 246, 255 (1978). Again, the District’s policy “encourages” “transgender, non-binary, and/or gender-nonconforming students” to “contact school staff.”

Indeed, consistent with its training to teachers that “parents are not entitled to know their kids’ identities,” at least one teacher has put up a sign in her classroom that reads,if your parents aren’t accepting of your identity, I’m your mom now.”

The existence of the policy alone directly harms parent-child relationships by communicating to minor students that secrets from their parents—including an entire double life at school—are not only acceptable but will be facilitated by the District. Petitioner’s complaint contains more than sufficient allegations of a substantial risk including:

1. a secret gender-identity transition at school can cause “long-term harm” to children.

2. Social transitions are a “psychosocial experiment on children,” with as-yet-unknown “long-term implications.”

3. Gender dysphoria can be a “serious mental health condition” that “urgently needs professional support”—as demonstrated by the cases described above involving suicide attempts.

4. A child’s struggle with gender identity can “arise [first] at school, unbeknownst to parents,” who have “no way to know, in advance, if or when their children” will experience this.

5. The District’s “policy make this more likely by openly encouraging students struggling with these issues to come to teachers first.”

6. The policy “prevents [Petitioner]’s members from knowing if the school has already applied this policy to their children.”

If all of that is not enough to make it past a motion to dismiss on a “substantial risk” theory, it is hard to see what would be sufficient.

2022 Doe v Bethel Loc. Sch. Dist. Bd. of Educ., S. D. Ohio

This case concerns the relationship between a school district, schoolchildren, their parents, and state and federal law. Plaintiffs are: (1) students who attend middle school in the Bethel Local School District in Tipp City, Ohio (2) parents of the students named as Plaintiffs and (3) other parents whose children are Bethel Middle School students but not named as Plaintiffs in this case. Defendants (collectively, “the School District”) are: (1) the Bethel Local School District Board of Education (“the Board”); (2) Lydda Mansfield, the Board’s current president (“Mansfield”); (3) Lori Sebastian (“Sebastian”), the Board’s current vice president; (4) Jacob King (“King”), the Board’s past president and a sitting Board member; (5) Natalie Donahue (“Donahue”), a Board member; (6) Danny Elam (“Elam”), a Board member; and (7) Matthew Crispin (“Crispin”), Bethel Local School District’s current superintendent. Intervenor-Defendant Anne Roe (“Anne”) is the transgender (biological male) student whose bathroom occupancy is at the heart of this case.

Anne transferred to Bethel Middle School in January of 2020. After her parents informed Tim Zeigler, then Bethel Middle School’s principal—that Anne was transgender—Anne, her parents, and Zeigler agreed that she “would use the single occupancy bathroom in the Nurse’s office, or the Faculty Restroom located between the middle school office and the high school office.” In the present case, Anne swore in an affidavit that using the single occupancy bathroom was difficult because it was frequently occupied whenever she needed to use it, and she felt ostracized, humiliated, and targeted by other students who taunted her for using the separate bathroom. This caused her to hold her urine during the day “to avoid using the restroom at school” which she claims “began negatively affecting [her] school performance.”

On August 23, 2021, Anne’s father spoke with Matt Triplett, who had taken over as Bethel Middle School’s principal. He asked “if the school would grant [Anne] an accommodation to use the girls’ communal restroom in addition to the two single-use restrooms she was already allowed to use.” Triplett promised to discuss the issue with other school officials. Then, on December 5, 2021, Anne’s mother emailed Triplett about the issue. She expressed her concern about waiting for the officials to come to a decision and advised that her daughter was being treated unfairly because she did not have access to the girls’ communal bathroom.

Importantly, she noted, “I’ve recently been made aware that I can file a complaint with the . . . U.S. Department of Justice if I feel that [Anne] is being discriminated against and treated unfairly because she is transgender.

Two weeks later, on December 17, Anne, her parents, Triplett, and Justin Firks—Bethel Local School District’s Superintendent—met. At that meeting, Triplett and Firks told Anne that she “would be allowed to use the girls’ communal restroom once she returned from Winter Break in January of 2022.” As Firks would swear later in an affidavit filed in the present case, he “applied the Board’s Anti-Harassment [Policy] and granted Anne[’s] request for an accommodation” to use the girls’ communal restroom.

The Board, pursuant to its bylaws, holds regular public meetings at least every two months. At these meetings, the Board’s members discuss “routine business items[,]” such as “hiring of personnel” or adopting a resolution that sets the Board’s new policy—so long as it occurs in public. However, the Board may also “enter into executive session” to discuss certain matters “that are exempted from public sessions. These topics concern: (1) acting with respect to a public employee or official’s employment; (2) investigating charges or complaints against an employee; (3) considering school property sales; (4) discussing imminent court action with the Board’s legal counsel; (5) preparing for or conducting collective bargaining; (6) reviewing information that federal or state law requires to be confidential; (7) addressing security matters or emergency response protocols; and (8) addressing confidential information about the School District’s economic development. “No official action may be taken in executive session[,]” and “[a]n executive session will be held only at a regular or special meeting.” Likewise, “no member of the Board, committee[,] or subcommittee shall disclose the content of discussions that take place during such sessions.”

The Board also follows the School District’s anti-discrimination policy. Under that policy, the School District “will employ all reasonable efforts to protect the rights of” individuals subject to what the School District determines to be discriminatory conduct.

Likewise, the School District retains all documents and information “pertaining to” discriminatory conduct and treatment, including requests by an individual that is experiencing discrimination. The policy further notes that this information may be exempted from disclosure under federal law, including the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (“FERPA”).

On September 13, 2021, the Board held a public meeting. See Board Education, Bethel Schools’s Personal Meeting Room. At that meeting, the Board opened the floor to members of the public to raise their concerns. One person brought up “transgender rights” as a topic for the Board to consider, alleging that transgender students attended school in the district. According to this person, these students should be allowed to use the bathroom that corresponds with their gender identity, and not allowing this violated federal law. King responded that the Board “was still conferring with [its] legal counsel in regards” to those issues. He acknowledged that allowing students to use the bathroom corresponding to gender identity would be a change from the norm throughout the Bethel School District.

The Board held another meeting on December 7, 2021, and, at the end of that meeting, King moved to enter executive session. The Board members reference moving into executive session to discuss legal advice given to them by their attorney. King announced in public that, based on their prior discussions, executive session would fall under the Open Meetings Act’s exceptions for discussions: (1) with the board’s attorney to discuss matters subject to pending or imminent court action; (2) about security arrangements; and (3) concerning employment matters or complaints against a student or employee.

What happened during that executive session is genuinely disputed. The School District submitted an affidavit from Superintendent Firks, claiming that the Board discussed matters under

Ohio Revised Code §§ 121.22(G)(1) and (3); namely, an investigation about an employment into a school district employee and attorney-client matter between the Board and its counsel. Jessica Franz, a member of the Board from January 10, 2022 until September 2, 2022, was invited to the December 7th meeting as a recently appointed Board member. In an affidavit filed for Plaintiffs, Franz claimed that the Board entered executive

session, the purpose of which “was to discuss the school’s rules for bathrooms and locker rooms in accordance with a student’s chosen identity rather than biological sex.”

According to Franz, both King and Firks “explained that they had spoken with the Board’s attorney about the matter,” who “told them Bethel had to allow restroom use in accordance with a student’s gender identity.” However, that attorney was not present at the December 7 executive session. Franz further recalled, “I distinctly remember leaving the meeting with the impression that the [B]oard had reached a consensus to allow the transgender students [to] use the restroom of their preference because I knew I would have to vote in the minority on the issue at my first public Board meeting on January 10, 2022.”

Then, the Board held a meeting on January 10, 2022. Mansfield, who had become Board president by this time, stated the following during the meeting:

A change went into effect the beginning of the year, correct? So at the beginning of the year the district has adopted the stance that transgender students may use the restroom that aligns with their gender status upon advice received from our attorney.

The statement our attorney gave to us follows: Several United States Courts of Appeals, including the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, in which Ohio is located, have determined that Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 requires that transgender students be granted access to the restrooms and locker rooms of their sexual identification. This includes the Third Circuit, Sixth Circuit, and the Ninth Circuit. The Sixth Circuit case denied overturning a lower case ruling.

The United States Supreme Court, while not yet issuing a ruling on transgender students using bathrooms of their sexual identifications, in 2020 issued a ruling determining that transgender status is protected by the federal law against sex discrimination in the workplace, or Title VII. Title VII and Title IX have similar prohibitions against discrimination. This ruling will have a significant impact on how the Supreme Court will rule on educational bathroom issues. So again, we have made this change within our district based upon the advice of our attorney that should there be a court case come before us, pending or otherwise, we would not be successful in any battle and would simply cost the district a lot of money that we simply cannot afford to spend. The change will be made. Our students are using bathrooms aligned with their identity at this time.

Plaintiffs filed suit on November 22, 2022 and moved for a preliminary injunction on their state-law claim—that the School District violated the Open Meetings Act (“Count I”)—on December 2, 2022.

They allege five federal claims under 42 U.S.C. § 1983: (1) a declaratory judgment that Title IX does not require the School District to implement its new bathroom policy (“Count II”); (2) a violation of the parent Plaintiffs’ Fourteenth Amendment right to direct the care, custody, and control of their children (“Count III”); (3) a violation of the Fourteenth Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause (“Count IV”); (4) a violation of all Plaintiffs’ First Amendment Free Exercise right (“Count V”); and (5) a violation of the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (“PPRA”), 20 U.S.C. § 1232h (“Count VI”).

They further raise claims under Ohio’s constitution for violating the Ohio equivalent of the federal Equal Protection and Free Exercise Clauses.

Parents point out, “[u]nder Ohio law, [they] must send their children to school[,]” so they lack a remedy at law for these alleged wrongful actions. Id. In their view, because the School District will not answer their questions, this denies them “their right to determine whether their children should attend public school and to remove them from the public school system . . . because they cannot obtain vital information necessary to exercise their rights with full information.”

Because the parties had not addressed standing or the pending state court litigation, this Court ordered briefing on both issues. Plaintiffs’ federal claims were dismissed because they either fail to allege a cognizable case or controversy or, assuming the allegations are true, fail to satisfy the requisite legal standards. On January 2, 2024 the court issued a 52 page ruling dismissing the case.

2023 Regino v. Staley
Parent Aurora Regino filed suit against California School Superintendent Kelly Staley over a regulation that resulted in the school district “socially transitioning” students expressing a transgender identity without notifying and obtaining the informed consent of parents, in violation of their constitutional rights under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 for violation of her Fourteenth Amendment substantive due process right to parent her minor child, A.S. A.S., an elementary school student, had expressed her desire to be a boy to her school counselor, and the school’s staff began referring to her by a new name and new pronouns without consulting with Regino. The staff hid this information from Regino until her daughter told her.

Regino filed a motion seeking to enjoin the policy. In denying her request, Judge John Mendez found that Regino was unlikely to succeed on the merits, holding that she could not demonstrate that she had a constitutional right to be informed of her child’s new name or preferred pronouns.

Judge Mendez wrote: “While the cases cited by Plaintiff refer to the generally held presumptions that parents act in the best interest of children and help compensate for their children’s lack of maturity and experience when dealing with intimate and health related decisions…none of the cases cited by Plaintiff opine on whether the state has an affirmative duty to inform parents of their child’s transgender identity nor whether the state must obtain parental consent before socially transitioning a transgender child.

Significantly, though, the court failed to recognize Supreme Court precedent indicating that a state’s notion of what may be “thought to be in the children’s best interest,” without some “showing of unfitness” on the part of parents, offends the Due Process Clause. In this case, the school district had not demonstrated Regino’s unfitness as a parent, nor had it proven that the policy was developed as a result of demonstrated incidents of Regino’s abuse or neglect of her daughter. Even though Aurora Regino had a child who was directly affected by and who utilized the school’s gender policy, and even though she was completely excluded from the school’s determination on the social transition of her daughter, the trial court erroneously concluded that Regino had not demonstrated that the school’s policy violated her clearly established constitutional rights.

2023 Kaltenbach v. Hilliard City Schools., (S.D. Ohio)
Several parents filed a complaint against the school district for allowing activist teachers (as opposed to trained, supervised counselors) to specifically solicit from children as young as six-years old, private, intimate conversations about sexual behaviors, sexual attitudes, mental and psychological questions of the student and the student’s family, and private religious practices. This is done, not only without parental consent, but the teachers are taking specific actions to hide these conversations from parents. This is a recipe for indoctrination and child abuse.

Origination of the Problem
The problem of confusion about Title IX began when federal bureaucracies began attempting to rewrite Title IX in defiance of Congress… The agencies’ interpretations put local school districts across the United States into a precarious position. The “interpretations” are highly controversial, to say the least. They are confusing. They are not based in any known historical practice or legitimate research. They are deeply offensive to a large segment of the American population.

One very important issue arising from the agencies’ “interpretations” is the treatment of gender dysphoria at public schools. Several schools districts throughout the United States, at the express urging of, and with guidance from, the various teacher’s unions, engage in the practice of hiding gender dysphoria from parents.

The Superintendent was asked whether a teacher is at liberty to disclose to parents, that their child seeks to identify as a different name than the one they are registered with or identify as a different gender than their biological gender. The Superintendent answered that the “law is unclear” but that, pursuant to Title IX, a teacher would be putting “his/herself at great personal risk” if teacher were to “out a kid” to their parents without the child’s permission.

Two parents with a child in the District suffered actual damages as a result of the District’s failure to notify Parents of symptoms of gender dysphoria at school. The parents have a teenage daughter who is a student at the Hilliard City School District (“School”). The daughter does not have a history of mental illness that the parents are aware of. The child’s parents live with their daughter and they see and interact with their daughter every day; their daughter is naturally introverted and shy, typical of many pubescent teenage girls.

On the 7th of October 2022 the parents received a call from a social worker (“Social Worker”) at the District. The Social Worker informed the child’s mother that their daughter was making suicidal remarks at the school, related to self-harm. When the mother met with the Social Worker, the Social Worker informed the mother that: 1) her daughter was observed making suicidal, self-harm remarks; 2) the friend informed the Social Worker of the remarks; 3) the Social Worker then asked the daughter to leave class and meet with the Social Worker; 4) the Social Worker, the daughter, and the daughter’s friend all sat together in a room at the school together and discussed the remarks the daughter made; and 5) after this first discussion, the Social Worker called the mother and asked the mother to come into the school.

When the mother arrived at school, the mother spoke with the Social Worker and the school Principal. At this meeting with the Social Worker and the Principal, that the Social Worker informed the mother that several teachers at the school were treating the daughter as a boy while their daughter was at school.

Having seen their daughter every day the daughter’s whole life, the parents have never seen their daughter manifest any symptom of gender dysphoria, heard her ask to be treated as a boy, and they are not aware of any of this type of manifestations anywhere.

They were shocked to learn that she may be suffering some mental health issues at school and that teachers withheld that information from the daughter’s parents.

(Later) Their daughter told the parents that she (the daughter) had been experiencing emotional trauma for several weeks, and that it was manifested at school; the daughter said she was excused from class multiple times due to her emotional distress. The parents were never informed of this activity. The parents repeatedly asked the school principal for an explanation but never received one.

Nothing in Title IX or any other law justifies a school district policy that withholds medical or mental health information about a child from his/her parents. Thus, Defendant Hilliard School District’s policies and practices violate parental rights to direct the upbringing of their children, with no legal justification.

On April 19, 2024, the court granted the school district motion to dismiss for failure to state a claim. D.S.’s Claims I, II, and III shall proceed through litigation; all other claims are DISMISSED WITHOUT PREJUDICE for lack of standing. On April 24, 2024, plantiffs filed a notice of appeal. On August 30, 2024, the school district filed a motion for summary judgement.

2023 Doe v. Washoe Cnty. Sch. Dist., (D. Nev.)
J. Doe is a student at Depoali Middle School, which is in the WCSD. In January of 2023, J. Doe informed his mother that his teacher had hung “a lesbian flag” in his classroom. Plaintiff complained of the flag to the school's administration and was told by Depoali's principal that “hanging the flag was prohibited” under WCSD policy. During that conversation, she learned of WCSD's Administrative Regulation 5161. AR 5161 establishes guidelines around the treatment of transgender and gender non-conforming students in the WCSD. Among other things, it prohibits teachers from disclosing the gender identity of gender non-conforming students to their parents and indicates that WCSD may consider it harassment for one student to intentionally and persistently refuse to respect the gender identity of another student.

On January 22, 2024, the court issued an opinion dismissing this case. Plaintiff claims that WCSD, by issuing Administrative Regulation 5161, which establishes district protocols related to transgender and gender non-conforming students, has violated her Substantive Due Process parental rights, her child's First Amendment right to free speech, and their shared First Amendment right to the free exercise of their religion. In its Motion to Dismiss (ECF No. 24), WCSD argues, among other things, that this Court lacks subject matter jurisdiction to hear Plaintiff's claims. The Court agrees and dismisses this action.

2023 Lavigne v. Great Salt Bay Cmty. Sch. Bd. (D. Me)
In early December 2022, Lavigne came across a chest binder—“a device used to flatten a female’s chest so as to appear male”—in A.B.’s bedroom. A.B. told Lavigne that a social worker at the School had both provided A.B. with the chest binder and explained how to use it. Lavigne “is informed and believes, and on that basis alleges,” that the social worker simultaneously gave A.B. a second chest binder, explained that he would not tell A.B.’s parents about the chest binders, and said that “A.B. need not do so either.” The School had not informed Lavigne about the chest binders before she found one in A.B.’s bedroom.

Around the same time, Lavigne learned that A.B. had previously adopted and was using a different name and different pronouns at school. At A.B.’s request, two social workers used A.B.’s self-identified name and pronouns when addressing A.B. at school; other school officials followed suit. The School had not informed Lavigne about A.B.’s request or the actions of the school staff in response.

Lavigne met with the School’s principal and the Central Lincoln County School System’s superintendent on or around December 5, 2022. They expressed sympathy and concern that information about A.B. had been withheld and concealed from Lavigne. Two days later, however, the superintendent met with Lavigne and told her that no policy had been violated by giving the chest binders to A.B., or by school officials using A.B.’s self-identified name and pronouns, without first informing Lavigne.

Lavigne withdrew A.B. from the School on December 8, 2022, and began homeschooling A.B. On December 12, 2022, agents from the Maine Office of Child and Family Services visited or met with Lavigne in response to an anonymous report that Lavigne was emotionally abusive toward A.B. The agency conducted an investigation, which it closed on January 13, 2023, having concluded “that the information obtained by the investigation did not support a finding of neglect or abuse.”

At the School Board’s meeting on December 14, 2022, Lavigne spoke publicly about what had happened regarding A.B., describing “the trust that had been broken by Defendants withholding and concealing vitally important information from her respecting her minor child’s psychosexual development.”

Thereafter, the School Board and the School’s principal issued a total of three written public statements relevant to Lavigne’s claims. First, on December 19, 2022, the School Board Chair issued a written statement stating that the School Board’s policies comply with Maine law, “which protects the right of all students and staff, regardless of gender/gender identity, to have equal access to education, the supports and services available in our public schools, and the student’s right to privacy regardless of age.”

Second, several weeks later on January 14, 2023, the School Board issued a written statement responding to bomb threats and recent controversy affecting the School.

Finally, on February 26, 2023, the School’s principal issued a written statement addressing questions related to school safety. In it she noted that there had been a “misunderstanding of [federal and state] laws pertaining to gender identity and privileged communication between school social workers and minor clients [resulting] in the school and staff members becoming targets for hate speech and on-going threats.”

The letter noted further that state law protects school social workers from being required to share certain “information gathered during a counseling relation with a client or with the parent, guardian or a person or agency having legal custody of a minor client.”

The Complaint contends that the School Board withheld and concealed information from Lavigne regarding the chest binders and A.B.’s use of a different name and pronouns “pursuant to a blanket policy, pattern, and practice of withholding and concealing information respecting ‘gender-affirming’ treatment of minor children from parents.”

The School Board moved to dismiss the Complaint pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 12(b)(6) for failure to state a claim. A hearing was held on the motion on November 1, 2023, and the parties subsequently submitted additional case citations for the Court to consider On May 3, 2024, the motion to dismiss for failure to state a claim was granted. On May 20, 2024, the plaintiff filed a notice of appeal.

2023 Willey v. Sweetwater Cnty. Sch. Dist. No. 1, (D. Wyo)
Sadly, this court mistakenly found that social transitioning (changing the students name and pronoun) was not a medical intervention and therefore not subject to parental input. The court apparently did not know that this was the first step in a deadly path leading to drug addiction, gender mutilation, cancer and an early death. What the court did find to be a problem was the policy that teachers must lie to parents about a students transgender status: “To the extent the Student Privacy Policy would preclude a teacher or school district personnel, absent a minor student's consent, from answering or responding to a parent's or guardian's inquiry as to whether their child is being called by other than their legally given name or required to lie to a parent or guardian as to the name the minor student is being called by, it creates a likely constitutional problem.”

To the extent the Student Privacy Policy prohibits a teacher or school employee, upon inquiry by a parent or legal guardian, from providing accurate and complete information concerning their child (and absent a threat to the wellbeing of the student), it burdens a parent's right to make decisions concerning the care, custody and education of their child.”

The court also failed to protect the plaintiff’s First Amendment right as a teacher to refuse to use magic pronouns. The court said that the “Meriwether” decision only protected University professors and not K12 teachers. So according to this judge, K12 teachers do lose their First Amendment rights when they enter the classroom.

Significantly, the school district falsely claimed that “the Policy is in place-at least in part-to comply with Title IX and avoid discrimination on the basis of sex. see “Enforcement of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 With Respect to Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Light of Bostock v. Clayton County,” 85 Fed.Reg. 32637, 2021 WL 2531043 (June 22, 2021); see Bostock v. Clayton Cnty. Ga., 140 S.Ct. 1731 (2020). Under the interpretation by the United States Department of Education, Bostock's pronouncement that Title Vil's prohibition of discrimination on “the basis of sex” encompasses discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity also applies to Title IX's parallel prohibition on sex discrimination in federally funded education programs and activities. See 86 Fed.Reg. at 32638-39. While a federal district court in Tennessee recently enjoined enforcement of the Department of Education's interpretation in twenty states, Wyoming is not among them. See Tennessee v. U.S. Dep't of Educ., 615 F.Supp.3d 807 (W.D. Tenn. 2022).

Note that this court ruling was made months before the US Supreme Court issued their 9 to zero ruling in which they explained that the Biden Final Plan was fundamentally flawed.

On October 3, 2023, the state judge stated: “The School District could not administer medicine to a student without parental consent. The School District could not require or allow a student to participate in a sport without parental consent. Likewise, the School District can not change the pronoun of a student without parental consent without impinging on a fundamental liberty interest of the parents.”

2023 Lee v. Poudre Sch. Dist. R-1, (D. Co)
On May 3, 2024, several parents and their children filed a complaint against the school district. Plaintiffs alleged that the District ran an after-school organization called the Genders and Sexualities Alliance (“GSA”) at a number its schools, which was not disclosed as part of the District curriculum (and was marketed to parents as the GSA ART club). Plaintiffs alleged that GSA meetings “regularly address sex, sexualities, mental health, suicide, sexual orientation, gender identities, and other topics in discussions, lectures, and distributed materials.” Plaintiffs alleged that a GSA meeting was held at WMS on May 4, 2021, and following the meeting, C.L., then a twelve-year-old sixth grader at WMS, announced to her mother, Ms. Lee, that “she would be transitioning,” although she had never expressed such sentiments to her parents before. Plaintiffs alleged that “C.L.'s experience at the GSA club led to a months-long emotional decline of gender and sexuality confusion that required counseling and included suicidal thoughts.”

Additionally, M.L., the seven-year-old son of Mr. and Ms. Lee (the “Lees”), was a first grader at RES in May 2021. The Lees alleged that they learned that the District offers gender support plans that “prohibit harassment based on gender identities or gender expressions” and that “oblige [District] personnel to use the elected pronouns and names identified” in a plan when speaking with or about the child who is the subject of the plan.

The Lees completed gender support forms for M.L. on three separate occasions, requesting that District personnel refer to M.L. by his biological sex and birth name, but the District denied their request because, they alleged, “gender support plans exist only to benefit and protect the gender identities of transgender children, whereas the Lees sought a gender support plan binding the [District] to benefit and protect the gender identity of their son, including his name and masculine pronouns.

Plaintiffs further alleged that H.J., then a twelve-year-old sixth grader at WMS, attended GSA meetings on May 11 and May 18, 2021. After attending the GSA meetings, H.J. “began to have her first suicidal thoughts.” Throughout the summer of 2021, H.J. began leaving notes for her parents, Mr. Jurich and Ms. Jurich (the “Juriches”), about “transgenderism” and being aromantic or asexual In the fall of 2021, H.J. began to question her gender identity. H.J. then “underwent a significant emotional decline,” and in December 2021, requested to be homeschooled. Shortly thereafter, H.J. attempted suicide. H.J., C.L., and M.L. no longer attend District schools.

Plaintiffs alleged that the District and the Board engaged in a pattern and practice of keeping the GSA activities secret from District parents in that they failed to disclose GSA activities to parents and encouraged students to not discuss GSA activities with their parents. The Lees and the Juriches contended that they were not given notice of the GSA's activities, agenda, or materials; otherwise, “they would have elected to opt their child out based on [their] deeply held religious beliefs.”

Plaintiffs requested the following relief: (1) a permanent injunction requiring (a) that the District provide notice and opt-out rights if gender dysphoria, gender transitioning, or related topics are taught in the District, (b) that these topics only be taught by qualified and trained professionals, and (c) that all materials used in any such instruction be given to parents fourteen days in advance of any instruction; (2) compensatory damages, including the costs of private-school tuition, medical expenses, counseling fees, compensation for damage to Plaintiffs' reputation, transportation, and emotional anguish; and (3) punitive damages.

In addition, the Plaintiff Parents allege that District personnel are “regularly encouraged” to attend professional training sessions during which they are trained to “not reveal a student's in-school transgender or gender non-conforming identity to that student's parents.” They also allege that there is a “common practice” amongst District personnel to discuss the best means of circumventing parental notice when students seek to use alternative names and pronouns in school. To that end, they aver that District officials consistently directed personnel to avoid revealing the divergent name and pronoun use to parents. The Parents point to examples of District officials providing guidance to District personnel, including deferring to the student's use of their preferred name and pronouns in school, while using their given name and pronouns in communications with parents.

The School District Guidelines provide that “[s]tudents have a general right to keep their transgender or non-binary status private from other students, parents, or third parties.” They further state: When contacting or communicating with a parent/guardian of a transgender or non-binary student, school staff should use the name and pronouns that the student's parent/guardian use, unless the student requests otherwise. If a parent/guardian asks a staff member about whether their student uses another name/pronoun at school or has other gender-related questions, the staff member should refer them to the school counselor, who can address questions and concerns that the parent/guardian may have. If a school counselor receives questions from a parent/guardian, they should use their professional judgment to determine how best to follow up with the student and then the parent/guardian.

On July 7, 2023, Defendants moved for dismissal of the Original Complaint. The Court granted Defendants' Motion to Dismiss. The Court concluded that the minors, H.J., C.L., and M.L., lacked standing to bring a Fourteenth Amendment substantive due process claim rooted in the right of parents to make decisions concerning the care, custody, and control of their children. The Court further found that the Plaintiff Parents lacked standing to seek any prospective injunctive relief, because none of their children continued to attend District schools. Finally, the Court concluded that the Plaintiff Parents had not adequately stated a violation of the Fourteenth Amendment. In addition, the Court concluded that M.L., and the Lees as his next friends, had failed to state a claim under the Equal Protection Clause.

Their claim remains the assumption that they have a right to receive notice and information about topics discussed within an after-school, voluntary extracurricular club and the manner in which school employees address students. Significantly, the Parents direct the Court to no Supreme Court or Tenth Circuit authority demonstrating that the Fourteenth Amendment confers a constitutional right to receive “full and correct information” about topics discussed in the District's curriculum, and particularly, at after-school, voluntary extracurricular clubs that they may find objectionable, so that they may exercise their right to withdraw their children from the District. There is also no clear weight of authority from district courts to suggest the Fourteenth Amendment confers a substantive due process right to receive information. See Doe v Bethel Loc. Sch. Dist. Bd. of Educ., 2023 WL 5018511, at *13-14 (holding that the district's alleged refusal to answer parents' questions about bathroom policies “[did] not implicate a parent's fundamental right to control their children's upbringing,” reasoning that “the Fourteenth Amendment does not confer parents with an unfettered right to access information about what their children are learning,” to “interject in how a State school teaches children,” or to receive an “answer [to] every demand made of them from frustrated parents (no matter how reasonable that frustration may be).”); John & Jane Parents 1 v. Montgomery Cnty. Bd. of Educ., 622 F.Supp.3d 118, 136 (D. Md. 2022) (concluding that parents did not have a fundamental right to be promptly informed of their child's gender identity when it differs from the identity of the child at birth, regardless of the child's wishes or any concerns regarding the potential detrimental impact upon the child), vacated and remanded on other grounds, 78 F.4th 622 (4th Cir. 2023). Even the Willey court did not find one. See Willey, 680 F.Supp.3d at 1280 (in the context of a preliminary injunction, declining to find an affirmative obligation on the District under the Constitution to actively disclose information regarding a student in the absence of a parent's inquiry or request). The Supreme Court has long warned that, “[a]s a general matter, [it] has always been reluctant to expand the concept of substantive due process because guideposts for responsible decisionmaking in this uncharted area are scarce and open-ended. On May 16, 2024, the court closed the case finding that the evidence provided by the parents in their complaint was not adequate.

2023 McCord v. S. Madison Cmty. Sch., No 1 (S.D)
The South Madison Community School Corporation in Indiana fired school counselor Kathy McCord, a 37-year veteran in the education field, for speaking about the school district’s gender identity policy. In August 2021, the school district adopted a policy that required counselors and other employees to use names and pronouns for students that do not correspond with their sex, without requiring parental notification or consent. In some cases, it even required employees to hide these new names and pronouns from parents. This aspect of the Gender Support Plan policy—hiding information from parents, ignoring their instructions about their own children—struck Mrs. McCord as particularly wrong. On May 18, 2023, the counselor filed a 72 page complaint against the school district.

Mrs. McCord spoke with the reporter to explain her views as a member of the community about the Gender Support Plan policy. She never held herself out as speaking on behalf of South Madison, something beyond her authority as a high school counselor.

The reporter published his article exposing the Gender Support Plan policy to the community. A few days later, at the next school board meeting, members of the community expressed outrage that South Madison had implemented this policy without any public debate or even notice to all the families directly involved.

Concerned parents in Pendleton, Indiana, flocked to the Dec. 8 school board meeting three days after The Daily Signal exposed the school district’s secret policy and a so-called Gender Support Plan for transitioning students. “You should be ashamed,” one mother told Hall and the school board at the Dec. 8 meeting. “I trusted you with my children and you lied to me—to us.”

A week after that meeting, South Madison began the process of terminating Mrs. McCord’s employment, when the superintendent began questioning her about the interview.

South Madison would ultimately tie its decision to fire Mrs. McCord directly to the journalist’s article. South Madison fired Mrs. McCord for exercising her constitutional rights.

And even before its unconstitutional retaliation, it compelled her to speak a viewpoint that violates her religion. For decades, Mrs. McCord loved helping students—and excelled at it. Today, she just wants to get back to a school to help more kids. Therefore, she brings this Complaint for injunctive, declaratory, compensatory, and nominal relief. The case is still pending.

2023 Blair v. Appomattox Cnty. Sch. Bd., (W.D. Va)
Plaintiff Michelle Blair is the paternal grandmother and adoptive mother of S.B., a minor. Plaintiff brings suit on her own behalf and on behalf of S.B. against the Appomattox County School Board.

At the start of the 2021–2022 school year, S.B., who was a freshman at Appomattox County High School, adopted a male identity at school and began using the boys’ restroom. School employees allegedly did not inform Plaintiff of this, despite gender-based bullying directed at S.B. The day that Plaintiff learned of S.B.’s male identity, S.B. ran away. Shortly after, S.B. fell prey to sex traffickers and ended up in the custody of the Maryland Department of Juvenile Services for two months. Then S.B. ran away again, once more falling victim to sexual exploitation.

As a result of these events, Plaintiff has brought claims against Defendants for interference with substantive due process rights to parental control and familial privacy; violation of Title IX; intentional interference with parental rights; and intentional infliction of emotional distress.

Plaintiff’s claims focus on events that occurred during the summer and fall of 2021. Prior to the start of the 2021-2022 school year, Plaintiff alleges that S.B. was “gender-nonconforming” in her dress and her interests, such as skateboarding. Plaintiff states that she supported S.B’s “unconventional choices” and helped her buy “emo” style clothing.

In June of 2021, S.B. was admitted to in-patient psychiatric care at CMG Piedmont Psychiatric Center in Lynchburg. On August 5, 2021, S.B. returned to CMG for a psychiatric evaluation. ¶ 26. The resulting report, including a diagnosis of “severe gender dysphoria,” was not available to any party at that time.

On August 10, 2021, S.B. began her freshman year at Appomattox County High School. The next day, August 11, S.B.’s science teacher overheard S.B. telling a friend she preferred a male name, “D.,” and male pronouns. The teacher informed Defendant Dena Olsen, a school guidance counselor. Olsen met S.B. in the hallway of ACHS, asked if she identified as male, and told her she could use the male restroom.

On August 12, Olsen and Avery Via, another counsellor, met with S.B., who told them that she identified as a boy and wanted to use a male name and pronouns. At this time, S.B. told Via and Olsen that she had been bullied and threatened by boys on her school bus on August 11. S.B. reported that the boys on the bus had “directed profane epithets at her because she looked like a boy, threatened to sodomize her until she ‘liked boys,’ threatened to hold her out of the window of the bus by her hair until she apologized, and made other similar threats. Other students reportedly threatened to shoot her and told her they knew where she lived.” Olsen reviewed recordings from the bus that did not contain the behavior S.B. described, but she talked to students who confirmed S.B.’s version of events. Olsen contacted Plaintiff to pick up S.B. However, S.B. asked Olsen to refer to S.B. by her given, female name when discussing the bus incident with Plaintiff because using the male name “might upset [Plaintiff].”

Accordingly, Olsen used the female name when she alerted Plaintiff to the bus incident. Olsen omitted the information that the bullying stemmed from S.B.’s gender presentation.

At some point “a few days” after August 11, Olsen told S.B. that some girls were uncomfortable with S.B. in the girls’ restroom, and that S.B. should use the boys’ restroom.

Between August 12 and 25, boys at school continued to harass, threaten, and assault S.B. in the hallways and bathrooms, including shoving her against the hallway wall and threatening knife violence and rape. During this same time period, Olsen called S.B. to the counseling office some eight times to discuss S.B.’s gender identification issues. Olsen allegedly encouraged to “embrace” her male identity, and Via directed S.B. to trans-focused online platforms.

On August 23, Olsen learned that administrators had received reports about “incidents” in the boys’ restrooms during the time S.B. had been using them. The following day, August 24, Olsen and another counselor who is not a party to this case met with S.B. to discuss concerns relating to her use of the boys’ restroom. S.B. reported that she was threatened, harassed, and sexually assaulted in the restroom. S.B. said “all the boys are rapists” and defined “rape” as inappropriate touching. The counselors and S.B. agreed that going forward, S.B. would instead use the nurse’s bathroom.

On or around this day, Olsen asked School Resource Officer Daniel Gunter to review school surveillance tapes to check for safety concerns. Plaintiff “believes that Officer Gunter contemporaneously reported that the tapes revealed several male students entering the boys’ bathroom during times that S.B. was in there.”

On August 25, Olsen and Officer Gunter spoke with S.B. Recounting the events of the meeting, Plaintiff includes this quote, which appears to be taken from Olsen’s notes. “There was some information you shared from the bus incident that was untrue and there were some parts that were true. When you report information to us it is important to tell us the entire story. You never want to falsify a report. Or when you said yesterday that every boy in the school was a rapist. It is not fair to label every boy in the school a rapist. That is considered defamation of character. If you walked out of here and said every boy is a rapist and a boy called his dad who had the money, he could sue you for defamation of character when you have no basis to call every boy in the school a rapist. I’m not saying there is not an individual in this town that is not that. However, you cannot confidently say and I know and he knows that not every male in this school is a rapist. It is so important to know that you cannot say things because you are upset.”

Officer Gunter advised S.B. that she could face a civil suit if she continued to accuse innocent boys of having threatened her. S.B. responded: “I didn’t want to tell you anything about this. Any time you have called me in here for something, I didn’t want to tell you about any of it.… I think you are here to uphold the law because that’s the way it is. You are supposed to keep your students safe. If you hear something about rape, you have to do something.”

Later that day, Olsen informed Plaintiff that S.B. had been using the boys’ restroom and that there were safety concerns. Olsen said nothing about S.B.’s pronoun use or gender identification provided no specifics about S.B.’s experience of harassment, threats, or assaults.

Olsen also told Plaintiff that she had noticed self-harm injuries on S.B., which she had previously been unaware of. Plaintiff alleges that documentation of S.B.’s self-harm was included in the records provided to the high school from S.B.’s middle school.

At home after school, Plaintiff found a hall pass with S.B.’s preferred, male name on it. S.B. told Plaintiff that she was identifying as a boy at school. Plaintiff asserts that this was the first she learned of S.B. adopting a male identity at school. S.B. told Plaintiff that a group of male students had “jacked” her up against the wall of the boys’ bathroom and threatened her with violence, and that she was afraid of what they would do. S.B. said she would not have used the boys’ bathroom without Olsen’s instruction to do so. Plaintiff told S.B. that she did not have to go back to school and they would “figure it out in the morning.”

The night of August 25, Plaintiff alleges that S.B., still afraid, suffered a psychotic breakdown and decided to run away. S.B. departed through her bedroom window that night, leaving a note including the statements “You’ve done your job, Jesus loves you”; “I’m afraid of what is to come if I stayed. Be on your guard. There are bad people around here” and “All my love.”

Following S.B.’s departure, Plaintiff alleges that S.B. was abducted by an adult male stranger who raped her and then trafficked her in Washington, D.C., to two brothers who also drugged and raped her. . The brothers then trafficked S.B. to another individual in Baltimore, who was a registered sex offender. He likewise drugged and raped her. On September 2, Baltimore law enforcement and the F.B.I. found S.B. at the sex offender’s home.

At this point, two months of juvenile court proceedings as to whether S.B. would be returned home commenced in Maryland; for the interim, S.B. remained in the temporary custody of the Maryland Department of Juvenile Services and was placed in a boys’ group home.

Aneesa Khan, a public defender, was assigned to represent S.B. On September 9, Khan communicated with Olsen regarding S.B. While the question of whether or not she would be returned to Virginia was being litigated, S.B. ran away once more. S.B. traveled to Texas to meet up with an individual she had met online, who turned out to be an adult male rather than a teen. This adult “was intercepted by law enforcement” but S.B. was abducted by another adult male “who sexually abused, drugged, starved and tortured her.” She was finally rescued by law enforcement in January of 2022. S.B. has been diagnosed with Complex PTSD from her multiple traumas.

In her Complaint, Plaintiff makes three allegations as to the School District’s policies. First, she alleges that District Policy required that reports of sexual harassment, which includes “unwelcome sexual physical contact, unwelcome ongoing or repeated sexual flirtation or propositions, or remarks sexual slurs, leering, epithets, threats, verbal abuse, derogatory comments or sexually degrading descriptions, and graphic comments about an individual’s body,” had to be reported to the District’s Title IX compliance officer and investigated.

Plaintiff also pleads the existence of “District Policy IJ,” which provided that school counselors should not use counseling techniques “which are beyond the scope of the professional certification or training of counselors, including hypnosis, or other psychotherapeutic techniques that are normally employed in medical or clinical settings and focus on mental illness or psychopathology.”

Finally, Plaintiff alleges on information and belief that the District had a protocol or guideline “that directed staff to not inform parents when their children expressed a discordant gender identity and asked to be treated as the opposite sex, using opposite sex names and pronouns and use opposite sex privacy facilities.

On June 26, court issued 34 page order and dismissed case stating:

S.B. and Plaintiff undoubtedly suffered terrible events. However, the Court will grant Defendants’ Motions to Dismiss in their entirety because Plaintiff does not adequately allege any of her claims. Generally, Plaintiff fails both to allege elements necessary for liability and to connect the acts of Defendants with the harms suffered by her and S.B. “

2023 Tapia v. Jurupa Unified School District; (C.D Cal)
Teacher Jessica Tapia filed suit against Jurupa Unified School District, alleging wrongful termination because she refused to comply with Jurupa’s parent-secrecy policy – Policy 5145.3. She also refused to permit males to use the female locker rooms and bathrooms. JUSD’s actions violate Ms. Tapia’s First Amendment rights to free exercise and free speech, as well as her rights under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of religion.

“Because Jessica did not conform to her school district’s religious ideology regarding certain transgender policies, her school district no longer considered her qualified to serve as a public school teacher, “ she said via email.. “However, the First Amendment protects individuals like Jessica—no educator of faith is required to leave their religious beliefs at the “schoolhouse gate.”

The school attempted to dismiss the case but was unsuccessful. On May 13, 2024, Tapia settled for $360,000. The attorney’s fees expended by the district is estimated to be about $60,000. Tapia was represented pro bono by a firm that is creating state-wide guidance to protect teachers who do not wish to deceive parents. Tapia was represented by the Murrieta, California-based non-profit law firm Advocates for Faith and Freedom, which says it focuses on “protecting constitutional and religious liberty in the courts.” The settlement is a victory for individual freedom and a rebuke to a cultish philosophy that normally squelches dissent with impunity.

Inspired by Tapia’s victory, Advocates for Faith and Freedom has launched a new program called “Teachers Don’t Lie” that is intended to support and encourage like-minded teachers to know their rights. “The purpose of TEACHERS DON’T LIE is to support teachers of faith who are feeling the weight of the darkness that has infiltrated the education system,” the program’s mission statement says. We believe teachers of faith have the right to be in the public education system without sacrificing their convictions and the truth.”

2023 Short v. N.J. Dep’t of Educ., No. 1 (D. N.J)
The New Jersey Legislature passed N.J.S.A. 18A:36-41 in 2017, directing the commissioner of the Department to establish guidelines for issues common to the needs of transgender students and to assist schools in fostering supportive, nondiscriminatory environments for transgender students. The Department issued Transgender Student Guidance for School Districts (Guidance) the following year, encouraging school districts to communicate confidentially with students regarding their gender identities; transgender statuses; and preferred names, pronouns, and levels of parental notice. Districts are further advised to accept students' asserted gender identities without parental consent required. Acceptance of a student's gender identity is not tied to any requirement that the student receive any diagnosis, undergo any treatment, or legally change their name. The Guidance advises school districts to issue documentation such as student-identification cards with the student's chosen name, permit students to dress in accordance with their gender identity, and- if the student has stated a preference for a name other than their birthname- keep student records containing the student's birth name in a separate and confidential file. The Guidance does not place an affirmative duty on school districts to notify a student's parent or guardian of their gender identity and cautions against disclosure of information that may reveal a student's transgender status except as permitted by law.

The Cherry Hill Board of Education adopted the Guidance into a district policy in 2019. The Cranford Board of Education followed suit in 2020. Short resides in Camden County with this wife and three children-all of whom attend Cherry Hill High School West within Cherry Hill Township School District. Short asserts that he has been and will continue to be harmed by Cherry Hill Defendants' policy as he and his children have been forced to participate in the policy and he is being deliberately excluded from conversations about his children's gender identity.

Costello resides in Cranford and her child attended Cranford Public Schools from kindergarten through seventh grade. Costello claims that she has already been harmed by way of her child's change in gender identity without her knowledge or consent. Cranford Defendants, primarily through a guidance counselor, allegedly had conversations with Costello's child about their gender identity while they were in the seventh grade, leading to mental-health complications and Costello's removal of her child from Cranford Public Schools from eighth grade on.

Short originally filed this action on October 12, 2023 and, as amended with the inclusion of Costello, they allege that the Guidance promotes deceit and that social transitioning and gender-identity transitioning are psychotherapeutic interventions for which parental notification, consent, and participation are beneficial if not necessary. The amended complaint quotes liberally from the affidavit of Dr. Stephen Levine, M.D., clinical professor of psychiatry at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, and the amicus brief filed in a separate case by Dr. Erica E. Anderson, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist practicing in Berkeley, California who identifies as transgender-which state the importance of parental involvement and input in the transition process.

The amended complaint asserts three counts. Count 1 alleges violation of Short and Costello's Fourteenth Amendment substantive due process rights to upbring and make healthcare decisions for their children. Short's rights are impinged on a daily basis as the Cherry Hill Defendants' policy promotes confidential conversations between his children and school personnel on issues of grave importance while Costello has already been harmed as her child's gender identity was affirmed without her knowledge, resulting in psychological harm. Count 2 asserts that the Guidance iexceeds the authority provided in the enabling statute by keeping student-district communications confidential from parents and providing no affirmative duty to notify parents and guardians.Finally, Count 3 brings a 42 U.S.C. § 1983 claim premised on Short and Costello's constitutional harms. Short and Costello seek, among other relief, a declaration that the Guidance and policies are unconstitutional; injunctions against the Department and Cherry Hill Defendants from continuing to impose the Guidance and applicable policy; an order directing that the Guidance and policies be stricken or, alternatively, amended to require parental notification and consent and exclude students' parents and guardians from confidentiality requirements; and an order requiring Cranford Defendants to reimburse Costello for out-of-district tuition expenses paid and to be paid through high school.

Maldonado is a resident of Camden County whose two children attend school within Cherry Hill Township School District. Maldonado filed a motion to intervene in this case on January 24, 2024 (ECF No. 33), which United States Magistrate Judge Douglas E. Arpert (Ret.) granted.

