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PTA declares War against Parents & Kids

PTA stands for the National Parent Teacher Association. During the past 20 years, this extremely corrupt organization has inflicted more harm on children than any other group. With millions of dollars in funding from Bill Gates, the PTA supported unfair high stakes tests which were so difficult that 90% of all adults could not pass them. The pressure to pass these high stakes tests caused severe mental health problems in students.

The PTA also supported the shift from local learning standards written by local parents and teachers to national Common Core curriculum written by billionaires and Wall Street consultants. These misguided standards have made learning complex topics much harder – further worsening the mental health of our kids.

In 2020, the PTA also supported the closure of our schools for over a year - even in schools where not a single child or teacher was sick. Closing schools further worsened the mental health of our kids.

Once schools finally reopened, the PTA supported forcing children to wear masks for an entire year - despite the fact that no scientific study has ever supported masking children. Masks further worsened the mental health of our kids. The PTA also supported mandatory PCR testing of children despite the fact that a PCR test with a cycle count greater than 35 is known to be wrong 29 times out of 30.

Now to add insult to injury, the national PTA – including the Washington State PTA - has declared war against parents and children by supporting the Trans Drug Cult – which includes telling students that they should not trust their parents, opposing parents rights to be involved in important decisions regarding their children, giving kids toxic Trans drugs, allowing boys in the girls bathrooms and allowing boys to take over girls sports.

Here is Washington State 2.19 PTA Resolution 2.19 (which is based on a similar national resolution): Washington State PTA and its local PTAs and councils seek and support legislation that creates a safe, supportive and accepting environment in schools, specifically with training for educators and other school-related professionals to support all students, updating health education standards that deal with the issues of sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression. https://www.wastatepta.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/WSPTA-Resolution-2.19-LGBTQ-Inclusion-2017.pdf


In short, the lives and future of tens of thousands of children have been repeatedly put at risk by Top Down billionaire controlled PTA organizations that falsely claims to care about parents and children and instead is simply a front for drug companies and billionaires.

How the PTA really works
The National PTA is supposed to be a “non-political” 501c3 tax exempt organization. It has about 3.4 million parent members. As there are about 50 million students in the US with 100 million parents, this represents about 3.4 percent of all parents with children attending public schools. Here is a link to their latest federal 990 report which was for the 2020-2021 school year. https://www.pta.org/docs/default-source/files/why-pta/2023/financials/2021-national-pta-form-990.pdf

Federal 990 statements indicate that annual revenue from members fell 50% from about $12 million in 2019 to $8 million in 2020. This money is spent mainly on huge salaries for a few people that run the national PTA. Here are the top ten people who together are paid $1.8 million:


The national PTA also paid three “contractors” a total of $550,000 :


A total of $5 million was spent on salaries. The national PTA also spent a million dollars on their national convention and $328,275 on advertising. Total annual revenue for 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 was $11 million per year. In 2020, revenue fell to only $7.5 million.

So where did all of this money come from? Most of it came from local dues paid by parents through their local PTA – some of which goes to the State organization and the rest of which goes to the national organization. Total National Membership dues were 4 million. The rest comes from government grants and bribes from billionaires like Bill Gates:


The Washington State PTA latest annual report was 2022 -2023 and can be read at this link: https://wastatepta.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/WSPTA-2022-2023-Annual-Report.pdf

The Washington state PTA has about 85,000 members in 800 schools. As our state has 1.1 million students and 2.2 million parents, the PTA represents 4% of all parents in our state. This membership number is down about 40% from the 2018-2019 peak of 125,000 members (which was 6% of all parents in our state).

The average local PTA, with 100 parent members, forwards roughly $1000 to the state PTA and other $1000 to the national PTA. At an average of $10 per parent member, this gives the Washington state PTA leaders about $850,000 dollars a year – most of which is spend on a few state salaries. The rest is spent on brainwashing parents (also called Advocacy). The Washington State PTA stages a statewide convention every year attended by about 1,000 parents all of whom must support the status quo of State controlled rather than local controlled schools.

