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Parents Rights

Articles on the war against Parents Rights.

WA legislature claims 13 year olds have better judgement than Parents

I have good news and bad news. Here is the good news: On Saturday February 15, 2025 at Noon there will be a rally in favor of Parents Rights at the north steps of the Capitol in Olympia. Please consider attending and sharing this information with anyone you know who cares about protecting the rights of parents and their children.

More good news. On Thursday, February 6, President Trump signed the Save Girls Sports Executive Order which should deny federal education funds to states that continue to allow biological males to take over girls sports. It remains to be seen if it will have any effect on the crazies running Washington state.

Now for the bad news. This week the Senate voted on party lines to pass Senate Bill 5181. This bill, which will gut the Parents Rights Initiative is now in the House Education committee.


If you want to track the progress of this crime, here is the link:


In explaining why parents should not be told when their child decides to take toxic Trans drugs that will permanently sterilize them and greatly increase their risk of cancer, Senator Jamie Pedersen stated: "Kids over 13 have the right to make their own decisions about their mental health care. Parents don't have the right to have notice, they don't have the right to have consent about that" - Washington State Senate Majority Leader Jamie Pedersen (D) February 7, 2025

Anyone who has raised an actual teenager probably already knows this, but from a scientific child development point of view, the ages from 13 to 17 are the absolutely WORST TIME to allow kids to make life altering decisions without the benefit of their parents. Here is a graph of mental health problems by age range:



You can clearly see from the above graph that teenagers tend to suffer from all kinds of mental health problems beginning about age 12. Basically, teenagers go crazy for a few years.

Even if a child does not suffer from mental health problems, minors cannot give informed consent because children have immature brains, they are vulnerable to peer pressure, and they don’t grasp long-term consequences. The prefrontal cortex, which is where complex decisions are made, is not fully developed until about age 20. This is why young adults get more speeding tickets and car accidents than older adults.


Here is a link to a report on adolescent brain development: https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article/146/Supplement_1/S18/34490/Adolescent-Brain-Development-and-Medical-Decision?autologincheck=redirected

The good news is that kids usually regain their sanity sometime between the ages of 20 to 25. Ignoring this basic scientific research, Senate Bill 5181, insists that kids should be allowed to make their own decisions not just at age 13 – but as early as AGE 5. This is why I have reached the conclusion that the leaders of the Democratic party have gone completely nuts. This is no longer about right versus left. This is about Common Sense versus Crazy.

But it gets worse. Much worse. You may have no idea that your 9 year old is being given toxic Trans Drugs. But you will still be required to pay the bill. And the bill for each year of Puberty Blockers could range from $20,000 to $50,000. Multiple this times four to six years and it will give you an idea of how truly crazy the crooks in Olympia have become.

Here is a quote from Brian Heywood, Parents Rights Initiative Sponsor, last week (when he was trying to talk some sense into the lunatics in Olympia):

There is a secondary issue here because, while parents are not allowed to know what medical treatment is being given or done to their child once they turn 13, the parents are required financially to pay for any such treatment. If a parent asks to know the details of the treatment, WA does not allow the doctors or teachers or state employees to give that information to the parent. If they do not pay, their debt is sent to a collector…”

Brian is correct. This is why we need to start local community news websites so we can get this information out to parents, most of whom are Independent voters and have no idea about the kind of crimes currently occuring in Olympia. More on this at the end of this article. First, we need to summarize the crimes committed against parents and kids during the past couple of weeks.

More Evidence WA Leg will kill Parents Rights this year

Last week, we reviewed Senate Bill 5181 which will repeal the Parents Rights Initiative and replace it with the draconian Senate Bill 5599 – allowing the state to kidnap our kids and hide them from their parents – a law that was opposed by 99% of all parents – and a law that led to the Parents Rights Initiative in the first place. There will be a hearing on this bill on January 21st at 8 am. Here is a link to the bill page in case you want to submit a comment opposing this bill:


This week, we will review House Bill 1296 which will further erode the legal rights of parents here in Washington state – and prove beyond any doubt that the Washington State legislature has no respect for the rights of parents and has no understanding of the importance of the parent-child relationship to the health and well being of children.

Before we dive into this bill, I want to make it clear that the true rights of Parents can not be removed by any bill or any legislature. The rights of parents are God Given Rights that preceded not only the Washington State Constitution, but even the US Constitution. The parent-child relationship is a sacred God Given Relationship that is fundamental to the development of the child. Any bill by the legislature to erode parents rights and stand between a parent and their child will be severely harmful not only to the parent but to their child. It is therefore up to all of us who care about the wellbeing of children to protect the rights of their parents.

A Blessing in Disguise
Any parent following the legislature this year has every right to be angry about bills like Senate Bill 5181 and House Bill 1296 - and many other bills which we will be reviewing in the coming weeks. Feel free to email the legislature and let them know you oppose these bills. But also be aware that regardless of the number of parents who contact the them opposing these bills, every one of these anti-parent bills are almost certain to pass this year.