The amended complaint alleges that Short has and will continue to be harmed as he and his children are forced to participate in Cherry Hill Defendants' policy and his children may at any time adopt new identities without his knowledge or consent. The complaint does not allege that any of Short's children are transgender or questioning their gender, that they have or are imminently going to engage in conversations with school officials about their gender, or that his children will not otherwise share their gender identities or related questions or feelings with him. Instead, “[n]otwithstanding the current transgender or transitioning” statuses of his children, Short claims that he “will likely have no knowledge-from the school-of a gender identity change in his children. Such lack of knowledge could continue prospectively for an indeterminate time-weeks, months, or even years.” In response to Defendants' standing arguments, Short asserts that Cherry Hill's policy-and by extension the Guidance-impacts his ability to control the healthcare of his children and he does not have to wait until he learns of his child's impending or active gender change to satisfy standing. Cherry Hill parents are the objects of government actions that conceal their children's gender statuses, invite students to have confidential conversations with the school district concerning gender and name and pronoun preferences, and violate the fundamental right of parents to direct the healthcare of their children.

Short's claims as presented provide little reason to distinguish this matter from the Fourth Circuit's persuasive reasoning in John and Jane Parents 1. There, the board of education adopted guidelines that permitted schools to develop gender-support plans for students without parental knowledge or consent and authorized the withholding of related information if school officials deemed parents to be unsupportive. Parents challenged the “Parental Preclusion Policy” that permitted development of gender-support plans and withholding of related information from parents. The District of Maryland granted dismissal pursuant to Rule 12(b)(6). After the issue of standing was raised for the first time on appeal, the Fourth Circuit concluded that the parents' arguments that the Parental Preclusion Policy was in effect, applied to their children, and interfered with their right to raise their children were insufficient to support standing absent a current or certainly impending injury or substantial risk of a future injury. The parents did not allege that any of their children had gender support plans or conversations with school officials about their gender or that their children might have been considering a gender transition or have a heightened likelihood of doing so, leaving the parents' claims dependent on speculative fear and an injury too attenuated to confer standing.

The reasoning of John and Jane Parents 1 and similar decisions were recently applied within this Circuit in Doe v. Pine-Richland School District, Case No. 24-00051, 2024 WL 2058437 (W.D. Pa. May 7, 2024). There, the plaintiff-parent sought to enjoin enforcement of a district policy that allegedly interfered with her parental rights. The plaintiff specifically challenged provisions that noted that sharing a student's transgender status with parents may violate privacy laws, advised that a student's transgender status should not be disclosed to parents without legal requirement or student authorization, and required that district staff work closely with a student before notifying their parent of their transition to assess the degree of parental involvement and the student's health and well-being. The plaintiff supported her concerns about her child's possible transition with allegations that her child viewed TikTok videos relating to gender transitioning and sexuality; socialized with new friends, some of whom identified as transgender or were undergoing social transitions; and the district rejected her request to be notified of any gender-identity issues involving her child.

Short compares his standing here with the petitioner in Parents Involved in Community Schools v. Seattle School Dist. No. 1, 551 U.S. 701 (2007). He argues that he is compelled to participate in the Cherry Hill Defendants' policy, derived from the Guidance, that creates an ongoing constitutional injury and that he does not lack standing simply because he “has not yet [been] empirically prejudiced.” Seattle School District No. 1 adopted a plan for assignment of students to its ten public high schools based on student preference. The plan had a tiebreaker for oversubscribed schools based on the racial composition of the school and race of the student, with the goal being to reach a desired ratio of white and nonwhite students. The petitioner, a nonprofit corporation of parents whose children were or may have been denied assignment to their preferred schools due to race, challenged the plan. The Supreme Court rejected the school district's standing challenge, concluding that simply because it was possible that children of the petitioner's members might not ultimately be denied admission due to race did not eliminate the claimed injury. “[B]eing forced to compete in a race-based system” was itself an equal-protection injury that the Supreme Court had previously found parents could raise on their children's behalf.

The petitioner in Parents Involved represented multiple parents with multiple children in a school district with just ten high schools, five of which were oversubscribed at the time of suit and three outside the desired ratio. Upon the school district flipping a proverbial switch and resuming implementation of the plan, which the Court presumed, the petitioner moved down a path toward a sufficiently imminent injury. There are simply more switches to flip in the present case and I will not presume any one of them. Short has made no showing that any of his children are transgender or otherwise questioning their gender, any of his children have communicated with school officials about their gender, any disclosure to school officials would not be shared with him for an excepted reason, or any one of his children would not otherwise share their transgender or gender-questioning status with him. As the number of switches increases, Short's injury becomes too speculative to support standing. I conclude that the injury pleaded by Short is too speculative to satisfy Article III standing. I will therefore grant dismissal of his claims against Moving Defendants. Opinion July 15 2024 granting motion to dismiss

2023 Walden v. Mesa Unified Sch. Dist., (Maricopa Cnty., Az.)
Rachel Walden, a current member of the Governing Board of Mesa Public Schools, AFL sued MPS and Superintendent Andi Fourlis for encouraging and assisting students to identify as having a gender different from their biological sex and to hide this from parents, violating the laws of the state of Arizona. Mesa Public Schools (MPS) policy (the “Trans Policy”) assists and encourages students to “transition” their gender while keeping this information hidden from parents. After this policy of parental non-notification caused controversy in the local community, the school district rewrote its policy to obfuscate what was going on. In practice, however, the non-notification policy appears to continue in force, and MPS employees do not notify parents about a student’s sexual identity issues unless the student consents to notification. Furthermore, MPS still encourages confused students to transition their gender, and at most, parents only get notified after their child has already started to socially transition at school.

The Trans Policy violates Arizona’s Parents’ Bill of Rights, which establishes that “[t]he liberty of parents to direct the upbringing, education, health care and mental health of their children is a fundamental right,”, that is “exclusively reserved to a parent of a minor child without obstruction or interference from this state, any political subdivision of this state, any other governmental entity or any other institution.” In fact, the Parents’ Bill of Rights specifically prohibits what MPS is doing—all public employees, including school employees, are prohibited from “encourage[ing] or coerc[ing]” minors “to withhold information from the child’s parent.” Moreover, Arizona law absolutely forbids school employees from ever talking to children about any matters related to human sexuality without advance parental notification and consent.

In the suit, the first-year board member asks the court to order the district to revoke the current guidelines and implement a policy of immediate parent notification “any time a student attempts to discuss any matters of sexuality with school employees, including when students express confusion or concern about their gender or sexual identity.”

The 58-page complaint also asks the court to declare the current MPS transgender guidelines illegal. It also asks the district be blocked from implementing any guidelines or procedures related to gender or sexuality without the board adopting an official policy.

2023 Mead v. Rockford Pub. Sch. Dist., No. 1: (W.D. Mich).
When a child struggles with gender dysphoria, many public schools will intentionally and actively conceal that information from the child’s parents. Does that violate any constitutional rights of the parents?

In Mead v. Rockford Public School District, Michigan parents sued their local school district after it treated their thirteen-year-old daughter as a boy for two months—while actively concealing these actions from them. While she was at school, the district referred to the Meads’ daughter by a masculine name and male pronouns, part of the controversial practice often called “social transition.” But the district used her correct name and female pronouns when communicating with her parents. It even altered official documents before sending them home.

As detailed in the complaint, the district’s actions only came out when a school employee accidentally failed to alter some references to the masculine name on an evaluation form before showing it to the Meads.

The district’s concealment implicates the Meads’ fundamental parental rights given the prospect of harm to their daughter.

The scientific literature demonstrates that, absent any intervention, the vast majority of children who experience body discomfort will naturally embrace their biological sex over time. But interventions like social transition—including changing names or pronouns—have been shown to interfere with this natural desistance. Social transition can greatly increase the chances that the child will continue on to medical procedures such as puberty blockers or cross-sex hormones. And this pathway to medical transition exposes the child to a risk of serious, potentially life-long harms.

The Meads raise three constitutional claims in their response to the school district’s motion to dismiss.

First, the Meads argue that the school’s actions violate their First Amendment right to the free exercise of religion. In the landmark case of Wisconsin v. Yoder, the Supreme Court held that free-exercise rights include the right of parents to raise their children in accordance with their religious beliefs, including the right to direct their children’s religious education and upbringing. By secretly transitioning the Meads’ daughter, the district directly undermined their religious beliefs. In the words of the Eleventh Circuit in Arnold v. Board of Education of Escambia County, it “deprive[d] the parents of the opportunity to counter influences on the child the parents find inimical to their religious beliefs or the values they wish instilled in their children.”

Second, the Meads argue the district violated their fundamental right as parents to make decisions about the upbringing, education, and healthcare of their children—a right protected by the Fourteenth Amendment. As a plurality of the Supreme Court recognized in Troxel v. Granville, the liberty interest of parents in the care, custody, and control of their children is “perhaps the oldest of the fundamental liberty interests recognized” by the Court. By deciding to treat the Meads’ daughter as a boy without their consent—indeed, by concealing that decision from them—the district deprived the Meads not only of the right to make healthcare decisions for their daughter, but also of the right to make educational decisions about the best schooling environment for her. Parents cannot make informed decisions for their children if schools hide pertinent information from them.  

Third, the parents argue the district violated a separate right protected by the Fourteenth Amendment: the right to procedural due process. This right guarantees adequate procedural protections before the government deprives a person of a cognizable liberty interest. One such interest is the right to parent one’s children. Far from providing adequate procedural protections to the Meads, the school district did not provide them with any procedural protection—not even notice—before secretly socially transitioning their middle-school daughter.

While some states (including Alabama, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, North Carolina, and North Dakota) have passed legislation to ensure that parents aren’t left out of the loop in such circumstances, many school districts are being told by activist organizations they are breaking the law if they speak to parents about their children’s struggles with gender dysphoria. This messaging is misleading some schools into deceiving parents like the Meads about the well-being of their children.

2024 Jan 5 Doe v. Del. Valley Reg’l High Sch. Bd. of Educ., (D. N.)

Jane Doe is a freshman at Delaware Valley Regional High School in Frenchtown, New Jersey. (ECF No. 1 at 2-3, 5.)2 Jane is a minor diagnosed with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Unspecified Mental Disorder (UMD), and has been under the care of a therapist for anxiety, depression, and gender confusion since April 2022.

Plaintiff John Doe is Jane’s father. Plaintiff alleges that he and mental health professionals “agreed to take a cautious approach to Jane’s gender confusion” given her mental health diagnoses and the trauma following the death of Jane’s mother. At school, Jane participated in an extracurricular club known as “Students Advocating for Equality,” or “SAFE,” which “promotes open discussion and awareness about modern cultures and topics surrounding intersectionality while aiming to make positive contributions to [the] community and school.” Defendant Ashley Miranda is a school counselor and the staff advisor of SAFE. According to the Complaint, “Jane attended a SAFE meeting and expressed to Miranda that she would like to undergo a social transition from female to male in school.”

Plaintiff alleges that Miranda “immediately affirmed Jane’s expressed identity and began to facilitate Jane’s social transition” and“asked Jane if she would like to change her name and pronouns and be known only as a male at school, to which Jane agreed.” Plaintiff alleges that Miranda subsequently emailed the entire high school staff, except two teachers, informing them of Jane’s name change, but that Plaintiff was not notified. Plaintiff alleges that Miranda and the school concealed Jane’s social transition from him in several ways. In her email to the staff, Miranda informed the staff that Plaintiff “was not to be informed of Jane’s social transition.” Miranda also allegedly excluded two teachers from the email because they “have contacts with members of the Doe household.”

Plaintiff claims that when he communicated with the school about Jane, the school only ever referred to Jane by her given female name “for the purpose of concealing Jane’s social transition.”

Plaintiff learned of Jane’s social transitioning at school “months after it commenced,” when another parent called Jane by a male name in Plaintiff’s presence. In response, Plaintiff pulled Jane from the regular classroom and placed her “on home instruction.”

In December 2023, Plaintiff met with the high school administration, including Miranda. Plaintiff informed the administration that he and Jane’s therapist “were not in agreement with Jane’s social transition and expressly denied his consent to the continuance of Jane’s social transition.”

The school district replied that it was compelled by law and policy to call Jane by her preferred male name until such time as Jane indicated otherwise. Following that meeting, Plaintiff sent a cease-and-desist letter to Scott McKinney, the superintendent of Delaware Valley Regional High School and chief executive of the school district. In the letter, Plaintiff reasserted his parental rights and demanded that the administration stop socially transitioning Jane. By letter dated December 14, 2023, counsel for the Board advised Plaintiff that “the District has and will continue to act in accordance with applicable federal and state laws, and the New Jersey Department of Education’s guidance on transgender students.” The Board also advised that because Jane had not attended school for more than ten days, she would “be considered truant and the District may have to take further action, as it is required by law to do . . . if she continues to be absent.”

In early January 2024, while the school district worked to implement approved home instruction for Jane, counsel for the Board informed Plaintiff that “during home instruction the teachers will comply with district policy, NJDOE guidance, and federal and state laws” regarding Jane’s name preference. Plaintiff contends that the school’s insistence to refer to Jane by her preferred name and pronouns against Plaintiff’s wishes “interfere[s] with . . . [Plaintiff]’s parent-child relationship,” violates his “fundamental parental rights,” and establishes “a policy that makes it impossible for Jane to receive a public education unless Plaintiff yielded his constitutional and statutory parental rights.”

Since commencing this lawsuit, Plaintiff has further alleged that “Jane was threatened with truancy” if Plaintiff did not send Jane to approved instruction. Plaintiff also alleges that two workers from the Department of Children and Families, Division of Child Protection, visited his home to conduct a wellness check and that they “obviously had been sent”by the school.

Board Policy 5756, titled “Transgender Students.” n relevant part, the Policy states the following: “The school district shall accept a student’s asserted gender identity; parental consent is not required. A student need not meet any threshold diagnosis or treatment requirements to have his or her gender identity recognized and respected by the school district, school, or school staff members. In addition, a legal or court-ordered name change is not required. There is no affirmative duty for any school district staff member to notify a student’s parent of the student’s gender identity or expression. If a parent disagrees with the minor student’s use of a different name and pronouns, the Policy instructs “the Superintendent or designee to consult the Board Attorney regarding the minor student’s civil rights and protections under the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination, but staff “should continue to refer to the student in accordance with the student’s chosen name and pronoun at school.”

The Policy also notes that school officials “should have an open, but confidential discussion with the student” about the student’s preferences and “parental communications,” and “should also discuss with the student, and any other individuals at the student’s request, the risks associated with the student’s transgender status being inadvertently disclosed.” The Board Policy mirrors the New Jersey Department of Education’s guidance that “provides direction for schools in addressing common issues concerning the needs of transgender students.” New Jersey’s guidance also “assists schools in establishing policies and procedures that ensure a supportive and nondiscriminatory environment for transgender students” consistent with the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination (NJLAD), and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.

In Littlejohn v. School Board of Leon County Florida, a middle school developed a support plan for a student who requested to socially transition —including changing the student’s name, pronouns, and preferred restroom — without including or immediately notifying the parents, despite the parents’ previously informing the school that they did not consent. The school was also aware that the student had previously been diagnosed with ADHD and was “expressing gender confusion.” In bringing suit, the parents alleged that the school had violated their protected liberty interests in familial privacy, the upbringing of their child, and the medical and mental health decision-making for their child. On a motion to dismiss, the District Court for the Northern District of Florida found that the school had not infringed on the parents’ substantive due process rights in part because the student had approached the school on his own volition and asked the school to use his preferred name and pronouns.

Similarly, in Willey v. Sweetwater County School District No. 1 , the parents argued that a school district’s policy directing school officials to refer to students by their preferred names and pronouns, and to “respect the privacy of all students regarding such choice,” violated the parents’ Fourteenth Amendment rights to direct the upbringing of their children, make decisions regarding their children’s medical care, and familial privacy. On a motion for a preliminary injunction, the District Court for the District of Wyoming found it unlikely that the parents would successfully assert a right to direct medical care absent “evidence the Student was suffering or diagnosed with a mental health condition related to gender identity.” The court opined that even if the student had been diagnosed with a mental health condition related to gender identity, the school’s policy did not constitute a “treatment” that interfered with the parents’ right to make medical decisions, because the school did not actively suggest that the student change their name and pronouns —“the school merely addressed the Student by the Student’s requested preferred name and pronoun.” The court found that the policy was likely unconstitutional only to the extent that it “would preclude a teacher or school district personnel, absent a minor student’s consent, from answering or responding to a parent’s or guardian’s inquiry as to whether their child is being called by other than their legally given name or required to lie to a parent or guardian as to the name the minor student is being called by.”

The school officials’ actions inLittlejohn, Willey, and Regino, like those in this case, are different from those at issue in Tatel v. Mount Lebanon School District, 637 F. Supp. 3d 295, 336 (W.D. Pa. 2022). In Tatel, the plaintiff parents were found to have asserted a plausible substantive due process claim against a teacher who discussed gender dysphoria and transgender transitioning with first graders. The teacher did so despite the published first-grade curriculum not mentioning these topics, and despite a school official assuring parents who expressly objected to these topics that “there were no formal lessons about gender identity, especially in first grade.” The teacher in Tatel showed the children books and videos on transgender topics; told first graders that “parents make mistakes about gender; instructed students not to discuss this topic with their parents; told a child she would never lie (implying the parents may be lying about

The child’s [gender] identity); targeted one student for repeated approaches about his becoming like her transgender child; and caused another child to be confused about how her parents determined her gender.” Under these circumstances, the District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania found that the plaintiffs asserted plausible substantive due process violations of parental rights because transgender topics “implicate a core parental interest in forming the identity of their children” and that “[t]eaching a child how to determine one’s gender identity at least plausibly is a matter of great importance that goes to the heart of parenting.” (citing Doe by & through Doe v. Boyertown Area Sch. Dist., 897 F.3d 518, 522 (3d Cir. 2018)).

Here, unlike in Tatel, Plaintiff has not yet established that the Board Defendants engaged in coercive behavior that violate parental rights. Again, it appears undisputed that the Board Defendants acted in response to Jane’s affirmative request to be recognized as to her preferred gender identity. Under Board Policy 5756, “the decision to openly express a transgender identity through the use of a different name and pronouns is made by the student,” not the Board Defendants. . The Court’s ruling aligns with several other courts’ holdings that a school district’srecognition of a student’s preferred gender identity does not violate parental constitutional rights. Nor does the Policy encourage students to keep their preferred gender identities secret from their parents.

2024 Jan 12 Doe v. Pine-Richland Sch. Dist., No. 2 (W.D. Pa)
Doe is the parent of a student in the District. She challenges AR 103(B), specifically as to the areas where that policy interacts with parental rights. AR 103(B) is titled: “Nondiscrimination in School and Classroom Practice-Gender and Gender Identity.” AR 103(B) includes a “Privacy and Confidentiality” provision that states:

All students have a right to privacy [,] and this right includes the right to keep one's transgender status private at school. Information about a student's transgender status, legal name, or birth-assigned sex may also constitute confidential protected health information. Disclosing this information to other students, their parents/guardians, or other third parties may violate privacy laws, such as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). “

To ensure the safety and well-being of the student, District personnel should not disclose a student's transgender status to others, including the student's parents/guardians or other District personnel, unless: (1) legally required to do so, or (2) the student has authorized such disclosure. Relevant school staff, such as the building principal, guidance counselor, and school psychologist, will work actively and immediately to discuss disclosure to parents/guardians given their legal rights and the importance of collaboration between the school staff, student, and parents/guardians. When contacting the parent or guardian of a transgender student, District staff should use the student's legal name and the pronoun corresponding to the student's birth-assigned sex unless the student, parent, or guardian has specified otherwise. “

Doe pleads and avers that she “has legitimate concerns regarding her child's risk of transitioning” because she “found her child viewing TikTok videos related to transitioning, videos of transgender individuals advocating transitioning, and videos on sexuality.” She also states that her child has “recently begun hanging out with a new friend group, which includes children who identify as transgender or who are socially transitioning.” Doe “sent written notice to the School District that absent her prior written consent, the School District shall not refer her child to any mental health counselor or social worker for evaluation” and requested notice within three days of the District's learning of any gender identity issues concerning her child.

She also had a meeting with District personnel, making the same requests, only to be told that “under no circumstances” would she be notified if the District “becomes aware that her child has requested to be addressed by different pronouns, a different name, or otherwise exhibited behavior consistent with gender incongruity, gender dysphoria, or a desire to transition to a gender other than her biological gender” unless “legally required to do so.”

Because Doe has not demonstrated that she has suffered any harm or that harm is imminent, the Court finds that she does not have standing to challenge the District's policy. The Court must, therefore, deny the requested preliminary injunction.

2024 Jan 31 Vitsaxaki v. Skaneateles Cent. Sch. Dist., No. 5 (N.D. N.Y)
Officials at the Skaneateles School District began treating a middle-school girl as a boy without her mother’s knowledge or consent. Jennifer Vitsaxaki trusted that the counselors, teachers, and other employees of the Skaneateles School District would share with her any information she needed to help her daughter Jane,1 then 12 years old, to thrive. So Mrs. Vitsaxaki quickly turned to them when her daughter began struggling with anxiety and depression related to school—at times, even refusing to leave home. Again and again, she asked School District employees whether they had noticed anything troubling about her daughter during the school day. Perhaps there was a bullying problem? Perhaps an academic cause? But everyone with whom Mrs. Vitsaxaki spoke reassured her. No one had noticed a bullying problem, nor anything else worrying about her daughter

Those repeated reassurances concealed the truth. While school officials kept telling Mrs. Vitsaxaki that there was nothing to report, a school counselor was regularly meeting with her daughter and her peers to address ongoing bullying suffered by Mrs. Vitsaxaki’s daughter, Jane, and other girls in the group. But worse than that, the School District began treating her as if she were a boy, without telling her mother, just as it had done with several other girls in her grade.

The same counselor instructed school staff to treat Mrs. Vitsaxaki’s daughter as though she were a boy by referring to her with a boy’s name and the third-person plural pronouns “they” and “them”—part of a controversial psychosocial intervention often called “social transi- tion.” Then, a school psychologist, who told school staff to keep their actions secret from Mrs. Vitsaxaki, began meeting with Jane regularly without Mrs. Vitsaxaki’s knowledge. Yet no one informed Mrs. Vitsaxaki that the School District had made any of these decisions about and taken all of these actions toward her daughter.

Not one School District employee notified Mrs. Vitsaxaki or sought her consent before socially transitioning her daughter. Worse, although those employees knew about the School District’s actions, they told Mrs. Vitsaxaki nothing. School staff carefully used Jane’s given name and female pronouns when speaking with Mrs. Vitsaxaki, and they repeatedly said everything was fine, all the while treating Jane as a boy and sending her resources for medical transition behind Mrs. Vitsaxaki’s back.

For months, School District employees concealed this information about the well-being of Mrs. Vitsaxaki’s daughter—sensitive information about the girl’s struggles with gender. And for months, Jane’s mental condition got worse. She resisted going to school. She was anxious. She became increasingly negative, especially when speaking about herself. At one point, and at her daughter’s request, Mrs. Vitsaxaki even took a job as a bus driver to learn more about what could be causing her daughter’s distress. By concealing from Mrs. Vitsaxaki this important information about her daughter, the School District betrayed Mrs. Vitsaxaki’s trust. It also violated the U.S. Constitution.

Eventually, one staff member could no longer stomach the School Dis- trict’s deception of Mrs. Vitsaxaki and urged the principal to come clean. When he finally did, Mrs. Vitsaxaki was shocked. She and her husband, Jane’s father, met with the School District. They directed the School District to stop taking any further action without their consent and sought open communication with the teachers to understand what had happened. But the principal told them School District policy required employees to deceive them, and despite assurances to the contrary, the deception continued. Left with no other options, Mrs. Vitsaxaki withdrew her daughter from the School District.

Like all parents, Mrs. Vitsaxaki has a fundamental right to direct the upbringing, education, and healthcare of her children. It is “perhaps the oldest of the fundamental liberty interests.” Troxel v. Granville, 530 U.S. 57, 65 (2000). And that right is inconsistent with the deceptive, heavy-handed, and disruptive intervention that the School District perpetrated against Mrs. Vitsaxaki’s daughter— an intervention that gravely interfered with her ability to raise her daughter and contradicted her religious beliefs.

Ultimately, parents—not school employees or other government officials—ought to decide how to resolve a child’s questions about sensitive topics like identity and gender confusion. Parents like Mrs. Vitsaxaki know their children better than anyone else. And parents, not school employees, will be there for a child in the long run, when the consequences of these decisions become fully apparent. By violating these principles, the School District violated Mrs. Vitsaxaki’s constitutional rights. Therefore, she brings this civil-rights lawsuit for damages and declaratory relief to vindicate those rights. This case is still pending.

2024 April 3 Landerer v. Dover Area Sch. Dist., (M.D. Pa)
In a significant legal battle, Michelle Landerer has filed a lawsuit against the Dover Area School District alleging violations of her fundamental parental rights. This case underscores the critical issues of parental authority, children's mental health, and religious freedoms within the educational system.

Michelle Landerer, a mother of two students in the Dover Area School District, discovered that school personnel had been secretly affirming her daughter's request to be treated as a boy named "Caleb." This action was taken without Landerer's knowledge or consent, despite her daughter, O.G., having a history of childhood trauma and diagnosed mental health conditions, including PTSD and ADD.

In violation of Parental Rights, the school district implemented a policy that conceals students' requests to be treated as a different gender from their parents, requiring parental consent only if the child agrees. To decieve the parents, school staff were instructed to use students' legal names and biological pronouns when communicating with parents, while using the students' preferred names and pronouns at all other times.

The school personnel's actions disregarded the known risks to O.G.'s mental health, exacerbating her conditions by affirming her gender transition without professional oversight and parental involvement.

Plaintiff files this action seeking damages for Defendants’ violations of her fundamental parental rights to direct the upbringing, physical and mental health decision-making for her children, her fundamental right to familial privacy, and her fundamental right to free exercise of religion under the United States and Pennsylvania constitutions.

Defendants violated and continue to violate Plaintiff’s fundamental rights by establishing and implementing an ad hoc policy and/or directive, (hereinafter “Directive”), that deliberately conceals from Plaintiff critical information regarding her daughter’s mental health and well-being, i.e., her assertion of a discordant gender identity and request to be affirmed in that identity through the use of alternative names, pronouns, and other measures, without the knowledge and consent and even over the objection of Plaintiff.

Defendant Dover Area School District (“District”) administration mandates that school staff purposefully and intentionally withhold information from, and mislead and deceive parents by, referring to their child by his or her legal name and biologically-accurate pronouns when communicating with parents, but using the child’s expressed assumed name and pronouns at all other times, unless the child has consented to informing his or her parents. In so doing, Defendants have violated and continue to violate Ms. Landerer’s fundamental parental rights under the United States Constitution and free exercise rights under the United States and Pennsylvania constitutions.

Defendants’ actions are particularly egregious with regard to Ms. Landerer’s daughter, O.G., whom Defendants know is a survivor of childhood trauma and has been diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (“PTSD”), Attention Deficit Disorder (“ADD”), and General Anxiety Disorder (“GAD”) for whom affirming a discordant gender identity is antithetical to her health and well-being. Despite this foreknowledge, Defendants purposefully and recklessly disregarded the known risk of harm to O.G. and continue to do so, even stating that District personnel have and will continue to intentionally lie to Plaintiff about referring to O.G. as a boy, using the name “Caleb” and male pronouns.

Plaintiff is asking this Court to remedy the violations of her fundamental rights and the resulting harm to her daughter and possible, if not likely, harm to her son by granting injunctive and declaratory relief and awarding damages, including attorneys’ fees and costs, to Plaintiff.

Ms. Landerer’s daughter, O.G., is 14 years old. She experienced childhood trauma and has been under the care of physicians and mental health professionals since that time. O.G. was diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (“PTSD”), Conversion Disorder (“CDO”), General Anxiety Disorder (“GAD”), and Attention Deficit Disorder (“ADD”), all of which manifest in the form of diminished emotional regulation. Because of O.G.'s diagnoses, she qualified for, and has in place, an Accommodation Plan pursuant Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 U.S.C. §§ 701 et. seq. (“Sec. 504”) with the District.

O.G. was a student in Dover Area School District from 2016 to May 2023. In 2022, during her eighth grade year of middle school, O.G. was experiencing significant anxiety and behavior issues. O.G. was already under the care of a private counselor chosen by her mother who was providing mental health therapy. When O.G. began experiencing increased stress and anxiety, Plaintiff increased the frequency of the therapy sessions. In August 2022, O.G. told her private counselor that she thought she might be “trans.” The counselor and Ms. Landerer began discussing that issue with O.G. and working through her feelings with her.

Defendants’ fashioning and implementation of the Directive as de facto policy resulted in the deception of and withholding from parents of information necessary for parents to make informed decisions concerning their children's health and welfare. Defendants made statements in public and private meetings that children’s safety requires concealing information from parents because some parents will not affirm the child’s wishes.

Unbeknownst to Plaintiff, during the 2021-2022 school year, O.G. told her teachers at Dover Area Middle School that she wanted to be treated as a boy and use the name “Caleb”. Ms. Landerer was not informed or advised by the District regarding O.G.’s request to be treated as a different sex and called by an alternate name, despite O.G. having mental health diagnoses and qualifying disabilities pursuant to Sec 504, all of which the District was fully aware.

During the 2021-2022 school year, Defendant Williams, unbeknownst to and without Plaintiff’s consent, regularly met with O.G. for the purpose of affirming O.G.’s request to be treated as a different sex and called by an alternate name and facilitating O.G.’s gender transition.

In August 2022, Ms. Landerer first learned that O.G. had been and was being affirmed as a boy named “Caleb” at school by personnel of the District when her son, J.G., then a student at Dover Area School District, was approached by a teacher/employee of the District and asked, “How is your brother ‘Caleb’ doing?” J.G. responded by stating that he did not have a brother named Caleb and the teacher informed him that his sister O.G. had requested and was being affirmed by District staff as a boy named “Caleb”. J.G. then told his mother, Plaintiff Michelle Landerer, about his conversation with the teacher. Had it not been for J.G.’s conversation with the District teacher, Ms. Landerer might never have learned that her vulnerable daughter was being secretly and deliberately affirmed as a boy (socially transitioned to a male identity) by District personnel.

Ms. Landerer spoke with O.G. She told her she is too young to make such decisions, that her legal name is “O”, that she can legally change her name when she becomes an adult and that she could work through her feelings on the issue in the counseling she was receiving. O.G. said that she felt pressured to continue using the male name and being identified as a boy because that was now how District personnel at school regarded her.

On August 11, 2022, Ms. Landerer sent a text message to Hufnagel at Dover Area Middle School saying: “O. is registered as O.G. and I expect she will be addressed as such. NOT CALEB… There is NO room for discussion about this matter and I have discussed this with [O.G.’s therapist] as well so I am expecting there to be no confusion…”

On August 22, 2022, Plaintiff met with Hufnagel and other District personnel. During this meeting, District personnel confirmed that during the 2021-2022 school year District staff had in fact affirmed O.G. as a boy, used the name Caleb, and male pronouns when referring to O.G.

Ms. Landerer asked O.G. to tell her teachers to call her “O” instead of “Caleb” and O.G. said she did so. Ms. Landerer later learned that O.G. had told her teachers to call her “O” in Ms. Landerer’s presence because her mother wanted it. Hufnagel confirmed that she, Hufnagel, would refer to O.G. as “O” in Ms. Landerer’s presence, but as “Caleb” in all other scenarios. This complaint is therefore needed to order the school district to comply with the parents instructions for her daughters mental health.

2023 Mirabelle v Olson
A good example of lawsuits challenging Parental Notice bans is a statewide class action complaint filed on April 27, 2023 by two middle school teachers in a federal court in California. The complaint is called Mirabelle v Olson et al. These two teachers are opposing State and Federal laws that require them to lie to parents and hide information about students from their parents regarding the gender status of their children. The class action lawsuit will include both parents and teachers in California. Here is a link to a page with all of the court documents on this case: https://www.thomasmoresociety.org/case/mirabelli-v-olson

On September 14, 2023, the District Court granted the teachers motion for a preliminary injunction against the school district policy. Here is a link to the judge’s 36 page ruling: https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/63d954d4e4ad424df7819d46/65034f906c8a3969f9bd31d1_Dkt.%2042_Order%20on%20Cross%20Motions.pdf

Here are quotes from this ruling: “If a school student suffers a life-threatening concussion while playing soccer during a class on physical fitness, and the child expresses his feelings that he does not want his parents to find out, would it be lawful for the school to require its instructor to hide the event from the parents? Of course not. What if the child at school suffers a sexual assault, or expresses suicidal thoughts, or expresses aggressive and threatening thoughts or behavior? Would it be acceptable not to inform the parents? No. These would be serious medical conditions to which parents have a legal and federal constitutional right to be informed of and to direct decisions on medical treatment. A parent’s right to make decisions concerning the care, custody, control, and medical care of their children is one of the oldest of the fundamental liberty interests that Americans enjoy. “

Though it does not require the wisdom of a Supreme Court Justice to see, the Supreme Court recognizes that youth tend to make impetuous and ill-considered life decisions. “First, as any parent knows and as the scientific and sociological studies . . . tend to confirm, ‘a lack of maturity and an underdeveloped sense of responsibility are found in youth more often than in adults and are more understandable among the young. These qualities often result in impetuous and ill-considered actions and decisions.’” Roper v. Simmons, 543 U.S. 551, 569 (2005). In the same vein, and perhaps especially true in the school setting, “juveniles are more vulnerable or susceptible to negative influences and outside pressures, including peer pressure.” And “the character of a juvenile is not as well formed as that of an adult. The personality traits of juveniles are more transitory, less fixed.” Id. at 570. “Indeed, notes the Court, “the relevance of youth as a mitigating factor derives from the fact that the signature qualities of youth are transient; as individuals mature, the impetuousness and recklessness that may dominate in younger years can subside.”

With regard to Constitutional rights of parents, the court stated: “The United States Supreme Court has historically and repeatedly declared that parents have a right, grounded in the Constitution, to direct the education, health, and upbringing, and to maintain the well-being of, their children”.

These parental rights also include the right to know when a student transitions genders at school. By requiring the two teachers to withhold information about a student’s gender from the parents, the teachers have a strong free speech claim against the policy by being required to “violate the law or deliberately convey an illegal message”.

In addition, the court found that, because the teachers hold sincere religious beliefs that include “that the relationship between parents and children is an inherently sacred and life-long bond, ordained by God, in which the parents have the ultimate right and responsibility to care for and guide their children” and “that God forbids lying and deceit” (page 24), the teachers pled a strong enough free exercise of religion claim to obtain the preliminary injunction.

Despite the injunction, California Attorney General Bonta has ignored it, and state officials have pursued legal action in open defiance of the court’s order. In doing so, Attorney General Bonta continues to violate the Constitutional rights of parents and teachers.

On September 26, 2023, California Attorney General Rob Bonta wrte a letter titled “Guidance Regarding Forced Disclosure Policies Concerning Gender Identity,” which discusses the relationship between apparently conflicting orders in People v. Chino Valley Unified Sch. Dist. (Cal. Super. Ct. San Bernardino County, No. CIV SB 2317301), and Mirabelli & West v. Olson (S.D. Cal. No. 3:23-cv-768).

The California AG claims the Mirabelli injunction - which concerns Constitutional rights of all parents and teachers - is limited merely to taking any action against the two teacher plaintiffs and that the policy regarding hiding student information from parents remains in place. Meanwhile, People v Chino Valley, which is about a local school district policy, applies to the entire state.

In response, on September 27, 2023, the attorneys for Mirabelli and West published a letter. This letter points out that: “Federal Courts have supremacy over state courts, and can enjoin state court orders to protect or effectuate Federal Court orders. Thus, to protect its own preliminary injunction order, a Federal District Court can enjoin a state court temporary restraining order. See NBA v. Minnesota Pro. Basketball, Ltd. P’ship, 56P F.3d 866 (8th Cir. 1995). If California continues to openly defy Judge Benitez’s preliminary injunction, and undermine its holding and reasoning, an injunction against the Chino Valley litigation may be necessary.

Second, the reasoning of the opinion makes two points abundantly clear: (1) any teacher in California who objects on religious grounds to these dangerous and unconstitutional policies could file their own lawsuit in Federal Court and obtain similar relief; and (2) any parent who has standing to sue and challenges these dangerous policies could obtain relief against the State and any school district—asserting their fundamental rights as parents under the Fourteenth Amendment Due Process Clause.

It is deeply concerning, but unfortunately unsurprising, that the State Attorney General issued a press release and “guidance” in defiance of a Federal Court order—directing school districts and state officials to act in a manner that a Federal Court determined likely violates the U.S. Constitution. The State’s newly issued guidance exposes the State, School Districts, and public school employees to massive liability in the form of attorneys’ fees and damages.

Californians should be deeply troubled by the fact that this issue—hiding young children’s gender identity and social transition at school—is such a high priority for the State. There is no justification for Attorney General Bonta burning millions of taxpayer dollars in litigation and other resources enforcing “guidance” that he now knows, and should have always known, is both unconstitutional and harmful to children. As Judge Benitez noted on page 35 of his 36-page ruling:

The school’s policy is a trifecta of harm: it harms the child who needs parental guidance and possibly mental health intervention to determine if the incongruence is organic or whether it is the result of bullying, peer pressure, or a fleeting impulse. It harms the parents by depriving them of the long recognized Fourteenth Amendment right to care, guide, and make health care decisions for their children. And finally, it harms plaintiffs who are compelled to violate the parent’s rights by forcing plaintiffs to conceal information they feel is critical for the welfare of their students— violating plaintiffs’ religious beliefs. Parents, teachers, and students deserve leaders that respect and follow the law—especially fundamental Constitutional rights.

On January 29, 2024, the court allowed the teachers to file a 328 page amended complaint which you can download and read at this link:


On April 29, 2024, the California AG claimed in court that he and the Governor should not be listed as defendents because the rule prohibiting teachers from being honest with parents was just a “guidance policy of the State Department of Education” and was not an actual state law!

Currrently, parental rights are being recognized in some federal courts but not others. It all depends on whether the court believes that Parents Rights have priority or State Rights have priority. It is truly insane for any judge to think that states have a greater interest in the well being of children than parents. Millions of children are now being harmed in 25 states where laws require gender confused kids to be given drugs instead of counseling.

While it is possible that at some point the US Supreme Court may rule that Parent Rights should prevail over State Rights, we as parents can not and must not remain passively on the sidelines and watch helplessly as every day more children are harmed. Instead, we must make Parental Rights a central issue in every local school district race, every legislative district race, every Congressional race and every State and National election.


It all begins by informing other concerned parents and grandparents about the harm of the Transgender Takeover of our schools. I therefore hope you will share this article and other articles on our website, Washington Parents Network.com with others in your community.

As always, I look forward to your questions and comments.


David Spring M. Ed.

Washington Parents Network

5 How to Win the War against our Childrens Rights

In times of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” George Orwell

You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32

In our previous article, we explained why gender confused children are harmed by giving them toxic drugs and thus should be provided with counseling to help them address their underlying mental health problems. This article is a part of our series of articles intended to convey the truth about a war being raged against the rights of our children – a war using weapons such as propaganda and lies, toxic addictive drugs, trans sports cheating and state-sponsored child abuse to arrest the natural and normal development of our children. Our goal is to use scientific truth as our first line of defense to win this war against our children’s rights.


Our mission is to advocate for a Childrens Bill of Rights that address each of these weapons being used against them. These fundamental rights include the right to be told the scientific truth about the world they will grow up in. As just one example, they have a right to know that there are only two biological sexes – male and female – and that changing one’s name or taking toxic drugs will not change ones biological sex. Children have a right to a good education – free from political agendas. Children have a right to personal privacy that includes the right to single sex bathrooms and locker rooms. Gender confised children have a right to unbiased counseling to help them overcome their underlying mental health problems rather than masking those problems by taking a lifetime of toxic drugs.

Girls have a right to fair sports competition where they are not required to compete against boys who are at least 20% stronger than them. Most important, children have a fundamental right to be guided by their parents rather than being subjected to state-sponsored child abuse without the knowledge of their parents.


In this report, we will focus on the legal status of two laws each of which is being used to deprive children of their fundamental rights. These laws are:

#1: A 52 year old federal law called Title IX which is intended to protect the right of girls to equal treatment in all educational and athletic programs that get federal funding – but has been hijacked into a law to replace the rights of girls with the rights of transgender students.

#2 State laws banning child counseling such as Washington Senate Bill 5722 passed in 2018 which bans troubled children from getting the counseling they so desparately need and instead manipulating kids into taking toxic transgender drugs.

Then in our next article, we will summarize State laws that eliminate Parental rights:

#3 State laws such as Washington House Bill 5599 and Washington School District Policy 3211 which are intended to deprive children of their right to parental guidance by depriving parents of their right to parental notice.

Section 1: The Status of Title IX
Thanks to a series of federal court decisions in the Summer of 2024, the Biden Final Rule change to Title IX has been rejected in 26 states. Nearly all of these same states have imposed bans on giving minors drugs in order to “transition” their gender.


US Supreme Court rules 9 to 0 against the Ferguson Drug Cartel
On August 16, 2024, the US Supreme Court ruled 9 to 0 ruling rejecting the Biden administration attempt to use Title IX to replace Girls Rights with Transgender Rights. Here is a link to their 12 page ruling: https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23pdf/24a78_f2ah.pdf

The US Supreme Court ruled unanimously that at least three provisions of the Biden Title IX Transgender Rules were illegal. These were: #1 The requirement that Trans Rights replace Girls Rights. #2 The requirement that Trans males be allowed in Girls Bathrooms & Locker Rooms. #3 Defining “Harassment” so broadly that it restricts the First Amendment rights of teachers, parents & students.

Here is a quote from this Supreme Court ruling: “All 9 Members of the Court agree… that (the Biden Final Rule) violates students’ and employees’ rights to bodily privacy and safety; and that its definition of hostile environment harassment violates the First Amendment.“

Sadly, Washington is not one of the 26 protected states. Therefore, we will need to file our own complaint to return to the legal version of Title IX.

Section #2: State laws banning Child Counseling
Since 2018, Washington is one of 23 states that have banned counselors from speaking with gender confused children about the underlying causes of their gender confusion.


As insane as it sounds, Senate Bill 5722 requires licensed counselors in Washington to promote the state-sponsored child abuse of giving gender confused children toxic drugs. This crazy law is an attack on our free speech rights under the First Amendment. It is also an attack on the scientific method as science requires the ability to consider all points of view – and not be limited to only the official dogma. Finally, this new law is an attack on at-risk children – because it forces children to go down a deadly drug path and prevents them from having access to counseling that might help them overcome their mental health problems.

For the past eight years, Bob Ferguson and his accomplices have been telling several Big Lies – including his claim that a federal law called Title IX requires us to allow boys in the girls bathroom and allow boys to compete in girls sports. The driving force behind this law is not a concern for Trangender children but the extreme greed of the drug industry that stands to make billions of dollars in profits by getting vulnerable children addicted to their toxic transgender drugs.

Even worse, Ferguson claimed that if a teacher spoke out against his new rules, they would be “risking the lives of Transgender kids” and would therefore be guilty of committing a crime so dangerous that they could be lose their teaching job.

Any child who spoke out could be kicked out of school and any parent who dared to speak out could lose their children. In short, no one is allowed to speak out against the Ferguson Drug Cartel.

Yet there is a simple reason that giving gender confused kids toxic drugs to solve their problems is doomed to failure - while providing children with counseling offers at least the possibility of success. The fact is that each child is unique. This is why child counseling begins by asking each child about their past experiences and their feelings about those experiences. It is the best way to get at the underlying causes of childhood problems.

By contrast, giving troubled children drugs treats all children as if they are the same. Drugs rest on the false assumption that “one size fits all.” Drugs rely on the desire of parents for a simple “magic bullet” solution. Magic bullet drugs are the con game of drug peddling snake oil salesmen and corrupt politicans like Bob Ferguson and Chris Reykdal.


As a result of Ferguson’s new rules, tens of thousands of children in our state have been misled into a horrible life of taking a never-ending stream of toxic drugs to “affirm” Ferguson’s other Big Lie – that it is possible for a child to change their gender from a boy to a girl or a girl to a boy merely by changing their pronouns as if changing ones pronouns and pretending to be a different sex will somehow will solve one’s underlying mental health problems. Once again, the Truth will eventually come out. To expose the lies of Ferguson and Reykdal and help bring the truth to the light of day, we will review court rulings on the First Amendment rights of counselors, teachers, scientists and other professionals versus recent laws that have been passed in an attempt to silence counselors, teachers, parents and scientists.

Transgender Big Lies Led States to Ban Counseling for Gender Confused Children
In September 2012, California passed Senate Bill 1172 - becoming the first state in the nation to ban licensed counselors giving counseling to gender confused students. California labeled such counseling as “Conversion Therapy,” or “Sexual Orientation Change Efforts” or “SOCE”. The law bans providing gender counseling even to people who want counseling to help them adjust to their biological sex.

Here is what one person who had benefited from gender counseling before the new law took effect had to say about the new law: “The bill intends to prevent any access to what is potentially lifesaving therapy for people who identify as transgender, like I did. The bill’s authors want to make sure the gender-dysphoric people they claim to be “helping” have no way out, even if that’s what they desperately want. If you think detransitions are rare, just Google “detransition” and see the multitude of videos from courageous formerly trans people who tell of the peace they have found with their God-given gender through a combination of counseling and faith. These people will no longer have access to help they choose, because apparently some in California’s government think no one should be allowed to change his or her mind about what constitutes being at peace with one’s sex.”