In short, the Washington State and national PTAs are both scams intended to control parents rather than help kids.

Scam Alternatives to the PTA
Imagine you are fed up with your local, state or national PTA. Well, Bill Gates has been one step ahead of us there also. He funds another group called Stand for Children that also supports High Stakes Tests, Common Core, School Closures, Mask Mandates as well as fully supporting the Trans Drug Cult. Here is a quote from their website: “We, as education advocates, must use our voices and platforms to uplift and center the voices and stories of LGBTQ students and young people. “

Two Better Statewide and County Alternatives

First, join our Washington Parents Network and consider attending our weekly meetings. Second, join Moms for Liberty which has groups in several counties here in Washington state.

A Common Sense local alternative: Form your own Parents Network!
The best way to gain control over your own local school is to form your own local parents network.


This could (and at least initially should) include having no mandatory dues at all. A huge benefit of not collecting money is that there is no need for a treasurer or annual reports to the state or federal government. Your local parents group is free to create your own meetings, policies and events. You are also free to support whoever you want on your local school board, train parents to speak at school board meetings and even encourage your members and help your members run for your local school board.

Building a parent network is a great way to support your children, and make needed changes in your local school. It means you have friends with whom you can plan (and attend) kid-friendly activities, swap parenting tips and tricks, and share stories from the trenches.

Seven Steps to Start Your Local Parent Network
To build your local parent network, here are seven steps:

1. Start with a small group of parents who want change. You can likely find these parents by going to your local school board monthly meetings and listening to other parents at the meeting. Introduce yourself after the meeting.

2. Establish a Mission Statement, Plans, and Goals: Get your core group to start generating ideas for what your team must accomplish. What education goals do you have for your students? What improvements can you make? What programs are you interested in starting? How will your group improve communication between parents and teachers? What programs will you develop to improve student success?

3. Write a one page flier with your contact information and pass it out at school events. You’ll be surprised how eager other parents are to connect!

4. Set up a regular monthly meeting time where parents can bring their kids. Alternate the meeting location from one home to another. Or meet at your local public library. Some schools will even let you use your school library to meet in the evening.

5. Encourage PTA Parents to join your group. If you school has a child-killing and parent-hating PTA, gradually encourage parents to leave the PTA and join your group instead.

6. Be aware of the drawbacks of Facebook. While you can organize only through social apps like Facebook, you should be aware that Facebook has frequently deleted groups that they consider too radical. For example, one parent group had 700 members trying to get their school to stop requiring masks. Facebook deleted their account without notice.

7. Set up your own website. A better option is to set up your own website that you control and that can not be deleted by some billionaire. To encourage you and help you form your own local school parents network, I am offering to host your website for free on one of my servers and train you and other parents how to use it to post articles, provide a calendar of events and send out email newsletters. If you are interested in learning more about this, email me:

David@ Washington Parents Network.com

An example of a Parents Network that left the PTA

Here is an example of one group of parents that decided to leave the corrupt national PTA and form their own parents network:


Here is a quote from their website: “In Fall of 2020, the parent leadership at each school within Wasatch County School District collectively decided to transition out of the Parent Teacher Association to become the “Wasatch Parent Network.” WPN is solely a group of parents working together, to benefit each school’s staff and students, without the restrictions and financial obligations to a State/National organization. How will this affect the students, teachers, and parents at your school? No need to “join” and become a “member” of a national organization.

Each school’s WPN is a local volunteer organization with the focus on serving students and teachers within. 100% of all funds received by the each school’s WPN will stay, and be used, at that school.”

More Steps to improve your local school
Once you have a core group of concerned parents, you may want to work on electing members of your group to your local school board. One way to do this is to start your own local newspaper. Here is a link to a local newspaper that got a local parent elected to their local school board:



If you would like to start a local newspaper to help members of your community become better informed about your local schools, I am willing to host the news website and train you how to post to it for free. Again, just email me: David @ Washington Parents Network.com.

Together, we can bring about urgently needed changes to our schools, our community and our state! As always, I look forward to your questions and comments!


David Spring M. Ed.