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WA legislature claims 13 year olds have better judgement than Parents

I have good news and bad news. Here is the good news: On Saturday February 15, 2025 at Noon there will be a rally in favor of Parents Rights at the north steps of the Capitol in Olympia. Please consider attending and sharing this information with anyone you know who cares about protecting the rights of parents and their children.

More good news. On Thursday, February 6, President Trump signed the Save Girls Sports Executive Order which should deny federal education funds to states that continue to allow biological males to take over girls sports. It remains to be seen if it will have any effect on the crazies running Washington state.

Now for the bad news. This week the Senate voted on party lines to pass Senate Bill 5181. This bill, which will gut the Parents Rights Initiative is now in the House Education committee.


If you want to track the progress of this crime, here is the link:


In explaining why parents should not be told when their child decides to take toxic Trans drugs that will permanently sterilize them and greatly increase their risk of cancer, Senator Jamie Pedersen stated: "Kids over 13 have the right to make their own decisions about their mental health care. Parents don't have the right to have notice, they don't have the right to have consent about that" - Washington State Senate Majority Leader Jamie Pedersen (D) February 7, 2025

Anyone who has raised an actual teenager probably already knows this, but from a scientific child development point of view, the ages from 13 to 17 are the absolutely WORST TIME to allow kids to make life altering decisions without the benefit of their parents. Here is a graph of mental health problems by age range:



You can clearly see from the above graph that teenagers tend to suffer from all kinds of mental health problems beginning about age 12. Basically, teenagers go crazy for a few years.

Even if a child does not suffer from mental health problems, minors cannot give informed consent because children have immature brains, they are vulnerable to peer pressure, and they don’t grasp long-term consequences. The prefrontal cortex, which is where complex decisions are made, is not fully developed until about age 20. This is why young adults get more speeding tickets and car accidents than older adults.


Here is a link to a report on adolescent brain development: https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article/146/Supplement_1/S18/34490/Adolescent-Brain-Development-and-Medical-Decision?autologincheck=redirected

The good news is that kids usually regain their sanity sometime between the ages of 20 to 25. Ignoring this basic scientific research, Senate Bill 5181, insists that kids should be allowed to make their own decisions not just at age 13 – but as early as AGE 5. This is why I have reached the conclusion that the leaders of the Democratic party have gone completely nuts. This is no longer about right versus left. This is about Common Sense versus Crazy.

But it gets worse. Much worse. You may have no idea that your 9 year old is being given toxic Trans Drugs. But you will still be required to pay the bill. And the bill for each year of Puberty Blockers could range from $20,000 to $50,000. Multiple this times four to six years and it will give you an idea of how truly crazy the crooks in Olympia have become.

Here is a quote from Brian Heywood, Parents Rights Initiative Sponsor, last week (when he was trying to talk some sense into the lunatics in Olympia):

There is a secondary issue here because, while parents are not allowed to know what medical treatment is being given or done to their child once they turn 13, the parents are required financially to pay for any such treatment. If a parent asks to know the details of the treatment, WA does not allow the doctors or teachers or state employees to give that information to the parent. If they do not pay, their debt is sent to a collector…”

Brian is correct. This is why we need to start local community news websites so we can get this information out to parents, most of whom are Independent voters and have no idea about the kind of crimes currently occuring in Olympia. More on this at the end of this article. First, we need to summarize the crimes committed against parents and kids during the past couple of weeks.

The Ugly Truth about the so-called Parents Rights Victory
We will begin by clarifying what happened in King County Superior Court with the so-called “Parents Rights victory” issued by Judge Scott on January 24, 2025. This judges seemingly favorable ruling on the Parents Rights Initiative matters not only because it was insane, but also because his previous Injunction against the Parents Rights Initiative was repeatedly used by Trans Cult legislators during the past two weeks to justify their bills gutting the rights of nearly three million parents here in Washington state.