This diverse population has a need to act out their cross-gender masquerade. This should strongly suggest that something much deeper sexually, emotionally, or psychologically is causing this unusual behavior. For some I know personally, deep inside remains unresolved grief and pain that just will not go away. Unresolved pathologies need to be discovered and treated before cross-gender hormones are taken and any gender surgeries are performed, to ensure these drastic alterations to one’s body are actually addressing the real needs of the person. People would not be allowed to hear about the failure of sex change to resolve gender confusion or about the high rate of attempted suicide after taking cross-gender hormones and undergoing gender change surgeries. It is important to understand that transgender suicide is not caused by discrimination or family or societal rejection. According to suicide.org, 90 percent of all people who die by their own hand, including those who identify as transgender, have untreated mental illness.” https://thefederalist.com/2018/04/25/californias-lgbt-therapy-ban-law-30-years-ago-might-killed/

Research confirms that gender counseling reduces suicides by about 42% while giving gender confused children toxic drugs increases suicides:


So banning gender counseling is certain to increase suicides. For more on this scientific research, read our previous article at this link: https://washingtonparentsnetwork.com/4-evidence-gender-confused-children-are-harmed-by-drugs

The Pacific Justice Institute, a network of more than 1,000 attorneys defending religious, parental, and other constitutional rights, filed suit in the 9th Circuit against this crazy California law, challenging its constitutionality because the ban violates parents’ rights to provide psychological care for their children and violates the First Amendment right of counselors to provide that care.In December, 2012, the district court hearing this case, called Pickup v. Brown declined to issue an injunction against the law while a different judge issued an injunction against the law in a case called Welch v. Brown. In August 2013, the 9th Circuit upheld the law and reversed Welch v. Brown.

In January 2018, the Washington legislature passed Senate Bill 5722, currently Washington Revised Code §18.130.160, which banned giving counseling to gender confused students by calling it “Conversion Therapy.” Giving children counseling instead of toxic drugs in Washington is punishable by a fine of up to $5,000 plus loss of license! Therefore, currently in Washington state, the only legal option for treating children suffering from gender confusion is to give them toxic drugs known to increase the risk of both suicide and cancer!

2018 Supreme Court ruling protecting free speech rights
In June 2018, the US Supreme Court specifically overturned Pickup v. Brown in NIFLA, ET AL. v. BECERRA. Here is a link to this opinion: https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/17pdf/16-1140_5368.pdf

Here is a quote from their NIFLA opinion in which the Supreme Court recognised free speech as an important tool for learning truth: “This Court has never recognized “professional speech” as a separate category of speech subject to different rules. Speech is not unprotected merely because it is uttered by professionals… When the government polices the content of professional speech, it can fail to preserve an uninhibited marketplace of ideas in which truth will ultimately prevail.”

In a powerful concurrent opinion, Justice Kennedy wrote: “This law is a paradigmatic example of the serious threat presented when government seeks to impose its own message in the place of individual speech, thought, and expression. For here the State requires primarily pro-life pregnancy centers to promote the State’s own preferred message advertising abortions. This compels individuals to contradict their most deeply held beliefs, beliefs grounded in basic philosophical, ethical, or religious precepts, or all of these… Governments must not be allowed to force persons to express a message contrary to their deepest convictions.”

In November, 2020, the Eleventh Circuit in Otto v. City of Boca Raton citing the NIFLA decision, held that the gender counseling ban implemented by the City of Boca Raton – which was almost identical to the Washington Counseling Ban - violated the First Amendment rights of counselors offering talk therapy to gender confused patients. https://media.ca11.uscourts.gov/opinions/pub/files/201910604.pdf

2021 Tingley v Ferguson
Based on the 2018 Supreme Court and 2020 Florida Court decisions, in May, 2021, Brian Tingley, a family counselor in Washington state, sued Bob Ferguson claiming that the Washington State Gender Counseling Ban violated his First Amendment rights. Surprisingly, the District Court ignored the Supreme Court criticism of Pickup v. Brown and dismissed the case ruling that Pickup v. Brown was still “good law.”

Tingley appealed and on September 6 2022, a three judge panel of the 9th Circuit also ignored the Supreme Court criticism of Pickup v. Brown in their NIFLA 2018 decision and affirmed the District Court decision. Tingley v. Ferguson, 47 F.4th 1055, 1077 (9th Cir. 2022) 66 pages https://cdn.ca9.uscourts.gov/datastore/opinions/2022/09/06/21-35815.pdf

In their Opinion, the 9th Circuit explained why they did not have to follow NIFLA: “The Supreme Court… rejected the professional speech doctrine. (and) criticized Pickup. Explaining that it had never “recognized ‘professional speech’ as a separate category of speech,” the Supreme Court concluded that speech is ‘not unprotected merely because it is uttered by ‘professionals’… Pickup “can be reasonably harmonized” with NIFLA (because)... One of the exceptions the Court recognized is the regulation of professional conduct, even if it “incidentally burden[s] speech”. Because Pickup rests upon that exception, it survives NIFLA.”

(Actually, what the Supreme Court really said is that speech is NOT conduct and thus banning speech by calling it conduct violates the First Amendment).

The 9th Circuit then went on to explain that their decision was even somehow compatible with the 2020 11th Circuit decision in Otto v. City of Boca Raton even though the 11th Circuit also said that speech is not conduct and thus banning speech by calling it conduct violates the First Amendment. Tingley then asked for a full 9th Circuit rehearing of the decision of the three judge panel. The rehearing was denied on January 23, 2023. However, four judges filed a 28 page Dissenting opinion which can be downloaded at this link: https://cdn.ca9.uscourts.gov/datastore/opinions/2023/01/23/21-35815.pdf

Here is a quote from the 9th Circuit Tingley Dissent: “Under binding Supreme Court precedents, conversion therapy consisting entirely of speech and therefore cannot be prohibited without some degree of First Amendment scrutiny… Other circuits analyzing the issue have uniformly rejected our Pickup case. Considering a closely analogous challenge to a conversion therapy ban, the Eleventh Circuit held that the ‘conduct’ involved in talk therapy “consists— entirely—of words,” and that calling it non-speech conduct was mere “relabeling.” Otto v. City of Boca Raton, 981 F.3d 854, 865 (11th Cir. 2020).

Further noting that “NIFLA directly criticized Pickup,” the Eleventh Circuit concluded that there was “not … much question that, even if some type of professional speech might conceivably fall outside the First Amendment,” therapeutic speech did not… Tingley’s religious speech does not lose its constitutional protection simply because he is subject to a licensing requirement.”

2021 Mahanoy Supreme Court First Amendment Decision
NIFLA was not the only recent case where the Supreme Court has defended the First Amendment rights of teachers and students. On June 23, 2021, the Supreme Court issued an Opinion in Mahanoy Area Sch. Dist. v. B.L. ex rel. Levy stating: “Courts must be more skeptical of a school’s efforts to regulate off-campus speech, for doing so may mean the student cannot engage in that kind of speech at all.”

2022 Kennedy v Bremerton School District Supreme Court Decision
On June 27, 2022, the Supreme Court held that Bremerton High School Assistant Coach Joseph Kennedy's brief, quiet, personal postgame prayer was protected by the First Amendment. Here is the link to this 75 page decision: https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/21pdf/21-418_i425.pdf

In 2015, coach Kennedy lost his job for kneeling at the fifty-yard-line after football games to say a brief prayer. Coach Kennedy sued the school district. The District Court granted summary judgement to the school district and the Ninth Circuit affirmed the District Court decision.

On March 18, 2021, a three judge panel of the 9th Circuit again ruled in favor of the school district. Kennedy requested a rehearing before the full 9th Circuit. On July 19, 2021, the 9th Circuit denied his request over the dissents of 8 judges. Here is a link to their 92 page Dissent: https://cdn.ca9.uscourts.gov/datastore/opinions/2021/03/18/20-35222.pdf

Here is a quote from their Dissent: “We ask “teachers to foster those habits of open-mindedness and critical inquiry which alone make for responsible citizens . . . . They cannot carry out their noble task if the conditions for the practice of a responsible and critical mind are denied to them.” Wieman v. Updegraff, 344 U.S. 183, 196 (1952).”

On June 27, 2022, the United States Supreme Court held that Coach Kennedy's brief, quiet, personal postgame prayer was protected by the First Amendment.

The US Supreme Court reversed the 9th Circuit stating that “The First Amendment’s protections extend to “teachers and students,” neither of whom “shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate.” Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School Dist., 393 U. S. 503, 506.”

The Supreme Court concluded that not “everything teachers and coaches say in the workplace is government speech subject to government control… Acknowledging that Mr. Kennedy’s prayers represented his own private speech means he has carried his threshold burden… a second step remains where the government may seek to prove that its interests as employer outweigh even an employee’s private speech on a matter of public concern… A rule that the only acceptable government role models for students are those who eschew any visible religious expression would undermine a long constitutional tradition in which learning how to tolerate diverse expressive activities has always been “part of learning how to live in a pluralistic society.” Lee v. Wesiman, 505 U. S. 577, 590.. Respect for religious expressions is indispensable to life in a free and diverse Republic.”

In short, the First Amendment not only allows Freedom of Speech, it encourages and protects Freedom of Speech in schools because hearing a variety of opinions helps students learn how to live in a free society where people often have different points of view on controversial topics.

On March 27, 2023, based on the above Supreme Court decisions, Tingley petitioned the Supreme Court to review the denial from the 9th Circuit. See No. 22-942 Brian Tingley v Robert Ferguson. Here is a link to Tingley’s 253 page Petition: https://www.supremecourt.gov/DocketPDF/22/22-942/259917/20230327112233200_2023.03.27%20USSC%20Petition%20for%20Writ%20of%20Certiorari.pdf

Here is a link to 8 amicus briefs that were filed in support of Tingley’s Petition: https://www.supremecourt.gov/docket/docketfiles/html/public/22-942.html

These included a brief from Idaho, Arkansas, Georgia, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, South Carolina, Texas

Bob Ferguson filed an opposition brief in which on page 37, he claimed: “There Is No Meaningful Disagreement In The Lower Courts About The Constitutionality Of State Licensing Laws Like Washington’s.” To justify his remarkable claim, Ferguson explained that there are important differences between the Washington counseling ban and the Boca Raton counseling ban. The difference is that the Washington ban involves taking away the counselors license while the Boca Raton ban involves putting the counselor in jail. The obvious problem with Ferguson’s rationalization is that the First Admendment is not suspended just because a person is in an office or a classroom. Ferguson then gives examples of professions that involve conduct as well as speech. But child counseling does not involve any conduct other than speech. The speech in child counseling thus is not just “incidental to regulating this conduct” as Ferguson claims.

On December 11, 2023, the US Supreme Court denied Tingley’s review. Three Justices dissented from the denial. Two of the three wrote opinions explaining why they dissented. Petition DENIED. Justice Kavanaugh would grant the petition for a writ of certiorari. Justice Thomas, dissenting from the denial of certiorari. Justice Alito, dissenting from the denial of certiorari. https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23pdf/22-942_kh6o.pdf

Justice Thomas wrote: “This petition asks us to consider whether Washington can censor counselors who help minors accept their biological sex. Because this question has divided the Courts of Appeals and strikes at the heart of the First Amendment...There is a fierce public debate over how best to help minors with gender dysphoria. The petitioner, Brian Tingley, stands on one side of the divide. As a licensed marriage and family counselor, Tingley seeks to assist minors who suffer from gender dysphoria but “want to become comfortable with their biological sex.” Tingley does so through “talk therapy”—i.e., therapy conducted solely through speech. The State of Washington is on the other side of the divide. Its view is that the State should “protect its minors against exposure to serious harms caused by” counseling to change a minor’s gender identity.. This case is not the first instance of the Ninth Circuit restricting medical professionals’ First Amendment rights, and without the Court’s review, I doubt it will be the last… Although the Court declines to take this particular case, I have no doubt that the issue it presents will come before the Court again. When it does, the Court should do what it should have done here: grant certiorari to consider what the First Amendment requires.”

Justice Alito wrote: “This case presents a question of national importance. In recent years, 20 States and the District of Columbia have adopted laws prohibiting or restricting the practice of conversion therapy. It is beyond dispute that these laws restrict speech.There is a conflict in the Circuits about the constitutionality of such laws. Compare, 47 F. 4th 1055 (CA9 2022), with Otto v. Boca Raton, 981 F. 3d 854 (CA11 2020). And the Ninth Circuit’s holding is based on the highly debatable view that its prior decision in Pickup v. Brown, 740 F. 3d 1208 (2014), survived at least in part our decision in National Institute of Family and Life Advocates v. Becerra, which singled out Pickup for disapproval.”

Thus, for the moment, the Washington gender counseling ban is still in effect. But this is not the end of the story. Justice Thomas was correct. There is another case involving a ban on counseling now working its way through the federal courts which should benefit from new research on the harm of drugs and the benefit of counseling for gender confused kids. We will look at this First Amendment case next.

2023 August Michigan HB 4616
In June 2023, the Michigan House of Representatives voted 56-53, passing House Bills 4616. The bill bans conversion therapy for minors, or any practice or treatment by a mental health professional that seeks to change an individual's sexual orientation or gender identity.

2024 Catholic Charities v Whitmer
On July 12, 2024, Catholic Charities filed a First Amendment complaint in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Michigan on behalf of Emily McJones, a licensed therapist from Lansing, whose practice, Little Flower Counseling, provides “evidenced-based treatments from a perspective that is faithful to the teachings of the Catholic Church, while loving and caring for each client.” Their lawsuit seeks to overturn Michigan’s ban on conversion therapy for minors. Here is a link to their 33 page lawsuit: 2024 Catholic Charities v Whitmer et al.


Their filing was assisted by the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty. https://www.becketlaw.org/case/catholic-charities-v-whitmer/

Here is the case summary from the above web page: “Recent years have seen an explosion in the number of children identifying as transgender. Many of these children have been led down a path of “gender transition”—enduring a regime of drugs, hormones, and surgeries—which often results in profound regret and permanent health harms.There is no reliable evidence that these procedures offer any long-term benefits, and abundant evidence that they cause lasting harms—including loss of bone density, increased risk of cancer, sexual dysfunction, and permanent sterilization. The harms are so significant that 25 states and 5 European countries have banned or limited gender transitions for children, advocating instead for compassionate counseling. Unfortunately, Michigan now bans this compassionate approach, forcing therapists to turn away children and families or risk losing their licenses and suffering hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines.”

Plaintiffs believe that when a client comes to them and seeks to change her gender identity or gender expression to align with her biological sex, or seeks to change her behavior to refrain from acting on same-sex attraction, it is their ethical and religious duty to help that client live the life she desires to live. By helping clients address underlying trauma and heal from past experiences, Plaintiffs have often seen clients change their behavior and gender expression in ways that better align with the clients’ own religious beliefs and the clients’ own goals for their lives — including by accepting and embracing their biological sex and by refraining from sexual activity outside of male-female marriage.”

Unfortunately, Michigan recently enacted a new law that prevents counselors from using this cautious, science-backed approach to helping children in distress. Rather than allowing children to work through the root causes of their challenges, the law requires counselors to affirm children in their belief that they were born on the wrong bodies and to “provide[] assistance to [a child] undergoing a gender transition”—which often includes puberty blocking drugs, cross sex hormones, and surgeries that cause irreversible harm. As a result, counselors who believe they have an ethical and religious duty not to rush children into harmful, life-altering medical procedures, face the prospect of losing their licenses and fines of up to $250,000. The law thus deprives children and families of the compassionate counseling they desperately need.”

The Catholic Charities lawsuit makes several specific claims against Michigan’s conversion therapy ban. The first is that it violates the First Amendment’s Free Speech Clause, by restricting the speech Plaintiffs may engage in with minor clients. It also claims that it violates the First Amendment’s Free Exercise Clause, by unduly burdening the rights of religious adherents and treating comparable secular activity more favorably while also interfering with parents’ right to direct the religious upbringing of their children.

Here is a link to their case legal documents page which includes the initial complaint, a motion for a preliminary injunction and three amicus briefs:


Here is the Introduction to the Complaint:

This is a lawsuit about helping children who experience distress over their biological sex. In recent years, there has been a spike in the number of children identifying as transgender. Many of these children, when they have sought professional help, have been encouraged to undergo a gender transition. That means they first “socially transition” by adopting a new name and pronouns and presenting themselves socially as someone of the opposite sex. Then they “medically transition” by receiving puberty blocking drugs, cross-sex hormones, and surgeries to make their bodies look more like the opposite sex.”

Unfortunately, there is no sound evidence that such medical interventions provide any long-term benefits. And there is mounting evidence that they impose lasting harms. For example, cross-sex hormones increase the risk of harms like erythrocytosis, myocardial infarction, liver dysfunction, coronary artery disease, cerebrovascular disease, hypertension, cancer, and sexual dysfunction. And a full medical transition renders an individual permanently sterile—never able to have children of their own.”

Because of these harms, 25 states and several European countries have recently restricted gender transitions for children. Relying on the latest scientific and medical research, they have instead recommended that children receive counseling to help them understand and address the underlying causes of their distress. Transgender individuals, too, have come forward, expressing profound grief at how hasty medical transitions have harmed them, and expressing the view that what they really needed was not to be affirmed in a gender transition, but to receive compassionate counseling to help them uncover the causes of their distress and to embrace their biological sex.”

The Plaintiffs are compassionate, professional counselors who help clients address a wide variety of life issues via the time-tested method of “talk therapy”—that is, by listening to clients, asking them questions, and talking with them about their lives. By engaging in thoughtful conversation, Plaintiffs have helped numerous individuals address a wide variety of life issues and accomplish their own unique goals. Among the many issues Plaintiffs have helped clients address are issues of gender identity and sexuality. For example, Plaintiffs have had clients as young as 10 to 12 years old who said they were questioning their gender identity and felt like they were someone of the opposite sex. “

As with any other issue, Plaintiffs gently help these clients explore why they feel this way. By helping clients address underlying trauma and heal from past experiences, Plaintiffs have helped clients change their behavior and gender expression in ways that better align with the clients’ own unique goals for their lives—including embracing their biological sex.”

The state of Michigan, however, has recently made such counseling illegal. HB 4616 prohibits counselors from offering minors what the state calls “conversion therapy,” broadly defined as “any practice,” including pure speech, that seeks to “change” an individual’s “gender identity,” “behavior,” or “gender expression”—including to help an individual align her behavior or gender expression with her biological sex. In fact, HB 4616 goes out of its way to say that “counseling that provides assistance to an individual undergoing a gender transition” is permitted, while counseling that helps an individual accept her biological sex is not.”

This attempt to control counselors’ speech violates several constitutional protections. It violates the Free Speech Clause because it regulates speech based on its content and viewpoint. It violates the Due Process Clause because it employs vague, undefined terms that invite arbitrary and selective enforcement. And it violates the Free Exercise Clause because it targets religious speech and interferes with the right of parents to direct the religious upbringing of their children.”

Worse, HB 4616 harms vulnerable children by depriving them of the compassionate counseling they so desperately need. Instead of allowing counselors to help children explore the underlying factors that may be contributing to their distress, and to help them accept and embrace their biological sex, HB 4616 forces counselors to “affirm” children in the belief that they were born in the wrong body and help them undergo permanent, life-altering medical procedures that many will come to regret.”

This not only contradicts a mounting body of scientific evidence that supports a more cautious approach; it also violates the Constitution. Other courts have enjoined identical laws in other jurisdictions. Otto v. City of Boca Raton, Fla. (11th Cir. 2020). This Court should do the same.”

August 30, 2024 Washington Bob Ferguson files brief in favor of the Michigan counseling ban

On August 30, 2024, Washington AG Bob Ferguson and his accomplices in 17 other states filed a 36 page Amicus brief in favor of the Michigan Counseling ban. Here is a link to his brief: https://oag.ca.gov/system/files/attachments/press-docs/030-1_StatesAmiciBr.pdf

Naturally, Ferguson cited his own case in Tingley versus Ferguson as well as Pickup versuson Brown while ignoring the mountain of evidence in favor of talk therapy over giving gender confused kids toxic drugs. On page 8, Ferguson claimed there was new research in favor of giving kids toxic drugs. He then listed a 2020 study by Ryan which like so many others failed to control for the time order of suicidal thoughts and actions that occurred before therapy as we explained in this article: https://washingtonparentsnetwork.com/4-why-kids-should-be-given-counseling-instead-of-drugs

He then cited the 2020 study by Turban, the many flaws of which we covered in detail in the above article. Finally, he cited the SAMHSA report which we also covered in the above article. So nothing in the past 4 years.

On page 21 of 36, Ferguson goes completely off the rails by comparing child counselors to “terrorist organizations.” On page 25, Ferguson continues to cling to the lie that giving kids drugs instead of counseling is some sort of consensus view. Tell this to all the states and nations that have banned the drugs and are now recommending counseling.

Legal Steps to Resolve this case
Regardless of whether the District Court grants or refuses to grant a preliminary injunction, this case will likely go to the Sixth Circuit which has previously upheld the right of Tennessee and Kentucky to ban toxic transgender drugs from being given to minors. From here, it is certain that whatever the Sixth Circuit rules will go to the US Supreme Court. As the 9th Circuit has already ruled in favor of giving kids toxic drugs while the 11th Circuit has ruled in favor of giving kids counseling instead of toxic drugs, it is likely that the Supreme Court will be required to resolve this conflict.

As more scientific studies are being published all the time on the harm of Transgender drugs on children, and because the Supreme Court has a history of ruling in favor of the First Amendment, I am relatively confident that the US Supreme Court will finally overturn Tingley versus Ferguson and rule in favor of Catholic Services v Whitmer. My mission as a child development scientific researcher is to provide the Catholic Services plaintiffs with the latest scientific research on the benefits of giving kids counseling instead of giving them drugs.

What’s Next?

In our next article, we will summarize recent laws and school district policies to eliminate Parental Rights and what we can do to restore parental rights.

4 Why Kids should be given Counseling instead of Drugs

In times of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” George Orwell

You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32

There has always been a relationship between knowing the truth and being free – just as there has always been a relationship between being fooled by lies and being a slave to those who are telling the lies.

This article is a part of our series of articles exposing the truth about a war being raged against the rights of our children – a war using weapons such as propaganda and lies, toxic addictive drugs, trans sports cheating and state-sponsored child abuse to arrest the natural and normal development of our children. Our goal is to use scientific truth as our first line of defense to win this war against our children’s rights.


Our mission is to advocate for a Childrens Bill of Rights that address each of these weapons being used against them. These fundamental rights include the right to be told the scientific truth about the world they will grow up in. As just one example, they have a right to know that there are only two biological sexes – male and female – and that changing one’s name or taking toxic drugs will not change ones biological sex. Children have a right to a good education – free from political agendas. Children have a right to personal privacy that includes the right to single sex bathrooms and locker rooms. Gender confised children have a right to unbiased counseling to help them overcome their underlying mental health problems rather than masking those problems by taking a lifetime of toxic drugs.

Girls have a right to fair sports competition where they are not required to compete against boys who are at least 20% stronger than them. Most important, children have a fundamental right to be guided by their parents rather than being subjected to state-sponsored child abuse without the knowledge of their parents.


In this report, we will focus on the scientific truth and use the scientific method to expose one of the worst crimes ever committed against our kids and our democracy, namely the forced “social and medical transition” of gender confused children and the Washington law banning troubled children from getting the counseling they so desparately need.

The Difference between Real Science versus Fake Science

Real Science broadly speaking is the systematic study of events to determine relationships between various factors or variables. Relationships include statistical or non-random correlations and time-ordered causations. Sorting out these relationships requires determining, isolating and controlling variables. Claims in science are called models and hypotheses. Claims must be supported with independently verifiable evidence. While models and hypotheses based on models may be proposed and evidence gathered through experiments to support or refute a hypothesis, the default hypothesis, called the Null Hypothesis, is that there is no relationship between the variables.

The burden of proof is on the scientist to provide evidence to refute the Null Hypothesis and support their alternative hypothesis. Experiments should be repeatable so that other scientists can confirm the results.

Fake Science, including Transgenderism include unsupported statements made by so-called “experts” using undefined terms such as “gender identity” and badly designed experiments such as self-report surveys known to suffer from confirmational bias and “rigged” experiments used by drug companies in order to sell drugs and make billions of dollars in profits. Fake science is relevant to the rise of Transgenderism because nearly all of the claims made by those advocating Transgenderism are based on the results of fake science. Here we define Transgenderism to include the claim that it is possible to change a person’s gender or sex by changing their name, their pronouns and by taking a lifelong series of toxic drugs ranging from puberty blockers to cross sex hormones and or by cosmetically altering ones appearance through genital mutilation.

Seven Differences between Real Science versus Fake Science
In real science, the motive is to learn the truth. In fake science, the motive is greed. Fake science is driven to promote predetermined outcomes that make billions of dollars for corporations, such as drug companies, who will benefit from the press releases associated with the incorrect outcomes (also known as lies) of the fake science.

There are several tricks used by the con artists who create fake science One of the most common tricks is to cherry pick the data. This is done by selecting samples that do not represent the entire population. Alternately, subjected are improperly excluded to achieve the desired outcome. By contrast, in real science, the entire population is represented and all subjects must be included in the data set.

Another trick of fake science is to ignore the time order of events. For example, in more than 40 studies used to promote Transgenderism, suicidal attempts of subjects were blamed on “conversion therapy” counseling when in fact the suicide attempts occurred months and years BEFORE the counseling and it was the suicide attempts that led to the counseling, not the counseling that caused the suicide attempts. By contrast, in real science, time order of events is always taking into account.

Another trick of fake science is to fail to isolate variables. Effects due to one variable can then be attributed to a different variable. By contrast, real science analyzes and accounts for all major variables.

Another shocking attribute of fake science is making claims about studies that are not supported by the actual data. For example, fake scientists will often make claims of huge improvements in kids who are given Transgender drugs – and even issue press releases of their success. But even a casual examination of the actual data supports the exact opposite claim – that subjects not only got worse but some of the subjects even committed suicide or died from being given toxic drugs. By contrast, real science reports all outcomes accurately.

Another trick of fake science is to report only some of the data – or in many cases – to not report the data at all. Real science by contrast reports all of the data – even data that does not support their initial hypothesis.

Finally, fake science limits and censors debate by claiming that the “science is settled.” By contrast, in real science, debate is encouraged with the understanding that all claims and models are subject to change and expected to change as new data is provided. In real science, scientific knowledge evolves and advances through continual debate. Non-scientists mistakenly assume that this never-ending debate means that scientific truth is in doubt. Instead, what it really means is that scientific truth evolves over time as new data is provided. In short, scientific models are not stagnant and debate is a good and even essential component of real science.


Real science can be further divided into Hard sciences and Soft sciences
Hard sciences relevant to the subject of Child Development include Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Genetics, Exogenetics, Biology and Neurobiology. Hard sciences use objective variables which can be more accurately measured than subjective variables. Mathematical models are common to provide more control over the variables and thus conclusions are more reliable.

Soft sciences relevant to the subject of Child Development include Psychology, Medicine, Education and Child Counseling. Soft sciences use the process of collecting empirical data then use the a variety of methods to collect and analyze information. Because soft science experiments often use variables that are difficult to objectively measure, the results of soft science are much less reliable and more subject to debate than the results of hard sciences. The most common way to improve the reliablity of soft science is through the use of Random Control Trials (RCT). However Random Control Trials are rarely used in experiments involving adults and almost never used in experiments involving children. When they are used, it is common to find a very wide degree of statistical variation. Soft sciences are also much more subject to cultural, social, political and economic influences. Thus, soft sciences are less accurate than hard sciences. This does not mean that soft sciences are less important than hard sciences. Merely that one must be careful about drawing conclusions based on soft science claims and soft science evidence.


The best way to understand Child Development is by combining research from both Hard Science studies and Soft Science studies.


Genetic Differences between Human Males and Females
In terms of differences in the development of human males versus females, the hard science of Genetics confirms that there are more than 6,500 significant genetic differences between human males and females. Nearly all of these 6,500 variations are at the cellular level – meaning they affect nearly every cell in the body including every neuron in a person’s brain.

A 2017 study identified and analyzed differences between genetic markers linked to the human X or Y chromosomes. Here is a link to this study: https://bmcbiol.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12915-017-0352-z

Over 30 different areas of the body are affected by these 6,500 differences.


Varying one or two hormones after a child is ten years old still leaves a biological male with 6,498 objectively measureable differences compared to a biological female. For example, the mitochondria in male cells have a higher metabolic rate than the mitochondria in female cells. This measurable difference appears within two days of conception. This is likely one of the reasons women live about 10 years longer than men. In addition, female brain development runs about three years ahead of male brain development.

Serotonin differences in the brain are only one of these 6500 genetic differences. Serotonin production is regulated by a particular group of genetic markers that act (are expressed) much differently in males and females. The serotonin levels in male brains is about ten times greater than in female brains. This is likely one of the reasons why girls are more sensitive to stress and why girls are more likely to suffer from Depression than boys.

Given these thousands of genetic differences between boys and girls, it is absurd to claim that giving kids a couple of drugs will be able to magically turn them into the opposite sex. From a standpoint of the hard science of genetics, giving a child any amount of drugs does not change them from a male to a female.

Soft science has also refuted the claims of Transgenderism. For example, advocates of Transgenderism have repeatedly claimed that society needs to affirm the gender identity of gender confused children in order to reduce the odds that the gender confused child will commit suicide. Numerous longterm studies of gender-affirmed versus gender-not-affirmed children have confirmed that the exact opposite is true – that affirming the gender of a gender-confused child and giving them drugs and surgery increases their risk of suicide. Instead, Soft Scientific studies have confirmed that gender-confused children nearly allows suffer from Adverse Childhood Events leading to serious mental health problems PRIOR to their gender confusion.


A 2021 Australia study found gender confused children had suffered an average of 5.5 adverse childhood events compared to 1.7 for the control group. Likely as a result of these ACEs, 86% of gender confused children suffered from at-risk attachment patterns compared to 18% for the control group. Here is a link to this study: https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/psychology/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.582688/full

In addition, 88% of the gender confused group in this study suffered from a serious mental health problem.It should therefore be no surprise that most gender confused kids suffer from serious mental health problems PRIOR to their gender confusion. Gender confusion is therefore a symptom of underlying mental health problems – not a condition to be “fixed” with toxic drugs.

Children suffering from adverse events should be given counseling to help them cope with these events – not drugs to hide these events. Two forms of counseling (Cognitive Therapy and Interpersonal Therapy) have both been shown to reduce the risk of suicide. However, both of these forms of counseling have been banned in many “drug-only” states, including Washington state, by falsely labeling and legally defining them as “Conversion Therapy” simply because they do not affirm the so-called “gender identity” of the child and instead seek to help a gender-confused child address their underlying mental health problems.

A 20 year old battle between Counselors and Drug Pushers
Both the Title IX dispute and the Gender Counseling dispute are part of a larger 20 year battle between child development scientists and child mental health counselors versus so-called “Transgender advocates” and drug corporations that make billions of dollars getting kids addicted to toxic trangender affirming drugs. Drug corporations are so powerful that they also control major medical associations, the corrupt main stream media and the current leaders of the Democratic Party. Caught in the middle of this battle are parents, teachers and judges who have trouble figuring out which side of this debate to believe.


Because of the mountain of research confirm the harm of giving kids toxic drugs and the benefit of giving kids counseling, 25 states have already banned giving kids toxic trangender drugs.


However, 23 states have banned giving Counseling to Gender Confused kids. This is because corrupt politicians like Bob Ferguson have falsely claimed that kids will kill themselves if you give them counseling instead of drugs. The “drugs only” states include Washington and Minnesota. The fine for providing a child with counseling to deal with their Gender Confusion in Washington is $5,000 plus loss of license!


Six years of banning counseling and requiring drugs has caused Washington state to fall to 48th in the nation in childhood mental health.


We need to ask ourselves - in the face of abundent evidence that drugs do not help kids while counseling does help kids - why any caring person would advocate for giving kids toxic drugs – and why any state legislature would pass a law prohibiting counseling and requiring toxic drugs?


Sadly, the reason Ferguson and Reykdal want to brainwash our kids into taking toxic drugs is to make billions of dollars for the drug companies that paid for their re-election campaigns.


Each child they convinced to take their toxic drugs makes a million dollars or more for their drug pushing bosses. Even worse, the people who get stuck paying the bill for these toxic drugs are the tax payers.


How the Battle between Drug Companies and Child Counselors began
The first attempt to treat gender confused children with a drug cocktail of cross sex hormones began in 1987 at the Dutch Gender Clinic, which mistakenly claimed that the drugs would be safe, effective and reversible. The average number of children treated each of the first 10 years was less than 10 and did not exceed 50 until after 2012. https://www.hbrs.no/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Clinical-Management-of-Gender-Dysphoria-in-Children-and-Adolescents-The-Dutch-Approach.pdf


Up until the age of 14, children were only given counseling. At 14, they were given puberty blockers and then at age 16 transitioned into cross sex hormones. Here is a quote from a 2012 article about the Dutch Protocol: “Follow-up studies have demonstrated that only a small proportion of gender dysphoric children become transsexual at a later age… The proportions of persistence found in the initial studies were below 10% (for a review of the literature, see Zucker & Bradley, 1995)… Because most gender dysphoric children will not remain gender dysphoric through adolescence (Wallien & Cohen-Kettenis, 2008), we recommend that young children not make a social transition (a different name, referring to a boy as “her” instead of “him”) before the early stage of puberty… 14.”

In January 2023, three Transgender researchers published a 27 page review calledThe Myth of Reliable Research in Pediatric Gender Medicine: A Critical Evaluation of the Dutch Studies – and research that has followed.” Here is a link to this article: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/0092623X.2022.2150346#abstract

This review explained how the original Dutch Protocol for “transitioning” gender confused children was not “safe” or “effective” or “reversible.” Instead, the Dutch Protocol, which involves giving gender confused kids toxic drugs, suffered from several serious flaws. Here is a quote from this 2023 review: “Two Dutch studies formed the foundation for the practice of youth medical gender transition. We demonstrate that this work is methodologically flawed and should have never been used in medical settings... We discuss the significant risk of harm that the Dutch research exposed, as well as the lack of applicability of the Dutch protocol to the currently escalating incidence of adolescent-onset, psychiatrically challenged youth. "Spin" problems—the tendency to present weak or negative results as certain and positive—continue to plague reports that originate from clinics that are actively administering hormonal and surgical interventions to youth. It is time for gender medicine to pay attention to the published objective systematic reviews and to the definable potential harms to these vulnerable youth.”

A false narrative has taken root. It is that “gender-affirming” medical and surgical interventions for youth are as benign as aspirin, as well-studied as penicillin, and as essential to survival as insulin for childhood diabetes… This fallacious narrative has failed to withstand scientific scrutiny with public health authorities in Sweden, Finland, and most recently England doing a U-turn on pediatric gender transitions in the last 24 months.”

Affirmative treatment” with hormones and surgery rapidly entered general clinical practice worldwide, without the necessary rigorous clinical research. Nor was it ever demonstrated that the benefits were substantial enough to outweigh the burden of lifelong dependence on medical interventions, infertility and sterility, and various physical health risks.”

Several recent international systematic reviews of evidence have concluded that the practice of pediatric gender transition rests on very low quality evidence… Following these systematic reviews of evidence, three European countries—Sweden, Finland and England—have begun to recommend new and much more cautious treatment for gender dysphoric youth, which prioritize noninvasive psychosocial interventions (counseling) while sharply restricting the provision of hormones and surgery.”

The two main Dutch studies in question, de Vries et al., 2011, and de Vries et al., 2014 (from here on, “the Dutch studies”) convincingly demonstrated that hormonal and surgical interventions can successfully change the phenotypical appearance of secondary sex characteristics of adolescents and young adults. What the studies failed to show, however, is that these physical changes resulted in meaningful psychological improvements significant enough to justify the adverse effects of the treatment—including the certainty of sterility.

In the case of the Dutch studies, we identified three major sources of bias, or systematic error, involving: (1) case selection (was retrospective and non-random); (2) measurement of outcomes; and (3) confounding of variables. One person was removed from the 70 person study because they died due to the intervention. Three others were removed because they developed severe diabetes and obesity. 15 others refused to continue with the study for unknown reasons. Thus, out of an initial study group of nearly 200 subjects, the study only reported on the 55 with the best outcome. Even with this level of cherry picking participants, there was very little improvement in mental health resulting from puberty blockers, cross sex hormones and surgery. The result was more likely to be due to the fact that as subjects get older, their mental health naturally improves. In addition, all the subjects received counseling as they went through medical transitioning and this also contributed to their improvement.

Genetic Differences affecting the Development of Boys and Girls
There are huge differences between the development of boys and girls. For example, the mitochondria in the cells of boys have a much higher basal metabolic rate than the mitochondria of girls. This difference appears within two days of conception. This is likely one of the reasons women live about 10 years longer than men. In addition, female brain development runs about three years ahead of male brain development. We also know that serotonin production is regulated by a particular group of genetic markers that act (are expressed) differently in males and females. The serotonin levels in male brains is about ten times greater than in female brains. This is likely one of the reasons why girls are more sensitive to stress and why girls are more likely to suffer from Depression than boys.

In 2017, a study was published that identified and analyzed differences between genetic markers linked to the human X or Y chromosomes. The study was called “The landscape of sex-differential transcriptome and its consequent selection in human adults.”

Here is a link to this study: https://bmcbiol.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12915-017-0352-z

The study found that there are over 6,500 genes that are expressed differently (by producing different proteins) between the X and Y chromosomes. Over 1,000 of these genetic differences were related to breast mammillary glands. Hundreds were related to muscle development and many were related to brain development. Over 30 different areas of the body were affected by these 6,500 genetic differences:


Serotonin differences in the brain are only one of these 6500 genetic differences. Given these thousands of genetic differences between boys and girls, it is absurd to claim that giving kids a couple of drugs will be able to magically turn them into the opposite sex. But this is exactly what is promised to gender confused children by drug dealers and their accomplices. The first and perhaps worst batch of toxic drugs given to these troubled kids are called Puberty Blockers.

Adverse Effects of Puberty Blockers
The most common puberty blocker is called Lupron. It was approved by the FDA in 1993 based on a 2 year study of 22 children, several rats and several rabbits. Some rats developed cancerous tumors. In rabbits, it caused birth defects and abortions. In humans, it can cause convulsions in kids taking SSRIs. It can also cause wieght gain, obesity and mood swings. Here is what it looks like:


Here is a link to the 32 page FDA warning about this toxic drug. https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2011/020263s036lbl.pdf

The adverse effects of puberty blockers are serious and permanent. A 2010 drugmaker-sponsored a study looked of children who took Lupron from 1991 to 2009. The study reported that several of the 55 kids suffered serious side effects. 15 (27%) suffered mood swings and headaches. One person suffered a heart attack and died after two years of taking Lupron. https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/3260007/Leuprolide-M90-516-Lee-Lupron-Study.pdf

More than 20,000 adverse-event reports have been filed with the FDA in the last decade. Women have reported to the FDA hundreds of cases of insomnia, depression, joint pain, and more than 100 cases of blurred vision. Among men who take Lupron, its label warns of increased risk of heart attacks, strokes and sudden death. https://www.statnews.com/2017/02/02/lupron-puberty-children-health-problems/comment-page-1/

In 1999, the FDA examined 6,000 adverse-event reports about Lupron filed by doctors, patients, and researchers. A court document that summarized the findings said it found “high prevalence rates for serious side effects” including depression, joint pain, and weakness, and noted similar effects in men and women with very different ailments suggested the drug was causing the problems rather than underlying medical conditions.

Lupron was back in the courtroom in 2008, when patient Karin Klein sued the drugmaker. Klein alleged that she was not adequately warned of the drug’s effects and after taking the drug as a teen for a uterine condition, developed degenerative disc disease, jaw-joint dysfunction, and bone thinning, court records show. According to a court record in her case, a report by Dr. John Gueriguian, a former FDA medical officer serving as an expert witness for Klein, said the drug causes “irreversible side effects and permanent severely disabling health problems.”

In a court document, one gynecologist said a salesperson told him he “could earn $100,000 annually” by treating women with Lupron. The settlement resulted in a corporate guilty plea for conspiracy to violate prescribing laws and one of the largest fines at the time, $875 million. https://www.justice.gov/archive/opa/pr/2001/October/513civ.htm

In 2017, the Center for Investigative Reporting revealed that the FDA had received more than 10,000 adverse event reports from women who were given Lupron off-label as children to help them grow taller. They reported thinning and brittle bones, teeth that shed enamel and cracked, degenerative spinal disks, painful joints, radical mood swings, seizures, migraines and suicidal thoughts. Some developed fibromyalgia. There were reports of fertility problems and cognitive issues. https://revealnews.org/article/women-say-drug-used-to-halt-puberty-has-ruined-their-lives/

Given that Lupron chemically castrates its recipients, diminishing gonadal hormone production entirely, we might expect a little more research and certainly more caution in prescribing this drug. This doesn’t appear to be the case, as tens of thousands of women, men, and even children are prescribed this drug every year and have been for decades.

The Internet is filled with stories of the devastation caused by Lupron and the research showing the mechanisms by which it induces damage. Despite the decades of anecdotal evidence of serious side effects and the bevy of lawsuits filed and/or settled there is very little quantitative research delineating the scope and severity of these side effects. It has been up to private individuals to document these side effects. For example, the Lupron Side Effects Survey was launched in 2013 to assess potential side effects across all organ systems. https://hormonesmatter.com/lupron-side-effects-survey-results-scope-severity-side-effects/

Hormones have receptors everywhere: it stands to reason then, if we deplete those hormones rapidly and continuously, there will be effects wherever those hormones play regulatory or modulatory roles. Of course, since estradiol, the primary hormone affected by Lupron, is critical to mitochondrial morphology, and thus mitochondrial energetics, anywhere there are high demands for energy, the nervous system, the heart, GI, musculature, we might anticipate a high degree of effects in those systems as well, especially with longer term use and as the damage accrues. Over 1000 Lupron victims completed the surveys. Estradiol affects insulin regulation and general metabolism, so it stands to reason that rapid weight gain was common (mild 19%, severe 26%). At least 10 women experienced a heart attack, 36 women developed mitral valve prolapse, 10 women developed blood clots in the leg and 8 women had pulmonary emboli.

Puberty Blocker Adverse Effect on Mood, Memory and Mental Health
The brain is a major target of and source for steroid hormones.  The prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, and amygdala, responsible for regulating behavior, memory, and emotion, have high densities of estrogen receptors. Depleting estradiol thus can have a significant impact on these functions. More than 50% of women reported severe psychological disturbances ranging from depression and anxiety. 15% reported severe to life-threatening suicidality. 33% reported moderate to severe memory loss.


Lupron is very expensive — currently about $50,000 for two years of treatment. Transgenders may be on puberty blockers for 10 years so the total cost of just the blockers could reach $250,000 per person. Since 2012, the stock price of its maker, AbbVie, went from $40 to $200 a share – a 500% increase. AbbVie is worth $350 billion. 2023 revenue was $55 billion.


Adverse Effects of Cross Sex Hormones
The second batch of toxic drugs given to kids are very high does of cross sex hormones. While in the Dutch protocol, cross-sex hormones are started at 16 years, cross sex hormones in the US often start at age 12. It is assumed that cross-sex hormones will sterilize the victim of this blatant child abuse. Cross sex hormones begun in adolescence are likely to be administered for four to six decades. A recent article in the New England Journal of Medicine tracked 315 youths undergoing 2 years of gender affirming hormones (Chen 2023). Within 315 hormone treated youth there were 2 completed suicides. Curiously, this remarkably high suicide rate is not explored in the article. Several researchers have reported that cross- sex hormones increase the occurrence of various types of cardiovascular disease, including strokes, blood clots, and other acute cardiovascular events. Getahun, D., et al. (2018). Cross-sex Hormones and Acute Cardiovascular Events in Transgender Persons. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6636681/

The published evidence of adverse impact, coupled with the lack of data sufficient to reach a firm conclusion, make it irresponsible to assert that cross-sex hormones “are safe.”

Danger of giving male hormones to bio females
Girls normally have almost no testosterone. So-called Gender Affirming Care (GAT) requires giving girls who want to be boys huge doses of testosterone to ultimately raise their levels of testosterone to 320 to 1000 ng/dL11 which is the same level as dangerous tumors for women.


A 2022 study of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) as part of gender affirming hormone therapies in France states that “our data show a previously unreported proportion of cases indicating cardiovascular ADRs in transgender men younger than 40 years… In transgender men (bio females) taking testosterone, all reported ADRs were cardiovascular events, with pulmonary embolism in 50% of cases” (Yelehe et al., 2022) "Adverse effects of gender-affirming hormonal therapy in transgender persons." Fundamental and Clinical Pharmacology. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9796635/

With respect to cardiovascular risk “Studies of transgender males (bio females) taking testosterone have shown up to a nearly 5-fold increased risk of heart attacks relative to females not receiving testosterone” (Laidlaw et al.,2021; “Erythrocytosis in a Large Cohort of Trans Men Using Testosterone” The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, https://doi.org/10.1210/clinem/dgab514

Regarding Testostorone abuse, the labeling reads "Testosterone has been subject to abuse... steroid abuse can lead to serious cardiovascular and psychiatric adverse reactions...Abuse of testosterone is seen in male and female adults and adolescents… There have been reports of venous thromboembolic events [blood clots], including deep vein thrombosis (DVT) [blood clot of the extremity such as pulmonary embolism (PE) [blood clot of the lung which may be deadly… There are also serious concerns regarding liver dysfunction: “Prolonged use of high doses of androgens ... has been associated with development of tumors, cancer and life-threatening liver problems” (Actavis Pharma, 2018).

