Whereas on August 16, 2024, the US Supreme Court unanimously agreed that Title IX is intended to protect the rights of biological girls to fair academic and sports opportunities and
Whereas, on January 9, 2025, a federal court in Tenneesee v Cardona vacated the 2024 Biden Title IX Final Rule – returning all 50 states to the original meaning of Title IX – that the term “sex” means biological sex and not gender identity and
Whereas on February 5, 2025, President Trump signed an Executive Order which states: “Under Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972, educational institutions receiving Federal funds cannot deny women an equal opportunity to participate in sports… Thus, it is the policy of the United States to rescind all funds from educational programs that deprive women and girls of fair athletic opportunities” and
Whereas the February 7, 2025 OSPI Title IX Guidance letter fails to end the practice of allowing biological males competing in girls sports and
Whereas Bob Ferguson and Chris Reykdal have mislead the public and the media by falsely claiming that President Trump failed to comply with the law – when in fact it has been Bob Ferguson and Chris Reykdal who have failed to comply with Title IX for the past eight years and
Whereas failure to comply with Title IX is likely to cost Washington schools more than one billion dollars per year in lost federal education funding leading to the firing of thousands of teachers and
Whereas existing Washington state laws and policies that do not comply with Title IX do not and can not override federal laws such as Title IX and
Whereas numerous scientific studies have confirmed that giving minors Trans Drugs such as puberty blockers and cross sex hormones greatly increases their risk of sterility, cancer, tumors and suicide,
Therefore, we call on all Washington State leaders – including state legislators, our state governor, state attorney general and state superintendent - to comply with Title IX by immediately ending males in girls sports, males in girls locker rooms and males in girls bathrooms.
For more information on each of these topics, see the following web page: https://washingtonparentsnetwork.com/news/washington-parents-demand-state-leaders-comply-with-title-ix
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