In an Orwellian Court Hearing, right out of the book 1984, Judge Scott decided (after 8 months of careful research and study) that the “10 Day Rule” in the Parents Rights Initiative did not violate the “Not More than 45 Day” Rule in a federal regulation called FERPA. To comprehend how bazarre his ruling was, we need to first understand that the Parents Rights Initiative includes a provision that schools must provide Parents with notice of any changes in the status of their students within 10 days of the Parental Request for information.

For example, if a school changes a child’s name or pronouns or sends a child to a School Based Health Clinic to be given toxic trans drugs, the school must provide the parents with a notice of that record within 10 days of a parent asking for that information.

Under FERPA, the school district would be required to provide that information within “a maximum of 45 days”. The reason FERPA gives schools up to 45 days to provide parents with their students records is that FERPA was passed more than 50 years ago in 1974. Back then, student records were contained in huge filing cabinets. Today, student records are contained in computer file managers and can be located and printed or emailed to the parent in less than 45 seconds!

FERPA specifically provides that States may enact rules more stringent than 45 days, but that 45 days is a maximum.

Here is the regulation: “Schools must comply with a parent’s request to inspect their students records without unnecessary delay, and in no case more than 45 days after the request was made. States may require that parents be granted access in a shorter time period.20 U.S.C 34 CFR § Part 99.10(b).


This is why the Louisiana Parents Bill of Rights requires schools to provide parents with their child’s records within 10 days of a parent request. Here is a quote from this law:

Parents have a right to inspect their child's school records, and to receive a copy of their child's records within ten business days of submitting a written request, either electronically or on paper.”


The Indiana Parents Bill of Rights requires schools to provide parents with the child’s records within 5 days of any attempt to transition a child into a different gender.


New Jersey also requires parent access to student records within 10 days.

Each district board of education shall establish written policies and procedures for student records that guarantee access to persons authorized under this subchapter within 10 days of a request.”


Here is what the Washington State Parents Rights Initiative says:
“Parents and legal guardians of public school children younger than 18 years old have all of the following rights:
(a) To examine the textbooks, curriculum, and supplemental material used in their child's classroom;
(b)(i) To inspect their child's school records in accordance with RCW 28A.605.030, and to receive a copy of their child's records
within 10 business days of submitting a written request, either electronically or on paper.”


Now here is the Orwellian part. Under previous Trans Drug Cult Washington law, school were prohibited from ever providing that information to parents. Instead, school administrators and teachers were required to lie to parents. So, it is Chris Reykdal and the Washington Trans Drug Cult legislature that are in violation of FERPA and not the Parents Rights Initiative!

Now that we know what FERPA actually says, let’s go back 8 months to June 5, 2024 when Chris Reykdal stated that school districts should ignore the Parents Rights Initiative, scheduled to take effect the next day, because he thought that the “10 Day Rule” in the Parents Rights Initiative might violate the “No More than 45 Day” Rule in FERPA.

At the time I pointed out that Rekydal’s claim was ridiculous because 45 days was a maximum limit and 10 days was clearly within 45 days and was clearly a “reasonable” period of time given that the actual time it would take a school to find a child’s record on their computer was about one minute.

I also predicted that no judge in America would buy the argument that 10 days was somehow in violation of the “No More than 45 Day” Rule in FERPA. It turns out I was wrong. Two weeks later, on June 24, 2024, King County Superior Court Judge Scott, who was appointed by Jay Inslee in 2018, placed an injunction on the Parents Rights Act – depriving 3 million Washington Parents of the right to get a copy of their child’s records.

In his ruling, Judge Scott specifically stated he was concerned that the 10 day provision in the Parents Rights Act might violate the 45 day provision in FERPA.

Here is what judge Scott wrote in his June 24, 2024 order granting the injunction: “Washington State shall cease all implementation and enforcement of: a. Initiative 2081’s portions related to the time in which schools must provide records, including subsection (2)(b)(i)’s requirement that parents “receive a copy of their child’s records within 10 business days of submitting a written request, either electronically or on paper;” and b. Initiative 2081 to the extent that it requires disclosure of medical, health, and mental health records and/or information protected by RCW 70.02.020.”