Research has shown that steroid abuse predisposes individuals to mood disorders, psychosis, and psychiatric disorders. The most prominent psychiatric features associated with testosterone abuse are manic-like presentations defined by irritability, aggressiveness, euphoria, grandiose beliefs, hyperactivity, and reckless or dangerous behavior. Other psychiatric presentations include the development of acute psychoses, depression and acute confusional/delirious states. (Hall, 20005) "Psychiatric Complications of Anabolic Steroid Abuse". Psychosomatics 46:4, July-August 2005

Danger of giving female hormones to bio males
Estradiol is a type of estrogen. The normal adult male estradiol range is 60 pg/mL. In gender affirmative therapy, the medical condition of hyperestrogenemia is being deliberately, medically induced by the off-label use of high doses of Estradiol. Estradiol levels are raised to 200 pg/mL, three times above the normal range in an attempt to increase male breast tissue development. Long-term consequences of hyperestrogenemia include increased risk of heart attacks and death due to a five-fold increase in cardiovascular disease (Irwig, 2018)."Cardiovascular health in transgender people." Rev Endocr Metab Disord. 2018;19(3):243–251

Giving bio males female hormones also greatly increases the risk of breast cancer. Breast cancer is a relatively uncommon in males. However, the risk of a male developing breast cancer has been shown to be 46 times higher (4,600 percent) with high dose estrogen (Christel et al., 2019). "Breast cancer risk in transgender people receiving hormone treatment: nationwide cohort study in the Netherlands" BMJ 2019; 365 https://www.bmj.com/content/bmj/365/bmj.l1652.full.pdf


Change in Gender Confusion from Autistic Boys to Depressed Girls
Around 2014, the presentation of gender dysphoria in the Western world sharply shifted, from childhood-onset that skewed toward males, to adolescent-onset with a preponderance of females with mental health problems. Finnish researchers saw a new pattern of “severe psychopathology preceding onset of gender dysphoria,” with 75% already in treatment for other psychiatric issues before their gender dysphoria emerged. The number of females presenting with gender dysphoria in the UK increased by a factor of 70 in just 4 years. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29696550/


2018 Washington passes a Gender Counseling Ban

Since 2018, Washington is one of several states that have banned counselors from speaking with gender confused children about the underlying causes of their gender confusion. As insane as it sounds, Senate Bill 5722 requires licensed counselors in Washington to promote state-sponsored child abuse of giving gender confused children toxic drugs.

This crazy law is an attack on our free speech rights under the First Amendment. It is also an attack on the scientific method as science requires the ability to consider all points of view – and not be limited to only the official dogma. Finally, this new law is an attack on at-risk children – because it forces children to go down a deadly drug path and prevents them from having access to counseling that might help them overcome their mental health problems.

For the past eight years, Bob Ferguson and his accomplices have been telling several Big Lies – including his claim that a federal law called Title IX requires us to allow boys in the girls bathroom and allow boys to compete in girls sports. The driving force behind this law is not a concern for Trangender children but the extreme greed of the drug industry that stands to make billions of dollars in profits by getting vulnerable children addicted to toxic transgender drugs.

Even worse, Ferguson claimed that if a teacher spoke out against his new rules, they would be “risking the lives of Transgender kids” and would therefore be guilty of committing a crime so dangerous that they could lose their teaching job. Any child who spoke out could be kicked out of school – and any parent who dared to speak out could lose their children. In short, no one is allowed to speak out against the Ferguson Drug Cartel.

Yet there is a simple reason that giving gender confused kids toxic drugs to solve their problems is doomed to failure while providing children with counseling offers at least the possibility of success. The fact is that each child is unique. This is why child counseling begins by asking each child about their past experiences and their feelings about those experiences. It is the best way to get at the underlying causes of child’s problems. By contrast, giving troubled children drugs treats all children as if they are the same. It relies on the desire of parents for a simple “magic bullet” solution. It is the con game of drug peddling snakeoil salesmen and corrupt politicans like Bob Ferguson and Chris Reykdal.


Our task in this report is to expose lies of Ferguson and Reykdal and help bring the truth to the light of day. To do this, we will review scientific studies on the harm of transgender drugs increasing the risk of suicide and the benefit of child counseling reducing the risk of suicide.

Scientific studies on the harm of transgender drugs increasing the risk of suicide
For the past eight years, Bob Ferguson and his accomplices have based their revision of Title IX and their ban on child counseling on the claim that if we do not give gender confused kids toxic drugs to “affirm” their desired gender, 51% of these kids will attempt to kill themselves. Ferguson began filing more than a dozen Transgender Drug Promotion Amicus briefs as far back as 2016. One of his latest briefs was filed with the US Supreme Court on July 6 2023, in a case called Tingley versus Ferguson. Here is a link to Ferguson’s brief: https://www.supremecourt.gov/DocketPDF/22/22-942/270446/20230705162425629_zzz%20CENTERED%20FOR%20FILING.pdf

Tingley is a counselor in Washington state who claims that the Washington law prohibiting counseling of gender confused children violates his First Amendment rights. The draconian law imposed a fine of $5,000 and loss of license for any licensed counselor wanting to provide troubled kids with counseling. We will focus on the “fake science” cases provided by Bob Ferguson in his 48 page opposition brief as well as real scientific studies not provided by Ferguson confirming how harmful it is to give drugs to troubled children and how beneficial it is to give kids counseling instead.

Beginning on page 14, Ferguson provides a series of studies to support his claim that “Conversion Therapy” (which is Ferguson’s term for child counseling) is “widely discredited” (when in fact, nearly all real studies have discredited giving kids toxic gender drugs and instead recommend providing troubled children with counseling). The first study was a 2009 report by the American Psychological Association called “Task Force on Appropriate Therapeutic Responses to Sexual Orientation.” Apparently, Ferguson fails to realize that many professional groups like the APA and MDA have been completely taken over by the Drug Industry. The second study was a 2023 report by the Department of Health and Human Services called “Moving Beyond Change Efforts.” DHHS, like many other federal agencies, is also completely controlled by Drug Corporations.

Ferguson claims that “Conversion therapy puts minors at risk of serious, long-lasting harms, including increased risks of suicide and depression.” To support this claim he refers to pages 26 to 30 of te DHHS report. These 5 pages include links to 15 studies. Most of these studies are behind paywalls. One was just a Biden administration policy that has been rejected by several federal courts. Others simply listed conclusions without reporting the data on which the conclusions are based. Here we will look at four studies which are not behind paywalls and that included the data so we can see how the Drug Industry manipulates data to draw conclusions that are the exact opposite of what the data really shows.

2015 self report survey of 3405 Transgender people
One of the studies is a 2015 self report survey of 3405 Transgender people, 89 of whom were given Transgender “Puberty Suppression” drugs. Here is a link to this survey: https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article/145/2/e20191725/68259/Pubertal-Suppression-for-Transgender-Youth-and

Here is the actual table of outcomes in the study:


The last row shows that 41.6% of the Trans people given drugs had Lifetime Suicide attempts and 51.2% of the Trans people not given drugs had Lifetime Suicide attempts. But much more important, 45.5% of those given gender mutilation drugs attempted to commit suicide in the previous 12 months with the attempt putting them in the hospital. Meanwhile, only 22.8% of those not given gender mutilation drugs had a suicide attempt that put them in the hospital.

To understand how both of these “facts” can be true, all we need to do is look at the average age of those given drugs versus those not given drugs. Here is Table 1 showing the claimed age difference:


Note that the average age for the entire sample was 23.4 which was also the average age for those not given drugs. Meanwhile, the average age for those given drugs was only 21.7. But a huge flaw of this online self report survey was that the minimum age to take the survey was 18. Also, the most common response for age was 18 – which clearly indicates a non-random response. In fact, it is certain that many 16 and 17 year olds took the survey and checked the 18 box because there was no 16 ot 17 box. These younger people were very likely to be in the group given drugs since government payment for those drugs in the US was only available since passage of the Affordable Care Act 4 years before the survey. When we adjust for this fact, the actual age of those given Trans drugs is about 20.

In addition, it is known that suicide risk is much higher, Trans or Not, after the onset of puberty. We will assume puberty starts at age 12. Thus the Trans Drug group had a Suicide “Lifetime” of 20 minus 12 equals 8 years while the Trans No Drug group had a Suicide “Lifetime” of 23.4 minus 12 equals 11.4 years. Therefore, the Trans Drug group Suicide Attempts Percent per year was 41.6% divided by 8 years equals 5.2% percent per year. Trans No Drug group Suicide Attempts Percent per year was 51.2% divided by 11.4 years equals 4.5% per year.

Combining this fact with the fact that in the previous 12 months before the survey, the Trans Drug group had twice as many suicide attempts as the Trans No Drug group, it becomes obvious that giving drugs to transgender youth increases their rate of suicide – for the equally obvious reason that Trans drugs do not deal with the underlying mental health problems like Depression that led to the Gender Confusion in the first place. In short, the data from this study leads to the opposite of the claim made by Bob Ferguson and his accomplices.

What caring, rational person would advocate spending hundreds of millions of dollars giving tens of thousands of minors toxic gender drugs when the result of giving them those drugs results in a huge increase in suicide attempts that result in hospitalization?

To promote giving kids toxic drugs, Ferguson blatantly lied to the federal Court. But he did not merely lie to the Court, he lied to the American people, including millions of parents and children, about a gender drug policy that is currently harming thousands of children and costing the tax payers billions of dollars. In short, this may be one of the worst crimes Bob Ferguson has ever committed. The voters need to know about this crime because Ferguson is now running for Governor here in Washington. What the 2015 survey really confirmed was that transgenderism is not about “being born in the wrong body.” Instead, it is a symptom of an underlying mental health problem. The solution to this problem is to provide the child with counseling to address the underlying mental health problem – not giving the child toxic drugs to mask or ignore the mental health problem.

Second 2015 self report survey of Transgender people
The second study using the same data set as the first study is a 2023 study called Conversion Therapy, Suicidality, and Running Away.” Here is a link to this study: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4180724

Despite being 76 pages long, this study failed to include the underlying data on which its conclusions were based. What it did include was a graph that confirm the age distribution of subjects in the 2015 survey. This graph confirms that age 18 was the most common response and thus the survey included kids age 16 and 17 just claiming they were 18:


It also includes a graph of when subjects first attempted suicide which peaks at about age 14.


It also includes a graph of when pubery blocking hormones first became popular which was about 2014.


Third 2015 self report survey of Transgender people
The third study using the same 2015 self report survey data set as the first two studies is a 2019 study called “Association Between Recalled Exposure to Gender Identity Conversion Efforts and Psychological Distress and Suicide Attempts Among Transgender Adults.” Here is a link to this study: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapsychiatry/fullarticle/2749479

The most important finding of this study was that there was no significant differences found when comparing exposure to Gender Counseling (GICE) by secular professionals vs religious counselors. Thus, the claim that religious counselors try to manipulate subjects with a Christian Guilt Trip is false. Instead, they likely try to understand the child in nearly the same way that a secular counselor does – by asking the child questions about their experiences and feelings related to those experiences.

There were some unexplained problems of this study. The first is that the average age in this study was about 9 years older than in the two previous studies (31 years versus about 22 years). 71% had spoken to a professional about their gender identity and only 20% claimed that there counselor had attempted to change their gender (which the study called Gender Identity Change Exposure or GICE). Participants were excluded from analyses if they did not report ever discussing their gender identity with a professional.

Outcomes were compared among respondents who reported exposure to GICE before the age of 10 with outcomes among those who endorsed lifetime exposure to therapy without GICE.


Overall, only 206 or one percent out of more than 20,000 respondents of reported discussing their gender identity with a professional also reported exposure to GICE before age 10 years. Only 17 out of the 206 where under the age of 25 as of 2015. This means that less than one tenth of one percent of transgenders reported being exposed to Gender Conversion after the year 2005. The most unusual finding was that 50% of those exposed to counseling before Age 10 suffered from a high level of “stress in the previous month” even though they had not been in counseling for more than 10 years.


This indicates that this group is suffering from some serious mental health problems and likely has been suffering since their early childhood. In other words, the high level of Lifetime Suicide attempts is not due to the fact that they had counseling before Age 10, it is more likely to be due to the fact that they suffered four or more Adverse Childhood Events before they were five years old and before they ever had any counseling. What we can say is that this study does not prove that giving gender confused kids counseling before the age of 10 somehow caused them to commit suicide – or even caused them to be distressed 10 or more years later.

Fourth Study 2020 Adverse Childhood Experiences study
The next study is called “Sexual Orientation Change Efforts, Adverse Childhood Experiences, and Suicide Ideation and Attempt Among Sexual Minority Adults, 2016–2018.” Here is a link to this study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7287530/

Experiencing SOCE was measured by this question: “Did you ever receive treatment from someone who tried to change your sexual orientation (such as try to make you straight/heterosexual)?”

Only 7% (n = 108) experienced SOCE from any source. Participants without SOCE had an average of 3.3 ACEs and those who experienced SOCE had more than 4.2 ACEs. Thus, it is almost certain that those subjects taken to counselors had much more serious mental health problems due to adverse events occuring before age 5 which then led to counseling later in childhood. So once again, we are talking about two completely different groups of subjects.

Compared with not experiencing SOCE, experiencing SOCE was associated with twice the odds of lifetime suicidal ideation, 75% increased odds of planning to attempt suicide, 88% increased odds of attempting suicide resulting in no or minor injury, and 67% increased odds of suicide attempt resulting in moderate or severe injury.

The most accurate event of the self reports was Attempted Suicide, moderate to severe injury – as this indicates an event which might be documented. 12.8 % of those with no SOCE attempted suicide and 15.7% of those who did have SOCE attempted suicide. This is much lower than the 2015 self reports which concluded that about 50% of transgenders had a lifetime suicide attempt.

The only way to explain this huge difference is that the vast majority of subjects in this study were not actually transgender. It is important to avoid mixing apples with oranges. Our concern is giving drugs to gender confused children who claim to be Transgender. This at risk Transgender group should not be lumped together with LGB youth who are not interested in taking Trans drugs or changing their biological sex.

In addition, we do not know the average age of the subjects in each group. As noted from the previous studies, it is likely that those experiencing SOCE are much older and therefore have a longer period of time to accumulate lifetime suicide events.

Finally, this study did not report whether suicide attempts happened before or after SOCE. Thankfully, a followup study did research this question and found that the suicide attempts happened BEFORE SOCE. We review this followup study later in our report. But this is a perfect example of how false conclusions are arrived at when the wrong questions are asked.

Studies refuting the claims made by Bob Ferguson
This ends the studies provided by Bob Ferguson. None of them actually concluded what Ferguson claimed they concluded. We wll next look at a series of studies confirming that counseling helps gender confused children while giving them toxic drugs harms them.

2022 Reanalysis of "Sexual Orientation Change Efforts, Adverse Childhood Experiences, and Suicide Ideation and Attempt Among Sexual Minority Adults, 2016–2018

Recall that in our last study, we pointed out that those with 3 Adverse Childhood Events are likely to be a different group than those with 4 adverse childhood events and we pointed out that it is important to know whether suicide attempts occurred before or after SOCE as sucide attempts occuring before SOCE can not possibly be caused by SOCE!

The 2022 Reanalysis is calledDo Sexual Orientation Change Efforts SOCE increase the suicide risk for sexual minorities?” You can download this 75 page study from this link:


Paul Sullins, a senior research associate at The Ruth Institute, and former sociology professor at Catholic University, found that SOCE actually sharply decreased the risk of suicide or thoughts of suicide.

"What we're left with is a situation where we're being fed a lie that somehow attempting to change sexual orientation is going to fail all the time and it's going to cause harm, and the truth is just the opposite," Sullins told "The Daily Signal Podcast."

Sullins analyzed the data from a study conducted in 2020 by John Blosnich. The study, "Sexual Orientation Change Efforts, Adverse Childhood Experiences, and Suicide Ideation and Attempt Among Sexual Minority Adults, 2016–2018," used data collected by the Gallup Organization. Gallup called over 330,000 Americans to screen about 3,000 who identified as LGB and then collected 1,500 interviews on the issue.

With that data, they correlated the amount of suicide ideation and other suicidal behaviors, such as making a plan to commit suicide or suicide attempts. They correlated those with whether a person had ever been to SOCE and found that subjects who had been to SOCI had over twice the rate of suicidal thoughts and were 1 .7 times as likely to attempt suicide. On the basis of this, calls for banning SOCE were moved forward. Yet Blosnich made an elementary mistake in analyzing the data. He had ignored one very crucial question, which was, 'When did you think about suicide?

When Sullins read the interviews, he looked to see "whether the suicide activity happened before or after the person went to SOCE. What he found was that most of the suicidal behavior happened before the person ever went to SOCE. Two-thirds of the thoughts of suicide happened before they ever went to SOCE. So he published a rebuttal to the Blosnich study finding not only that SOCE did not increase suicidal behavior, it decreased it. Sullins results show that of the 89 SOCE participants who reported ever having thoughts of suicide, 58 (65%) of them did so before they underwent SOCE. Likewise, almost half of reported suicide planning (49%) and suicide attempts (48%) occurred before SOCE. When only suicidality during or after SOCE is considered, providing SOCE gender counseling on average reduced the suicide risk by 42%.

This is Table 1 which is on Page 75 of the Sullins analysis:


All of the odds ratios above are in comparison to the No SOCE odds being 1.00. Therefore, odds of 1.20 would be an increased risk of 20% while odds of 0.80 would be a reduced risk of 20%. Row 1 is the misleading result, as it ignores for time-order of only including attempted suicides that occurred during or after counseling, and thus falsely claims that gender counseling (SOCE) increases the odds of a suicide attempt by 75%.

The most important row is the third row from the bottom which shows that giving gender counseling on average reduced their suicide risk by 42%. Here is a table of this difference:

Counseling Options

Odds relative to No SOCE

No Gender Counseling (No SOCE)


Gender Counseling ignoring time order


Gender Counseling including time order


Here is a graph of this difference based on the above table:


Why accounting for the Time Order of Events Matters
Failing to account for the time order of events will often lead to a conclusion that is the exact opposite of the actual effect of any intervention. For example, it is well known that taking small daily amounts of aspirin can reduce the risk of a heart attack. Therefore, those who have already had a heart attack often take a small amount of aspirin every day to reduce their chances of having a future heart attack. But imagine that a careless researcher studied these heart attack prone people. The careless researcher would certainly find a relationship between taking aspirin and “lifetime occurances of heart attacks.” Now imagine that based on this relationship, the careless researcher ignored the time ordering of events. This would cause this researcher to falsely claim that taking aspirin caused the heart attacks and therefore that taking aspirin should be banned! This turns out to be the flawed logic behind nearly every study claiming that SOCE causes suicides and should be banned.

In 2022, C. H. Rosik published a review called “A wake-up call for the field of sexual orientation change efforts research”. Here is a link to his review: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10508-022-02481-7

In his review, Rosik provides the following Table of 20 Anti -SOCE studies – every one of which failed to account for the time order of events by including suicide attempts that occurred before any SOCE was provided:


In short, Anti-SOCE research is based on a House of Cards that fell over thanks to the re-analysis provided by Sullins. We will next review two recent studies both of which confirmed the benefit of gender counseling.

2021 Efficacy and risk of sexual orientation change efforts (SOCE)
This next study, called “Efficacy and risk of sexual orientation change efforts: a retrospective analysis of 125 exposed men” takes a much closer look at the actual effects of SOCE compared to the 2015 Self Report Surveys. Here is a link to this study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8080940/

This study surveyed 125 men who had completed or were in the process of SOCE. At the time of the survey, 42% were still pursuing SOCE and 58% had concluded SOCE. Median time post-SOCE was about 3 years. Participants reported seeking various kinds of help for their conflicted sexuality. The most frequently were religious support groups (81%), pastoral counselors (70%), marriage or family counselors (61.3%), psychologists (57%), non-religious support groups (52%), psychiatrists (26%) and social workers (21.8%).

For all three components of sexual orientation—attraction, identification and behavior—average same-sex orientation in the sample significantly declined following SOCE intervention.

Prior to SOCE participation, the large majority of married men (71%) engaged in homosexual sex. After SOCE, that proportion plummeted to only 14%, and was only about half as prevalent among the married men as among unmarried men. From the standpoint of the men in the sample, one of the most important indications of perceived SOCE efficacy may be its association with drastically reduced unwanted same-sex activity which conflicts with the religious norms of their marriages.

Exposure to SOCE was associated with significant declines in same-sex attraction and sexual activity (2.4 to 1.5 on a 4-point scale of frequency). From 45% to 69% of SOCE participants achieved at least partial remission of unwanted same-sex sexuality; full remission was achieved by 14% for sexual attraction and identification, and 26% for sexual behavior.

SOCE related to six psychosocial areas: self-esteem, social functioning, depression, self-harm, suicidality, and alcohol or substance abuse. For all six areas the participants experienced both positive and negative changes, however the positive changes were stronger and more widely distributed than the negative changes. The positive changes affected from 17% (for alcohol abuse) to 94% (for self-esteem) of participants, whereas the negative changes were reported by only 5% (for alcohol abuse) to 33% (for depression) of participants. The experience of marked or extreme positive changes ranged from 12% to 61%, while equally strong negative changes only ranged from 1% to 5%. For all six areas the net change, which is the summative index of both positive and negative changes, was a positive number greater than zero. This indicates that, considering both positive and negative changes, the net effect of SOCE for each area was positive. The strongest net positive effect was for depression. Almost three-fourths (73.2%) of respondents reported positive changes in depression due to SOCE, while two-thirds (66.1%) reported no negative changes in depression. Only 2.4% (3) of (125) participants experienced marked or extreme negative changes in suicidal thoughts or attempts as a result of SOCE, while nine times that number (28) (21.8%) experienced similarly strong positive changes in suicidality. 75% were about the same.

2017 Stephen H. Black, The Complete First Stone Ministries Effectiveness Survey Report


The second pro-SOCE study is from First Stone Ministries - a Christian ministry based in Oklahoma City that focuses on “overcoming all forms of sexual brokenness including homosexuality, sexual abuse and addiction to pornography.” They took a survey of clients who had participated in their ministry’s programs over a 25-year period (1990-2015). In the end, 185 former clients completed the First Stone survey.

This survey provides detailed information on the experiences of many people who have undergone Christian-based counseling. Of those who came to the ministry with same-sex attractions (67 percent of all clients), 23 percent reported an elimination of all same-sex attractions. Questions focused more on behaviors showed dramatic results— 78 percent said that the ministry had helped them “in overcoming [some] form of sexual sin and/or brokenness.” And of those who reported that they had a “sexual addiction” before coming to First Stone (61 percent of the total), an amazing 93 percent no longer considered themselves “addicted” at the time of the survey. As for harm, of 98 respondents who wrote concluding comments, 85 were positive, only 7 were negative, and 6 were mixed.

A certain percentage of the LGBT-identifying population will have negative experiences whether they have undergone SOCE or not. To scientifically prove that SOCE is generally “harmful,” one would have to prove that all of the following are true:

  • The number of clients who report harm from SOCE exceeds those who report benefits;
  • Negative mental and physical health indicators among those who have undergone SOCE exceed those among persons who have undergone alternative “gay-affirming” therapy;
  • Negative mental and physical health indicators among those who have undergone SOCE exceed those among persons with same-sex attractions who have had no therapy at all.
  • Negative mental and physical health indicators among those who have undergone SOCE exceed those among persons who have had therapy or counseling for other conditions.

There simply is no scientific evidence to prove each of these points. If critics of SOCE claim there is “no evidence” that it can ever be effective in changing any client’s sexual orientation, they are simply wrong.

US Study finds giving kids toxic drugs increases their risk of suicide
Here is another study confirming that giving kids trans drugs does not reduce their risk of suicide. States that started giving kids Trans Drugs in the past 9 years have seen a dramatic rise in the number of suicides between the ages of 12 to 23 to the point that the rate is now 3 and a half times higher than in states where kids are not given trans drugs.



A study of transgender patients from Sweden found 30 years after surgery, the rate of suicide among post-operative transgender adults was nearly 20 times greater than that of the general population. See Cecilia Dhejne, et al., Long-term Follow-up of Transsexual Persons Undergoing Sex Reassignment Surgery: Cohort Study in Sweden, (Feb. 22, 2011) https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0016885

Look at the far right column in this table to see the risk ratio for transgender adults compared to control adults. For example, those who had gender mutilation surgery were 3 times more likely to abuse drugs.


While giving kids toxic drugs increases the suicide rate, giving them counseling reduces the suicide rate.

There are now several studies confirming that drugs do not solve mental health problems and that counseling is a much better option to reduce the risk of suicide. For example, a 9 year study in Australia found that giving minors gender mutilation drugs did not improve their mental health. Before taking the drugs, 88.6% suffered from mental health problems. After taking the drugs, in a follow up 9 years later, 88% still suffered from their mental health problems. https://www.mdpi.com/2227-9067/10/2/314


This study, an others like it is why nations from around the world including Sweden, Norway, the UK, Denmark, Finland, France and Australia, have all moved away from giving gender confused kids toxic gender drugs and instead now recommend that these kids be provided with counseling to address their underlying mental health problems.

Studies on the benefits of counseling to reduce suicidal thoughts
A 2019 review of 40 studies on counseling found that 37 (92%) concluded that counseling reduces both suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts. https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/psychology/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00277/full


2021 Study finds Talk Therapy greatly reduces Suicidal Thoughts
The two most common psychological treatments for depression and suicidal thoughts are cognitive therapy (CT) and interpersonal therapy (IPT). Cognitive Therapy relies on changing a persons thoughts in order to improve their feelings. Inter Personal Therapy helps a person deal with their feelings about past negative events. Most child counselors use a combination of both. In 2021, van Bentum et al. Published a study called, “Cognitive therapy and interpersonal psychotherapy reduce suicidal ideation” Here is a link to this study.


Here is their description of their study: “We tested whether CT and IPT outperformed the wait‐list control group by comparing change in Beck Depression Inventory suicide item scores. A total of 182 outpatients, aged 18–65 years, were included and randomly assigned to one of three conditions: CT (n = 76), IPT (n = 75), or a Wait List followed by treatment of choice (n = 31). Each intervention consisted of 20 weekly sessions of 45 min. Treatments were performed by 10 licensed psychologists, psychotherapists, and psychiatrists (five in each condition) with an average 9.1 years of experience.”

The result was that the Wait List subjects had almost no change while the IPT group had a 60% reduction in Suicidal thoughts and the CT group had an 80% reduction.


This combination of studies showing that drugs do not work while counseling does work led Sweden to move away from recommending gender mutilation drugs and towards counseling as the best option for minors. Sweden concluded the risks of puberty blockers and sex hormones outweigh any benefits. They stated that “Health care should not provide interventions that we do not know to be safe and beneficial.”

2023 Psychosocial Functioning in Transgender Youth after 2 Years of Gender Hormones
One of the main claims made by those who advocate giving drugs to gender confused kids is that giving them drugs will reduce their suicide rate. The claim has never been supported by any actual scientific evidence. But it has been repeated thousands of times. Recently a study was published which analyzed the mental health of 315 trangender kids from 2020 to 2022 who were given cross sex hormones at the Seattle Childrens Hospital Gender Clinic. One of the adverse side effects was listed as “two fatalities.” Here is a link to their study. https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2206297

Remarkably, the clinic had the audacity to issue a press release claiming that giving these kids drugs helped improve their mental health. But here are the facts. One suicide per 315 kids is a rate of 317 suicides per 100,000 kids. Two suicides was a rate of 634 suicides per 100,000 kids. The national rate for kids age 12 to 20 is 14 per 100,000. So a rate of 634 suicides per 100,000 is 45 times the national average suicide rate for this age group. This is even higher than a Sweden 2011 study that found the suicide rate of Transgender subjects giving both drugs and surgery was 19 times higher than the general population.

Equally concerning, this study took in a huge amount of data on the suicidal thoughts of subjects during this two year study and then at the last minute decided not to publish this data. Why? The only possible reason is that this data confirmed what we already know – that giving kids transgender drugs does not reduce their suicide rate. What these kids need is counseling – which is now banned in 23 states – including Washington.

If Seattle Childrens Hospital was actually interested in learning the truth about giving kids drugs, here is what they would really do. Take the next 300 Transgender kids and randomly assign them to either a all-drugs no counseling group or an all-counseling, no drugs group. If parents wanted, there could also be an all-drugs, all-counseling group. Then study them not just for 2 years, but for 10 years. Wait. This Random Control Trial is not currently possible in Washington state because we have a law that prohibits giving kids just counseling and no drugs. So before we can do this study, we first need to repeal the crazy All Drugs and No Counseling law. So the first step in learning the truth is replacing our crazy legislators.

The Chilling Effect of Gender Conversion Bans on Child Counseling
My own background in child counseling goes back to 1972 when I had the honor of taking a course on child counseling from Carl Rogers, the author of Freedom to Learn. I wrote my Senior paper on combining his child development theories with those of Abraham Maslow, author of Toward a Pyschology of Being and creator of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Needs. Since then, as a teacher and child development researcher, I have been honored to know many child counselors during the past 52 years. None of these child counselors have ever used or advocated for any threatening, shaming or coersive techniques. At the same time, I doubt that few if any traditional child counselors would support the idea of giving a giving a gender confused child experimental toxic drugs rather than helping the child deal with their underlying mental health problems which are well known to be the result of adverse childhood events.

Thus the term Conversion Therapy appears to be a Red Herring invented by those promoting giving children so-called Gender Affirming Drugs. State laws banning “Gender Conversion” are really laws promoting toxic gender drugs. Conversion therapy is then broadly defined to mean anything that fails to support affirming the made up beliefs of a gender confused child and anything that discourages the use of toxic gender drugs. State laws banning Conversion Therapy have the effect of enshrining gender drugs as the sole acceptable approach to assisting transgender youths – because what these laws really do is ban not just the Red Herring of Conversion Therapy – but also traditional child counseling.

Rather than risk being turned into the state, taken to court, fined thousands of dollars and/or losing their license, many traditional child counselors either refuse to work with gender troubled children. Many others have been forced into an early retirement.

Parents rightly fear that taking their child to an explicitly gender affirming therapist will lock their child into the deadly path of the Transgender Cult and gender drug addicition. But as a result of these State bans on traditional child counseling, many parents find it difficult to find a child counselors willing to take any stance other than that of state-approved, drug-promoting “gender-affirmation.”

Worst of all, gender confused children, nearly all of whom suffer from serious mental health problems, fail to get the counseling they urgently need. Instead, all at-risk children are offered is ineffective toxic drugs and lies about how they can change their gender into the other gender simply by changing their name and pronouns. As the British High Court recently ruled, it is impossible for any young child to understand the long term negative consequences of being sterile for life and being addicted to toxic drugs for life.

How to Create a Better Future for all Children
As a result of Ferguson’s new rules, tens of thousands of children in our state have been misled into a horrible life of taking a never-ending stream of toxic drugs to “affirm” Ferguson’s other Big Lie – that it is possible for a child to change their gender from a boy to a girl or a girl to a boy merely by changing their pronouns as if changing ones pronouns and pretending to be a different sex will somehow will solve one’s underlying mental health problems. Once again, the Truth eventually comes out.

There are three steps to solving this Transgender Takeover of our schools and our kids.

The first step is Education. Parents and Grandparents need to take the time to get better informed about the drawbacks of the Transgender Cult and the danger it presents to their children and to all children. The scientific research is out their and more studies are being published every week on the drawbacks of drugging children.

The second step is Political Organization. Parents need to reach out to other parents in their community and become more involved in the election process. Corrupt politicials often receive huge amounts of funding from the drug companies that benefit from laws that promote getting kids addicted to their toxic drugs. Corrupt politicials also get millions of dollars in free advertising from the mainstream media which in turn is funded by millions of dollars in drug company ad money. The only way for an honest candidate to compete against the drug pushers and their accomplices is with the support of parents willing to take the time to get politically involved and help their campaigns with either time, money or both.

The third step is taking legal actions to oppose laws that restrict the rights of child counselors. Both parents and counselors need to have the courage to go to court to defend the rights of parents and counselors to freedom of speech and to defend the rights of children to hear diverse points of view and have access to a wide range of counseling options. Legal actions to restore parents rights are the topic of our next article.

What’s Next?
This completes our article on why gender confused children are harmed by toxic transgender drugs and why what they really need is gender counseling to address their underlying mental health problems. In the next article, we will summarize the legal history of why banning gender counseling violates all of our rights under the First Amendment.

3 Exposing the Ferguson Reykdal Drug Cartel

In this article, we will explain how Bob Ferguson and Chris Reykdal have, for the past 7 years, been brainwashing tens of thousands of vulnerable children into taking toxic drugs without their parents knowledge or consent.


To commit this horrible crime against our kids, Ferguson and Reykdal used a series of lies to hijack a federal law, called Title IX - which was intended to protect the rights of girls and women - and illegally changed Title IX into a weapon to force a Transgender Takeover of our schools and kids.


The first of their many lies was telling children they can magically change their sex just by changing their pronouns. The fact is it is not possible for anyone to change their biological sex. Encouraging kids to change their pronouns is severe child abuse because it is the first step toward a deadly Transgender Drug addiction.


The second step has a trusted teacher using a Gender Snowman to confuse young children about who they love at an age when it is common for girls to form friendships with other girls.


The next step has teachers use a Gingerbread cookie diagram to sexualize children with a series of complex topics that none of the children are evenly slightly capable of understanding.


The fourth lie is telling a troubled child they should not trust their parents. There is almost nothing one can do that is more harmful to a child than to tell them that their parents can not be trusted or that they need to lead a “double life” of lying to their parents when they are at home and using a different name at school.


Sadly, Washington Superintendent Chris Reykdal has a long history of ignoring science. It should therefore not be surprising that Reykdal has ignored the scientific research on gender mutilation. Instead, his radical policies include falsely claiming that federal laws require schools to lie to parents in order to protect the gender change “choices” of children.


The next Big lie is claiming that minors are able to make their own decision about whether to start taking toxic drugs . In fact, minors cannot give informed consent because children have immature brains, they are vulnerable to peer pressure, and they don’t grasp long-term consequences. The prefrontal cortex, which is where complex decisions are made, is not fully developed until about age 20. This is why young adults get more speeding tickets and car accidents than older adults.


The Transgender scam is sold to teachers and parents by falsely claiming that some kids are born with the wrong gender and need to be pumped full of toxic drugs to avoid committing suicide. But the truth is that while about 1% of children are not happy with their biological sex, about 90% of these children outgrow this feeling by the time they reach adulthood. For example, a 30 year study of 139 young biological boys who suffered from GD found that only 17 or 12% still suffered from GD when they were adults. The remaining 122 or 88% no longer had any problem with their biological sex. Here is a link to this study: https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/psychiatry/articles/10.3389/fpsyt.2021.632784/full

In a 2015 study called “Gender dysphoria in childhood”, Jiska Ristori and Thomas D. Steensma reviewed the outcomes for children involved with 10 studies conducted from 1968 to 2012 in the U.S., Canada, and the Netherlands. Their review of the studies showed that gender dysphoric feelings went away for 85% of children “around or after puberty. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.3109/09540261.2015.1115754



We have known for at least 20 years that most childhood mental health problems such as Depression and anxiety are caused by a series of adverse events such as the loss of a parent, family drug abuse, homelessness, domestic violence, neglect, abandonment and or sexual, emotional or physical abuse. In fact, most gender confused kids have suffered three or more adverse events. For example, a 2021 Australia study found gender confused children had suffered an average of 5.5 adverse childhood events compared to 1.7 for the control group. Likely as a result of these ACEs, 86% of gender confused children suffered from at-risk attachment patterns compared to 18% for the control group. Here is a link to this study: https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/psychology/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.582688/full




In addition, 88% of the gender confused group in this study suffered from a serious mental health problem. It should therefore be no surprise that most gender confused kids suffer from serious mental health problems PRIOR to their gender confusion. Gender confusion is therefore a symptom of underlying mental health problems – not a condition to be “fixed” with toxic drugs.

As another example, a 2015 study in Finland found that 75% of gender confused children suffered from serious mental health problems prior to their gender confusion. 64% suffered from Depression, 55% suffered from Anxiety and 53% suffered from Suicidal thoughts. https://capmh.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13034-015-0042-y



Counseling is better for kids than giving them drugs because most gender confused kids suffer from underlying mental health problems. Giving kids drugs instead of counseling often makes their mental health problems worse rather than better. For example, a 2019 review of 40 studies on counseling found that 37 (92%) concluded that counseling reduces both suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts. https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/psychology/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00277/full


Sadly, despite the harm of getting kids addicted to toxic drugs and the urgent need for counseling for kids suffering from depression or anxiety. Reykdal and Ferguson insisted on banning counseling for gender confused kids here in Washington state.


Ferguson and Reykdal’s next Big Lie is claiming that giving kids Transgender drugs is safe.


The first toxic drugs given to kids are puberty blockers – which are not approved by the FDA and have been linked to brain tumors and a huge drop in bone density.



The second batch of toxic drugs given to kids is cross sex hormones. Giving girls huge amounts of testosterone has been linked to tumors. In 2019, a study was published of more than 3,000 minors given hormone drugs. The study confirmed that the risk of breast cancer rose 46 times (4,600 percent) in boys subjected to huge amounts of estrogen.



The next step in destroying the lives of kids is promote Sex Change Surgery. Sadly, even after all this money spent trying to change a person’s sex, the child is still left with the underlying mental health problems that led to the compulsion to change their sex in the first place.


Even sadder, all of the experimental drugs are highly likely to lead to both cancer and an early death.


The next Big Lie is the claim that giving kids gender drugs reduces suicides. Trans advocates are quick to point out that when people who want gender drugs do not get them, they suffer a 51% risk of attempting suicide suicide.


What Trans advocates fail to mention is that people who want gender drugs and do get them have an even greater risk of attempting suicide.

Transgender Drug advocates have repeatedly claimed that gender confused youth need to be given gender-affirming drugs in order to reduce their risk of suicide. One of the studies used to justify this claim is a 2015 self report survey of 3405 Transgender people, 89 of whom were given Transgender “Puberty Suppression” drugs. Here is a link to this survey:


Here is the actual table of outcomes in the study:


The last row shows that 41.6% of the Trans people given drugs had Lifetime Suicide attempts and 51.2% of the Trans people not given drugs had Lifetime Suicide attempts. But much more important, 45.5% of those given gender mutilation drugs attempted to commit suicide in the previous 12 months with the attempt putting them in the hospital. Meanwhile, only 22.8% of those not given gender mutilation drugs had a suicide attempt that put them in the hospital.

To understand how both of these “facts” can be true, all we need to do is look at the average age of those given drugs versus those not given drugs. Here is Table 1 showing the claimed age difference:


Note that the average age for the entire sample was 23.4 which was also the average age for those not given drugs. Meanwhile, the average age for those given drugs was only 21.7. But a huge flaw of this online self report survey was that the minimum age to take the survey was 18. Also, the most common response for age was 18 – which clearly indicates a non-random response. In fact, it is certain that many 16 and 17 year olds took the survey and checked the 18 box because there was no 16 ot 17 box. These younger people were very likely to be in the group given drugs since government payment for those drugs in the US was only available since passage of the Affordable Care Act 4 years before the survey. When we adjust for this fact, the actual age of those given Trans drugs is about 20.

In addition, it is known that suicide risk is much higher, Trans or Not, after the onset of puberty. We will assume puberty starts at age 12. Thus the Trans Drug group had a Suicide “Lifetime” of 20 minus 12 equals 8 years while the Trans No Drug group had a Suicide “Lifetime” of 23.4 minus 12 equals 11.4 years. Therefore, the Trans Drug group Suicide Attempts Percent per year was 41.6% divided by 8 years equals 5.2% percent per year. Trans No Drug group Suicide Attempts Percent per year was 51.2% divided by 11.4 years equals 4.5% per year. Combining this fact with the fact that in the previous 12 months before the survey, the Trans Drug group had more suicide attempts than the Trans No Drug group, it becomes obvious that giving drugs to transgender youth increases their rate of suicide – for the equally obvious reason that Trans drugs do not deal with the underlying mental health problems like Depression that led to the Gender Confusion in the first place. In short, the data from this study leads to the opposite of the claim made by Bob Ferguson and his accomplices.

What caring, rational person would advocate spending hundreds of millions of dollars giving tens of thousands of minors gender mutilation drugs when the result of giving them those drugs results in a huge increase in suicide attempts that result in hospitalization?

To promote giving kids toxic drugs, Ferguson blatantly lied to the federal Court of Appeals. But he did not merely lie to the Court of Appeals, he lied to the American people, including millions of parents and children, about a gender mutilation policy that is currently harming millions of children and costing the tax payers billions of dollars. In short, this may be one of the worst crimes Bob Ferguson has ever committed. The voters need to know about this crime because Ferguson is now running for Governor here in Washington state.

Here is another study confirming that giving kids trans drugs does not reduce their risk of suicide. States that started giving kids Trans Drugs in the past 9 years have seen a dramatic rise in the number of suicides between the ages of 12 to 23 to the point that the rate is now 3 and a half times higher than in states where kids are not given trans drugs.



A stdy of transgender patients from Sweden found 30 years after surgery, the rate of suicide among post-operative transgender adults was nearly 20 times greater than that of the general population. Look at the far right column in this table to see the risk ratio for transgender adults compared to control adults. For example, those who had gender mutilation surgery were 3 times more likely to abuse drugs.



While giving kids toxic drugs increases the suicide rate, giving them counseling reduces the suicide rate. 40 different studies found that counseling consistently reduces both suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts.



This combination of studies showing that drugs do not work while counseling does work led Sweden to move away from recommending gender mutilation drugs and towards counseling as the best option for minors. Sweden concluded the risks of puberty blockers and sex hormones outweigh any benefits. They stated that “Health care should not provide interventions that we do not know to be safe and beneficial.”



In the United Kingdom: school children will no longer be taught gender identity after a several hundred page study called the Cass Review found that the curriculum was extremely harmful to child development. The study was written by Dr Hilary Cass, past president of the Royal College of Pediatrics and Child Health.


In Denmark, there has been a marked shift in their approach to caring for youth with gender confusion. Youth referred to their gender clinic no longer get a prescription for puberty blockers, hormones or surgery. Instead they receive counseling to address their underlying mental health problems.


In Finland: They concluded that “medical gender reassignment is not enough to improve functioning and relieve psychiatric comorbidities among adolescents with gender dysphoria.” They therefore now recommend that minors experiencing gender confusion be provided with counseling.



The Norwegian Healthcare Investigation Board concluded that “Gender Affirming Care is not evidence based. The French National Academy of Medicine recommended the “greatest reserve” when considering puberty blockers or hormone treatments due to the risk of infertility.


In Australia: A 9 year study found that giving minors gender mutilation drugs did not improve their mental health. Before taking the drugs, 88.6% suffered from mental health problems. After taking the drugs, in a follow up 9 years later, 88% still suffered from their mental health problems.



We need a Children’s Bill of Rights including the right to grow up in a drug free environment & schools where they learn how to think by considering all points of view rather than being brainwashed by a dishonest drug cult.


Because of the mountain of research confirm the harm of giving kids toxic drugs and the benefit of giving kids counseling, 25 states have already banned giving kids toxic trangender drugs.


However, 23 states have banned giving Counseling to Gender Confused kids. This is because corrupt politicians like Bob Ferguson have falsely claimed that kids will kill themselves if you give them counseling instead of drugs. The “drugs only” states include Washington and Minnesota. The fine for providing a child with counseling to deal with their Gender Confusion in Washington is $5,000 plus loss of license!


We need to ask ourselves - in the face of all of this evidence that drugs do not help kids while counseling does help kids - why any caring person would advocate for giving kids toxic drugs – and why any state legislature would pass a law prohibiting counseling and requiring toxic drugs?


Sadly, the reason Ferguson and Reykdal want to brainwash our kids into taking toxic drugs is to make billions of dollars for the drug companies that paid for their re-election campaigns. Each child they convinced to take their toxic drugs makes a million dollars or more for their drug pushing bosses. Even worse, the people who get stuck paying the bill for these toxic drugs are the tax payers.


Thanks to misinformed teachers pushing the Trans agenda on students, in the past 15 years, there has been an explosion of Gender Confused students. In 2009, only 7% of students claimed to be LBGTX. By 2015, 11% were Gender Confused. The 2021 National Survey found that 26% were Gender Confused. Of the Seattle School District high school students who completed the survey, 34% were Gender Confused. In short, nearly one in three Seattle High School students now claim to be LBGTX.


Gallup Polls confirm the rise in LBGTX students is a social trend.
One of the key goals of growing up is to find a group you can fit in with and belong to. A danger of this need to belong is that teenagers are highly susceptible to joining cults. We define a cult as a group that uses magical thinking to create a myth that promotes a radical lifestyle based on a series of lies. Believing that a person can magically change their gender just by changing their pronouns and then taking toxic drugs is an example of a dangerous cult. As evidence that what is really happening is related to this generational cult formation, Gallup polls found that the rise in the percentage of those who claim to be Trans is related to their age group. Each younger generation is about twice as likely as the generation that preceded it to identify as LBGTX.

More than one in five Gen Z adults, ranging in age from 18 to 26, identify as LBGTX, as do nearly one in 10 Millennials. The percentage drops to less than 2% of baby boomers and 1% of the Silent Generation. We are thus witnessing the formation of a Trans Cult based on lies and propaganda being spread in our schools using the false claim that students need to be able to take drugs in order to reduce the risk of suicide.


How many students are takingTrans Drugs here in Washington state and what is the cost to tax payers? While the brainwashing starts in First grade, most kids do not fall victim until they are exposed to social media influences in middle school and high school. We have about 550,000 Middle and High School kids in our schools. In the 2021 Healthy Youth Survey, 1% claimed to be Trans. In the 2023 Survey, 4% or 22,000 claimed to be Trans. At this rate, by 2025, 7% or 38,000 will be Trans. By 2027, 10% or 55,000 will be Trans. 38,000 students times $20,000 per year equals $760 million dollars per year spent getting tens of thousands of students permanently addicted to toxic drugs. The lifetime cost of Trans Drugs and Surgery is about a half million dollars or one billion per 2000 kids which comes to tens of billions of dollars paid for by tax payers.


In the past few years, school based health centers have popped up all across Washington state. The purpose of these so-called “health centers” is to give kids toxic drugs without their parents permission. It is a way to evade Parental Disclosure laws. Because the clinic is not actually part of the school, they can give kids toxic drugs without telling parents. https://wasbha.org/sbhcs-in-washington-2/


Why did Reykdal have to block the Parents Rights Initiative?

One of the key provisions of the Parents Rights Initiative is that school districts would be required to tell parents about children who were being given gender transition treatments without the parents consent. Had Reykdal not issued his last minute block of the Parents Rights Initiative, at least some of the current gender mutilation cases occurring at school based health centers might have been exposed.