Exposing the Plot to Gut the Parents Rights Initiative

On Friday January 24, 2025 from 10 am to 11 am, there will be a hearing on the Parents Rights Initiative at the King County Courthouse, 516 3rd Ave, Seattle, WA 98104 before Judge Micheal Scott. The hearing will be for a Plaintiffs (ACLU) Motion for Summary Judgement. If the judge rules in favor of the ALCU motion, the Parents Rights Initiative will be dead. I intend to be at this hearing and I encourage anyone who cares about the future of Parental Rights here in Washington State to also be at that hearing. The Courthouse opens at 9 am and space in the courtroom is limited. Parking near the courthouse is also limited. My advice is from I-5, use the right lane to take the Union Street exit #165B. Then go South- West on Union 5 blocks and turn left on 5th Avenue. Go south 2 blocks and park at the Olympic Garage at 5th and Seneca. The rate for 9 am to Noon is $20 and you can reserve your spot online. Then, walk south on 3rd avenue 6 blocks to the Courthouse at 3rd and James. There will likely be a line at the entrance. You will then I think take the elevator to the 5th Floor.

Even if the judge rules in favor of the Parents Rights Initiative, there is a bill in the Washington State legislature that will also kill the Parents Rights Initiative. In this article, we will expose the entire year long plot by the Trans Drug Cult to gut the Parents Rights Initiative.

PTA declares War against Parents & Kids

PTA stands for the National Parent Teacher Association. During the past 20 years, this extremely corrupt organization has inflicted more harm on children than any other group. With millions of dollars in funding from Bill Gates, the PTA supported unfair high stakes tests which were so difficult that 90% of all adults could not pass them. The pressure to pass these high stakes tests caused severe mental health problems in students.

The PTA also supported the shift from local learning standards written by local parents and teachers to national Common Core curriculum written by billionaires and Wall Street consultants. These misguided standards have made learning complex topics much harder – further worsening the mental health of our kids.

In 2020, the PTA also supported the closure of our schools for over a year - even in schools where not a single child or teacher was sick. Closing schools further worsened the mental health of our kids.

Once schools finally reopened, the PTA supported forcing children to wear masks for an entire year - despite the fact that no scientific study has ever supported masking children. Masks further worsened the mental health of our kids. The PTA also supported mandatory PCR testing of children despite the fact that a PCR test with a cycle count greater than 35 is known to be wrong 29 times out of 30.

Now to add insult to injury, the national PTA – including the Washington State PTA - has declared war against parents and children by supporting the Trans Drug Cult – which includes telling students that they should not trust their parents, opposing parents rights to be involved in important decisions regarding their children, giving kids toxic Trans drugs, allowing boys in the girls bathrooms and allowing boys to take over girls sports.

Put Families First… A Plan to Build a New Winning Coalition in the Washington State Republican Party

Anyone who has studied the Transgender Cult knows it is based on a series of lies intended to get tens of thousands of children addicted to toxic Trans drugs in order to make billions of dollars for corporations that sell Trans drugs. It is also a bribery and corruption scheme that provides millions of dollars to elect the corrupt leaders of the Democratic Party. By contrast, the Trans Cult is strongly opposed by many leaders of the Republican Party. The map of 26 states that have banned giving minors toxic trans drugs confirms that they are all led by Republicans. These same 26 states all filed successful lawsuits blocking the crazy Biden interpretation of Title IX in 2024.


What is less well known is the crucial role that Trump’s support for Parents Rights and his opposition to the Trans Cult played in winning the 2024 Presidential Election. In this article, we will look at the roll opposition to Transgenderism played in the 2024 Presidential Election and the roll it could play during the next four years in building a new winning coalition in the Washington State Republican Party.

Teacher Unions turn against Parents, Students and Teachers

There are two teachers unions representing thousands of teachers here in Washington state. The National Education Association (NEA) represents public school teachers and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) represents college teachers. Sadly, both unions are deeply involved in promoting the Transgender Cult. They not only encourage children to change their names and become addicted to Trans Drugs, but they oppose informing parents that their kids have changed their names at school. Both unions offer training in how teachers can promote Transgenderism in their classrooms. Both unions require teachers to attend brainwashing sessions where they are told lies about how encouraging kids to change their pronouns will bring them happiness. Both unions support allowing boys in the girls bathrooms and allowing trans males to takeover girls sports. Both unions support the lie that Title IX protects Trans Rights rather than the rights of girls and women.

The truth is that it is not possible for anyone to change their gender. Encouraging students to lie to their parents harms both students and their parents. Opposition to Transgenderism has forced thousands of parents to pull their kids out of public schools – leading to a loss of school funding which in turn has forced schools to fire thousands of teachers in the past 2 years. But in addition, requiring adherence to Trans Lies has forced thousands of experienced teachers to leave the teaching profession due to their unwillingness to go along with the Trans Cult lies. This leads to larger class sizes and more work for teachers left behind. These remaining teachers not only have to deal with larger class sizes but also a huge increase in student absenteeism, student drug addiction and student mental health problems. In short, the teachers unions support for Transgenderism is leading to the destruction our schools. But if all this was not bad enough, this past week, these reckless teachers unions sent out a mailer that they opposed the four “Vote Yes, Pay Less Initiatives on the ballot in the 2024 Washington State General Election. Their opposition to these Initiatives is also posted on their websites.