To be clear, RCW 70.02.020 is the crazy law granting the state the right to hide minors from their parents under the claim that hiding them from their parents was protecting the right of the minors. RCW 70.02.020 prohibits disclosure of health care information, including a minors mental health care, by a “health care provider.”

However, RCW 70.02.900 expressly disclaims applicability where disclosure is mandated by separate state or federal law. It clearly states: “This chapter does not restrict a health care provider, a third-party payor, or an insurer regulated under Title 48 RCW from complying with obligations imposed by federal or state health care payment programs or federal or state law.”

The Parents Rights Initiative is clearly “a separate state law” that would take priority over RCW 70.02.020. Indeed, that is the whole point of the Parents Rights Initiative.

Yet despite the fact that 10 days is clearly a reasonable period of time and complies with FERPA and the fact that RCW 70.02 includes a specific exemption for federal or state laws, Judge Scott used these two “concerns” to issue an injunction blocking the rights of more than two million parents to know about the medical health problems their kids are facing.

Here is the legal and math question Judge Scott could not figure out for 8 months: Does 10 days comply with the “No more than 45 days rule?”

HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: If you have a First Grader at your home, ask them if 10 days is more or less than 45 days. Time how long it takes the child to figure out the answer to this question. If it takes the child less than 8 months, they are better at math than Judge Scott!

In short, the injunction against the Parents Rights Initiative never had any legal basis. Instead, the real purpose of the injunction just a flimsy excuse to continue hiding the truth from parents while the issue was debated in court for seven months – and give the legislature the cover they needed to gut the Parents Rights Initiative in 2025.

Which brings us to Senate Bill 5181. It has an emergency clause attached to it meaning that it will take effect immediately – the day it is signed by Bob Ferguson. Given how rapidly the bill made it through the Senate, I would not be a bit surprised to see it pass the House in the next few days and be signed by the governor before the end of February.

What is the Emergency?
The emergency is that there are already thousands of kids in the Seattle Schools alone who are being given toxic Trans drugs without their parents knowledge and consent. If these parents ever found out about the crimes being committed against their kids, they would likely turn against the leaders of the Democratic Party. So this fact needs to remain hidden at all costs – not to protect the kids – but to protect the crooks in Olympia.

Is Parental Rights Initiative now in effect in every school district?
Here is the Court Order: “The Court concludes that there are no issues of materrial fact in dispute as to the facial constitutionality of Initiative 2081 and concludes that the plaintiff’s motion for summary judgement is denied in its entirety.”

In theory, this would mean that as of January 24, 2028, the Parents Rights Initiative should now be in effect in every school and in every school district. However, any school districts controlled by the Trans Drug Cartel are likely to want to keep their crimes hidden. They will likely tell you they need to wait for “Guidance” from their Cult Leader Reykdal.

Reykdal is in the process of dragging this out as long as possible. What he is really doing is buying his accomplices in the legislature another week or two to get Senate Bill 5181 passed. Once that happens, Reykdal will issue guidance telling schools that they can continune to ignore the Parents Rights Initiative.

All of us who care about protecting the rights of parents and children from the Trans Drug Cult need to do two things. First, we need to talk Jim Walsh and Brian Heywood into re-submitting the Parents Rights Initiative to get it on the ballot this fall. It needs to be an issue in every school board race.

Second, we need to set up Common Sense Community News websites in communitys all across Washington State. We will be reviewing both of these topics at our next Washington Parents Network meeting which will be Sunday February 9, 2025 from 4 to 5 pm.

Everyone who cares about parents and kids is welcome to attend. If you would like the link to this meeting, send me an email by Noon Sunday February 9th. I will email you back with a link to our meeting.

Also please share this article with other parents. It is time to get the truth out about the crimes going on in Olympia. As always, I look forward to your questions and comments.


David Spring M. Ed.

Washington Parents Network

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