As Chris Reykdal has been in office nearly 8 years, the 8th Grade includes students who have been subjected to Reykdal’s radical policies during his entire 8 years in office. When Reykdal took office, 54% of students failed the 8th Grade Math test. In May 2023, 68%% of students failed the 8th Grade Math test. In many school districts, 80 to 90% of the students failed this test.


On April 29, 2024 the Biden Department of Education issued a new “sex includes gender identity” final rule – despite more than 240,000 comments opposing it. In the next month, 26 states went to 10 federal courts asking for an Injunction claiming that the Biden rule did not comply with Title IX and also violated the First Amendment. Nine courts agreed and granted the Injunction for 22 states. However, on July 31, 2024, the Alabama Court made a ridiculous ruling in favor of the Biden Final Rule! Alabama appealed to the 11th Ciruit which granted a Temporary Injunction pending a decision on August 23, 2024.


As of August 1, 2024, the Biden Final Rule has taken effect in 24 states. 26 states will stay with the Trump rule.


Unfortunately, Washington is not one of the 26 states protected from the Biden Final Rule. Thus, for the coming school year, Washington students, Teachers and parents will see their speech monitored by Title IX “Gestapo” Coodinators with Kangaroos Courts To prosecute anyone who steps out of line. The First Amendment no longer applies in Washington state. Neither does our girls right to privacy. Expect a Trans Takeover of Girls Sports this year.


The Biden Final Rule requires every school to hire a Title IX Coordinator to identity and prosecute anyone who speaks out. The Transgender Gestapo does not even need a written complaint. Even a single wrong word can be “Sexual Harassment” They can investigate in secret & find anyone guilty in their Transgender Kangaroo Court!

43In California, the Transgender Gestapo kidnapped a kid after her mother objected to them drugging her kid, her daughter was taken away from her and put in foster care. Two years later, her daughter committed suicide.


This image shows a boy that finished nearly last in a regional boys meet finishing way ahead of the fastest girls in Washington state in the 2024 Girls state track championship. If girls are required to compete with biological males, it is likely that million of girls will suffer physical, mental, and emotional and harm from being forced to compete against biological males. Losing any hope of fair competition, girls would certainly exercise less and therefore the obesity rate among girls would surely rise.


How to restore Title IX in Washington State: On August 16, 2024, the US Surpreme Court ruled unanimously that at least three provisions of the Biden Final Rule were illegal. These were: #1 The requirement that Trans Rights replace Girls Rights. #2 The requirement that Trans males be allowed in Girls Bathrooms & Locker Rooms. #3 Defining “Harassment” so broadly that it restricts the First Amendment rights of teachers, parents & students. Based on this ruling, the Washington Parents Network & other Parents rights groups intend to ask for an Injunction against the Biden Final Rule here in Washington state.


If Trump is elected, he has promised to to rescind the Biden Final Rule which will bring the entire nation back to the 2020 Trump Final Rule. Sadly, this will not solve our problem here in Washington state. Ferguson and Reykdal have been violating Title IX for more than 7 years. They are likely to continue to violate Title IX. Therefore, we need to work hard to prevent Ferguson and Reykdal from being re-elected this fall. Second, if they are re-elected, we need to be ready to take them to federal court in 2025 should they continue with their Trans Takeover of our Schools & our kids.


The good news is that the vast majority of Americans support birth sex over gender to participate in girls sports. They also believe that boys should not be allowed in girls bathrooms and locker rooms.


The Transgender Cult is not just about Title IX or Girls Sports! The Satanic Transgender Ritual mocking the Last Supper at the 2024 Olympics is proof that the Transgender Cult is a WAR between Good versus Evil, Truth versus Lies, Freedom versus Slavery & Life versus Death It is time to return to family values and focus on common sense issues like lowering taxes, lowering food costs and lowering heating costs.


If our candidates focus on Common Sense Issues and Family Values, we can not only elect the first Republican Governor in 40 years but also a Common Sense Superintendent, Attorney General & Secretary of State.


In order to end this war against our familes and restore common sense to our schools, there are three things you can do. First, sign up for our Washington Parents Network newsletter and start attending our weekly Sunday online video conference meetings – which are on Sundays from 3 to 4 pm. For a link to our next meeting, send an email to David at Washington Parents Network.com. Second, reach out to every parent you know and ask them to watch and share this video. Our goal is to organize parents in every school district in Washington state.


Third, help us elect David Olson to replace Chris Reykdal – either by donating to his campaign and by giving his fliers to every parent you know. If you are a member of a club, a church or local community group, send us an email and we will find a date and time to arrange an in-person meeting with your group.


If you have any questions or comments, feel free to email me using David at Washington Parents Network dot com. Thanks for helping us build our Washington Parents Network. We look forward to meeting you!

About Us

We are a non-partisan group of parents who advocate for our right as parents to be involved in the education of our children. We started in 2020 as parents attending school board meetings to oppose school closures and mask mandates. We have also opposed shot mandates and the weekly PCR testing of our kids just to participate in sports. We also advocate for local control of our schools. In 2023, after the passage of Senate Bill 5599, we collected signatures for the Washington Parents Rights Initiative.

Currently, we are opposing the Biden Final Rule Change to a federal law called Title IX which was intended to protect the rights of girls and women to equal treatment in schools and sports and to protect their right to privacy in providing girls and women and women with their own single sex bathrooms and locker rooms.

In July, 2024, we filed complaints in federal court seeking a Preliminary Injunction against the Title IX Rule Change and asking the court to order Chris Reykdal and Bob Ferguson and the WIAA to comply with Title IX by prohibiting biological males from using girls bathrooms or locker rooms or participating in girls sports.

We send out a newsletter about once a week. If you would like to get our newsletter, just click on the Newsletter Signup in our main menu. We also hold online meetings every Sunday from 3 to 4 pm. If you would like to attend our online meetings, just send an email to David at Washington Parents Network dot com.

Thank you for joining our Washington Parents Network. We look forward to meeting you!


Below are videos posted on our Washington Parents Network Channel. Please watch and share these videos with anyone you know who wants to help protect our kids from State Sponsored child abuse while they are at school!

Welcome to Washington Parents Network (8 minutes)

This video explains the purpose of Washington Parents Network.



Why Promoting Gender Mutilation is Child Abuse (23 minutes)

This video explains why promoting gender mutilation of minors in our schools is state-sponsored child abuse.



Why We Must Stop the Gender Mutilation Racket (20 minutes)

This video explains why we must stop the gender mutilation racket.



 How to Stop the Trans Takeover of Girls Sports (11 minutes)

This video explains why and how to stop the Trans Takeover and destruction of Girls Sports.



Why the Washington Parents Network is filing a federal complaint to stop the draconian Title IX Final Rule





 Thanks for watching these videos and sharing them with other concerned parents, grandparents and school board members!

2 How to Stop the Trans Takeover of Girls Sports

1 Why Title IX Matters

52 years ago, in 1972, a federal law called Title IX was passed by Congress which required all school districts to offer girls sports and girls locker rooms on an equal basis with boys sports.


In 2021, the Biden Administration attempted to over-rule Congress and dramatically change Title IX into a regulation which would allow (trans) boys to takeover and destroy girls sports. The Biden changes included a prohibition on single-sex bathroom and locker rooms and requirements that schools and teachers use pronouns based on a student’s gender identity.


In this article, we will take a closer look at the history of Title IX, the status of the current legal and political battles and what we need to do to protect girls and stop the Trans Takeover of Girls Sports.

There are currently at least 30 million biologically female athletes in US public schools and colleges. Many draw significant physical, cognitive, motivational and emotional benefits from being able to fairly compete in female-only sports activities. If girls are required to compete with biological males, it is likely that many of these 30 million girls will suffer physical, mental, emotional and developmental harm from being forced to compete against biological boys.

As just one example, Olympic Goal Metalist Tori Bowie won the 2017 Womens World Championship by running the one-hundred-meters in a lifetime-best of 10.78 seconds.


However, in 2017, more than 15,000 male runners beat that mark in recorded competition. Tori Bowie spent many years practicing to become the best female sprinter in the world. If she was forced to compete with biological boys, Tori would not be able to win a state tournament, much less a national or world title.

Trans boy wins NCAA Womens Swimming Championship
In March 2022, a biological male who called himself Lia Thomas and who was ranked #550 when he competed as a male, beat 3 biological females to win the NCAA Women’s Swimming Title.

Allowing transgender males to change the meaning of the women’s category in sports makes as much sense as allowing 180-pound athletes into the 120-pound weight category, because larger athletes were subject to awful bullying and harassment.


High school volleyball player suffered concussion after being injured by trans athlete

Girls also face a higher risk of injury when attempting to compete against biological males who are much bigger and much stronger. For example, in September 2022, a North Carolina female high school volleyball player named Payton McNabb was severely injured when she was hit in the face by a volleyball spiked at her by a Trans biological male. Here is an image of her just after impact. See Payton in the lower left corner:



Payton urged the North Carolina state legislature to pass a bill banning transgender athletes born male from playing on female sports teams:
“Due to the North Carolina High School Athletic Association policy allowing biological males to compete against biological females, my life has forever been changed. I’m not here for me because I know that my time playing is coming to an end. I’m here for every biological female athlete behind me. My little sister, my cousins, my teammates. Allowing biological males to compete against biological females is dangerous. I may be the first to come before you with an injury, but if this doesn’t pass, I won’t be the last.”

Payton said she still struggles with the effects of her injuries, including impaired vision, partial paralysis on the right side of her body, unremitting headaches, anxiety and depression. The bill is called the Fairness in Womens Sports Act. It passed the North Carolina House by a vote of 73 to 39 with all Republicans and three Democrats voting for it.

If Trans boys are allowed to take over girls sports, girls everywhere would quickly get the message that they had no chance of winning and therefore not even try. Losing any hope of fair competition, girls would certainly exercise less and therefore the obesity rate among girls would surely rise. Moreover, the loss of female only bathrooms, locker rooms and showers would deprive girls of their privacy and dignity.


As one example, Blake Allen was a 14 year old girl on her high school girls volleyball team in Vermont. She and many of her teammates did not feel safe after a biological Trans 14 year old boy joined the girls team and began using the girls locker room where he would undress and stare at the girls as they changed clothes.


Blake complained to school administrators that boys should not be allowed in the girls locker room. In response, Blake was suspended from school. When Blake’s Dad, who was the High School Soccer coach, complained about boys in the girls locker room, he was fired from his coaching job. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsXjVReeguU

In the following 9 minute video, Blake and 3 of her teammates (as well as several of their moms and dads) spoke out against boys in the girls locker room and against boys in the girls bathroom: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ujwHyvDSi1A

An international group of women athletes wrote the Declaration on Womens Sex-based Rights. They assert that allowing males in locker rooms intended for females should be prohibited as sex discrimination:


In my own school district, my daughter told me that none of the girls felt safe with boys in the girls bathrooms. The girls eventually created “gangs of girls” to stand guard in the bathroom to prevent boys from harassing them.

Clearly, allowing biological boys into girls bathrooms and girls locker rooms causes so many female students to feel unsafe that many would leave public schools altogether – and thereby be deprived of their right to a public education. It is time to end this insanity and restore the right of all biological girls to feel safe and be treated fairly when they compete in girls sports.

2 Washington State Superintendent falsely claimed that Title IX requires allowing Trans boys to compete in girls sports

During a League of Women Voters candidate forum in Spokane, Washington on May 20, 2024, a student asked the candidates for State Superintendent if biological boys who have become transgender athletes should be allowed to participate in girls sports.

In response, the current State Superintendent, Chris Reykdal, falsely stated that a federal law called Title IX requires transgender biological boys must be allowed to participate in girls sports. Here is his quote from the forum:

This is federal law already. Title IX federal law as well as our Human Rights Commission make it very, very clear that students get to participate based on the gender to which they identify. So that's federal law. And there is nothing we get to change about that.”

In fact, the current federal law prohibits biological males from participating in girls sports – but the Biden administration is trying to change the law to require allowing Trans boys to compete in girls sports.


The “Human Rights Commission” that Reykdal referred to has written an 8 page report summarizing Washington state law on gender discrimination. You can read their report at this link: https://www.hum.wa.gov/sites/default/files/public/publications/Updated%20SO%20GI%20Guide.pdf

Here is a quote from the report: “Washington Law Against Discrimination prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity in the areas of employment, housing, public accommodation, credit, and insurance.”

Nowhere in the report does it mention requiring that Trans boys be allowed to take over girls sports. So Reykdal’s claim that Title IX and the Human Rights Commission make it “very, very clear” that Trans boys can take over girls sports is completely false. Title IX protects the rights of biological girls and the Human Rights Commission rules do not apply to boys wanting to compete in girls sports.


Here is Superintendent Candidate David Olson’s answer to this question :

I personally do not agree with trans athletes, males competing against females. I do not agree with that. We've seen all across the country where a biological male that identifies as a female that might have come in last in male sports suddenly is winning female sports by 20 to 30 yards. I don't know if that's fair to females.”

As we will explain in this report, Chris Reykdal’s statement about Title IX is not accurate. The truth is that the Biden administration is attempting to radically change Title IX – but this change is currently being litigated in federal court. The actual meaning of Title IX is likely to be decided by the US Supreme Court in the coming year.

However, since five lower courts have already ruled against the Biden changes to Title IX, it is likely that the current meaning of Title IX, which uses biological sex instead of gender identity to participate in girls sports will be retained.

The battle will then likely shift from federal courts to state courts. Because education is one of the rights reserved to the states in the US Constitution, it is possible and even likely that each state will be able to decide whether or not to allow Trans boys to take over girls sports.

Obviously, if Chris Reykdal is re-elected, he will allow Trans boys to take over and destroy girls sports. However, if David Olson is elected, he will protect the rights of girls and oppose Trans boys from taking over and destroying girls sports.

Therefore, one of the most important steps we can take to protect girls privacy and girls sports in Washington state is to actively oppose Chris Reykdal and support the election of David Olson for State Superintendent.

3 Original Intention of Title IX

Historically, public schools tended to offer only boys sports such as boys soccer and boys basketball. Some parents of girls felt that when public education dollars are being spent on sports programs, that these public education dollars should go equally to both girls and boys sports programs. In response to the demand to offer girls sports programs, in 1972, Congress passed a law called Title IX – a law which is enforced by the US Department of Education Office of Civil Rights. Title IX protects students from discrimination based on sex in education programs or activities that receive federal financial assistance. Title IX states:

“No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”

This Title IX federal law applies to every school district in every state and also to all colleges and universities that receive federal funding. In practical terms, Title IX meant that if a school did not offer girls their own sports team, such as girls soccer and girls basketball, that the school must allow the girl to participate with the existing boys soccer or basketball team. In reality, Title IX led to the creation of girls sports teams and girls sports leagues in school districts all across America. Each school district was responsible for establishing their own girls sports teams but it became common practice to offer girls track, girls volley ball, girls soccer, girls basketball and girls softball with some school districts offering additional girls sports.

Since its enactment in 1972, Title IX has led to an explosion in the participation of girls and women in sports. During the 1971-1972 school year, only 7 percent of high school athletes were girls. In the 2010-2011 school year, by comparison, girls made up over 41 percent of all high school athletes.

There are two key points to the evolution of girls sports. First, each school district and each state was involved in the decision making process of how to comply with this federal law. It was not a one-size-fits-all mandate. Second, not all sports were treated the same way.


For example, there was no movement to establish girls football teams or girls football leagues. Perhaps the concern was that there was too great a risk of injury. It is a fact that football does have a risk of injury and some parents believe that football should not be offered in public schools. However, other parents want football to be offered and most school district school boards have voted to continue to offer football as a boys sport. Therefore, if a girl wants to try out for a football team, in most school districts, she has a Civil Right to try out for the boys football team.

It would be up to the local school board if they wanted to create a girls football team. The local school board could also vote someday to cancel the boys football team. But it is not up to the federal government to determine which sports are offered to girls or boys or both. It is up to each local school board.

Thus, sports is a “local control” issue to be decided by each school board after hearing from their local parents (who are the ones who pay the taxes for their local schools). All that is required by Title IX is equal treatment of each sex in education programs or activities receiving federal dollars.

4 Legal Actions opposing attempts to change Title IX

For 45 years, from 1972 to 2017, there was very little debate about Title IX other than the claim by some parents that more money was spent on Boys sports than on Girls sports. Over time, more money has been allotted by local school boards to Girls sports. However, it is likely that more public education money is still being spent on Boys sports than Girls sports – largely because school boards have consistently voted to spend huge amounts of money on their football teams – including building expensive football stadiums.

The key point is that this is also a local decision. No school district or state has been accused of violating Title IX or threatened with the loss of federal funds just because the school district school board voted to build an expensive football stadium with their local tax dollars.

However, in June 2021, the Biden administration announced that they would change the interpretation of Title IX to include discrimination of students based on gender identity. In response, at least 22 states passed laws banning biological males from participating in girls sports (see map).


The dispute between the Biden administration and these 26 states meant that it was up to federal courts to decide what the word “sex” in Title IX actually means. In 2022, Attorneys General for 26 states sued the Biden administration in federal court.

The 22 attorneys general involved in the first of seven lawsuits are from Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia and West Virginia.

The lead author of the first lawsuit was Tennessee Attorney General Herbert Slater. He stated: “This case is, yet again, about a federal agency trying to change law, which is Congress’ exclusive prerogative.”


On January 5, 2023, a West Virginia federal judge Joseph Goodwin, sided with the 22 Attorneys Generals, ruling that the Biden administration new Title IX policies infringed on states’ right to enact laws, such as banning students from participating in sports based on their gender identity.

The court essentially said that “biological sex” is different from “gender identity.” Here is a link to this 23 page ruling:


A three judge panel of the 6th Circuit voted two to one to put the state law on hold while they considered the dispute. The 22 states then took the matter to the US Supreme Court.

In April 2023, the US Supreme Court (with two judges dissenting) allowed a 12-year-old transgender girl (biological boy) in West Virginia to continue competing on her middle school’s girls sports teams while the lawsuit over a state ban on boys in girls sports continues to make its way through the courts. The Supreme Court did not provide any explanation for its action. But it apparently wants the three judge panel to make a ruling before taking any action.

This lawsuit is still working its way through the federal courts. However, as of June 22, 2023, the injunction against the Biden administration regarding their 2022 rule change remains in effect as does the injunction against the state rule. See Tennessee v. U.S. Dep’t of Educ., No. 22-5807 (6th Cir.) (argued Apr. 26, 2023, but Opinion not yet issued.)

Meanwhile, on November 6, 2023, a federal judge, Roy Altman, issued a 39 page decision that upheld a Florida law banning biological boys from participating in girls sports. The court ruled that the word “sex” in Title IX means biological sex and does not include “gender identity.

Altman said he found that “promoting women’s equality in athletics is an important governmental interest”. Altman based his ruling on a similar Title IX ruling by the US Court of Appeals in December 2022. Here is a link to his 39 page ruling which links to the 2022 ruling.


However, in April 2024, the Biden administration issued new Title IX “Final Rule” changes scheduled to take effect on August 1, 2024. The new Title IX Final Rules “would preempt” “any State or local law” conflicting with them. Id. at 41,404; see also id. at 41,569 (to be codified at 34 C.F.R. § 106.6(b)).

The initial 2022 proposed rule changes drew more than 238,987 comments – a new record for any Department of Education rule change. So this is obviously a controversial issue that a lot of people care about. Here is a link to the Comments which were overwhelmingly opposed to the rule change:


The April 2024 proposed “athletic” rule change drew more than 156,000 comments – also opposed to the rule change. Here is a link to these comments:


It should be noted that a substantial rule change is usually assigned a 60 day comment period and the April 2024 rule change was only given 32 days. Had it been given the usual 60 days, it is likely another new record would have been set with total comments exceeding 500,000.

On April 29, 2024, the Final version of the Final Rule was published. The final rule ignored hundreds of thousands of comments that were opposed to it and made essentially no changes to the new rules.

In response to the Biden Title IX “Final Rule” changes, on April 30, 2024, Tennessee Attorney General Herbert Slater joined an additional Title IX lawsuit with several other states asking the federal court to block the new Biden Final rules. Here is a link to their 799 page complaint:


This link also includes Exhibit A - the entire Final Rule beginning on page 87 to page 509. The final rule is 424 pages long. The link also includes Exhibit B which is the 16 page comment from 20 states. The link also includes Exhibit C which is a 19 page summary by states. The link also includes Exhibit D a 20- page summary by the Indiana Attorney General.

Here is a quote from page 43 of the complaint: “While the Final Rule’s jargon is complex, the new bottom line for the nation’s schools is simple: All federally funded elementary, middle, high, and post-secondary schools must generally adopt students’ gender identity and ignore their sex, or else face Title IX sanctions.”

Essentially, they argue that the word “sex” is different from the word “gender” and that Title IX law can only be revised by Congress, not by the Biden administration. But in addition, they point to rule changes that clearly interfere with our First Amendment right to freedom of religion and freedom of speech:

“Under the Final Rule, repercussions risk running to any speech or religious expression that might reasonably be deemed “unwelcome,” “offensive,” and “limiting” of a student’s educational participation or benefit.”

On page 55, the plaintiffs state: “The Final Rule instructs that Title IX administrators are to take “prompt” action to investigate and respond to any speech that “reasonably may” constitute harassment. Id. At 33,509, 33,533, 33,562. Such responses might include “educational programming” or “employee training,” id. at 33,599, as well as “emergency removal” of alleged offenders from educational programs and activities, id. at 33,616; see also id. at 33,890 (amended 34 C.F.R. § 106.44(h))… no State can protect teachers’ and students’ right not to speak in ways that a student might view as offensive to the student’s subjective gender identity.”

Therefore, any statement made by any student or teacher that is unwelcome by the offended student – including accidentally using the wrong pronoun - could result in the emergency removal of the student or teacher who made the offending statement – even if no offensive was actually intended. If the teacher is removed for saying the wrong thing, who will be left to teach the class?

This new rule is therefore contrary to recent federal court rulings that students and faculty could not be required to use words and pronouns that they believed were not true or accurate. Ignoring the First amendment right to freedom of speech also would violate many state constitutions which have a separate and often stronger right to freedom of speech.

Here is a quote from page 74: “The Final Rule impermissibly conditions federal funding on States’ and school recipients’ taking unconstitutional actions against faculty and students for engaging in protected expression. See South Dakota v. Dole, 483 U.S. 203, 210-11 (1987); infra ¶¶ 242-44. “ Also see Meriwether, 992 F.3d at 498-500, 505, 512 and 514

Plaintiff state Attorneys Generals also argue that the new rules ignore the right of each state to set their own school policies.

“The Final Rule thus forces Tennessee to choose between enforcing its own laws and losing about $1.5 billion in federal funds on which important programs at every level of Tennessee education depend. “

Here is a quote from page 777 by Courtney DeSoto, parent of a current high school track athlete: “I am the parent of a minor daughter who runs varsity track in a public school in California. A male freshman joined the women’s team this year and is running varsity track and winning every race while the girls watch in bewilderment. The same individual is using the girls locker room to change and shower. The girls are so uncomfortable that some are not using the girls locker room themselves anymore. The head coach is about to quit over the injustice of it all. Complaints and concerns for the girls are made to school and district administration. But no one is willing to say anything because our state laws and legislators will not protect our daughters.”

For the latest status of this case, see this link: https://dockets.justia.com/docket/kentucky/kyedce/2:2024cv00072/104801

On June 11, 2024, a federal judge in Texas struck down the Biden Administration proposed change to Title IX.


US Federal Judge Reed O'Connor Title IX issued a 112 page ruling sided with Texas Attorney General Paxton. The judge accused the Biden Administration of pushing an "agenda." O’Connor concluded that the Education Department did not have the authority to radically change Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. Here is a link to his ruling: https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.txnd.377970/gov.uscourts.txnd.377970.37.0.pdf

Here are some quotes from his ruling: “Title IX provides that “no person . . . shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”

“the plain meaning of the term sex as used in § 106.33 when it was enacted by [the Department] following passage of Title IX meant the biological and anatomical differences between male and female students as determined at their birth.”

The Texas Education Code prohibits school districts from allowing “a student to compete in an interscholastic athletic competition sponsored or authorized by the district or school that is designated for the biological sex opposite to the student’s biological sex.”

Consistent with the biological reality of sex, Carroll ISD precludes district employees from “requiring the use of pronouns that are inconsistent with a student’s or other person’s biological sex.”

On April 29, 2024, the Department published a new Title IX regulation: (the “Final Rule”). To prevent the Final Rule from taking effect, various lawsuits arose around the country. By the Court’s count, there are seven such cases:

Texas, et al. v. United States, 2:24-cv-00086-Z (N.D. Tex. Apr. 29, 2024);

Alabama, et al. v. Cardona, 7:24-cv-00533-ACA (N.D. Ala. Apr. 29, 2024);

Louisiana, et al. v. U.S. Dep’t of Education, 3:24-cv-00563-TAD-KDM (W.D. La. Apr. 29, 2024);

Tennessee, et al. v. Cardona, 2:24-cv-00072-DCR-CJS (E.D. Ky. Apr. 30, 2024);

Arkansas, et al. v. U.S. Dep’t of Education, No. 4:24-cv-00636-RWS (E.D. Mo. May 7, 2024);

Kansas, et al. v. U.S. Dep’t of Education, No. 5:24-cv-04041-JWB-ADM (D. Kan. May 14, 2024);

Carroll Indep. Sch. Dist. v. U.S. Dep’t of Education, No. 4:24-cv-00461-O (N.D. Tex. May 21, 2024)

All related cases have a pending motion for preliminary injunction seeking to enjoin the Final Rule. As of this date, no court has ruled on those preliminary injunctions. However, one sister court previously addressed the same Guidance Documents at issue here (the “Tennessee Case”).

Tennessee, et al. v. U.S. Dep’t of Educ., et al. (Tennessee Case), 615 F. Supp. 3d 807, 830 (E.D. Tenn. July 15, 2022), appeal filed, No. 22-5807 (6th Cir. 2022).

In the Tennessee Case, Judge Charles Atchley granted a preliminary injunction on July 15, 2022, enjoining Defendants—along with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and its Chair, Charlotte Burrows—from implementing the Guidance Documents against the plaintiffs to the lawsuit—the states of Tennessee, Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, and West Virginia.

This preliminary injunction was appealed to the Sixth Circuit and remains pending. However, treating people consistent with their subjective gender identities—is directly at odds with Title IX. Contrary to Title IX’s text, the (Biden Proposed) Guidance Documents actually condemn separating students based on their biological sex, including as it pertains to the use of restrooms, and if school sports competition was not separated by sex, the great bulk of the females would quickly be eliminated from participation and denied any meaningful opportunity for athletic involvement.”

Rather than promote the equal opportunity, dignity, and respect that Title IX demands for both biological sexes, Defendants’ Guidance Documents do the opposite in an effort to advance an agenda wholly divorced from the text, structure, and contemporary context of Title IX.

To allow Defendants’ unlawful action to stand would be to functionally rewrite Title IX in a way that shockingly transforms American education and usurps a major question from Congress.

Therefore, the Court DECLARES that the (Biden Proposed) Guidance Documents are unlawful.

In a statement, Ken Paxton applauded Tuesday's ruling, saying in part, "Texas has prevailed on behalf of the entire nation."

That lawsuit, along with a separate one filed by Republican state attorneys general in Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana and Idaho, argued the regulations unlawfully interpret Title IX in a way that conflicts with the statute's text, which they said defines "sex" as a person's biological sex.

third lawsuit, by Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina and three advocacy groups, challenged that provision as well as parts of the regulations they said broadens the definition of sex-based harassment and required schools to overhaul how they address complaints.

A federal judge in Tennessee in 2022 had already blocked the Education Department from enforcing the guidance in 20 Republican-led states that had separately sued to strike it down. The Biden administration is appealing that decision.

On June 13, 2024, another US District Judge, Terry A. Doughty blocked the new Title IX rule from taking effect in Idaho, Louisiana, Mississippi and Montana. Here is a link to his 40 page ruling: https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.lawd.205659/gov.uscourts.lawd.205659.53.0.pdf

Judge Doughty called the new proposed rule an “abuse of power” and a “threat to democracy.”

On June 17, 2024, another federal judge issued an opinion. US District Judge Danny Reeves granted preliminary injunction blocking Biden revision of Title IX in Kentucky, Ohio, Tennessee, Virginia and West Virginia. Reeves in his 93-page decision said, “There are two sexes: male and female. Title IX’s drafters meant “male” and “female” when they wrote “on the basis of sex.” Here is a link to this ruling: https://westvirginiawatch.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/TITLEIX-Injunction-EDKY.pdf

Here is a quote from this ruling:

Title IX was enacted for the protection of the discrimination of biological females. However, the Final Rule may likely cause biological females more discrimination than they had before Title IX was enacted. Importantly, Defendants did not consider the effect the Final Rule would have on biological females by requiring them to share their bathrooms and locker rooms with biological males. Further, by allowing biological men who identify as a female into locker rooms, showers, and bathrooms, biological females risk invasion of privacy, embarrassment, and sexual assault. This result is not only impossible to square with Title IX, but with the broader guarantee of educational protection for all students.

Current Legal Status of Title IX
As of June 20, 2024, 26 states have filed lawsuits challenging the Biden Title IX rule change. 15 states (including Washington state) filed briefs in support of allowing trans boys to invade girls locker rooms and destroy girls sports.

So far 5 federal judges have issued lengthy rulings in favor of protecting girls, girls bathrooms and girls sports from trans boys. All five federal judges have sided with various state laws banning biological boys from participating in girls sports and five have concluded that the word “sex” in Title IX means biological sex and not “gender identity.”

While the US Supreme Court did agree with a lower court panel to put the laws on hold while the appeals are proceeding, this does not mean that the Supreme Court will ultimately side with the Biden administration Department of Education policy change. It is likely that the three judge panel, which heard oral arguments in April 2024, will issue a ruling in the next two months. Then, regardless of which way the three judge panel rules, the Supreme Court will be forced to decide this issue later in 2024 or in 2025. Alternately, depending on the outcome of the 2024 election, a new Congress might clarify the meaning of Title IX in the 2025 session – in which case a Supreme Court decision may not be needed.

5 Science confirms huge performance differences between males and females

An expert report by Dr. Gregory A. Brown, an exercise science professor at the University of Nebraska, sheds some light on how policies that allow men to compete against women harm female athletes.

Similarly gifted and trained males have physical advantages over females—from greater height and weight and larger, longer, and stronger bones to larger muscles and higher rates of metabolizing and releasing energy. These innate physiological traits result in greater muscle strength; stronger throwing, hitting, and kicking; higher jumping; and faster running speeds for males, all of which create an athletic edge over females. For example, despite greater body weight, males have a roughly 15-20 percent jumping advantage over women. When examining the vertical jump needed in volleyball, one study found that on average male players jumped 50 percent higher during an “attack” at the net than female players.

In another report, Dr. Brown elaborates: “[I]t is obvious that some effects of male puberty that confer advantages for athletic performance—in particular bone size and configuration—cannot be reversed once they have occurred.” He goes on to demonstrate how puberty creates height and mass differences that provide a significant advantage for males. And no amount of testosterone blockers can compensate for that advantage.

For the past several decades, female athletes have seen their opportunities grow steadily. The average number of collegiate women’s sports teams has more than tripled since Congress passed Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.

And in that same time span, women have also been given the opportunity to compete in more events at the Olympics. In fact, many of America’s most famous Olympic athletes are women, such as Serena Williams, Simone Biles, and Katie Ledecky.

Dr. Brown’s research shows that if female athletes are forced to compete against males, even these Olympians would not have a fair chance to compete. And young girls would never get the opportunity to fulfill their dreams, no matter how hard they worked.

Sex differences between males and females begin during development in the womb and continue throughout the lifespan. Sex differences which impact athletic performance occur even prior to puberty. For example, measurement of cardiovascular capacity in pre-puberty school children show that VO2 max is consistently higher in boys than girls, attributed to the ability of a boy’s heart to pump more blood with each heartbeat. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16183768/

Physical capabilities studies in elementary children show boys outperform girls in aerobic fitness, strength, speed, and agility; girls outperform boys only in balance and flexibility.

These physiologic differences that drive athletic performance explode with puberty. In male puberty, circulating testosterone rises to 30 times pre-puberty levels with post-puberty levels being 15-20-fold greater than females of any age. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6391653/

Boys undergo significant physiologic changes relative to girls: even greater height, leaner body mass, greater muscle mass, greater muscle strength, larger lungs, bigger airways, and greater cardiac capacity. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7846503/

Testosterone suppression does not level the playing field. After one year of testosterone suppression for males, thigh muscle mass is reduced by 9% but still remains 16% higher compared to females. Reduction in muscle strength is only 5%. In the longest follow-up study published, males with 14 years of testosterone suppression remain 20% stronger and have 20% greater heart and lung capacity than females. Male advantage is not erased even with over a decade of testosterone suppression. https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/56/22/1292.long

2020 research on transgender women athletes by Emma Hilton and Tommy Lundberg concluded that: “The biological advantage, most notably in terms of muscle mass and strength, conferred by male puberty and thus enjoyed by most transgender women is only minimally reduced when testosterone is suppressed as per current sporting guidelines for transgender athletes.”


Scientific studies are a great resource in showing that males have a biological advantage over females in athletics, but we don’t need a study to tell us just how discouraging it is for female athletes to compete and lose to males. Since 2017, the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference (CIAC) has allowed males who identify as girls to compete in high school women’s sports, putting female athletes at an automatic disadvantage in their own sports.

Selina Soule is one such athlete. Selina is a dedicated sprinter. When she competed in high school, she devoted countless days, nights, and weekends to train in order to shave mere fractions of a second off her race times. She trains to win. But when she stepped up to the starting blocks at the beginning of a race, she knew that the odds were against her.

Since the CIAC’s policy change, male athletes who identity as female won race after race, collecting state titles along the way. In fact, since the CIAC changed its policy, two male athletes have taken 15 state titles that were previously held by nine different girls in 2016. Here are just a few of these championship titles:

  • At the 2018 CIAC State Open Championship, two males took first and second place in the women’s varsity 100-meter dash.
  • At the 2019 Indoor Track Championship, a male athlete won both the women’s 55-meter dash and the women’s 300-meter dash.
  • At the 2019 CIAC Combined State Open Championship, a male athlete won the women’s 200-meter dash.

Beyond the state level, one of these male athletes went on to win the women’s 200-meter dash at the 2019 New England Interscholastic Track and Field Championships.

Here is a YouTube video of female athletes explaining why it is unfair to force them to compete against biological males:



It shouldn’t be surprising that male athletes can outrun female athletes. What is surprising is that officials from the CIAC are allowing males to deprive so many girls of the championship titles they’ve trained so hard to achieve. They’re stripping girls of opportunities—not just on race day but for their future college scholarships, athletic careers, and more.

After months of training for the 55-meter dash, Selina placed just one spot away from qualifying for the final and a chance to compete for a spot in the New England regional championships, where many college scouts attend.

Two male athletes had taken first and second in that race. Had they not been permitted to do so, Selina likely would have competed at the regional championships in front of college scouts who might then have granted her a college scholarship. Instead, it is likely that sports scholarships intended for girls will instead now go to Trans boys.

6 Political Polls and Recent Action by Congress

On April 20, 2023, the US House of Representatives passed the “Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act of 2023” to ban allowing males to compete in female sports and to define sex “based solely on a person’s reproductive biology and genetics at birth.” H.R. 734 (2023). The bill was passed on a party line vote of 219 to 203. However, the bill is now sitting in the Senate where no action has yet been taken.


More Americans say Birth Sex should determine sports participation
In 2021, according to Gallup polls, 62% of Americans favored Birth Sex being used to determine sports participation. By June, 2023, the percentage that favored birth sex over gender identity rose to 69%. Only 26% are in favor of using gender identity. Large majorities of independents (67%) and Republicans (93%) remain opposed to giving transgender athletes a choice of competing on male or female teams. Even a majority of Democrats now support birth sex over gender identity. https://news.gallup.com/poll/507023/say-birth-gender-dictate-sports-participation.aspx


7 What does the future hold for Title IX and Girls Sports?

Currently both the change in state laws favoring biological sex and the change in federal laws favoring gender identity have been put on hold by the federal courts. This means that as of this moment, the original Title IX which uses biological sex is still in effect. Chris Reykdal is therefore wrong in claiming that Title IX requires using gender identity instead of biological sex.

Ideally, the three judge panel will make a decision soon. Since the new Title IX regulations are the exact opposite of the original Title IX – which was passed to protect Women’s rights to fair treatment, it is almost certain that the Biden administration new interpretation of Title IX will be struck down by the three judge panel – and eventually by the US Supreme Court.

But given overwhelming public opposition to the Biden Title IX rules, this public opposition will be a likely factor in the 2024 General Election which is now only 5 months away. Obviously if Trump and the Republicans win, a Supreme Court decision will not matter. In addition, if the Republicans hold the House, there is no chance for a Biden bill passing. Then the Supreme Court will determine the fate of Title IX. Given all of these facts, I am hopeful that the original intent of Title IX will prevail and likely prevail in 2024 or 2025.


How we can help protect girls in Washington state and prevent Trans boys from taking over girls sports in our state is by removing Chris Reykdal and in his place electing David Olson for State Superintendent.

As always, I look forward to your questions and comments.


David Spring M. Ed.

David at Washington Parents Network dot com

1 Why Title IX Matters

52 years ago, in 1972, a federal law called Title IX was passed by Congress which required all school districts to offer girls sports and girls locker rooms on an equal basis with boys sports.


In 2021, the Biden Administration attempted to over-rule Congress and dramatically change Title IX into a regulation which would allow (trans) boys to takeover and destroy girls sports. The Biden changes included a prohibition on single-sex bathroom and locker rooms and requirements that schools and teachers use pronouns based on a student’s gender identity.


In this article, we will take a closer look at the history of Title IX, the status of the current legal and political battles and what we need to do to protect girls and stop the Trans Takeover of Girls Sports.

There are currently at least 30 million biologically female athletes in US public schools and colleges. Many draw significant physical, cognitive, motivational and emotional benefits from being able to fairly compete in female-only sports activities. If girls are required to compete with biological males, it is likely that many of these 30 million girls will suffer physical, mental, emotional and developmental harm from being forced to compete against biological boys.

As just one example, Olympic Goal Metalist Tori Bowie won the 2017 Womens World Championship by running the one-hundred-meters in a lifetime-best of 10.78 seconds.


However, in 2017, more than 15,000 male runners beat that mark in recorded competition. Tori Bowie spent many years practicing to become the best female sprinter in the world. If she was forced to compete with biological boys, Tori would not be able to win a state tournament, much less a national or world title.

Trans boy wins NCAA Womens Swimming Championship
In March 2022, a biological male who called himself Lia Thomas and who was ranked #550 when he competed as a male, beat 3 biological females to win the NCAA Women’s Swimming Title.

Allowing transgender males to change the meaning of the women’s category in sports makes as much sense as allowing 180-pound athletes into the 120-pound weight category, because larger athletes were subject to awful bullying and harassment.


High school volleyball player suffered concussion after being injured by trans athlete

Girls also face a higher risk of injury when attempting to compete against biological males who are much bigger and much stronger. For example, in September 2022, a North Carolina female high school volleyball player named Payton McNabb was severely injured when she was hit in the face by a volleyball spiked at her by a Trans biological male. Here is an image of her just after impact. See Payton in the lower left corner:



Payton urged the North Carolina state legislature to pass a bill banning transgender athletes born male from playing on female sports teams:
“Due to the North Carolina High School Athletic Association policy allowing biological males to compete against biological females, my life has forever been changed. I’m not here for me because I know that my time playing is coming to an end. I’m here for every biological female athlete behind me. My little sister, my cousins, my teammates. Allowing biological males to compete against biological females is dangerous. I may be the first to come before you with an injury, but if this doesn’t pass, I won’t be the last.”

Payton said she still struggles with the effects of her injuries, including impaired vision, partial paralysis on the right side of her body, unremitting headaches, anxiety and depression. The bill is called the Fairness in Womens Sports Act. It passed the North Carolina House by a vote of 73 to 39 with all Republicans and three Democrats voting for it.

If Trans boys are allowed to take over girls sports, girls everywhere would quickly get the message that they had no chance of winning and therefore not even try. Losing any hope of fair competition, girls would certainly exercise less and therefore the obesity rate among girls would surely rise. Moreover, the loss of female only bathrooms, locker rooms and showers would deprive girls of their privacy and dignity.


As one example, Blake Allen was a 14 year old girl on her high school girls volleyball team in Vermont. She and many of her teammates did not feel safe after a biological Trans 14 year old boy joined the girls team and began using the girls locker room where he would undress and stare at the girls as they changed clothes.


Blake complained to school administrators that boys should not be allowed in the girls locker room. In response, Blake was suspended from school. When Blake’s Dad, who was the High School Soccer coach, complained about boys in the girls locker room, he was fired from his coaching job. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsXjVReeguU

In the following 9 minute video, Blake and 3 of her teammates (as well as several of their moms and dads) spoke out against boys in the girls locker room and against boys in the girls bathroom: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ujwHyvDSi1A

An international group of women athletes wrote the Declaration on Womens Sex-based Rights. They assert that allowing males in locker rooms intended for females should be prohibited as sex discrimination:


In my own school district, my daughter told me that none of the girls felt safe with boys in the girls bathrooms. The girls eventually created “gangs of girls” to stand guard in the bathroom to prevent boys from harassing them.

Clearly, allowing biological boys into girls bathrooms and girls locker rooms causes so many female students to feel unsafe that many would leave public schools altogether – and thereby be deprived of their right to a public education. It is time to end this insanity and restore the right of all biological girls to feel safe and be treated fairly when they compete in girls sports.

2 Washington State Superintendent falsely claimed that Title IX requires allowing Trans boys to compete in girls sports

During a League of Women Voters candidate forum in Spokane, Washington on May 20, 2024, a student asked the candidates for State Superintendent if biological boys who have become transgender athletes should be allowed to participate in girls sports.

In response, the current State Superintendent, Chris Reykdal, falsely stated that a federal law called Title IX requires transgender biological boys must be allowed to participate in girls sports. Here is his quote from the forum:

This is federal law already. Title IX federal law as well as our Human Rights Commission make it very, very clear that students get to participate based on the gender to which they identify. So that's federal law. And there is nothing we get to change about that.”

In fact, the current federal law prohibits biological males from participating in girls sports – but the Biden administration is trying to change the law to require allowing Trans boys to compete in girls sports.


The “Human Rights Commission” that Reykdal referred to has written an 8 page report summarizing Washington state law on gender discrimination. You can read their report at this link: https://www.hum.wa.gov/sites/default/files/public/publications/Updated%20SO%20GI%20Guide.pdf

Here is a quote from the report: “Washington Law Against Discrimination prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity in the areas of employment, housing, public accommodation, credit, and insurance.”

Nowhere in the report does it mention requiring that Trans boys be allowed to take over girls sports. So Reykdal’s claim that Title IX and the Human Rights Commission make it “very, very clear” that Trans boys can take over girls sports is completely false. Title IX protects the rights of biological girls and the Human Rights Commission rules do not apply to boys wanting to compete in girls sports.


Here is Superintendent Candidate David Olson’s answer to this question :

I personally do not agree with trans athletes, males competing against females. I do not agree with that. We've seen all across the country where a biological male that identifies as a female that might have come in last in male sports suddenly is winning female sports by 20 to 30 yards. I don't know if that's fair to females.”

As we will explain in this report, Chris Reykdal’s statement about Title IX is not accurate. The truth is that the Biden administration is attempting to radically change Title IX – but this change is currently being litigated in federal court. The actual meaning of Title IX is likely to be decided by the US Supreme Court in the coming year.

However, since five lower courts have already ruled against the Biden changes to Title IX, it is likely that the current meaning of Title IX, which uses biological sex instead of gender identity to participate in girls sports will be retained.

The battle will then likely shift from federal courts to state courts. Because education is one of the rights reserved to the states in the US Constitution, it is possible and even likely that each state will be able to decide whether or not to allow Trans boys to take over girls sports.

Obviously, if Chris Reykdal is re-elected, he will allow Trans boys to take over and destroy girls sports. However, if David Olson is elected, he will protect the rights of girls and oppose Trans boys from taking over and destroying girls sports.

Therefore, one of the most important steps we can take to protect girls privacy and girls sports in Washington state is to actively oppose Chris Reykdal and support the election of David Olson for State Superintendent.

3 Original Intention of Title IX

Historically, public schools tended to offer only boys sports such as boys soccer and boys basketball. Some parents of girls felt that when public education dollars are being spent on sports programs, that these public education dollars should go equally to both girls and boys sports programs. In response to the demand to offer girls sports programs, in 1972, Congress passed a law called Title IX – a law which is enforced by the US Department of Education Office of Civil Rights. Title IX protects students from discrimination based on sex in education programs or activities that receive federal financial assistance. Title IX states:

“No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”

This Title IX federal law applies to every school district in every state and also to all colleges and universities that receive federal funding. In practical terms, Title IX meant that if a school did not offer girls their own sports team, such as girls soccer and girls basketball, that the school must allow the girl to participate with the existing boys soccer or basketball team. In reality, Title IX led to the creation of girls sports teams and girls sports leagues in school districts all across America. Each school district was responsible for establishing their own girls sports teams but it became common practice to offer girls track, girls volley ball, girls soccer, girls basketball and girls softball with some school districts offering additional girls sports.

Since its enactment in 1972, Title IX has led to an explosion in the participation of girls and women in sports. During the 1971-1972 school year, only 7 percent of high school athletes were girls. In the 2010-2011 school year, by comparison, girls made up over 41 percent of all high school athletes.

There are two key points to the evolution of girls sports. First, each school district and each state was involved in the decision making process of how to comply with this federal law. It was not a one-size-fits-all mandate. Second, not all sports were treated the same way.


For example, there was no movement to establish girls football teams or girls football leagues. Perhaps the concern was that there was too great a risk of injury. It is a fact that football does have a risk of injury and some parents believe that football should not be offered in public schools. However, other parents want football to be offered and most school district school boards have voted to continue to offer football as a boys sport. Therefore, if a girl wants to try out for a football team, in most school districts, she has a Civil Right to try out for the boys football team.

It would be up to the local school board if they wanted to create a girls football team. The local school board could also vote someday to cancel the boys football team. But it is not up to the federal government to determine which sports are offered to girls or boys or both. It is up to each local school board.

Thus, sports is a “local control” issue to be decided by each school board after hearing from their local parents (who are the ones who pay the taxes for their local schools). All that is required by Title IX is equal treatment of each sex in education programs or activities receiving federal dollars.

4 Legal Actions opposing attempts to change Title IX

For 45 years, from 1972 to 2017, there was very little debate about Title IX other than the claim by some parents that more money was spent on Boys sports than on Girls sports. Over time, more money has been allotted by local school boards to Girls sports. However, it is likely that more public education money is still being spent on Boys sports than Girls sports – largely because school boards have consistently voted to spend huge amounts of money on their football teams – including building expensive football stadiums.

The key point is that this is also a local decision. No school district or state has been accused of violating Title IX or threatened with the loss of federal funds just because the school district school board voted to build an expensive football stadium with their local tax dollars.

However, in June 2021, the Biden administration announced that they would change the interpretation of Title IX to include discrimination of students based on gender identity. In response, at least 22 states passed laws banning biological males from participating in girls sports (see map).


The dispute between the Biden administration and these 26 states meant that it was up to federal courts to decide what the word “sex” in Title IX actually means. In 2022, Attorneys General for 26 states sued the Biden administration in federal court.

The 22 attorneys general involved in the first of seven lawsuits are from Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia and West Virginia.

The lead author of the first lawsuit was Tennessee Attorney General Herbert Slater. He stated: “This case is, yet again, about a federal agency trying to change law, which is Congress’ exclusive prerogative.”


On January 5, 2023, a West Virginia federal judge Joseph Goodwin, sided with the 22 Attorneys Generals, ruling that the Biden administration new Title IX policies infringed on states’ right to enact laws, such as banning students from participating in sports based on their gender identity.

The court essentially said that “biological sex” is different from “gender identity.” Here is a link to this 23 page ruling:


A three judge panel of the 6th Circuit voted two to one to put the state law on hold while they considered the dispute. The 22 states then took the matter to the US Supreme Court.

In April 2023, the US Supreme Court (with two judges dissenting) allowed a 12-year-old transgender girl (biological boy) in West Virginia to continue competing on her middle school’s girls sports teams while the lawsuit over a state ban on boys in girls sports continues to make its way through the courts. The Supreme Court did not provide any explanation for its action. But it apparently wants the three judge panel to make a ruling before taking any action.

This lawsuit is still working its way through the federal courts. However, as of June 22, 2023, the injunction against the Biden administration regarding their 2022 rule change remains in effect as does the injunction against the state rule. See Tennessee v. U.S. Dep’t of Educ., No. 22-5807 (6th Cir.) (argued Apr. 26, 2023, but Opinion not yet issued.)

Meanwhile, on November 6, 2023, a federal judge, Roy Altman, issued a 39 page decision that upheld a Florida law banning biological boys from participating in girls sports. The court ruled that the word “sex” in Title IX means biological sex and does not include “gender identity.

Altman said he found that “promoting women’s equality in athletics is an important governmental interest”. Altman based his ruling on a similar Title IX ruling by the US Court of Appeals in December 2022. Here is a link to his 39 page ruling which links to the 2022 ruling.


However, in April 2024, the Biden administration issued new Title IX “Final Rule” changes scheduled to take effect on August 1, 2024. The new Title IX Final Rules “would preempt” “any State or local law” conflicting with them. Id. at 41,404; see also id. at 41,569 (to be codified at 34 C.F.R. § 106.6(b)).

The initial 2022 proposed rule changes drew more than 238,987 comments – a new record for any Department of Education rule change. So this is obviously a controversial issue that a lot of people care about. Here is a link to the Comments which were overwhelmingly opposed to the rule change:


The April 2024 proposed “athletic” rule change drew more than 156,000 comments – also opposed to the rule change. Here is a link to these comments:


It should be noted that a substantial rule change is usually assigned a 60 day comment period and the April 2024 rule change was only given 32 days. Had it been given the usual 60 days, it is likely another new record would have been set with total comments exceeding 500,000.

On April 29, 2024, the Final version of the Final Rule was published. The final rule ignored hundreds of thousands of comments that were opposed to it and made essentially no changes to the new rules.

In response to the Biden Title IX “Final Rule” changes, on April 30, 2024, Tennessee Attorney General Herbert Slater joined an additional Title IX lawsuit with several other states asking the federal court to block the new Biden Final rules. Here is a link to their 799 page complaint:


This link also includes Exhibit A - the entire Final Rule beginning on page 87 to page 509. The final rule is 424 pages long. The link also includes Exhibit B which is the 16 page comment from 20 states. The link also includes Exhibit C which is a 19 page summary by states. The link also includes Exhibit D a 20- page summary by the Indiana Attorney General.

Here is a quote from page 43 of the complaint: “While the Final Rule’s jargon is complex, the new bottom line for the nation’s schools is simple: All federally funded elementary, middle, high, and post-secondary schools must generally adopt students’ gender identity and ignore their sex, or else face Title IX sanctions.”

Essentially, they argue that the word “sex” is different from the word “gender” and that Title IX law can only be revised by Congress, not by the Biden administration. But in addition, they point to rule changes that clearly interfere with our First Amendment right to freedom of religion and freedom of speech:

“Under the Final Rule, repercussions risk running to any speech or religious expression that might reasonably be deemed “unwelcome,” “offensive,” and “limiting” of a student’s educational participation or benefit.”

On page 55, the plaintiffs state: “The Final Rule instructs that Title IX administrators are to take “prompt” action to investigate and respond to any speech that “reasonably may” constitute harassment. Id. At 33,509, 33,533, 33,562. Such responses might include “educational programming” or “employee training,” id. at 33,599, as well as “emergency removal” of alleged offenders from educational programs and activities, id. at 33,616; see also id. at 33,890 (amended 34 C.F.R. § 106.44(h))… no State can protect teachers’ and students’ right not to speak in ways that a student might view as offensive to the student’s subjective gender identity.”

Therefore, any statement made by any student or teacher that is unwelcome by the offended student – including accidentally using the wrong pronoun - could result in the emergency removal of the student or teacher who made the offending statement – even if no offensive was actually intended. If the teacher is removed for saying the wrong thing, who will be left to teach the class?

This new rule is therefore contrary to recent federal court rulings that students and faculty could not be required to use words and pronouns that they believed were not true or accurate. Ignoring the First amendment right to freedom of speech also would violate many state constitutions which have a separate and often stronger right to freedom of speech.

Here is a quote from page 74: “The Final Rule impermissibly conditions federal funding on States’ and school recipients’ taking unconstitutional actions against faculty and students for engaging in protected expression. See South Dakota v. Dole, 483 U.S. 203, 210-11 (1987); infra ¶¶ 242-44. “ Also see Meriwether, 992 F.3d at 498-500, 505, 512 and 514

Plaintiff state Attorneys Generals also argue that the new rules ignore the right of each state to set their own school policies.

“The Final Rule thus forces Tennessee to choose between enforcing its own laws and losing about $1.5 billion in federal funds on which important programs at every level of Tennessee education depend. “

Here is a quote from page 777 by Courtney DeSoto, parent of a current high school track athlete: “I am the parent of a minor daughter who runs varsity track in a public school in California. A male freshman joined the women’s team this year and is running varsity track and winning every race while the girls watch in bewilderment. The same individual is using the girls locker room to change and shower. The girls are so uncomfortable that some are not using the girls locker room themselves anymore. The head coach is about to quit over the injustice of it all. Complaints and concerns for the girls are made to school and district administration. But no one is willing to say anything because our state laws and legislators will not protect our daughters.”

For the latest status of this case, see this link: https://dockets.justia.com/docket/kentucky/kyedce/2:2024cv00072/104801

On June 11, 2024, a federal judge in Texas struck down the Biden Administration proposed change to Title IX.


US Federal Judge Reed O'Connor Title IX issued a 112 page ruling sided with Texas Attorney General Paxton. The judge accused the Biden Administration of pushing an "agenda." O’Connor concluded that the Education Department did not have the authority to radically change Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. Here is a link to his ruling: https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.txnd.377970/gov.uscourts.txnd.377970.37.0.pdf

Here are some quotes from his ruling: “Title IX provides that “no person . . . shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”

“the plain meaning of the term sex as used in § 106.33 when it was enacted by [the Department] following passage of Title IX meant the biological and anatomical differences between male and female students as determined at their birth.”

The Texas Education Code prohibits school districts from allowing “a student to compete in an interscholastic athletic competition sponsored or authorized by the district or school that is designated for the biological sex opposite to the student’s biological sex.”

Consistent with the biological reality of sex, Carroll ISD precludes district employees from “requiring the use of pronouns that are inconsistent with a student’s or other person’s biological sex.”

On April 29, 2024, the Department published a new Title IX regulation: (the “Final Rule”). To prevent the Final Rule from taking effect, various lawsuits arose around the country. By the Court’s count, there are seven such cases:

Texas, et al. v. United States, 2:24-cv-00086-Z (N.D. Tex. Apr. 29, 2024);

Alabama, et al. v. Cardona, 7:24-cv-00533-ACA (N.D. Ala. Apr. 29, 2024);

Louisiana, et al. v. U.S. Dep’t of Education, 3:24-cv-00563-TAD-KDM (W.D. La. Apr. 29, 2024);

Tennessee, et al. v. Cardona, 2:24-cv-00072-DCR-CJS (E.D. Ky. Apr. 30, 2024);

Arkansas, et al. v. U.S. Dep’t of Education, No. 4:24-cv-00636-RWS (E.D. Mo. May 7, 2024);

Kansas, et al. v. U.S. Dep’t of Education, No. 5:24-cv-04041-JWB-ADM (D. Kan. May 14, 2024);

Carroll Indep. Sch. Dist. v. U.S. Dep’t of Education, No. 4:24-cv-00461-O (N.D. Tex. May 21, 2024)

All related cases have a pending motion for preliminary injunction seeking to enjoin the Final Rule. As of this date, no court has ruled on those preliminary injunctions. However, one sister court previously addressed the same Guidance Documents at issue here (the “Tennessee Case”).

Tennessee, et al. v. U.S. Dep’t of Educ., et al. (Tennessee Case), 615 F. Supp. 3d 807, 830 (E.D. Tenn. July 15, 2022), appeal filed, No. 22-5807 (6th Cir. 2022).

In the Tennessee Case, Judge Charles Atchley granted a preliminary injunction on July 15, 2022, enjoining Defendants—along with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and its Chair, Charlotte Burrows—from implementing the Guidance Documents against the plaintiffs to the lawsuit—the states of Tennessee, Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, and West Virginia.

This preliminary injunction was appealed to the Sixth Circuit and remains pending. However, treating people consistent with their subjective gender identities—is directly at odds with Title IX. Contrary to Title IX’s text, the (Biden Proposed) Guidance Documents actually condemn separating students based on their biological sex, including as it pertains to the use of restrooms, and if school sports competition was not separated by sex, the great bulk of the females would quickly be eliminated from participation and denied any meaningful opportunity for athletic involvement.”

Rather than promote the equal opportunity, dignity, and respect that Title IX demands for both biological sexes, Defendants’ Guidance Documents do the opposite in an effort to advance an agenda wholly divorced from the text, structure, and contemporary context of Title IX.

To allow Defendants’ unlawful action to stand would be to functionally rewrite Title IX in a way that shockingly transforms American education and usurps a major question from Congress.

Therefore, the Court DECLARES that the (Biden Proposed) Guidance Documents are unlawful.

In a statement, Ken Paxton applauded Tuesday's ruling, saying in part, "Texas has prevailed on behalf of the entire nation."

That lawsuit, along with a separate one filed by Republican state attorneys general in Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana and Idaho, argued the regulations unlawfully interpret Title IX in a way that conflicts with the statute's text, which they said defines "sex" as a person's biological sex.

third lawsuit, by Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina and three advocacy groups, challenged that provision as well as parts of the regulations they said broadens the definition of sex-based harassment and required schools to overhaul how they address complaints.

A federal judge in Tennessee in 2022 had already blocked the Education Department from enforcing the guidance in 20 Republican-led states that had separately sued to strike it down. The Biden administration is appealing that decision.

On June 13, 2024, another US District Judge, Terry A. Doughty blocked the new Title IX rule from taking effect in Idaho, Louisiana, Mississippi and Montana. Here is a link to his 40 page ruling: https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.lawd.205659/gov.uscourts.lawd.205659.53.0.pdf

Judge Doughty called the new proposed rule an “abuse of power” and a “threat to democracy.”

On June 17, 2024, another federal judge issued an opinion. US District Judge Danny Reeves granted preliminary injunction blocking Biden revision of Title IX in Kentucky, Ohio, Tennessee, Virginia and West Virginia. Reeves in his 93-page decision said, “There are two sexes: male and female. Title IX’s drafters meant “male” and “female” when they wrote “on the basis of sex.” Here is a link to this ruling: https://westvirginiawatch.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/TITLEIX-Injunction-EDKY.pdf

Here is a quote from this ruling:

Title IX was enacted for the protection of the discrimination of biological females. However, the Final Rule may likely cause biological females more discrimination than they had before Title IX was enacted. Importantly, Defendants did not consider the effect the Final Rule would have on biological females by requiring them to share their bathrooms and locker rooms with biological males. Further, by allowing biological men who identify as a female into locker rooms, showers, and bathrooms, biological females risk invasion of privacy, embarrassment, and sexual assault. This result is not only impossible to square with Title IX, but with the broader guarantee of educational protection for all students.

Current Legal Status of Title IX
As of June 20, 2024, 26 states have filed lawsuits challenging the Biden Title IX rule change. 15 states (including Washington state) filed briefs in support of allowing trans boys to invade girls locker rooms and destroy girls sports.

So far 5 federal judges have issued lengthy rulings in favor of protecting girls, girls bathrooms and girls sports from trans boys. All five federal judges have sided with various state laws banning biological boys from participating in girls sports and five have concluded that the word “sex” in Title IX means biological sex and not “gender identity.”

While the US Supreme Court did agree with a lower court panel to put the laws on hold while the appeals are proceeding, this does not mean that the Supreme Court will ultimately side with the Biden administration Department of Education policy change. It is likely that the three judge panel, which heard oral arguments in April 2024, will issue a ruling in the next two months. Then, regardless of which way the three judge panel rules, the Supreme Court will be forced to decide this issue later in 2024 or in 2025. Alternately, depending on the outcome of the 2024 election, a new Congress might clarify the meaning of Title IX in the 2025 session – in which case a Supreme Court decision may not be needed.

5 Science confirms huge performance differences between males and females

An expert report by Dr. Gregory A. Brown, an exercise science professor at the University of Nebraska, sheds some light on how policies that allow men to compete against women harm female athletes.

Similarly gifted and trained males have physical advantages over females—from greater height and weight and larger, longer, and stronger bones to larger muscles and higher rates of metabolizing and releasing energy. These innate physiological traits result in greater muscle strength; stronger throwing, hitting, and kicking; higher jumping; and faster running speeds for males, all of which create an athletic edge over females. For example, despite greater body weight, males have a roughly 15-20 percent jumping advantage over women. When examining the vertical jump needed in volleyball, one study found that on average male players jumped 50 percent higher during an “attack” at the net than female players.

In another report, Dr. Brown elaborates: “[I]t is obvious that some effects of male puberty that confer advantages for athletic performance—in particular bone size and configuration—cannot be reversed once they have occurred.” He goes on to demonstrate how puberty creates height and mass differences that provide a significant advantage for males. And no amount of testosterone blockers can compensate for that advantage.

For the past several decades, female athletes have seen their opportunities grow steadily. The average number of collegiate women’s sports teams has more than tripled since Congress passed Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.

And in that same time span, women have also been given the opportunity to compete in more events at the Olympics. In fact, many of America’s most famous Olympic athletes are women, such as Serena Williams, Simone Biles, and Katie Ledecky.

Dr. Brown’s research shows that if female athletes are forced to compete against males, even these Olympians would not have a fair chance to compete. And young girls would never get the opportunity to fulfill their dreams, no matter how hard they worked.

Sex differences between males and females begin during development in the womb and continue throughout the lifespan. Sex differences which impact athletic performance occur even prior to puberty. For example, measurement of cardiovascular capacity in pre-puberty school children show that VO2 max is consistently higher in boys than girls, attributed to the ability of a boy’s heart to pump more blood with each heartbeat. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16183768/

Physical capabilities studies in elementary children show boys outperform girls in aerobic fitness, strength, speed, and agility; girls outperform boys only in balance and flexibility.

These physiologic differences that drive athletic performance explode with puberty. In male puberty, circulating testosterone rises to 30 times pre-puberty levels with post-puberty levels being 15-20-fold greater than females of any age. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6391653/

Boys undergo significant physiologic changes relative to girls: even greater height, leaner body mass, greater muscle mass, greater muscle strength, larger lungs, bigger airways, and greater cardiac capacity. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7846503/

Testosterone suppression does not level the playing field. After one year of testosterone suppression for males, thigh muscle mass is reduced by 9% but still remains 16% higher compared to females. Reduction in muscle strength is only 5%. In the longest follow-up study published, males with 14 years of testosterone suppression remain 20% stronger and have 20% greater heart and lung capacity than females. Male advantage is not erased even with over a decade of testosterone suppression. https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/56/22/1292.long

2020 research on transgender women athletes by Emma Hilton and Tommy Lundberg concluded that: “The biological advantage, most notably in terms of muscle mass and strength, conferred by male puberty and thus enjoyed by most transgender women is only minimally reduced when testosterone is suppressed as per current sporting guidelines for transgender athletes.”


Scientific studies are a great resource in showing that males have a biological advantage over females in athletics, but we don’t need a study to tell us just how discouraging it is for female athletes to compete and lose to males. Since 2017, the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference (CIAC) has allowed males who identify as girls to compete in high school women’s sports, putting female athletes at an automatic disadvantage in their own sports.

Selina Soule is one such athlete. Selina is a dedicated sprinter. When she competed in high school, she devoted countless days, nights, and weekends to train in order to shave mere fractions of a second off her race times. She trains to win. But when she stepped up to the starting blocks at the beginning of a race, she knew that the odds were against her.

Since the CIAC’s policy change, male athletes who identity as female won race after race, collecting state titles along the way. In fact, since the CIAC changed its policy, two male athletes have taken 15 state titles that were previously held by nine different girls in 2016. Here are just a few of these championship titles:

  • At the 2018 CIAC State Open Championship, two males took first and second place in the women’s varsity 100-meter dash.
  • At the 2019 Indoor Track Championship, a male athlete won both the women’s 55-meter dash and the women’s 300-meter dash.
  • At the 2019 CIAC Combined State Open Championship, a male athlete won the women’s 200-meter dash.

Beyond the state level, one of these male athletes went on to win the women’s 200-meter dash at the 2019 New England Interscholastic Track and Field Championships.

Here is a YouTube video of female athletes explaining why it is unfair to force them to compete against biological males:



It shouldn’t be surprising that male athletes can outrun female athletes. What is surprising is that officials from the CIAC are allowing males to deprive so many girls of the championship titles they’ve trained so hard to achieve. They’re stripping girls of opportunities—not just on race day but for their future college scholarships, athletic careers, and more.

After months of training for the 55-meter dash, Selina placed just one spot away from qualifying for the final and a chance to compete for a spot in the New England regional championships, where many college scouts attend.

Two male athletes had taken first and second in that race. Had they not been permitted to do so, Selina likely would have competed at the regional championships in front of college scouts who might then have granted her a college scholarship. Instead, it is likely that sports scholarships intended for girls will instead now go to Trans boys.

6 Political Polls and Recent Action by Congress

On April 20, 2023, the US House of Representatives passed the “Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act of 2023” to ban allowing males to compete in female sports and to define sex “based solely on a person’s reproductive biology and genetics at birth.” H.R. 734 (2023). The bill was passed on a party line vote of 219 to 203. However, the bill is now sitting in the Senate where no action has yet been taken.


More Americans say Birth Sex should determine sports participation
In 2021, according to Gallup polls, 62% of Americans favored Birth Sex being used to determine sports participation. By June, 2023, the percentage that favored birth sex over gender identity rose to 69%. Only 26% are in favor of using gender identity. Large majorities of independents (67%) and Republicans (93%) remain opposed to giving transgender athletes a choice of competing on male or female teams. Even a majority of Democrats now support birth sex over gender identity. https://news.gallup.com/poll/507023/say-birth-gender-dictate-sports-participation.aspx


7 What does the future hold for Title IX and Girls Sports?

Currently both the change in state laws favoring biological sex and the change in federal laws favoring gender identity have been put on hold by the federal courts. This means that as of this moment, the original Title IX which uses biological sex is still in effect. Chris Reykdal is therefore wrong in claiming that Title IX requires using gender identity instead of biological sex.

Ideally, the three judge panel will make a decision soon. Since the new Title IX regulations are the exact opposite of the original Title IX – which was passed to protect Women’s rights to fair treatment, it is almost certain that the Biden administration new interpretation of Title IX will be struck down by the three judge panel – and eventually by the US Supreme Court.

But given overwhelming public opposition to the Biden Title IX rules, this public opposition will be a likely factor in the 2024 General Election which is now only 5 months away. Obviously if Trump and the Republicans win, a Supreme Court decision will not matter. In addition, if the Republicans hold the House, there is no chance for a Biden bill passing. Then the Supreme Court will determine the fate of Title IX. Given all of these facts, I am hopeful that the original intent of Title IX will prevail and likely prevail in 2024 or 2025.


How we can help protect girls in Washington state and prevent Trans boys from taking over girls sports in our state is by removing Chris Reykdal and in his place electing David Olson for State Superintendent.

As always, I look forward to your questions and comments.


David Spring M. Ed.

David at Washington Parents Network dot com


1 Why Encouraging Gender Mutilation is Child Abuse

This report is divided into an Introduction followed by 25 sections. Click on ALL PAGES at the bottom of this Table of Contents to read the entire article on one web page. Click on the Introduction link or click Next to read just the Introduction. You can then click on any of the section links in the Table of Contents to read any section of the report you are interested in learning more about. 


Introduction… Why We Must Stop the Gender Mutilation Racket

In this report, we provide scientific evidence that promoting gender mutilation of minors is state-sponsored child abuse. We should begin by noting that this report is not an attack on Transgender people or an attempt to control how people choose to live their lives after they become adults. Instead, this is a report on why specific, cancer-causing drugs, including puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, should not be given to children under the age of 18. This report is focused solely on the right of children to be raised in a drug-free environment where they will have the greatest chance of having a happy childhood and growing into happy, productive adults.


The drug industry uses the term “Gender Affirming Care” to describe giving children these toxic drugs. We maintain that this term misleading both to parents of gender-confused children and to the public. We will therefore use the term “Gender Mutilation” to describe giving these toxic drugs to minors – as the end result of giving minors these experimental drugs is that their sex organs will be mutilated and the child will become sterile.

In addition, puberty blockers have been known to cause brain tumors. In July 2022, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the US issued a warning label about the risk of puberty blockers after six minors (ages 5-12) experienced severe symptoms of tumor-like masses in the brain.

In addition, in this report, we provide several studies linking cross sex hormones to huge increases in cancer rates.


You will see throughout this report that real child development experts recommend child and family counseling as the best option for resolving problems. The goal is to help the child learn coping skills and other problem solving skills to resolve their issues.


Child Development should be based on Science not Politics
We recognize that in recent years, this subject has become a political football in the United States. Currently, about 25 states led by Republicans have passed laws banning gender mutilation of minors.


Meanwhile 20 State Attorney Generals of states led by Democrats have filed legal briefs in favor of gender mutilation of minors. Sadly, these State Attorney Generals promoting gender mutilation of minors include Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson who is current running for Governor of Washington state. Voters in Washington state need to know that if Ferguson is elected Governor this year, the future of hundreds of thousands of children in our state will be put at risk.

We will look at a couple of misleading claims made by Ferguson in his legal brief in a moment. First, we will look at the recent changes to policies on banning gender mutilation of minors in Europe, where science rather than politics seems to be better recognized. Here is a brief summary of recent changes by country.

Sweden: While Sweden was the first country in the world to allow people to legally change their gender in 1972, it has recently moved away from recommending gender mutilation drugs and towards counseling as the besst option for minors. In 2022, the Swedish government’s National Board of Health and Welfare published a study concluding that puberty blockers and hormone treatments for minors “should be provided only in exceptional cases,” adding that the risks of puberty suppressing drugs and gender-affirming hormones currently outweigh the possible benefits. “Health care should not provide interventions that we do not know to be safe and beneficial,” Mikael Landén, a professor and chief physician at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden and co-author of the report. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37069492/\


United Kingdom: Children at schools in the United Kingdom will no longer be taught gender identity after a several hundred page study called the Cass Review was published in February 2022 finding that the curriculum was extremely harmful to child development. The study of gender identity services for children and young people was written by Dr Hilary Cass, past president of the Royal College of Pediatrics and Child Health.


Denmark: In 2023, a major medical journal Ugeskrift for Læger,  the Journal of the Danish Medical Association, confirmed that there has been a marked shift in the country’s approach to caring for youth with gender dysphoria. Most youth referred to the centralized gender clinic no longer get a prescription for puberty blockers, hormones or surgery. Instead they receive therapeutic counseling and support. https://segm.org/Denmark-sharply-restricts-youth-gender-transitions


Finland: After years of research, in 2020, a public health body in Finland concluded that “medical gender reassignment is not enough to improve functioning and relieve psychiatric comorbidities among adolescents with gender dysphoria.” They therefore now recommend that minors experiencing gender dysphoria first be provided with counseling and, if further medical treatment is pursued, that the patient be made “aware of the risks associated with these drugs.” https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31762394/


France: In February 2022, the French National Academy of Medicine recommended the “greatest reserve” when considering puberty blockers or hormone treatments due to possible side effects such as “impact on growth, bone weakening, risk of infertility.”


Norway: In 2023, the Norwegian Healthcare Investigation Board concluded that “Gender Affirming Care is not evidence based” and thus recommended that gender-affirming care drugs such as puberty blockers be defined as experimental.


Australia: A 2023 long term 9 year study in Australia found that giving minors gender mutilation drugs did not improve their mental health. Before taking the drugs, 88.6% suffered from mental health problems. After taking the drugs, in a follow up 9 years later, 88% still suffered from mental health problems. https://www.mdpi.com/2227-9067/10/2/314


The shifts in policy in these nations and the research underlying these shifts were summarized in a report published in 2023. Here is the link: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11930-023-00358-x

Here are some quotes from this report: “Results of long-term studies of transgender populations failed to demonstrate improvements in mental health, and suggest there are treatment-associated harms. Public health authorities in Finland, Sweden, and England concluded that the risk/benefit ratio of youth gender transition ranges from unknown to unfavorable. As a result, there has been a shift from “gender-affirmative care,” to a more conservative approach that addresses psychiatric comorbidities.”

“Evidence does not support the notion that “affirmative care” of today’s adolescents is net beneficial. Despite claims of the lifesaving nature of gender transition for adults, none of the many studies convincingly demonstrated enduring psychological benefits. The longest-term studies, with the strongest methodologies, reported markedly increased morbidity and mortality and a persistently high risk of post-transition suicide among transitioned adults.”

Blatant lies made by Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson in his legal brief


In August 2022, Bob Ferguson along with 19 other Attorney Generals from Democrat led states, filed a legal brief in a federal case challenging an Alabama law which banned giving gender mutilation drugs to minors. Here is a link to the brief: https://www.splcenter.org/sites/default/files/documents/eknes-tucker-v-marshall-states-amicus.pdf

The judges for the Court of Appeals ruled against Ferguson and in favor of Alabama concluding that Alabama had a right to regulate drugs with known risks being given to minors and that the Alabama law did not discriminate against Transgender people because the law applied to all children. This case and several others will be reviewed by the US Supreme Court in October 2024. Given the mountain of science on the drawbacks of giving gender drugs to minors, it is likely that the US Supreme Court will also rule against Ferguson and in favor of the 25 states that have banned giving gender mutilation drugs to minors.

Later in this report, we will review several more studies on the drawbacks of giving gender mutilation drugs on minors. Here, as examples of how badly misinformed Ferguson is on consequences of gender mutilation of minors. we will look at two studies cited by Ferguson that he claimed were in favor of giving kids gender mutilation drugs Here is an example of an extremely misleading quote from the Ferguson legal brief:

“A survey of over 3,500 transgender adults found that individuals who received pubertal suppression during adolescence had almost 20 percent lower odds of lifetime suicidal thoughts compared to individuals who wanted this treatment but did not receive it.”

This quote was one of several in the Ferguson brief claiming that those given gender mutilation drugs had better outcomes than those who were not given gender mutilation drugs. However, the actual study had a radically different conclusion. Here is a link to the study this claim was based on: https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article/145/2/e20191725/68259/Pubertal-Suppression-for-Transgender-Youth-and

Here is the actual table of outcomes in the study:


The study found that 90.2 percent of those not given drugs thought about committing suicide while 75.3 percent of those given drugs thought of committing suicide. The difference is 15% - not 20% claimed by Ferguson.

But much more important, 45.5% of those given gender mutilation drugs attempted to commit suicide in the previous 12 months with the attempt putting them in the hospital. Meanwhile, only 22.8% of those not given gender mutilation drugs had a suicide attempt that put them in the hospital.

To understand how both of these “facts” can be true, all we need to do is look at the average age of those given drugs versus those not given drugs. Here is Table 1 showing the claimed age difference:


Note that the average age for the entire sample was 23.4 which was also the average age for those not given drugs. Meanwhile, the average age for those given drugs was only 21.7. But a huge flaw of this online self report survey was that the minimum age to take the survey was 18. Also, the most common response for age was 18 – which clearly indicates a non-random response. In fact, it is certain that many 16 and 17 year olds took the survey and checked the 18 box because there was no 16 ot 17 box. These younger people were very likely to be in the group given drugs since government payment for those drugs in the US was only available since passage of the Affordable Care Act 4 years before the survey. When we adjust for this fact, the actual age of those given Trans drugs is about 20.

In addition, it is known that suicide risk is much higher, Trans or Not, after the onset of puberty. We will assume puberty starts at age 12. Thus the Trans Drug group had a Suicide “Lifetime” of 20 minus 12 equals 8 years while the Trans No Drug group had a Suicide “Lifetime” of 23.4 minus 12 equals 11.4 years. Therefore, the Trans Drug group Suicide Attempts Percent per year was 41.6% divided by 8 years equals 5.2% percent per year. Trans No Drug group Suicide Attempts Percent per year was 51.2% divided by 11.4 years equals 4.5% per year. Combining this fact with the fact that in the previous 12 months before the survey, the Trans Drug group had more suicide attempts than the Trans No Drug group, it becomes obvious that giving drugs to transgender youth increases their rate of suicide – for the equally obvious reason that Trans drugs do not deal with the underlying mental health problems like Depression that led to the Gender Confusion in the first place. In short, the data from this study leads to the opposite of the claim made by Bob Ferguson and his accomplices.

What caring, rational person would advocate spending hundreds of millions of dollars giving tens of thousands of minors gender mutilation drugs when the result of giving them those drugs results in a huge increase in suicide attempts that result in hospitalization?

As you may know, no one is allowed to blatantly lie to a court. It is called perjury. But an attorney has a special duty to not lie to a court. And an Attorney General needs to be held to an even higher standard. But here, Ferguson did not just lie to any county or state court or even any federal court. He blatantly lied to the federal Court of Appeals which is only one step below the US Supreme Court.

But he did not merely lie to the Court of Appeals, he lied to the American people, including millions of parents and children, about a gender mutilation policy that is currently harming millions of children and costing the tax payers billions of dollars.

In short, this may be one of the worst crimes Bob Ferguson has ever committed. The voters need to know about this crime because Ferguson is now running for Governor here in Washington state.

Here is another misleading claim made by Ferguson in his legal brief:

A 2020 study found that adolescents who begin gender-affirming treatment at later stages of puberty were over five times more likely to have been diagnosed with depression and over four times more likely to have anxiety disorders than adolescents who seek treatment in early puberty.”

Ferguson claimed that this is why gender mutilation drugs need to be given to younger teenagers rather than waiting until they are age 18 adults and can therefore legally give informed consent. Once again, the actual study he cited to support this claim had a completely different explanation.

Here is a link to the actual study: https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article/146/4/e20193600/79683/Mental-Health-and-Timing-of-Gender-Affirming-Care

The study defined “early puberty” as 14 and “later puberty” as 16.

So Ferguson is claiming that kids who start gender mutilation drugs at 16 “were over five times more likely to have been diagnosed with depression and over four times more likely to have anxiety disorders” than kids who start gender mutilation drugs at 14.

Here is what the study actually found:

“78% of all youth reported one or more mental health problems. Depressive and anxiety disorders were reported by 40.0% of younger youths (average age 14) and 44.3% of older youth (average age 16). “

More Older Youths than Younger Youths reported depression (46% vs 30%), had self-harmed (40% vs 28%), had considered suicide (52% vs 40%), had attempted suicide (17% vs 9%).

Below is a chart of the differences between the two age groups (younger group in green and older group in gray):


In short, 16 year olds suffered from more Depression but had about the same anxiety disorders as 14 year olds. So where did the misleading Ferguson claim come from? The answer is that it was referring to the fact that the study also did a statistical process called a logistic regression analysis. The result of the regression analysis was reported as follows:

“Late pubertal youth were 5.49 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.14–26.32) times and 4.18 (95% CI: 1.22–14.49) times more likely to report depressive and anxiety disorders, respectively, compared with early pubertal youth.”

While this appears to match what Ferguson wrote in his brief, he fails to report the most important fact (lying by omission). The omitted fact is the 95% confidence level is extremely wide. For example for depressive disorders, the range includes all values from a ratio of 1.14 to a ratio of 26.32. With a range this wide, the result is almost meaningless.

Yet Ferguson uses this nearly meaningless study to justify giving gender mutilation drugs to 12 year olds.

Later in the study, the authors admit that other things might explain the result. For example, they state that “ The prevalence of pediatric depression increases with age (25) and peaks after the onset of puberty (26).

25 Perou R, Bitsko RH, Blumberg SJ, et al; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Mental health surveillance among children—United States, 2005–2011. MMWR Suppl. 2013;62(2):1–35

26 Thapar, Collishaw, Pine, Thapar.  Depression in adolescence. Lancet. 2012;379(9820):1056–1067

Neither of these links is very helpful. But since I have a Masters Degree in Child Development and have spent years studying this problem of Depression in teenagers, I will explain what is actually happening.

We have known for at least 50 years that mental health problems in teenagers increase with age. In short, these problems have nothing to do with being transgender or starting taking gender mutilation drugs. They have to do with being a teenager. Below is a chart from the CDC from a recent study: https://www.cdc.gov/childrensmentalhealth/data.html


Most parents of teenagers have also observed this as they wonder what happened to their normal child who suddenly went crazy when they became a teenager. But this does not mean teenagers need a pile of toxic drugs. What they may need is mental health counseling such as CBT (Cognitive Behavior Therapy).

Thankfully, on August 21, 2023, the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against Bob Ferguson and in favor of the right of the state of Alabama to protect their children from gender mutilation drugs. Here is a link to their 59 page opinion. https://media.ca11.uscourts.gov/opinions/pub/files/202211707.pdf

Here is a quote from their decision: “States have a compelling interest in protecting children from drugs, particularly those for which there is uncertainty regarding benefits, recent surges in use, and irreversible effects… these medications can cause loss of fertility and sexual function.”

Gender Confusion is best treated with Counseling not Drugs
Hundreds of scientific studies support the conclusion that counseling for underlying mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and emotional trauma should be the first line of treatment for children who are confused or distressed about their sex. Counseling for both the child and family, was once and is increasingly again recognized as the standard of care for minors with gender dysphoria. Giving kids toxic drugs does not address mental health issues or trauma issues or reduce suicides. There are better mental health alternatives to gender mutilation drugs which address underlying issues, rather than dodging them. There are more effective ways with better long term outcomes to deal with gender confusion than the chemical sterilization and surgical mutilation of healthy young bodies.

Estimate of number of children being harmed by Gender Transition Child Abuse in Washington State
10 years ago, there were only two gender transition clinics in Washington State. Currently, there are now more than 70 Gender Transition clinics in Washington state. Some clinics currently are transitioning (abusing) as many as 800 children. Here is an example of the growth of children harmed annually at a single clinic in Portland Oregon in the past 10 years:


Therefore, as many as 70 times 800 or 56,000 children are being subjected to gender transition abuse here in Washington State. Another way to estimate the number of children harmed in our state by gender mutilation drugs is to multiple the number of high school students by the reported rate of Trans students per either the CDC or Gallup surveys. Both surveys conclude that about 20% of high school students have been brainwashed into joining the Trans Gender cult. Since we have about 300,000 high school students, 20% times 300,000 is an estimate of 60,000 students in the Trans Gender Cult Club in Washington state.

Estimate of the cost of harming 60,000 children with Gender Mutilation drugs in Washington State
The cost of gender mutilation drugs for a single child for a single year is about $40,000. The treatment typically goes on four 10 years. Surgery adds another $100,000 and cancer treatment can range from $100,000 to $500,000 total cost (with most paid for by tax payers). But skipping the cancer treatment, the cost will be at least a half million dollars per child. Multiply a half million times 60,000 students and the total cost is 30,000 million dollars or about $30 billion for ten years or about $3 billion per year just here in Washington state. Nearly all of this cost is paid by tax payers.


In summary, the lies told by Bob Ferguson and Chris Reykdal to promote drugging and severely harming tens of thousands of kids by pushing the Gender Mutilation Drug racket is robbing $3 billion per year from us tax payers and giving it to billionaires like Bill Gates that own both the drug companies and corrupt politicians like Bob Ferguson and Chris Reykdal.

This report is divided into 25 sections
Hopefully, you now have a better understanding on the kind of lies and fake science being used by Snake Oil Salesmen like Bob Ferguson and Chris Reykdal to promote giving toxic gender mutilation drugs to minors (often without their parents knowledge or consent). However, this is just the tip of a very ugly iceberg. In fact, the Gender Mutilation racket may be one of the worst crimes ever committed. As you read each of these 25 sections, you may and should get angry at the harm Ferguson and Reykdal are inflicting on innocent children. But please do your best to channel your anger into positive action. Help us replace Reykdal and Ferguson with people who actually care about the well being of our children.


In the following 25 sections, we will go further into both the science and politic corruption underlying the Gender Mutilation Racket:

1 Lies about Child Gender Transitions (Mutilations)

2 Why Gender Transition is an extreme form of Child Abuse

3 Why Minors can not give informed consent

4 Gender Dysphoria related to environment rather than genetics

5 Adverse Child Events underlying Gender Dysphoria

6 Social Media in the Development of Gender Dysphoria

7 State Superintendent Reykdal orders teachers to lie to parents

8 La Center School District threatened for telling parents the truth

9 Consequences of Teachers Lying to Parents

10 Who is making money from this monstrous child abuse?

11 Senate Bill 5599 Eliminates Parental Notice

12 Backlash against SB 5599 led to the Parents Rights Initiative

13 May 2024 Legal Challenge to the Parents Rights Initiative

14 State Superintendent Reykdal blocks Parents Rights Initiative

15 Federal Health Centers put in schools to avoid parental notice

16 Washington laws promoting Gender Mutilation of Minors

17 US Supreme Court ruling on Parents Rights

18 Exposing WPATH Crimes against children

19 Inside the Gender Mutilation Scam Industry

20 Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria

21 Florida judge rules gender mutilation is safe and effective

22 King County Judge Rules Against Parental Notification

23 Supreme Court to review state bans on gender mutilation

24 Resolution Opposing Giving Gender Mutilation Drugs to Minors

25 Four Steps to protect our kids from state child abuse


1 Lies about Child Gender Transitions (Mutilations)

There is a propaganda war being waged against parents and children by people making millions of dollars spreading monstrous lies. The biggest lie is for an authority figure, such as a teacher, to tell a child they can magically change their sex simply by changing the pronouns they use. Then to add insult to injury, for this same teacher to undermine the parent-child relationship by telling the child they must not tell their parent of their new “gender identity.” The fact is that it is not possible for anyone to change their biological sex. Instead, convincing a child to go down this path is likely to lead the child to a broken life of misery, cancer and early death.

Here are 6 of the biggest lies of the Gender Mutilation Industry.

Lie #1 Some children are born with the wrong sex and need to be given drugs to mimic their preferred gender.
FACTS: Science shows that while about 1% of children are not happy with their biological sex, more than 90% of these children outgrow this feeling by the time they reach adulthood. The remaining 10% suffered from serious mental health problems PRIOR to their gender concerns. Gender concerns are therefore a symptom of an underlying mental health problem – not a condition to be “fixed” with drugs. https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/psychiatry/articles/10.3389/fpsyt.2021.632784/full


Lie #2 Giving kids gender drugs restores their happiness
FACTS: There is no research that giving kids drugs improves their happiness over time. Gender mutilation advocates are quick to point out that when people who want gender drugs do not get them, they suffer a 40% risk of attempting suicide suicide 40%. What they fail to mention is that people who want gender drugs and do get them have a 42% risk of attempting suicide. So if anything giving kids gender drugs increases their risk of attempting suicide. Instead of giving troubled kids expensive ineffective experimental drugs, addressing their underlying mental health problems through counseling is what leads to long term happiness. Giving a child experimental drugs simply leads them down a path to a life of misery. See page 18 of this study: https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/publications/suicidality-transgender-adults/


Lie #3 Giving kids gender drugs is safe
FACTS: In 2019, a study was published of more than 3,000 minors given hormone drugs. The study confirmed that the risk of breast cancer rose 46 times (4,600 percent) in minors subjected to trans hormone drugs. https://www.bmj.com/content/bmj/365/bmj.l1652.full.pdf

The study and several others that found similar risks has led many countries including Sweden and Great Britain to move away from promoting gender drugs to banning giving them to minors.


Lie #4 Parents do not know about or care about their children
FACTS: The vast majority of parents care about their children and know more about their children that any teacher or other state worker. Parents should assumed to be good caregivers and should not have to fear the state kidnapping or brain washing their kids as a result of attending school. It is not parents we should worry about abusing children. Instead, it is the state that is abusing our children with experimental drugs.


Lie #5 A troubled child should be told to lie to their parents
FACTS: There is almost nothing one can do that is more harmful to a child than to tell them that their parents can not be trusted or that they need to lead a “double life” of lying to their parents when they are at home and constructing an alternate identity at school. It is not parents we should distrust. It is the drug industry that makes millions of dollars by convincing children that their snake oil will bring the child happiness.


Lie #6 It is only polite to encourage a five-year old child to use a series of made-up pronouns rather than their real pronouns
FACTS: Forcing children to use a series of made up alternate genders and confusing pronouns leads children to needless doubt and fear – both harmful to learning and brain development - at a time when children should be focused on learning to read, write and do basic math.


Four Steps to Brainwash Kids

Brainwashing Step 1 Encourage children to use fake pronouns
The brain washing begins with stories about gay role models as soon as Kindergarten. Here is an image of an assignment given to First Graders asking them to magically choose from among several gender options:


Brainwashing Step 2: Normalizing gender mutilation by bringing in drag queens to First Grade classes
NYC spent more than $200k sending drag queens into schools to read to kids as young as THREE - sometimes without parental consent. In 2022 alone, Drag Story Hour made 49 appearances at 34 public schools.


Brainwashing Step 3: Encourage kids to take Trans hormones


Looks like a lot of fun, doesn’t it? Note that there is no mention that the Gender Hormones will cost the family or state tax payers $40,000 each year for 5 to 10 years and greatly increase the risk of cancer.

Brainwashing Step 4: Promote Sex Change Surgery


Sadly, even after all this money spent trying to change a person’s sex, the person is still left with the underlying mental health problems that led to the compulsion to change their sex in the first place.

End Result: Cancer Treatment
Even sadder, all of the experimental drugs are highly likely to lead to both cancer and an early death.


No rational adult would want any child to go down such an expensive, unhappy and deadly road.

Distortions of Science
The debate over the harm of gender mutilation is currently being played out in state legislatures and federal courts. 26 states have banned gender mutilation of minors while 14 states (including Washington state attorney general Bob Ferguson) have submitted court filings in favor of gender mutilation. Several federal judges have ruled in favor of state laws banning gender mutilation of minors. On August 21, 2023, one of the most significant federal court rulings was a 59 page decision by a three judge panel who agreed that Alabama has a rational basis for banning gender mutilation of minors in their state. The case was called Eknes-Tucker v. Governor, State of Alabama https://media.ca11.uscourts.gov/opinions/pub/files/202211707.pdf

Here are some quotes from this decision:

“There is no binding authority that indicates that the general right to "make decisions concerning the care, custody, and control of [one's] children" includes the right to give one's children puberty blockers and cross-sex hormone treatment.

Several studies demonstrate that hormonal and surgical interventions often do not resolve the underlying psychological issues affecting the individual. For example, individuals who undergo cross-sex cosmetic surgical procedures have been found to suffer from elevated mortality rates higher than the general population. They experience significantly higher rates of substance abuse, depression, and psychiatric hospitalizations. Minors, and often their parents, are unable to comprehend and fully appreciate the risk and life implications, including permanent sterility, that result from the use of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgical procedures.

Alabama produced documents showing that public healthcare entities of Sweden, Finland, France, Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom have raised concerns about the risks associated with puberty blockers and cross-sex hormone treatment and supported greater caution and/or more restrictive criteria in connection with such interventions. “

In response to this Alabama ruling, a group of doctors making millions of dollars pushing gender transition drugs on kids issued a 30 page report claiming that the three federal judges did not use “accurate science.” Here is a link to their report:


Their report claims that gender altering drugs and surgeries are “safe and effective.” We will provide studies showing that the drugs are not safe - as they often lead to cancer and other health problems. Here we will look at their claim that gender drugs (hormones) are effective. After 10 pages of propaganda and unsupported claims, the discussion claims on page 11: “40% of trans individuals who do not receive hormones will attempt or complete suicide in their lifetime.”

The implication of this claim is that if we do not give trans kids hormone drugs, 40% of them might wind up committing suicide. To support this shocking claim, the report links to a study published in 2019 at this link:

This data comes from an online self report – which is not exactly scientific. The 2015 U.S. Transgender Survey was an online survey of transgender adults, ages 18 and over, which was fielded in August and September of 2015. The 27,715 respondents came from all 50 US states.

There were huge problems with this report. For example, the median age was 26 compared to the US median age of 38. Also, there were a huge number of respondents reporting to be 18 years old which was the minimum age required to fill out the report. This indicates that many younger people filled out the report and lied about their age – claiming they were 18 when they were really younger than 18.

Also the percentage of white adults in the report was 82% which is much higher than the actual percentage of white adults in our population which is 62%. Finally, median household income was reported to be $35,000 when actual median household income that year was $56,500. Ignoring these glaring problems, scroll down to page 18 and read Table 4.



It does indeed indicate that: 41% of trans individuals who want hormones and do not receive hormones will attempt or complete suicide in their lifetime. However, in the very next line, it indicates that those who wanted hormones and have had them reported a lifetime suicide rate of 42%

Please read the above sentence ten more times and let it sink it. The authors of the so-called science based report assumed that we would not read the actual study – which indicates the exact opposite of what the gender – mutilation pushing doctors are claiming. It is bad that 40% of trans individuals who do not receive hormones attempt to commit suicide. However, it is much worse that 42% of trans individuals who do receive hormones will attempt to commit suicides. In other words, giving trans kids the hormones INCREASES their risk of committing suicide.

Also, in the same table it notes that “the lifetime attempted suicide rate for those wanting surgery but not getting was 41 percent while the lifetime rate for those wanting surgery and having gotten surgery was 40 percent. “

Put bluntly, the study these crooked doctors used to claim that drugs and surgery were effective concluded the exact opposite – that trans drugs and trans surgery are NOT safe or effective!

2 Why Gender Transition is an extreme form of Child Abuse

The American College of Pediatricians is a national organization of pediatricians and other healthcare professionals dedicated to the health and well-being of children. Their objective is to foster and stimulate improvements in all aspects of healthcare of infants, children, and adolescents. They have issued a 20 page report summarizing 55 scientific studies on the drawbacks of gender transitioning minor children. You can download and read their report at this link: https://acpeds.org/assets/imported/corrected-REVISED-NOV-2018-Gender-Dysphoria-in-Children-1.pdf

From a purely scientific standpoint, humans possess a biologically determined sex. The brains of all male infants are masculinized prenatally by their own endogenous testosterone, which is secreted from their testes beginning at about eight weeks’ gestation. There are literally hundreds of differences between male and female development. For example, serotonin levels in the male brain are 10 to 20 times higher on average than serotonin levels in the female brain. It is not possible to change a person’s genes through hormones or surgery. Sex change is objectively impossible.

The current scientific term for children who may be unhappy with their biological sex is called Gender Dysphoria (also called GD). It is estimated that this condition is rare – occurring in less than one percent of all children. Even then, among children who are clinically diagnosed as suffering from Gender Dysphoria, the condition resolved itself in about 90% of all cases without any medical intervention. For example, a 30 year study of 139 young biological boys who suffered from GD found that only 17 or 12% still suffered from GD when they were adults. The remaining 122 or 88% no longer had any problem with their biological sex. Here is a link to this study: https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/psychiatry/articles/10.3389/fpsyt.2021.632784/full

Thus, at most, this condition is a long term problem for less than one in one thousand students. Therefore, forcing all young students to be exposed to such a damaging life-altering treatment means that at least 999 of these students will run the risk of being harmed – and even the one in a thousand students that might benefit from gender transitioning will be subjected to serious harm as described next.

Consequences of Sex Mutilation Drugs
When children are given drugs to alter their appearance, the use of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists followed by cross-sex hormones results in the sterility of minors. In addition, GnRH agonists arrest bone growth, decrease bone accretion and prevent the sex-steroid dependent organization and maturation of the adolescent brain.

In 2019, a study was published of more than 3,000 minors given hormone drugs. The study confirmed that the risk of breast cancer rose 46 times (4,600 percent) in minors subjected to trans hormone drugs.


Oral estrogen administration to boys also places them at risk for experiencing thrombosis/thromboembolism, cardiovascular disease, weight gain, elevated blood pressure, decreased glucose tolerance and gall bladder disease.

Negative Impact of sex reassignment surgery in adults
Surveys suggest that transgender adults initially express a sense of “relief” and “satisfaction” following the use of hormones and sex reassignment surgery (SRS). In the long term, however, SRS does not result in a level of health equivalent to that of the general population. Instead GD encouraged youth will face a transgender adulthood which will predispose them to certain morbidities and an increased risk of early death. For example, a 2001 study of 392 male-to-female and 123 female-to-male transgender persons found that 62 percent of the male-to-female (MtF) and 55 percent of the female-to-male (FtM) transgender persons were depressed. Nearly one third (32 percent) of each population had attempted suicide. A thirty-year follow-up study of post-operative transgender patients from Sweden found that thirty years out from surgery, the rate of suicide among post-operative transgender adults was nearly twenty times greater than that of the general population.

See Cecilia Dhejne, et al., Long-term Follow-up of Transsexual Persons Undergoing Sex Reassignment Surgery: Cohort Study in Sweden, (Feb. 22, 2011) https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0016885

As the following chart shows, adverse outcomes including death occurred throughout the follow up period.


Below is a table of adverse outcomes compared to normal controls:


Look at the far right column in the above table to see the risk ratio for transgender adults compared to control adults. For example, those who had gender mutilation surgery were 3 times more likely to abuse drugs or commit a violent crime. No rational caring person would approve of sending any child down such a horrible path.

Texas Attorney General issues opinion that Gender Transition is Child Abuse
On February 18, 2020, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton released a formal legal opinion concluding that performing certain “sex-change procedures” on children—including surgeries, cross-sex hormones, and puberty blockers—constitutes child abuse under Texas law. https://texasattorneygeneral.gov/sites/default/files/global/KP-0401.pdf

“You ask whether the performance of certain medical and chemical procedures on children—several of which have the effect of sterilization—constitute child abuse. You specifically ask about procedures falling under the broader category of “gender reassignment surgeries. Additionally, you ask whether “providing, administering, prescribing, or dispensing drugs to children that induce transient or permanent infertility” constitutes child abuse.”

“These procedures and treatments can cause “mental or emotional injury to a child that results in an observable and material impairment in the child’s growth, development, or psychological functioning. These procedures and treatments can cause a physical injury that results in substantial harm to the child. Based on the analysis herein, each of the “sex change” procedures and treatments enumerated above, when performed on children, can legally constitute child abuse.”

3 Why Minors can not give informed consent

Minors cannot give informed consent because children have developing and immature brains, their minds change often, they are prone to risk-taking, they are vulnerable to peer pressure, and they don’t grasp long-term consequences. The adolescent brain’s prefrontal cortex is immature and is limited in its ability to strategize, problem solve and make emotionally laden decisions that have life-long consequences. In females, the prefrontal cortex is not fully developed until about age 20. In biological males, the prefrontal cortex is not fully developed until about age 25 – which is why some young men make very poor decisions and tend to be risk takers. They simply do not yet have fully developed brains.


Final brain maturation begins during adolescence with the prefrontal cortex (that part of the brain associated with high-level reasoning, executive function, weighing of consequences, planning, organization, emotional regulation, and rational decision-making) being among the last to mature.

This is why young adults are more likely to get speeding tickets and car accidents than older adults – a fact well known by car insurance companies. This is also why adolescents are more affected by the influence of peers, less future oriented, more impulsive, and differ in their assessment of risks and rewards compared with adults.

Here is a link to a report on adolescent brain development: https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article/146/Supplement_1/S18/34490/Adolescent-Brain-Development-and-Medical-Decision?autologincheck=redirected

4 Gender Dysphoria related to environment rather than genetics

Those who promote gender mutilation of minors claim that some children are “born in the wrong body”, that the condition is genetic and thus there is a need to transition the child into the correct gender. This claim is not supported by scientific research. Instead, it is well accepted that a child’s emotional and psychological development is impacted by positive and negative experiences from infancy forward. Family and peer relationships, one’s school and neighborhood, the experience of any form of abuse, media exposure, chronic illness, war, and natural disasters are all examples of environmental factors that impact an individual’s emotional, social, and psychological development.

The literature regarding the development of childhood GD suggests that social reinforcement, parental psychopathology, family dynamics, and social contagion, facilitated by mainstream and social media, all contribute to the development and/or persistence of GD. Sometimes parental psychopathology is at the root of the social reinforcement. For example, among mothers of boys with GD who had desired daughters, a small subgroup experienced what has been termed “pathologic gender mourning.” Within this subgroup the mother’s desire for a daughter was acted out by the mother actively cross-dressing her son as a girl. These mothers typically suffered from severe depression that was relieved when their sons dressed and acted in a feminine manner.

Coates and Person (1985), provided data on a high rate of separation anxiety disorder in boys with GD. These researchers argued that the high rate of separation anxiety could be accounted for by a great deal of familial psychopathology, which rendered the mothers of these boys unpredictably available. The emergence of separation anxiety preceded the first appearance of feminine behavior, which was understood to serve a representational coping function of recapturing an emotionally unavailable mother. A.S. Birkenfeld-Adams (1999)has shown a rate of insecure attachment to the mother, https://focus.psychiatryonline.org/doi/epdf/10.1176/foc.3.4.598

Green (1987) assessed the amount of shared time between parents of feminine boys and control subjects during the first 5 years of life. The fathers of feminine boys reported spending less time with their sons from the second to the fifth year than did the fathers of control subjects. The mothers of feminine boys also reported spending less time with their sons than did the mothers of control subjects.

For girls with GD, the mother–daughter relationship is often filled with unresolved conflict, leading to the daughter not identifying with the mother. In some instances, femininity is devalued and masculinity is overvalued, which seem to be encouraged by the parents. Furthermore, there have been cases in which girls are afraid of their fathers who may exhibit volatile anger - including abuse toward the mother. A girl may perceive being female as unsafe, and psychologically defend against this by feeling that she is really a boy; subconsciously believing that if she were a boy she would be safe from her father.

It has also been found that among children with GD, the rate of maternal psychopathology, particularly depression and bipolar disorder is “high by any standard.” Additionally, a majority of the fathers of GD boys are easily threatened, exhibit difficulty with affect regulation, and possess an inner sense of inadequacy. These fathers typically deal with their conflicts by overwork or otherwise distance themselves from their families. Most often, the parents fail to support one another, and have difficulty resolving marital conflicts. This produces an intensified air of conflict and hostility. In this situation, the boy becomes increasingly unsure about his own self-value because of the mother’s withdrawal or anger and the father’s failure to intercede. The boy’s anxiety and insecurity intensify, as does his anger, which may all result in his inability to identify with his biological sex.

The core symptoms of gender dysphoria in childhood rarely exist in isolation. Severe psychopathology preceding the onset of GD is common. In a study of 47 adolescents seeking GD treatment, 75% (35/47) had been or were currently undergoing child and adolescent psychiatric treatment for reasons other than gender dysphoria when they sought referral. 64% (30/47) were having or had had treatment for depression, 55% (26/47) for anxiety disorders, 53% (25/47) for suicidal and self-harming behaviors. 68% (32/47) had their first contact with psychiatric services due to other reasons than gender identity issues. https://capmh.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13034-015-0042-y

5 Adverse Child Events underlying Gender Dysphoria

Adverse Childhood Events (ACEs) refer to a range of negative situations a child may face or witness while growing up, such as physical neglect, parental separation or divorce, living in a household in which domestic violence occurs, or living with an alcoholic. These experiences negatively alter the brain at a deep level where most basic needs originate and a person’s identity is formed. Because there is a known and strong relationship between Childhood Mental Health problems such as anxiety, depression and detachment, and a relationship between these problems and GD, there is almost certainly a relationship between adverse child events, including sexual abuse, and the development of gender confusion.

Trauma in childhood is known to impact child development and the occurrence of mental health problems later in life, and research shows that mental illness precedes the onset of transgender ideation in young people. This suggests that gender distress is not the problem—mental illness is. For example, a major 2018 study of mental health in transgender-identifying youth found overwhelming evidence that mental illness is present before the onset of transgender belief. This study compared over 1,300 trans-believing youth with age-matched peers using clinical data gathered from three large pediatric practices in California and Georgia. Psychological disorders such as anxiety, depression, and attention deficit disorders were several times higher than the peer group, suicidal ideation was up to 54 times higher, and self-harm was up to 144 times higher. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5914494/pdf/PEDS_20173845.pdf

According to Dr. André Van Mol—the co-chair of the American College of Pediatricians’ Committee on Adolescent Sexuality —in the overwhelming majority of cases, the desire to switch one’s gender identity is closely connected to adverse experiences in childhood. More broadly, studies have reported a high frequency of childhood emotional and physical neglect and abuse among transgender-identifying individuals. Given the role of ACEs play in the development of gender dysphoria. it is adding insult to injury to advocate that the first and only step in treating trauma done to a child’s identity is to alter their body with cross-sex hormones and surgery. By not addressing the underlying causes of the problem, gender altering treatments are not merely ineffective, they are ch. They are child abuse.

6 Social Media in the Development of Gender Dysphoria

A recent study documented an increasing trend among adolescents to self-diagnose as transgender after binges on social media sites such as Tumblr, Reddit, and YouTube. In on-line forums, parents reported that their children seemed to experience a sudden or rapid onset of gender dysphoria, appearing for the first time during puberty or even after its completion. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0202330

Parents describe that the onset of gender dysphoria seemed to occur in the context of belonging to a peer group where one, multiple, or even all of the friends have become gender dysphoric and transgender-identified during the same time frame. Parents also report that their children exhibited an increase in social media/internet use prior to disclosure of a transgender identity. In many schools and communities, there are entire peer groups “coming out” as trans at the same time.

Parents reported subjective declines in their child’s mental health (47.2%) and in parent-child relationships (57.3%) since the child “came out” and that their child expressed a range of behaviors that included: expressing distrust of non-transgender people (22.7%); stopping spending time with non-transgender friends (25.0%); isolating themselves from their families (49.4%), and only trusting information about gender dysphoria from transgender sources (46.6%).

Most (86.7%) of the parents reported that, along with the sudden or rapid onset of gender dysphoria, their child either had an increase in their social media/internet use, belonged to a friend group in which one or multiple friends became transgender-identified during a similar time frame, or both. This suggests that social peer influences may be at play in the rapid growth of GD students.

7 State Superintendent Reykdal orders teachers to lie to parents

Washington State Superintendent has a long history of ignoring science on everything from masks and PCR tests to school closures. Due to his utter lack of research, children in Washington state have been harmed more than any other children in the nation. It should therefore not be surprising that Reykdal has ignored the scientific research on gender mutilation. Instead, he has insisted on brainwashing teachers and children with some shocking mandatory regulations which you can read at this link:


His radical new policies, launched in January 2020, begin by falsely claiming that some sort of unspecified federal laws require schools to lie to parents in order to protect the gender change “choices” of children. Elsewhere in this report, we review the current federal laws and recent court decisions. In short, while the rights of parents are firmly established, the right of a 5 year old to make major decisions about anything do not exist. But Reykdal has a long history of lying when it comes to rationalizing any agenda he is in favor of.

Here are just a few of Reykdal’s insane policy mandates:

Students have the right to be addressed by their requested name, pronoun (e.g., he/him, she/her, they/them, etc.), and gender designation.

Public schools must allow students to use the restroom that corresponds to their gender identity.

Public schools should provide access to the locker room that corresponds to a student's gender identity.

Public schools must allow all students to participate in physical education and athletics that correspond to their gender identity.

A designated school employee should offer to meet with a student who is transgender, either upon the student’s enrollment or when there’s a change to an enrolled student’s gender identity or expression. During that meeting, the designated school employee should:

Consult with the student about their preferences for family involvement, in advance of contacting the student’s parents or guardians.

Privately ask the student how they would like to be addressed in class, in correspondence sent home, and in conferences with their parents.

In short, the student is encouraged to lie to their parents.


Parents Rights… What information about a student’s gender can a school share with their parents or guardians?

It depends. Federal and state privacy laws protect personally identifiable student information from unauthorized disclosure. The federal Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) gives parents and legal guardians the right to request their student’s education records, and if requested, the school district will provide those records to the parent or legal guardian. Education records can include grades, transcripts, class lists, student course schedules, health records, and student discipline files.

OSPI is not aware of any applicable federal or state law that requires a local education agency (LEA) to affirmatively disclose a student’s gender identity to their parents or legal guardians. LEAs should not disclose a student’s gender identity to others, including their parents or legal guardians, unless the student authorizes the disclosure or the disclosure is required by law, such as when a parent or legal guardian requests the student’s education record under FERPA.

In short, teachers are required to lie to parents.

Students who identify as transgender or gender-expansive may wish to transition socially and/or medically. Social transition may include changes to a person’s name, pronouns, clothing, hairstyle, behavior, mannerisms, and choice of activities. Medical transition may include medications used for hormone therapy or gender affirming surgeries. Transitioning either socially or medically is a personal decision. In all cases, Washington’s public schools have a civil rights obligation to treat students consistently with their gender identity and gender expression at school.

Are classroom lessons on gender age-appropriate?

Yes. Starting this school year, all public schools must provide comprehensive sexual health education (CSHE) to all students consistent with the Health Education K–12 Learning Standards. Washington state law requires CSHE to be “medically accurate, age appropriate, and inclusive of all students” for students in grades 4–12. State law makes clear that the only CSHE requirement for students in kindergarten through third grade is instruction in Social Emotional Learning.

Here are some quotes on how school districts are implementing Reykdal’s WOKE agenda:

Educators are going much farther than teaching gender identity to Kindergarteners. They’re actively withholding information from parents about a student’s purported gender identity. This isn’t merely dangerous; it’s keeping families apart. Schools in Washington are either adopting or implementing policies that keep parents in the dark. Educators and administrators will not reveal gender identity, different names a student may adopt, and even mental health concerns that could help parents connect their child with objective mental health experts. In some cases, they’re ignoring direct instructions from parents.

An updated policy in the Puyallup School District instructs staff to have secret meetings with students it believes to be transgender. A Northshore District school keeps detailed records on students, informing teachers what pronouns or names to use when talking to their child’s parents. In Bellingham, the superintendent endorses a worksheet teachers use to ask students what secret name and personal pronouns they prefer to be kept from parents.

The Puyallup School District recently updated its Gender Inclusive School policy. It encourages staff to meet with transgender students in secret to come up with ways to keep information away from parents at the student’s request. The policy reads: “The principal or building administrator—or an appropriate, designated school employee—is encouraged to request a meeting with a transgender or gender-expansive student upon the student’s enrollment in the district or in response to a currently enrolled student’s change of gender expression or identity. Before contacting a student’s parents, the school will consult with the student about the student’s preferences regarding family involvement and consider whether safety concerns are present for the student.”

The district’s policy knowingly lies to parents about their son or daughter, potentially driving a bigger and unnecessary wedge between them. Staff must “ask known transgender students how they would like to be addressed in class, in correspondence to the home, and at conferences with the student’s parent/guardian.”

Before communicating with parents of transgender students, it’s important to ask the student how school employees should refer to the student when talking with their parents and guardians,” the policy states. “For parents who are not supportive, or who are not aware of the student’s transition at school, referring to their name and pronoun could be very dangerous. The district will not condone the intentional or persistent refusal to respect a student’s gender identity or gender expression, or inappropriate release of information regarding a student’s transgender status.”

The Central Valley School District (CVSD) in Liberty Lake, Washington, near Spokane, offered a presentation of its gender inclusivity policy Monday, during which time parents were not permitted to ask questions.Districts are tearing families apart, rather than strengthening them. Kids experiencing confusion over their gender are better off navigating their feelings with parents — not teachers who may have political agendas. Teachers will never truly love these kids as much as their parents. How do kids benefit by living two separate lives where they can’t be themselves in front of their parents? Loving mothers and fathers can help guide their kids and provide quality mental health professionals when necessary. But they can’t help if they don’t know. Teachers should help connect kids with parents, not encourage them to keep secrets.

The rationale for teaching 7 year olds about magical gender options.

The Edmonds School District developed lesson plans on self-identity that includes the claim that sometimes, gender does not exist. Other times, a person can have two genders. First graders learn about the “nonbinary experience” and teachers are told to ask students to list their gender identities so that “gender nonconforming” students can feel more comfortable.


Here is a link to the 125 page state standards:


Under state guidelines, Washington public schools must provide age-appropriate lesson plans on a variety of sexual health topics. Under the theme of “self-identity,” kindergartners and first graders should learn “that there are many ways to express gender.” But the intent does not appear to be to promote the concept of gender identity because that topic is listed by the state as appropriate starting in the fourth grade.

Though the book publisher says it’s meant for a second-grade reading level, the Edmonds School District uses it for students in the first grade. In a note to teachers, the publisher says the book “helps normalize the idea that gender identity is fluid.”

The publisher explained that the lesson plans were based on state-mandated health standards.

“Teachers use the standards to design lessons to provide a variety of age-appropriate and grade-level learning,” she/her explained via email.

This isn’t age-appropriate. The mother was correct to question the curriculum. Neither gender identity nor the idea that gender doesn’t exist is appropriate for first graders. Not only is it false to claim gender doesn’t exist, but it would also obviously be confusing to 7-year-olds.

A teacher in Washington state who spoke with The Daily Wire broke down on the phone as she described how helpless she feels in the face of the new gender identity policies.

“You know, I love teaching and I love being with the kids and I’m thinking, I’m one of the last conservative teachers in my building. If I’m gone, there’s no one,” she said, her voice breaking. “There’s no one there that would tell them any kind of truth.”

Teachers at her school were told by school counselors to use students’ preferred pronouns and names without letting parents know, she said. Last year, this teacher said she made the mistake of calling up a parent and telling them their child wanted to adopt a new name and gender identity. She asked the parent whether that was okay. The parent responded along the lines of, “definitely not, we’re Christians,” and the teacher was pulled into the principal’s office and counselor’s office and reprimanded for divulging that information to the parent. At the beginning of this school year, that school made a point of spending time going over the OSPI guidelines on parental notification and gender identity with teachers in detail.


When a teacher tells her students to lie to their parents, or conceal information, there is something evil at work here. Harm is intended. We should never deceive ourselves into thinking that there may be some innocent explanation.

8 La Center School District threatened for telling parents the truth

In March, 2023, La Center school district officials got up the courage to openly oppose Reykdal’s insane policies. The district updated its "gender inclusive schools" policy to involve parents in all discussions about pronoun usage and restrict such conversations in the classroom.

Asking students their preferred pronouns, according to both the policy and district Superintendent Peter Rosenkranz, is an act of "facilitating questioning gender identity or to facilitate gender transitioning." "Curriculum, instruction, and 'Gender-affirming' activities in schools may cause gender-confusion for children," the policy reads under the "Guiding Principles" section.

Rosenkranz sent a staff email instructing teachers to not include a question about preferred pronouns in any getting-to-know-you surveys that teachers have students complete at the beginning of the school year.

In response, a complaint regarding the La Center School District policy was filed to the state Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction. Author of the complaint, Manny Santiago, the director of the state LGBTQ Commission, said language throughout the policy is dismissive and reflects a lack of understanding of what it means to be a member of the LGBTQ+ community.

The policy in question is titled 3211P, Procedure: Gender-Inclusive Schools.

At its core, the policy encourages district employees to abstain from any conversations about gender identity in the classroom, arguing that the role of the district is to provide academic education only.

According to state guidance, when a student asks their teacher if they may go by a specific set of pronouns, the teacher and school employees should honor that request. La Center's policy pushes against the guidance and, in one instance, contradicts itself.

Under a section titled "Collaboration Family Communication Protocol," the policy reads, "When a student requests being called by a different name or pronoun indicating a change in gender, we are to honor that request."

When such a request is made, however, the policy instructs staff to inform the principal and the student's counselor who then consult with the student to determine the nature of their home situation and how or if parents should be notified. If a parent asks the school whether their student has requested a name or pronoun change, the school will inform them.

In an interview, Rosenkranz said he would approach every family with the assumption that their intentions and home life are positive and that he and the district would ultimately adhere to the parents wishes for their child, even if they differ from the child's own.

"This is a more family-friendly approach. The state wants us to determine danger of parents, and that's not our role. I'm a mandatory reporter, not a mandatory judger," Rosenkranz said. "The part that folks are gravitating to are people talking to parents — our perspective is why would we deny our kids access to the No. 1 resource in their lives, their parents?

Most important, the state should not dictate policies to local school districts which are contrary to the wishes of the local community.

9 Consequences of Teachers Lying to Parents

One obvious consequence of Reykdal’s policy of forcing teachers to lie to parents is that parents no longer trust placing their precious children in the hands of abusive teachers. Tens of thousands of parents have pulled their kids out of public schools since Reykdal took office and radically changed our public school policies based on his Woke agenda. But many parents can not afford to take their kids out of public school. Here are just three of thousands of examples of the state-caused harm inflicted on children when the state and or school district forces teachers to lie to parents and when teachers encourage children to lie to their parents.

In Virginia, a mother is suing Appomattox County Public Schools after her daughter, who had secretly transitioned at school, ran away, was kidnapped by a sex trafficker and then raped repeatedly in a locked room in Baltimore.

In California, the Spreckels Union School District agreed to a $100,000 settlement with a local mother after she charged that the school staff “secretly convinced” her daughter that she was bisexual and transgender.

In Washington state, a family was forced to flee the country after a teacher attempted to secretly “transition” their 10 year old daughter https://www.city-journal.org/article/we-thought-she-was-a-great-teacher

Tia, a girl who was only 10 years old and going to an elementary school in Olympia Washington, had been convinced by her WOKE Fifth Grade teacher to magically change her gender at school.

Mrs. A is a committed advocate of gender ideology. In public, she praised the district for its absolutist LGBTQ policies, like one disallowing parents from opting their children out of Pride Month curricula. Mrs. A is an expert and manipulating the school data management system to hide information from parents about name and gender. In April, 2022, Mrs. A stood with Tia at the front of her class and told them that Tia had changed her name and pronouns. Her new name was Felix, her new pronouns were “he/him/they/them,” and no one outside school was to know. Tia’s parents couldn’t know. The other students in the class couldn’t tell their parents, either, for fear of one of them outing Tia to her parents.

But the school staff was made aware via an e-mail sent by Mrs. A announcing that Tia “has opened up to me and has just requested this change . . . This change is his right and is not to be questioned.”

The e-mail also instructed fellow staff not to change Tia’s information in the school’s “skyward” electronic database in order to ensure that the parents remained unaware. It was a secret between the children and the adults in their school, to be kept from their families.

“The girls would never be allowed to say her real name in front of Mrs. A because Mrs. A would correct them,” said Hammel. “Because of this, [Hammel’s daughter] stopped hanging out with Tia outside of school and on the playground. She didn’t know how to act.”

As her friends became increasingly confused and distant, Tia’s drawing lost its color. Pictures that were once vibrant turned black and white, her classmates said. And the already-quiet girl became even more reserved, wanting to talk only to Mrs. A. One day, the class went on a field trip to visit the local middle school. Tia’s mother came along to chaperone, and Tia told her class to call her by her old name for the day. But on the walk, Anne Crawford’s daughter accidentally called her Felix. “Her mom was confused and asked her to call Tia by her normal name,” Crawford said, as her daughter relayed the story in the background of our phone call. “It was very confusing for my daughter; she was wondering why the girl was lying to her mom.”

“A little bit later, in May, my daughter and a friend were both at the house working on a group project that Tia was also involved in,” Jess Davis recalled. “They were explaining each of their parts and when they got to the point of Tia’s part, my daughter suddenly didn’t know how to discuss her. She started doing this thing where she’d be looking up and would try to keep things straight, saying, ‘he, she, I mean . . . we are outside of school so, it’s she, but.’ She got to the point where she was hyperventilating. And I was watching this and just felt like, holy cow. “I stopped her and told her just to be kind and respectful,” Davis continued. “And I gave her permission not to participate in this.”

“No, Mom, we have to, or else we’ll get in trouble,” Davis’s daughter retorted, as her friend nodded. “You have to say it the right way.”

They both had tears in their eyes at this point,” said Davis. “And my daughter’s friend said, ‘and we’re not supposed to tell our parents.’ ”

The secret was being divulged, and parents were starting to hear that a child in their local elementary school had transitioned genders — seemingly all the parents except Tia’s were hearing it. But then Tia couldn’t handle it anymore. During Davis’ phone call with her at the ice cream social, Tia’s mother said that “her daughter had come to her and was crying and very upset. She was saying she wants to go to school, see her friends like normal, and doesn’t want to be a boy anymore. But Tia was afraid that Mrs. A would be mad at her and wouldn’t like her anymore. Her mom was like, ‘What are you talking about?’”

Tia’s mother had noticed the girl’s once-colorful art turning dark, Davis told me. “She wasn’t eating well. Her sleep was affected. She saw a dark cloud over her daughter, and her daughter wanted to talk only to Mrs. A, even at night and on weekends.”

So Tia’s mother decided to take Tia to school and confront Mrs. A. But as soon as Mrs. A realized that the mother knew, “Mrs. A stopped addressing the mom and started looking at the daughter and talking to her directly,” said Davis. “She asked Tia, ‘Are you OK? Do you need help?’ And the mom told her, ‘Stop talking to my daughter! Leave her alone!’ but Mrs. A wouldn’t acknowledge her.”

So Tia’s mother left the classroom and sought out the principal and school counselor. But the principal informed her that “Mrs. A had done nothing wrong and was just following school policies,” Davis explained. “They treated her like she was crazy and had no grounds.”

The mother took Tia home, bewildered after a troubling conflict with the people charged with educating her daughter. Tia and her younger brother were quietly driven out of the state, to a house in Oregon, where they stayed for a while before leaving the country.

“The family is very scared,” Davis said. “They were struggling and had no idea what to do. The dad just wanted to get away from everything and forget that it ever happened. There’s a lot of shame. And a lot of, ‘How could we let this happen to our child, and we didn’t know?’ ”

10 Who is making money from this monstrous child abuse?

The most obvious criminals are the drug companies that make gender transition drugs. These experimental drugs can cost $40,000 or more per child per year – often paid for by the tax payers. These drugs are given for 5 to 10 years. After taking these drugs, there are often surgeries which add another $100,000 to the cost. These drugs often lead to cancer, the treatment of which can be another $500,000 or more.


So the drug company and medical industry profit from each gender mutilated child can exceed one million dollars. This is why the Gender Mutilation racket is the fastest growing and most profitable medical practice in the US.

Drug companies and surgeons are not the only ones making a killing off convincing children to change their gender. The leading advertiser for all corporate media is the drug industry. So we are not likely to hear the truth from them. Also drug companies are a leading contributor to political campaigns. So few politicians will want to go up against the drug corporations.

A related question is who is paying for gender mutilation of minors?
There appears to be two payment pathways. The first is that those paying for health insurance as seeing a huge rise in monthly payments as states such as Washington have passed laws requiring health insurance providers to provide gender mutilation coverage.

The second group are those who pay state and federal taxes as both state and federal funds are being used to pay for gender mutilation. Here is a graph of the increase in Pennsylvania:


Thus, you are the one who is paying for the rise in gender mutilation.


11 Senate Bill 5599 Eliminates Parental Notice

In April 2023, the Washington State legislature passed Senate Bill 5599 which basically killed parents rights in Washington state. It was the first bill and worst bill in the history of the US to undermine the crucial relationships between children and their parents. https://app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary?BillNumber=5599&Year=2023&Initiative=false

Senate Bill 5599 allows the state to legally hide runaway children from their parents if the parents don’t consent to their child’s “gender transition” or abortion. No allegation of abuse in the household is required. The bill allocated $7.5 million of our taxpayers’ money to provide grants to school linked organizations to pay for gender transition and abortion procedures. During hearings on the bill in February 2023, more than 4,700 public comments were received, with 98% of them in opposition to the Gender Transition bill. Yet despite this massive opposition, the bill passed on a party line vote and became state law on July 23, 2023.

When SB 5599 received a hearing before the Senate Human Services Committee on Feb. 6, more than 4,700 people signed in with an opinion on the bill – and 98% were opposed, including parents from the LGBTQ community. One former transgender youth testified against SB 5599, sharing her experience as a sexual-assault survivor and her concern about the effects of the bill on vulnerable children. She said, “In the short term, I might have felt better having medically transitioned. Despite feeling better in the short term, medical transition would have profoundly damaged me, potentially even more than the sexual assault [that caused her gender dysphoria].”

Here are some of the comments opposing Senate Bill 5599:
“There is no mention about parents or parental involvement but rather an emotional response to helping children. The bill doesn't say how long youth can be away from home, this should be considered child abuse. A parents job is to protect their child, this bill strips parents of that ability. This bill legalizes the kidnapping of children. “

Senator John Braun wrote the following about the drawbacks of this bill: “Under Senate Bill 5599, children could disappear by simply claiming they are seeking what the bill calls “protected health services,” such as gender counseling or puberty-blocking chemicals. It clears the way for children between ages 13 and 18 to stay at these facilities without their parents’ knowledge for an indefinite time while seeking services related to gender dysphoria and gender transitioning… Like so many other health-related situations, gender dysphoria presents unique needs that deserve attention. But this should not mean removing parents from the decision-making process. This bill disenfranchises loving parents who deserve to have a say in the care of their teenage children. SB 5599 drives a wedge between vulnerable kids and their parents, at a time when a teen lacks the perception and judgment to make critical life-altering decisions.”


“A parent may not even know why the child ran away and could involve law enforcement or other groups in a desperate search – all the while going through an unnecessary emotional nightmare, imagining the worst about what might have happened. Unless there is reason to suspect parental abuse or harm, parents deserve to know where their teenagers are.

“Democrats have claimed many times that the brains of minors are not fully developed until age 22. It’s revealing how brain research matters to them when juveniles break the law, but not when they seek life-altering, potentially irreversible health care.”


Legal Issues with Senate Bill 5599

The main legal issue in question with Senate Bill 5599 is whether a state licensed agency such as a school or a homeless shelter can hide or kidnap a child who has ran away from their parents in order to allow “gender affirming treatment” which is treatment likely to permanently mutilate the child (and greatly increase the child’s risk of drug abuse, cancer and early death) without the parents knowledge or permission. The law covering this issue is RCW 13.32A.082. Providing shelter to minor—Requirement to notify parent.

Historically, state agencies had to notify parents where their child was within three days - except when there was a “compelling reason” not to notify the parents such as in cases of parental abuse of the child. In 2023, Senate Bill 5599 amended RCW 13.32A.082 to add a second compelling reason to not notify the parent. The second reason is when the child is seeking “gender affirming treatment” as defined in RCW 74.09.675.

RCW 74.09.675 is a law that was passed in 2021 and prohibited health insurance companies from excluding gender affirming care such as breast implants in their health plans. There is nothing in this law requiring medical treatment to minors. https://app.leg.wa.gov/RCW/default.aspx?cite=74.09.675

Senate Bill 5599 stated that the reason this exception to Parental Notice must be added to RCW 13.32A.082 was that the “Trevor project has found that one in three (33%) of transgender youth report attempting suicide.”


The unstated implication was that adding this exception would help reduce the suicide rate of Transgender youth.

Why Senate Bill 5599 was based on false data
Apparently, no one in the Senate bothered to check whether the claim that “one in three (33%) of transgender youth report attempting suicide” was true. Had they done even basic research, they would have quickly released that the claim was utterly false.

What the Trevor project actually did was mis-state the findings of the 2021 Center for Disease Control’s Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) which surveyed students in grades 9 to 12 about their risky behaviors. https://www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/data/yrbs/index.htm

This data set did not include Washington state students but did include 1,485 high school students in the Seattle School district. Note that in 2021, there were about 15,000 high school students in the Seattle School District so the result is for only 10% of the students. Also, it is highly likely that many students who took the survey did not provide accurate answers.

Ignoring these problems for the moment, the 2021 national survey found that 7% of high school students reported that they attempted suicide. This does not mean that 7% actually attempted suicide but merely that they indicated that on their form. The actual number while bad is not known but it is certainly much less than 7%. A more accurate estimate is reported suicide attempts that resulted in a doctor report which was 2%.

Starting in 2015, a question to ascertain sexual identity was added to the national YRBS. Here is a link to a summary of the results of this questionnaire: https://www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/data/yrbs/pdf/trendsreport.pdf

The 2015 to 2017 survey found that 23% of Trans high school students reported attempting suicide versus 7% among all students. 2% of straight students; 7.5% of trans students; and 5.6% of not sure students had made a suicide attempt resulting in an injury, poisoning, or overdose that had to be treated by a doctor or nurse.

Dramatic Rise in Trans Students from 2017 to 2021
In our public schools, there appears to be an explosion of Trans identifying students. The 2017 CDC survey found that 87% of students were straight, 9% trans (including gay, lesbian and bisexual) and 4% were not sure. The 9% trans result was dramatically higher than historical studies which concluded that less than 1% of adults were trans. The 2021 National Survey found that only 74% were straight. 15% were trans and 9% answered Do not know.

In 2021, of the 1,485 Seattle School District high school students who completed the survey, 980 (66%) were straight , 294 (19%) were trans and 211 (14%) answered Do not know. In short, about one in five Seattle High School students now claim to be Trans and one in seven Seattle High School students do not know what they are.


Among all Seattle High School students, 7% of all students reported having attempted suicide (the same as the national average). 2% reported the suicide attempt resulting in a doctor visit (the same as the national average). Among Seattle Trans students, 11% reported having attempted suicide with 4% resulting in a doctor visit.


In short, while the actual result of 11% of Trans students reporting to commit suicide – and 4% resulting in seeing a doctor - is still bad, it is much less than the 33% claimed in Senate Bill 5599 as the reason for hiding kids from their parents – and it is only slightly greater than the 7% national average.

More to the point is whether hiding gender-confused kids from their parents and injecting them with toxic drugs reduces the attempted suicide rate. We have already noted that among Trans adults who got the drugs, 42% reported attempting suicide versus 40% who did not get the toxic drugs.

Gallup Polls confirm the rise in Trans students is a social trend
Humans are herd animals. One of the key goals of growing up is to find a group where you can fit in and belong to. A danger of this need to belong is that teenagers are highly susceptible to joining cults. Here we define a cult as being a group that uses magical thinking to create a myth that promotes a radical lifestyle based on a series of lies. For example, cult members might believe that God is coming on a comet and they should all commit suicide when the comet passes by earth. Believing that a person can magically change their gender just by changing their pronouns and then taking a toxic mixture of drugs is only slightly less deadly.

As evidence that what is really happening is related to this generational cult formation, Gallup polls have found that the rise in the percentage of those who claim to be Trans is related to the thinking of their peers in their age group. As the chart below shows, each younger generation is about twice as likely as the generation that preceded it to identify as Trans. More than one in five Gen Z adults, ranging in age from 18 to 26 in 2023, identify as Trans, as do nearly one in 10 Millennials (aged 27 to 42). The percentage drops to less than 5% of Generation X, 2% of baby boomers and 1% of the Silent Generation.



We are thus witnessing the formation of a Trans Cult based on lies and propaganda being spread in our schools using the false claim that students need to be able to engage in magic thinking in order to reduce the risk of suicide. In addition, students need to be encouraged to lie to their parents because – well, because all cults tell their members to lie to their parents.

More Evidence that giving Minors access to drugs without their parents permission increases the suicide rate

In June 2022, the Heritage Foundation published a 25 page study confirming that states which passed laws such as Senate Bill 5599 which allowed minors access to danger drugs like puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones actually suffered an increase in suicides.


Here are some quotes and graphs from this study:

In the past several years, the suicide rate among those ages 12 to 23 has become significantly higher in states that have a provision that allows minors to receive routine health care without parental consent than in states without such a provision. Before 2010, these two groups of states did not differ in their youth suicide rates. Starting in 2010, when puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones became widely available, elevated suicide rates in states where minors can more easily access those medical interventions became observable. Here are these states:


The following chart plots the difference in a three-year rolling average of suicide rates between states with minor access provisions and states with no such provision. Chart 2 plots the trend in this difference for those ages 12 to 23 who could have been affected by the policy when cross-sex medical interventions became available. For comparison, Chart 2 also shows the trend in this difference for a group ages 28 to 39, who could not have been affected by these policies, since the people in this group would have been at least 18 when puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones became available.


The suicide rates among those ages 12 to 23 (blue line) begin to spike in states that have provisions that allow minors to access health care without parental consent relative to states that have no such provision around 2016, after cross-sex medical interventions became more common.

By 2020, there are about 3.5 more suicides per 100,000 people ages 12 to 23 in states with easier access than in states without an access provision. There is no similar spike in suicide rates among those ages 28 to 39 (grey line) at that time.

Rather than being protective against suicide, this pattern indicates that easier access by minors to cross-sex medical interventions without parental consent is associated with higher risk of suicide.

States with a provision always had somewhat higher suicide rates than the states with no provision. To isolate the effect of this provision on youth suicide rates, it is better to control statistically for the youth suicide rate in each state at baseline as well as the suicide rate in each state in each year among the older and unaffected age group. Making these adjustments and plotting three-year rolling averages yields the trend pictured in Chart 3.

In 2015, the estimated increase in suicide rates in states with easier access accelerates. By 2020, there are about 1.6 more suicides per 100,000 people ages 12 to 23 in states that have a policy allowing minors to access health care without parental consent than in states without such a policy.


The results presented above provide strong evidence for that suicides among young people have increased significantly since 2010 in states that have a policy allowing minors to access routine health care without parental consent. That increase in suicide rates accelerated around 2016. Rather than lowering the suicide rate, Senate Bill 5599 is likely to increase it.


12 Backlash against SB 5599 led to the Parents Rights Initiative

As a consequence, on June 15, 2023, a group called Let’s Go Washington filed a Parents Rights Initiative (#I-2081) and began collecting signatures. The Initiative requires that parents be kept informed about materials their children are taught in K-12 classrooms and information about medical services public schools provide to their children. On December 12, 2023, the Initiative sponsors turned in 423,399 signatures which was 100,000 more than required.

On February 28, 2024, a joint House and Senate hearing was held on the Parents Rights Initiative. A total of 158 people signed in to testify and 6,477 provided online comments. As with the public comments previous year, over 98% of all comments were in favor of Parents Rights. Combining the two sets of comments, there were more than 11,000 comments in favor of parents rights and opposed to gender transitioning children without the consent or knowledge of their parents. Among those testifying “other” a representative of OSPI agreed that the Parents Rights Initiative did not violate any state or federal law and did not violate either the state or federal constitution. https://lawfilesext.leg.wa.gov/biennium/2023-24/Pdf/Bill%20Reports/Senate/I2081%20SIB%20EDU%20TA%2024.pdf

Also, no member of the House or Senate claimed that the Parents Rights Initiative might violate a state or federal law or the state or federal constitution. https://app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary?BillNumber=2081&year=2023&initiative=True

Here are a few of the Parents Rights Initiative Pro comments:
“I speak to you as the mother of a child who had a plan for suicide down on paper. Neither her counselor, her teacher, or her administrator told her father and I that she intended to kill herself. We saved our daughter, not the school system.”

The Legislature recently passed laws, including Senate Bill 5599, which eroded parents' rights and endangered children. The initiative will put control back with families, where it belongs. The initiative codifies the rights of parents to raise children without government interference. “

“Families are always a child's first teacher. Engaged parents raise happy and healthy kids. Studies show that when parents are involved and engaged, there is a significant impact on academic success. Schools should reduce barriers to parent and family participation to improve connection, collaboration, and transparency.

There have been numerous examples of teachers talking about sexuality and pronouns, and parents are not given the opportunity to opt their children out of this curriculum even when it goes against their religious and personal beliefs and family core values. The Parents Rights initiative helps assure parents that their rights and responsibilities for their child's well-being does not end at the schoolhouse door.

When an adult tells a child that they will keep secrets from their parents, it is a red flag. Parental rights are being infringed upon and parental preferences have been ignored. Parents are not being allowed to opt out of a curriculum that runs against their beliefs and values. It is important for school districts to listen to the concerns of students, families, staff, and communities.

On March 4, 2024, the Parents Rights Initiative passed in the House 82 to 15 and in the Senate 49 to 0. Crucially, not a single Representative or Senator claimed that the Parents Rights Initiative violated any current law or constitutional provision.

However, just because Senators voted for the bill does not mean they are in favor of Parents Rights. Instead, more than one legislator stated that if they had allowed the Parents Rights Initiative to go before the voters, they would not be able to amend it for TWO YEARS. By voting in favor of the Parents Rights Initiative this year, they can vote to “fix” (repeal or destroy) the Parents Rights Initiative as soon as next year!

13 May 2024 Legal Challenge to the Parents Rights Initiative

On May 6, 2024, the ACLU sent a letter to Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson demanding that his office investigate possible constitutional violations arising from the Parents Rights Initiative. On May 13, 2024, the Attorney General office declined to initiate legal proceedings. It is important to understand that if the Attorney General felt that the Parents Rights Initiative was against our State Constitution, he would be required as a matter of law to issue a statement saying this.

On May 23, 2024 the ACLU filed a 34 page lawsuit to prevent the Parents Rights Initiative from taking effect on June 6, 2024 because they claim that the initiative “contradicts existing federal and state laws… and the Washington state constitution.” The ACLU also claims that the initiative “misled state lawmakers and the public.” https://www.aclu-wa.org/docs/complaint-legal-counsel-youth-and-children-et-al-v-state-washington

The ACLU lawsuit asked King County Superior Court for a temporary restraining order, which would have prevented the initiative from taking effect on June 6 2024. However, the Court denied the motion. On June 21, the Court will consider a preliminary injunction. However, the ACLU case is so weak, it seems unlikely that the court will grant an injunction against an Initiative approved by a half million parents and passed in the Senate by a vote of 49 to zero.

14 State Superintendent Reykdal blocks Parents Rights Initiative

On June 5, 2024, Washington State Superintendent Chris Reykdal, issued a shocking last minute press release in which he advised school districts to ignore the Parents Rights Initiative. Contrary to OSPI testimony in February 2024, Reykdal now claims that certain provisions of the Parents Rights Initiative are in conflict with unspecified state and federal laws.

This is likely the first time in our state history that any state officer has asked school districts to ignore any state law. It is likely that Reykdal has no authority to advise school districts to ignore state law. It is also likely that Reykdal violated his Oath of Office in making this statement. While judges have the authority to put a law on hold while they review it, no one in the Executive Branch of state government has the authority to violate a law – even if it is a law that they do not personally agree with.

Washington Policy Center’s Liv Finne stated: Superintendent Reykdal has crowned himself Supreme Ruler of Education Policy in Washington State. Above the people, the legislature and now the courts.”


Here is a link to Reykdal’s statement so you can read it yourself: https://ospi.k12.wa.us/about-ospi/news-center/news-releases-and-stories/washingtons-public-schools-will-continue-protect-student-privacy-and-safety

Why did Reykdal Block the Parents Rights Initiative?
One of the key provisions of the Parents Rights Initiative is that school districts would be required to tell parents about children who were being given gender transition treatments without the parents consent. Due to SB 5599, this disgusting form of extreme child abuse has been occurring in Middle Schools and High Schools in Seattle since July 2023. The services offered for children as young as 10 years old include “gender-altering medications (estrogen, androgen blockers, testosterone, etc.) and injection techniques,” “hormone therapy” and “referrals for gender surgeries.”


Seattle Public Schools’ “Gender-Inclusive Schools: Transgender and Gender-Expansive Student Rights and Supports” (Policy 3211) states that “staff should not disclose a student’s transgender status to others unless (1) legally required to do so or (2) the student has authorized disclosure.” When “contacting the parents/guardians of a transgender student and it is unclear whether the student asserts the same gender identity at home, it is best practice to avoid using gender pronouns.”

Because the above Seattle School District policy is to actively hide the status of children from their parents, it is currently not known how many children in the Seattle School district are being subjected to gender mutilation without the knowledge or consent of their parents. But had Reykdal not issued his last minute block of the Parents Rights Initiative, at least some of these gender mutilation cases might have been exposed. Thus, the purpose of Reykdal’s statement was to give the Seattle School District an excuse to continue to keep this crime hidden from parents.



15 Federal Health Centers put in schools to avoid parental notice

To understand how this money making scam is run, we need to review federal and state medical privacy laws. The goal of the scam is to keep the gender mutilation brainwashing and treatment of the child hidden from parents as long as possible. This secrecy can be difficult in a school setting because federal FERPA laws require that “educational records” be shared with the parents.

These educational records include all records generated by any school employees – including school nurses. To get around the FERPA problem, the drug-controlled medical industry has created Federally qualified health centers (FQHCs) funded under Section 330 of the Public Health Service Act, 42 U.S.C. §§ 254b. These FQHCs are then placed in schools and made available to all students in the school district – even students who do not attend the school that the FQHC is located in. Health records created by employees working in a school setting such as a school-based health center but employed by a health entity are covered by HIPAA privacy laws, not FERPA privacy laws. Normally, under HIPAA, parents still need to be notified because normally under HIPAA, parents are assumed to “represent” the child and must give permission before treatment.

However, HIPAA has a sneaky loophole which is not present in FERPA. HIPAA rules can be over-ridden by State Medical Privacy Rules! States can and do allow some minors to grant permission for some medical procedures without telling their parents. For example, in Washington State, we have “Minor Consent Laws.” Minor consent laws allow minors to consent for their own care in specific situations and for specific services. Minors can consent for contraception, pregnancy care, and abortion. Minors may also access emergency contraception without parental consent. However, as of March 2019, our state’s minor consent laws do not explicitly provide for minors to consent for transgender services.





Federal health centers in Washington Schools

The number of School Based Health Centers (SBHCs) in Washington State has more than doubled from under 30 in 2019 to more than 70 in 2024. SBHCs are now located in more than 30 school districts in Washington state. A table of these SBHCs is at the end of this section. The expansion was related to millions of dollars in new state and federal funds which increased greatly in 2021 and again in 2022.

SBHCs require the approval of your local school board which must provide space for the SBHC inside of a local school. Essentially, the school board approves and pays for converting a portion of a school building into a non-school space so a third party organization can operate an independent business on the school premises in order to bypass state and federal parental notification laws.

The state and federal parental notification laws are bypassed because the employees of the SBHC are not technically employees of the school district. Instead, these SBHCs are often run by Federally Qualified Community Health Centers (FQHC) which are partially funded by the federal government. Washington State now has 29 Federally Qualified Community Health Centers (FQHC).

The danger of SBHCs is that parents and students can be misled into thinking that the SBHC is a part of the school when it is in fact a separate business. Parents may not know that students can receive experimental and even dangerous gender mutilation drugs at an SBHC without their parents knowledge or consent.

Advocates of Gender Mutilation drugs (also called Gender Affirming Care) claim that giving kids gender drugs saves lives and reduces the suicide rate. In fact, giving kids gender drugs is known to cost lives and increase the suicide rate.

Advocates of SBHCs also claim that they increase attendance. However, while SBHCs have doubled since 2019, the chronic absentee rate in Washington state has risen from 15% of students to 30%.

Advocates of SBHCs also claim that they increase parent engagement. Instead, SBHC’s are specifically run to eliminate parental notice.

Advocates of SBHCs also claim that they lower health care costs. Instead, SBHCs have dramatically raised health care costs for minors as secretive and dangerous gender mutilation drugs can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars per child.

For example, two of the 29 FQHCs are Neighbor Care Health and Country Doctor. https://www.wacommunityhealth.org/community-health-centers-1

In Snohomish County, one that operates in two public schools is Community Health Center of Snohomish County. They are located at two high schools in the Edmonds School District.




Both clinics are operated by the Community Health Center of Snohomish County and funded by the Verdant Health Commission.

In Seattle, the School Based Health Clinics appear to be funded by Seattle tax payers.


Here is a quote and image from their website:

“K-12 School Health investments provide students with increased access to medical and mental health care through School-Based Health Centers (SBHCs), school nursing, oral health care and health system enhancements. These strategies promote the early intervention, prevention, and treatment of … gender competency, and provide an accessible source of health care.


17,941 Students Served In SY 2021-22. As part of the City’s $4.5 million investment to increase student mental health supports in schools, the Seattle Department of Education and Early Learning (DEEL) is launching a funding process to expand services at up to three additional schools

Access to SBHCs is available for all Seattle Public Schools students regardless of the presence of an SBHC on their school campus. While services are universally accessible to all SPS students, outreach and referrals for services are focused on students with the greatest need such as … LGBTQ students.

DEEL partners with Public Health - Seattle & King County (PHSKC) to administer School-Based Health Centers. PHSKC's role includes managing SBHC contracts with healthcare providers, overseeing Request for Application processes, and providing direct services at three SBHCs within Seattle Public Schools (Cleveland, Ingraham, and Rainier Beach high schools).”


Here is a table of School Based Health Centers in Washington State (Seattle School Based Health Centers including 9 elementary schools, 8 middle schools and 14 high schools). Source: https://wasbha.org/sbhcs-in-washington-2/


School District


Healthcare Sponsor (FQHC)


Port Angeles

Mobile clinic serving all schools

North Olympic Healthcare Network



Evergreen High School

Sea Mar Health Centers



Quincy High School 

Moses Lake Health Center

Grays Harbor


Elma Elementary School

Educational Service District 113



Chimacum High School

Jefferson County Public Health


Port Townsend

Port Townsend High School

Jefferson County Public Health



Quilcene K-12 

Jefferson County Public Health



Highland Middle School

International Health Services


Federal Way




Federal Way

Thomas Jefferson High School




Renton High School




Tyee High School




Evergreen High School




Aki Kurose Middle School

Kaiser Permanente



Bailey Gatzert Elementary School

Neighborcare Health



Ballard High School

Swedish Medical Center



Beacon Hill International School

Odessa Brown Children’s Clinic



Chief Sealth High School

Neighborcare Health



Cleveland High School

Public Health-Seattle & King County



Dearborn Park Elementary School

Neighborcare Health



Denny International Middle School

Public Health-Seattle & King County



Franklin High School

Kaiser Permanente



Garfield High School

Odessa Brown Children’s Clinic



Highland Park Elementary School

Neighborcare Health



Ingraham High School

Public Health-Seattle & King County



Interagency Academy

Kaiser Permanente



Lincoln High School

Neighborcare Health



Lowell Elementary

Odessa Brown Children’s Clinic



Madison Middle School

Neighborcare Health



Meany Middle School

Country Doctor



Mercer International Middle School

Neighborcare Health



Nathan Hale High School

Kaiser Permanente



Nova High School

Country Doctor



Rainier Beach High School

Public Health-Seattle & King County



Rising Star @ African American Academy

Neighborcare Health



Robert Eagle Staff Middle School

Neighborcare Health



Roosevelt High School

Neighborcare Health



Roxhill Elementary School

Neighborcare Health



Seattle World School

International Community Health Services



Washington Middle School

Kaiser Permanente



West Seattle Elementary School

Neighborcare Health



West Seattle High School

Neighborcare Health



Auburn Mountainview High School

Sea Mar Health Centers



Highline High School




Vashon High School, Chautauqua Elementary and McMurray Middle Schools

Neighborcare Health



Bremerton High School

Peninsula Health Services



Mountain View Middle School

Peninsula Health Services


Central Kitsap

Barker Creek Community School

Peninsula Health Services


Central Kitsap

Esquire Hills Elementary School

Peninsula Health Services


Central Kitsap

Fairview Junior High School

Peninsula Health Services


Central Kitsap

Olympic High School

Peninsula Health Services


North Kitsap

Kingston High School 

Peninsula Health Services


South Kitsap

Discovery Alternative School

Peninsula Health Services


North Kitsap

Poulsbo Middle School

Peninsula Health Services


Central Kitsap

Central Kitsap High School

Peninsula Health Services


Central Kitsap

Klahowya Secondary

Peninsula Health Services


North Mason

North Mason High School, Hawkins Middle School and James Taylor High School

Peninsula Health Services

Pend Oreille


Newport High School

Newport Hospital and Health Services

Pend Oreille


Pend Oreille River School

Newport Hospital and Health Services

Pend Oreille


Sadie Halstead Middle School

Newport Hospital and Health Services

Pend Oreille


Stratton Elementary School

Newport Hospital and Health Services



Bethel Middle School, Bethel High School and Shining Mountain Elementary

Community Health Care



Mt. Tahoma High School




Sedro-Woolley High School




Meadowdale High School

Community Health of Snohomish County



Mountlake Terrace HS

Community Health of Snohomish County



Shiloh Hills Elementary School

CHAS Health



Excelsior Holistic School

Excelsior Family Medicine



Lumen High School

Excelsior Family Medicine



Rogers High School 

CHAS Health

Walla Walla

Walla Walla

Lincoln High School

The Health Center

Walla Walla

Walla Walla

Pioneer Middle School

The Health Center

Walla Walla

Walla Walla

Walla Walla High School

The Health Center


Lummi Nation

Lummi Nation School

Lummi Tribal Health Clinic 

Each of the above agencies are ignoring the science on how gender drugs are neither safe or effective.

16 Washington laws promoting Gender Mutilation of Minors

Four recent laws promoting gender mutilation of minors that have led to the rapid expansion of SBHCs in Washington State include:

Senate Bill 5689 which was passed in 2019. While this bill claimed to be about reducing bullying in schools, it was instead a bill to promote radical and harmful gender ideology in schools. Here is a quote from this bill:

“The Washington state school directors' association must collaborate with the office of the superintendent of public instruction to develop and update a model transgender student policy and procedure… under RCW 28A.642.020 to eliminate discrimination in Washington public schools on the basis of gender identity.”

Apparently, the above language requires allowing boys in girls bathrooms, girls locker rooms and girls sports. With the gender-inclusive school policies, state schools are teaching young, easily manipulated children radical gender ideology from the day they enter kindergarten. Students are being taught that it’s okay to hide things from their parents. They’re being taught lies about their identity. It’s not optional, it’s state law. Who could have known?

House Bill 1225 passed in 2021. Concerning school-based health centers. Ironically, this bill has not a single word about providing gender mutilation drugs to minors. Just that these SBHCs will be coordinated by the Washington State Department of Health – the same people that brought us the ridiculous school closures, business closures, mask mandates and shot mandates as well as the wildly inaccurate PCR tests for Covid-19.

Here are some of the comments from those opposed to this bill:

“School districts should maintain the discretion to decide whether to establish SBHCs. This bill takes away local control and gives the Department of Health (DOH) too much decision-making authority. It is unclear why nonprofit organizations need to be involved in establishing or supporting SBHCs. The DOH's process for awarding grants should take place in a subcommittee where there will be full transparency and opportunities for public comments. School districts should have final decision-making authority and be able to turn down grant funding without any ramifications.”

“Families should be in charge of their children's health care. School-based health centers cannot take the place of existing providers that families already trust to administer care to their children. School-based health centers take advantage of the lack of parental oversight and administer services without parental involvement or knowledge, especially with regard to students that are 13 years of age or older who can consent to treatment without a parent’s consent or knowledge. “

Senate Bill 5599 passed in 2023 removed parental notice or consent for gender mutilation drugs being given to minors and allows the state to not notify parents if the child thinks their parents may not be “affirming” of their choice to take gender mutilation drugs.

House Bill 2331 passed in 2024 eliminating local control of school curriculum. This bill requires the punishment of any school district that dares to defy the radical agenda of Reykdal and the legislature by banning either the Gender Mutilation curriculum or the Racial Shaming curriculum. Here is a quote: “The SPI (Reykdal) has the power to enforce state laws prohibiting discrimination by instituting corrective action, terminating the offending program, placing the school district on probation, or withholding state funds.”

“Any person aggrieved by a violation of nondiscrimination provisions, or aggrieved by the violation of any rule or guideline adopted in accordance with the nondiscrimination provisions, has a right of action in superior court for civil damages and such equitable relief as the court determines.”

“A school district board of directors (school board) may not refuse to approve, or prohibit the use of, any textbook, instructional material, supplemental instructional material, or other curriculum for student instruction on the basis that it relates to or includes the study of the role and contributions of any individual or group that is part of a protected class as established in public school nondiscrimination provision.”

Here are some of the comments from those opposed to this bill:

The idea of defunding schools up to 100 percent for unclear violations is objectionable. This bill may lead to further erosion of public school enrollment. The only way to ensure that the needs of students and communities are met is through locally determined decisions. School directors should focus on making sure that students can read rather than promoting radical ideologies.

Some books that have been widely pushed contained inappropriate content, including content of a sexual nature. Parents are not trying to ban books, they are trying to keep them away from minors.

Forty thousand families have left failing Washington schools. If policymakers keep up this politicized agenda, every school levy will fail. This bill is government overreach. No one person, even a school librarian, has the right to expose students to pornography. Efforts to insert pornography into school libraries are wrong. Children should be protected from inappropriate materials.


17 US Supreme Court ruling on Parents Rights

In 1925, the US Supreme Court unanimously struck down an Oregon law requiring children to attend public schools because the law interfered with the right of parents to select a private or parochial school for their children. Parents have a fundamental constitutional right to rear their children, including the right to determine who shall educate and socialize them:

“The fundamental theory of liberty upon which all governments in this Union repose excludes any general power of the State to standardize its children by forcing them to accept instruction from public teachers only. The child is not the mere creature of the State; those who nurture him and direct his destiny have the right, coupled with the high duty, to recognize and prepare him for additional obligations.” Pierce v. Society of Sisters, 268 U.S. 510 (1925)

“It is cardinal with us that the custody, care and nurture of the child reside first in the parents, whose primary function and freedom include preparation for obligations the state can neither supply nor hinder. . . . It is in recognition of this that these decisions have respected the private realm of family life which the state cannot enter.” Prince v. Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 321 U.S. 158 (1944)

“The right of the family to remain together without the coercive interference of the awesome power of the state . . .encompasses the reciprocal rights of both parent and child.” The court explained that children have the constitutional right to avoid dislocation from the emotional attachments that derive from the intimacy of daily association with the parent.” Duchesne v. Sugarman, 566 F.2d 817, 825 (2d Cir. 1977). 

“In a long line of cases, we have held that, in addition to the specific freedoms protected by the Bill of Rights, the "liberty" specially protected by the Due Process Clause includes the rights . . . to direct the education and upbringing of one's children.” - Washington v. Glucksburg, 521 U.S. 702 (1997)

“The liberty interest at issue in this case-the interest of parents in the care, custody, and control of their children-is perhaps the oldest of the fundamental liberty interests recognized by this Court. In light of this extensive precedent, it cannot now be doubted that the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment protects the fundamental right of parents to make decisions concerning the care, custody, and control of their children… The Due Process Clause does not permit a State to infringe on the fundamental right of parents to make child rearing decisions simply because a state judge believes a 'better' decision could be made.” - Troxel v. Granville, 530 U.S. 57 (2000)

In response to a public school district’s subjection of children to inappropriate and sexually explicit content, the United States House of Representatives affirmed that “the fundamental right of parents to direct the education of their children is firmly grounded in the Nation’s Constitution and traditions.” House Resolution 547 (November 16, 2005)

While 25 states have passed bans on any gender mutilation of minors, on May 22, 2024, the California State Senate passed a bill prohibiting schools from notifying parents of a child’s pronoun change. https://apnews.com/article/california-gender-pronouns-schools-transgender-ccd2c81345428c3c0a5d9e41565598d2

It is likely that if a Democrat majority is elected in 2024, they will pass a similar law in Washington state in 2025. It is also likely that schools will never notify parents as long as Reykdal is State Superintendent.

This is why we have started the Washington Parents Network – to inform parents about the crimes being committed against their kids – and to organize parents into electing representatives who are more aware of the importance of protecting children from gender mutilation and protecting a child’s right to a positive relationship with their parents.


18 Exposing WPATH Crimes against children

On March 5, Mia Hughes published a 241 page report exposing crimes against children committed by the leaders of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health also known as WPATH. This is a group of Trans advocates responsible for the experimental gender mutilation processes that thousands of children in the US are currently being subjected to. You can download the WPATH report at this link:


The evidence in this report comes directly from internal WPATH emails and other internal documents – all of which confirm that WPATH is neither a scientific nor medical organization. The medical abuse of minors, known as “gender-affirming care,” are unethical medical experiments. WPATH leaders advocate for the destruction of healthy reproductive systems, the amputation of healthy breasts, and the surgical removal of healthy genitals as the first and only line of treatment for minors with gender dysphoria.

WPATH go its start in 2007 – immediately appointing themselves as the world’s leading international authority on gender medicine. In 2012, they published Standard of Care (SOC) 7 which recommended experimental puberty blockers and framed being transgender as a normal, healthy, variation of human existence. In 2022, they published SOC 8 which removed almost all lower age requirements. This attack against children led to the formation of an ANTI-WPATH group called Beyond Wpath in 2022. Here is a link to their website: https://beyondwpath.org/

Beyond WPATH has 2755 signers who are all opposed to WPATH. Here is a quote from their website: As mental health professionals, public health scientists, and allied organizations and individuals, we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the current Standards of Care released by WPATH (the World Professional Association for Transgender Health). We hold that WPATH has discredited itself. We are signing this Declaration to highlight our grave concerns about WPATH’s Standards of Care, and to encourage parents, schools, psychotherapists, and other health care professionals to utilize the wealth of alternative resources that are now widely available.

The organizations, physicians, research scientists, mental health professionals, and other signatories to this Statement stand together in supporting alternatives to WPATH’s deeply flawed Standards of Care. We align with the most up-to-date science-based guidelines from those countries which have already evaluated and rejected the affirmative approach. We believe health care professionals serving the needs of gender-questioning youth can honor and respect their rights without subscribing to a flawed ideological document marred by ethical failures and factual errors.

We hold that the authoritative status of WPATH’s Standards of Care is fatally undermined by the following errors and ethical failures: The Standards specifically promote the affirmative care model, continuing to endorse widespread medical treatments (drugs and surgery) for trans-identified youth despite rising scientific skepticism that has led Sweden, Finland, France, and the United Kingdom to retreat from that approach. WPATH endorses early medicalization as fundamental while these other countries now promote psychosocial support as the first line of treatment. For these and other reasons, we believe WPATH can no longer be viewed as a trustworthy source of clinical guidance in this field.

The WPATH Files contain abundant evidence that the world-leading transgender health group does not respect the well-established scientific process – as is summarized in the following report:

January 2023 Abbruzzese et al “The Myth of “Reliable Research” in Pediatric Gender Medicine: A Critical Evaluation of the Dutch Studies—and Research That Has Followed.”


The WPATH Files contain abundant evidence demonstrating just how little is known about the puberty blocking and sex hormone drugs and their long-term effects. For example, in the first long term study of minors using puberty suppressors and sex hormones in 2022 found that 27% of the young people who had undergone early puberty suppression followed by sex hormones and surgical removal of the testes or ovaries, at an average age of 32, regretted sacrificing their fertility.

Following systematic reviews of evidence, three European countries—Sweden, Finland and England—have adopted new and much more cautious treatment guidelines for gender dysphoric youth, which prioritize noninvasive psychosocial interventions.

There is no argument that the Dutch experience, and in particular two Dutch studies—de Vries et al. (Citation2011), and de Vries et al. (Citation2014)—forms the foundation of the practice of youth gender transition. It is evident when examining prevailing treatment guidelines.

What the two Dutch studies failed to show, however, is that these physical changes resulted in meaningful psychological improvements significant enough to justify the adverse effects of the treatment—including the certainty of sterility.

Besides the lack of a control group and a small final sample of 55 cases, with key outcomes available for as few as 32 individuals, there are three major areas of concern that render these studies unfit for clinical or policy decision-making.

The Dutch studies did not evaluate physical health outcomes of “gender-affirmative” treatments. Even without setting out to assess the risks, the Dutch research inadvertently revealed that the rate of short-term morbidity and mortality associated with “gender-affirming” interventions is as high as 6%-7%.

The actual outcome is likely to be much worse because the Dutch studies “cherry picked” from an original sample of 196 referred cases by only including the 55 cases with the most desirable outcomes. Even with this, adverse outcomes included severe diabetes, obesity and one death.

Several studies since have confirmed likely adverse health effects of hormonal interventions. Research suggests heightened insulin resistance (Nokoff et al. 2021), elevated blood pressure, elevated triglycerides, and impaired liver function (Olson-Kennedy, Okonta, et al., 2018). Cross-sex hormone administration places adolescents in the medical category of early life indicators of future cardiovascular disease (Jacobs et al., 2022).

At least two studies confirm that psychological interventions absent any medical interventions. are associated with improvements in two of the outcome domains—gender dysphoria (van de Grift et al., 2017) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28319558/

and global function (Costa et al., 2015) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26556015/

Around 2015 the presentation of pediatric gender dysphoria in the Western world sharply shifted, from childhood-onset that skewed toward males, to adolescent-onset with a preponderance of females with mental health problems. Finnish researchers saw a new pattern of “severe psychopathology preceding onset of gender dysphoria,” with 75% already in treatment for other psychiatric issues when their gender dysphoria emerged. Between 2009 and 2016, the number of gender dysphoric females increased more than 70 times. In the US, over 70% of gender dysphoric youth have also been diagnosed with ADHD and other mental health problems before their diagnosis of gender dysphoria (Becerra-Culqui et al., 2018).

Subsequent detransitioner research confirmed that patients reported “that their gender dysphoria began during or after puberty and that mental health issues, trauma, peers, social media, online communities, and difficulty accepting themselves as lesbian, gay, or bisexual were related to their gender dysphoria and desire to transition” (Littman, 2021, p. 15)

The few attempts at long-term follow-up for adults who have undergone sex-trait modification interventions do not show positive outcomes, with individuals showing social difficulties and a significantly elevated rate of completed suicides and mental health issues.

Also, a 2018 study conducted by Kaiser Permanente found that natal males on estrogen had a 5.2% risk of a blood clot in the lungs or legs, a heart attack, or a stroke within 4 years after initiating estrogen (but the increased risk begins as early as one year), and the risks rise the longer a trans-identified natal male takes estrogen. Getahun, D., et al. (2018). Cross-sex Hormones and Acute Cardiovascular Events in Transgender Persons. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6636681/pdf/nihms-1030323.pdf

Given the lack of scientific literature to indicate that cross-sex hormone therapy is safe and effective, as well as the number of known negative side effects and the possible serious negative outcomes, it is unethical for WPATH to advocate for minors and the severely mentally ill to bypass psychotherapy and have immediate access to these powerful drugs.

The deliberate avoidance of the term “experimental” is due to the fact that experimental medicine is not covered by health insurance, and one of the primary objectives of WPATH’s SOC8 is to secure insurance coverage.

Many detransitioners feel intense anger and grief regarding the irreversible changes wrought by gender-affirming care. They mourn the loss of their body parts and the experiences, such as bearing children or breastfeeding, that have been taken from them.

Changing names and pronouns is often portrayed as a harmless, non-medical step to alleviate a child’s distress. It is sold to parents as completely reversible at any time, but all available evidence suggests the contrary - social transition serves to lock in the transgender identity and leads to puberty blockers. Almost every adolescent who commences puberty blockers proceeded to cross-sex hormones.

Blocking puberty, therefore, means blocking the natural cure to gender dysphoria robbing children of the same developmental process that would almost certainly have enabled them to overcome their dysphoria naturally.

The Transition-or-Suicide Myth makes the false promise that these experimental interventions will eliminate the risk of suicide for the young person when no evidence exists to support such a claim. A Swedish study of 324 individuals who had undergone genital surgery between 1973 and 2003 revealed rates of completed suicide post-surgical transition to be greatly elevated over the general population, with trans-identified natal females 40 times more likely to die by suicide and trans-identified natal males 19 times more likely.



19 Inside the Gender Mutilation Scam Industry

On June 18, 2024, a former gender mutilation nurse named Vanessa Sivadge exposed the degree of fraud that occurs in the disgusting gender mutilation business. According to Venessa, doctors at Texas Children’s Hospital falsified medical records and broke the law to keep practicing “gender-affirming care”. They also committed Medicaid fraud to secure funds for the hospital’s child sex-change program. Here is a link to the article: https://www.city-journal.org/article/the-murky-business-of-transgender-medicine

Here are quotes from the article:

“Beginning in 2021, Sivadge saw a dramatic rise in the number of “transgender children” treated at the hospital. These patients struggled with various problems: depression, anxiety, addiction, suicide attempts, physical abuse, and discomfort with puberty. But rather than deal with these underlying psychological conditions, doctors at the hospital would diagnose them with “gender dysphoria” and assign them to “gender-affirming care. The practice made Sivadge recoil. “In the cardiac clinic, we were taking sick kids and making them better. In the transgender clinic, it was the opposite. We were harming these kids.”

Then, in 2022, she breathed a sigh of relief. Under pressure from the state attorney general, Ken Paxton, Texas Children’s CEO Mark Wallace said that he was shutting down the child gender clinic. But it wasn’t true. Mere days later, it had secretly reopened for business. And business was booming. Doctors were managing dozens of pediatric sex-change cases, performing surgeries, blocking puberty, and implanting hormone devices.

In Sivadge’s view, Roberts and other providers were manipulating patients into accepting “gender-affirming care.” When parents objected, the doctors bulldozed them, she claims. Some families, she believed, feared that the hospital would call Child Protective Services if they dissented.

Texas Children’s Hospital continued its sex-change program but focused now on patients who had reached the legal age of 18. Sivadge saw the same terrible medical regimen being prescribed for these young adults: testosterone for girls, estrogen for boys, and referrals for specialty services. While Roberts and Paul had stopped providing sex-change procedures for minors, the gender clinic still overflowed with “transgender” teens.

Sivadge’s duties as a nurse included providing medication refills and working with doctors to provide parents with information about treatment plans. She worked with patients’ charts and saw their complex psychological diagnoses and the treatments administered by the doctors.

Then Sivadge noticed discrepancies in the paperwork. She followed some of the medical charts for these patients and came to believe that doctors might be violating the law. As Sivadge learned, Texas law forbade hospitals from billing Medicaid for transgender procedures. The Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual has long stated that “sex change operations” are “not benefits of Texas Medicaid.” In 2021, Texas Medicaid officials told the Kaiser Family Foundation that this prohibition was not limited to genital surgeries but “explicitly excludes coverage of all gender affirming health services.” In Texas, Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program already don’t cover transition-related surgeries and prescription drugs like hormone therapies and puberty blockers.

At Texas Children’s, as she was treating patients, Sivadge carefully scrutinized the treatments related to an alarming number of “transgender” teenagers, who, she came to believe, were unlawfully billing the state Medicaid program. One patient, whom we’ll call Patient A, began treatment at Texas Children’s in 2022, at the age of 16. Patient A is a biological female who identified as “non-binary” and whose records claimed that she was “male.” This patient began treatment with a prescription for testosterone as part of the patient’s “gender-affirming” medical regimen. During treatment, Roberts explained to Patient A the effects of testosterone, including masculinization and the suppression of fertility, and had her continue with testosterone injections.

Another patient, whom we’ll call Patient B, began care at Texas Children’s in 2022, also at the age of 16. Patient B is a biological male who identified as a female and whose records indicated the transgender identity, “female.” He arrived at the gender clinic under the care of Paul, already having begun a prescription of a testosterone blocker and estrogen, which served as a sex-change hormone. Patient B had increased the size of his breasts but was frustrated by the persistence of facial hair. Paul discussed changing the testosterone blocker and increasing the dose of estrogen in order to make progress with feminization. Patient B told Paul that he wanted his breasts to be larger. Paul adjusted Patient B’s estrogen prescription and discussed the possibility of breast implants.

Sivadge noticed another critical piece of information: Patient A and Patient B, like several other “transgender” patients, were enrolled in Texas Children’s Health Plan STAR, a “no-cost Medicaid managed care plan.” Despite the law, which prohibited billing Medicaid for “gender-affirming care,” it appears that this was a standard practice at Texas Children’s Hospital. As Roberts himself admitted in a 2023 affidavit related to the lawsuit against SB 14, he had several patients in his transgender medicine program “who receive their health coverage through Medicaid.”

According to a legal expert with deep knowledge of Texas Medicaid law, the essential facts are as follows: Patients A and B had coverage through Texas Children’s Plan STAR; the doctors explicitly treated them for the purpose of “gender-affirming care”; and the standard practice would be for the hospital to submit this care for reimbursement through the state Medicaid program. “Based on the facts we have, the only reasonable conclusion is that Texas Children’s Hospital was using Texas Medicaid funds to pay for ‘gender-affirming care,’ contrary to Texas law,” said the legal expert.

For Sivadge, there was no doubt about what was happening. “The largest children’s hospital in the country is illegally billing Medicaid for transgender procedures,” she said. “It is evident that the hospital continues to believe it is above the law not just by concealing the existence of their transgender medicine program from the public, but by stealing from the federal government.”

Sivadge now feels regret. “I was told to do something I knew was wrong. It made me sick that the lie called ‘gender-affirming care’ was being sold to parents and children and creating hugely lucrative profits in secret—and I was part of it.”

Sivadge is not the only one feeling regret. Doctors, families, and political leaders are all starting to question the folly of child sex-change programs. The sense is growing that the public was sold a bill of goods—and that children are being put in grave danger.

20 Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria

Since 2018, hundreds of parents have claimed that their previously normal children, who are mostly girls, suddenly began identifying with Trans after spending a lot of time online and or with friends who became Trans.

In 2023, a study was published of 1,655 parent reports of Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria. Here is a link to this study:


Here are quotes:

During the past decade there has been a dramatic increase in adolescents and young adults (AYAs) complaining of gender dysphoria. One explanation is that the increase reflects a socially contagious syndrome among emotionally vulnerable youth: rapid-onset gender dysphoria (ROGD). Advocates of the ROGD theory view the dramatic increase in referrals to gender clinics with alarm. They are concerned that adolescents with ROGD are at risk of unnecessary, harmful, and irreversible psychological and medical interventions.

Some of these groups are quite large, with Gender Critical Support Board exceeding 3,500 registered members, and Parents of Transgender Children exceeding 8,000 members. (Both numbers taken from their respective websites on April 12, 2022.

We report results from a survey of parents who contacted the website ParentsofROGDKids.com because they believed their AYA children had ROGD. Results focused on parent reports on 1,655 AYA children whose gender dysphoria began between ages 11 and 21 years, inclusive. These youths were disproportionately (75%) natal female. Natal males had later onset (by 1.9 years) than females, and they were much less likely to have taken steps towards social gender transition (65.7% for females versus 28.6% for males). Pre-existing mental health issues were common, and youths with mental health issues were more likely than those without them to have socially and medically transitioned. Parents reported that they had often felt pressured by clinicians to affirm their AYA child’s new gender and support their transition. According to the parents, AYA children’s mental health deteriorated considerably after social transition.

21 Florida judge rules gender mutilation is safe and effective

In the first section of this report, we quoted an August 21, 2023 decision by a three judge panel who agreed that Alabama has a rational basis for banning gender mutilation of minors in their state. The case was called Eknes-Tucker v. Governor, State of Alabama.

Sadly, on June 11, 2024, a single federal judge in Florida named Robert Hinkle ignored this three judge Alabama decision and ruled that Florida did not have a rational basis for banning gender mutilation of minors in their state.


Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis’ office blasted Hinkle’s ruling, issuing a statement calling it “erroneous,” and vowing to appeal.

“Through their elected representatives, the people of Florida acted to protect children in this state, and the Court was wrong to override their wishes,” the statement said. “As we’ve seen here in Florida, the United Kingdom, and across Europe, there is no quality evidence to support the chemical and physical mutilation of children. These procedures do permanent, life-altering damage to children, and history will look back on this fad in horror.”

The Florida judge dismissed the statements of all of the state’s witnesses by claiming without any supporting evidence that anyone opposed to gender mutilation must be an irrational religious zealot who was misled by their religious biases into discriminating against a trans child. The judge appeared to be completely unaware of underlying mental health problems or that more than 90% of such children no longer wanted to change their gender once they grew up. The judge also seemed to be completely unaware that Sweden changed course on drugging children after long term studies found extreme harm to these children. Clearly, the leaders of Sweden are not irrational religious zealots.

At the same time, the judge blindly accepted - again without evidence - that the supporters of gender mutilation represented the accepted opinion of the medical community.

The judge also accepted the claim that giving kids drugs and subjecting them to surgeries was safe and effective – never bothering to read the actual studies that concluded that the drugs and surgeries were not safe or effective.

Instead, the judge accepted the claims of drug pushers as as if gender mutilation was no more harmful to a child than giving the disturbed child a free trip to Disneyland. The judge repeatedly used the misleading term “gender-affirming care” as if gender mutilation and experimental drug interventions had not a single adverse consequence.

The truth will hopefully eventually come out that gender mutilation is indeed harmful to children as we get more long term scientific evidence of the results of this grotesque experiment on our children


22 King County Judge Rules against Parental Notification

On June 24, 2024, King County Judge Michael Scott issued an Injunction blocking the Parental Notice section of the Washington State Parental Rights Act – also known as Initiative 2081. Judge Scott, who was appointed to the court by Jay Inslee in 2018, ruled:

“Washington State shall cease all implementation and enforcement of Initiative 2081’s portions related to the time in which schools must provide records, including the requirement that parents “receive a copy of their child’s records within 10 business days of submitting a written request;” and Initiative 2081 to the extent that it requires disclosure of medical, health, and mental health records and/or information protected by RCW 70.02.020.”

This judge explained verbally that he was concerned about the 10 day notice because the federal law allows 45 days for educational records. What the judge failed to mention is that states are allowed to have health and education laws that are more strict than federal laws. For example, the law that Senate Bill 5599 amended (and that the Parents Rights Act is clarifying) requires parental notice in a maximum of 3 days. So the concern raised by the judge about 10 days notice is simply absurd.

In addition, there is not a single word in RCW 70.02.020 that prevents health care records of minors from being disclosed to their parents. So there are no records of minors that need to be protected from parents in RCW 70.02.020. Again, the judge’s reasoning for the Injunction is simply absurd.

But while it may be absurd, the Injunction will have devastating consequences for tens of thousands of parents and children here in Washington state. The injunction against parental notice of medical and mental health records will now stay in effect throughout the rest of the legal proceedings. These proceedings could take months or even years while the issue works its way through trial and appeals.

The injunction blocks important God-given parental rights that have existed throughout human history. Yet this judge has placed his opinion above the wishes of nearly a half million voters who signed the Initiative, and more than 10,000 voters who committed on the bill during legislative hearings – and above the opinion of a 49 to 0 vote in the Senate and an 80 to 14 vote in the House – with absolutely not even a hint during any of the Hearings – or a single claim by a single legislator – that the bill might not comply with either existing state law or our state constitution.

Equally bad, the injunction will likely stay in effect until the 2025 legislative session – at which time corrupt legislators are likely to strip Parental Notice from the Parents Rights Act – rendering the act meaningless. Two years of work by thousands of people to get Parents Rights in Washington State will have gone down the drain.

But worst of all is the fact that this judge’s ruling will keep hidden from parents child mutilation crimes currently being committed against their children – child mutilation procedures that are based on lies and not supported by any science and are certain to cause a lifetime of harm for their victims, lies and harms.

Finally, this injunction will keep these crimes hidden from the voters through the remainder of the 2024 election. This is something we must not let happen. It is now up to all parents and grandparents to make Parents Rights an election issue in the 2024 election.

Verbal comments by Judge Scott
In his verbal decision to grant the preliminary injunction against the Parents Rights Act, Scott raised concerns over the language in the initiative calling for schools to turn over all medical and mental health records and to do so within 10 days of a parents request. He noted that the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) requires schools to turn over records as soon as possible, or within 45 days of the request.

The opponents of the Parents Rights Initiative claim in their lawsuit that existing Washington law (Senate Bill 5599 passed in 2023) gave minors in Washington the right to hide experimental and life-harming drug doses – administered while they are in school - from their parents. However, the actual wording in the Parents Rights Act does not contradict the child’s right to be given these drugs. It merely requires that parents be notified about the life-harming drugs before the drugs are given to the child. With the Injunction, parents will continue to be kept in the dark.


23 Supreme Court to review state bans on gender mutilation of minors

On June 24, 2024, the US Supreme Court announced that they will review state bans on gender-affirming care for minors (more accurately called gender mutilation of minors) during their Fall session in October. The court will consider the constitutionality of state laws that restrict or ban gender-mutilation of minors, including hormone therapy and surgeries.

The specific case they will review involves a Tennessee law that prohibits healthcare providers from administering puberty blockers, hormones, and surgeries to minors. The law was challenged by the Biden administration, who argue that it violates the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment and the due process clause of the 14th Amendment as well as a 2020 US Supreme Court decision called Bostock v. Clayton County.

While the lower court had applied the Supreme Court’s 2020 decision...to equate “gender identity” with “sex” as used in Title VII, the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals disagreed concluding that the Supreme Court 2020 decision was limited to job discrimination of adults and therefore did not apply to gender mutilation via giving experimental drugs to minors. In a two to one vote on July 8, 2023, the 6th Circuit held that the Tennessee state law did not violate either parents’ constitutional right to direct the upbringing of their children or constitutional protections that require all individuals to be treated equally regardless of sex. Here is a link to the 6th Circuit ruling: https://www.opn.ca6.uscourts.gov/opinions.pdf/23a0146p-06.pdf

Here is a quote from their decision:

“Parents, it is true, have a substantive due process right “to make decisions concerning the care, custody, and control of their children.” Troxel v. Granville, 530 U.S. 57, 66 (2000). But the Supreme Court cases recognizing this right confine it to narrow fields, such as education, Meyer v. Nebraska, 262 U.S. 390 (1923), and visitation rights, Troxel, 530 U.S. 57. No Supreme Court case extends it to a general right to receive new medical or experimental drug treatments.“

The above Court of Appeals ruling caused a Kentucky Federal court to rule in favor of Kentucky ban on gender mutilation of minors.

On August 21, 2023, the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals issued a similar opinion, voting three to zero in favor of a similar Alabama state ban.

Here is a link to their 59 page opinion.


Here is a quote: “States have a compelling interest in protecting children from drugs, particularly those for which there is uncertainty regarding benefits, recent surges in use, and irreversible effects… these medications can cause loss of fertility and sexual function.”

In a similar ruling, on August 25, 2023, a federal court upheld the constitutionality of a Missouri law banning giving gender mutilation drugs to minors. Here is a link to this ruling: https://ago.mo.gov/wp-content/uploads/sb-49-order.pdf?sfvrsn=1a3d0aea_2

In February, 2024, a three judge panel of the 7th Circuit of the Court of Appeals also held for the state of Indiana ban. They said they would issue an opinion at some point in the future but as of June 2024, they have not issued an opinion – just a decision.

On November 16, 2022, in a 6 to 5 decision, the 8th Circuit has blocked a gender affirming care ban in Arkansas.


In December 2023, a 9th Circuit three judge panel blocked a gender affirming care ban in Idaho. However, on April 15, 2024, the US Supreme Court by a vote of 6 to 3 granted Idaho Attorney General Raúl Labrador’s (R) request to narrow a December district court order blocking the state’s ban in its entirety, allowing the law to be enforced against individuals other than the two transgender teenagers challenging it in court.

As we noted earlier in this report, a court in Texas ruled in favor of the state ban while a court in Florida ruled against the state ban. There are at least 7 more federal courts that may issue opinions before the Supreme Court hears the case in October. But so far, there are about 12 federal judges ruling for State bans and 5 federal judges ruling against state bans. In addition, there are about 27 state attorney generals in favor of state bans and 16 attorney generals (including the Washington state attorney general) who have submitted briefs opposing the state bans.


My prediction is that the US Supreme Court will rule 6 to 3 that the 2020 US Supreme Court decision called Bostock v. Clayton County does not apply to gender mutilation bans of minors.

A ruling in favor of the states will allow them to continue restricting or banning gender mutilation of minors, which will likely lead to a patchwork of state by state laws across the US. As voters learn more about how “gender-affirming drugs” have serious adverse consequences, they will vote against the corrupt politicians who support this drug abuse and vote in favor of politicians who support protecting minors from gender mutilation drug peddlers.

Hopefully, some day the truth will come out and those who committed this crime against our kids will be held accountable for the lies they told and the damage they inflicted on our children.


24 Resolution Opposing School Clinics Giving Gender Mutilation Drugs to Minors

Whereas School based health clinics (SBHCs) are tax payer funded medical clinics placed inside of schools in order to give gender mutilation drugs to minors without the consent or knowledge of their parents, and

Whereas the number of School Based Health Centers (SBHCs) in Washington State has more than doubled from under 30 in 2019 to more than 70 in 2024 – now located in more than 30 school districts, and

Whereas long-standing State and federal parental notification laws are bypassed because the employees of the SBHC are not technically employees of the school district, and

Whereas the danger of SBHCs is that parents and students can be misled into thinking that the SBHC is a part of the school when it is in fact a separate business, and

Whereas parents may not know that students can receive experimental and even dangerous gender mutilation drugs at an SBHC without parents knowledge or consent, and

Whereas advocates of Gender Mutilation drugs (also called Gender Affirming Care) claim that giving kids gender drugs saves lives and reduces the suicide rate when fact, giving kids gender drugs is known to cost lives and increase the suicide rate, and

Whereas advocates of SBHCs claim they lower health care costs when in fact SBHCs have dramatically increased health care costs for minors as dangerous gender mutilation drugs can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars per child, and

Whereas more than 25 states and several nations have banned giving gender mutilation drugs to minors.

Therefore, be it resolved that we oppose locating SBHCs in schools here in Washington State and we ask our state legislature to join other states in passing a law banning giving minors gender mutilation drugs.

Organization: _______________________ Date: _____________

For additional information, visit Washington Parents Network.com

25 Four Steps to protect our kids from state child abuse

Forcing Kindergartners to use gender pronouns that do not match the biological sex of a person is more than just confusing. It is child abuse in that it is the first step that might send a vulnerable child down an extremely dark path. Even worse, telling children that they should not trust their parents and that they should even lie to their parents is certain to damage their essential relationship with their parent. It is time to end the abuse of our children! Truth is power and it is time to expose the lies Reykdal has been telling us about what is happening in our public schools.

Our first goal is to replace Chris Reykdal with a State Superintendent who understands the importance of parents rights. Our second goal is to elect State legislators who pledge to support parents rights and local control of our schools. Our third goal is to elect and support School Board Directors who support parents rights and local control of our schools.

If you agree that it is time to build a political movement capable of winning elections so we can replace Chris Reykdal and the current anti-parent legislature, then please consider taking one or more of the following steps:

Step #1: Sign up for our newsletter to get once a week updates on our coming events.

Step #2: Help spread the word by sharing this website with other parents, grandparents, school board members and concerned citizens. Our goal is to organize parents in every school district in Washington state.

Step #3: Attend one or more of our weekly statewide online video conference organizing meetings which at least initially will be held on Sundays from 3 to 4 pm beginning Sunday June 16 (which is also Fathers Day). The purpose of these meetings will be to meet and build relationships with others in our state who want to take action on restoring parents rights and protecting our children from state-sponsored child abuse. Our goal is to grow our weekly video conference meetings large enough to add regional or county meetings from 4 to 5 pm and eventually have legislative district meetings from 5 to 6 pm and school district meetings from 6 to 7 pm.


For a link to our next online meeting, send an email to David at Washington Parents Network dot com with your name and the county you live in.


Step #4: Organize a Washington Parents Network meeting in your community to help educate and organize local parents to end this horrible abuse of our kids. We will be traveling around Washington state to answer questions about this danger and to train local leaders on why and how to restore parents rights to raise their children. If you are a member of a county organization, legislative district organization, church or local community group, send us an email and we will find a date and time to arrange an in-person meeting with your group. As always, I look forward to your questions and comments – and I look forward to meeting you!


David Spring M. Ed.

David at Washington Parents Network dot com