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3 Exposing the Ferguson Reykdal Drug Cartel

In this article, we will explain how Bob Ferguson and Chris Reykdal have, for the past 7 years, been brainwashing tens of thousands of vulnerable children into taking toxic drugs without their parents knowledge or consent.


To commit this horrible crime against our kids, Ferguson and Reykdal used a series of lies to hijack a federal law, called Title IX - which was intended to protect the rights of girls and women - and illegally changed Title IX into a weapon to force a Transgender Takeover of our schools and kids.


The first of their many lies was telling children they can magically change their sex just by changing their pronouns. The fact is it is not possible for anyone to change their biological sex. Encouraging kids to change their pronouns is severe child abuse because it is the first step toward a deadly Transgender Drug addiction.


The second step has a trusted teacher using a Gender Snowman to confuse young children about who they love at an age when it is common for girls to form friendships with other girls.


The next step has teachers use a Gingerbread cookie diagram to sexualize children with a series of complex topics that none of the children are evenly slightly capable of understanding.


The fourth lie is telling a troubled child they should not trust their parents. There is almost nothing one can do that is more harmful to a child than to tell them that their parents can not be trusted or that they need to lead a “double life” of lying to their parents when they are at home and using a different name at school.


Sadly, Washington Superintendent Chris Reykdal has a long history of ignoring science. It should therefore not be surprising that Reykdal has ignored the scientific research on gender mutilation. Instead, his radical policies include falsely claiming that federal laws require schools to lie to parents in order to protect the gender change “choices” of children.


The next Big lie is claiming that minors are able to make their own decision about whether to start taking toxic drugs . In fact, minors cannot give informed consent because children have immature brains, they are vulnerable to peer pressure, and they don’t grasp long-term consequences. The prefrontal cortex, which is where complex decisions are made, is not fully developed until about age 20. This is why young adults get more speeding tickets and car accidents than older adults.


The Transgender scam is sold to teachers and parents by falsely claiming that some kids are born with the wrong gender and need to be pumped full of toxic drugs to avoid committing suicide. But the truth is that while about 1% of children are not happy with their biological sex, about 90% of these children outgrow this feeling by the time they reach adulthood. For example, a 30 year study of 139 young biological boys who suffered from GD found that only 17 or 12% still suffered from GD when they were adults. The remaining 122 or 88% no longer had any problem with their biological sex. Here is a link to this study: https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/psychiatry/articles/10.3389/fpsyt.2021.632784/full

In a 2015 study called “Gender dysphoria in childhood”, Jiska Ristori and Thomas D. Steensma reviewed the outcomes for children involved with 10 studies conducted from 1968 to 2012 in the U.S., Canada, and the Netherlands. Their review of the studies showed that gender dysphoric feelings went away for 85% of children “around or after puberty. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.3109/09540261.2015.1115754



We have known for at least 20 years that most childhood mental health problems such as Depression and anxiety are caused by a series of adverse events such as the loss of a parent, family drug abuse, homelessness, domestic violence, neglect, abandonment and or sexual, emotional or physical abuse. In fact, most gender confused kids have suffered three or more adverse events. For example, a 2021 Australia study found gender confused children had suffered an average of 5.5 adverse childhood events compared to 1.7 for the control group. Likely as a result of these ACEs, 86% of gender confused children suffered from at-risk attachment patterns compared to 18% for the control group. Here is a link to this study: https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/psychology/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.582688/full




In addition, 88% of the gender confused group in this study suffered from a serious mental health problem. It should therefore be no surprise that most gender confused kids suffer from serious mental health problems PRIOR to their gender confusion. Gender confusion is therefore a symptom of underlying mental health problems – not a condition to be “fixed” with toxic drugs.

As another example, a 2015 study in Finland found that 75% of gender confused children suffered from serious mental health problems prior to their gender confusion. 64% suffered from Depression, 55% suffered from Anxiety and 53% suffered from Suicidal thoughts. https://capmh.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13034-015-0042-y



Counseling is better for kids than giving them drugs because most gender confused kids suffer from underlying mental health problems. Giving kids drugs instead of counseling often makes their mental health problems worse rather than better. For example, a 2019 review of 40 studies on counseling found that 37 (92%) concluded that counseling reduces both suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts. https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/psychology/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00277/full


Sadly, despite the harm of getting kids addicted to toxic drugs and the urgent need for counseling for kids suffering from depression or anxiety. Reykdal and Ferguson insisted on banning counseling for gender confused kids here in Washington state.


Ferguson and Reykdal’s next Big Lie is claiming that giving kids Transgender drugs is safe.


The first toxic drugs given to kids are puberty blockers – which are not approved by the FDA and have been linked to brain tumors and a huge drop in bone density.



The second batch of toxic drugs given to kids is cross sex hormones. Giving girls huge amounts of testosterone has been linked to tumors. In 2019, a study was published of more than 3,000 minors given hormone drugs. The study confirmed that the risk of breast cancer rose 46 times (4,600 percent) in boys subjected to huge amounts of estrogen.



The next step in destroying the lives of kids is promote Sex Change Surgery. Sadly, even after all this money spent trying to change a person’s sex, the child is still left with the underlying mental health problems that led to the compulsion to change their sex in the first place.


Even sadder, all of the experimental drugs are highly likely to lead to both cancer and an early death.


The next Big Lie is the claim that giving kids gender drugs reduces suicides. Trans advocates are quick to point out that when people who want gender drugs do not get them, they suffer a 51% risk of attempting suicide suicide.


What Trans advocates fail to mention is that people who want gender drugs and do get them have an even greater risk of attempting suicide.

Transgender Drug advocates have repeatedly claimed that gender confused youth need to be given gender-affirming drugs in order to reduce their risk of suicide. One of the studies used to justify this claim is a 2015 self report survey of 3405 Transgender people, 89 of whom were given Transgender “Puberty Suppression” drugs. Here is a link to this survey:


Here is the actual table of outcomes in the study:


The last row shows that 41.6% of the Trans people given drugs had Lifetime Suicide attempts and 51.2% of the Trans people not given drugs had Lifetime Suicide attempts. But much more important, 45.5% of those given gender mutilation drugs attempted to commit suicide in the previous 12 months with the attempt putting them in the hospital. Meanwhile, only 22.8% of those not given gender mutilation drugs had a suicide attempt that put them in the hospital.

To understand how both of these “facts” can be true, all we need to do is look at the average age of those given drugs versus those not given drugs. Here is Table 1 showing the claimed age difference:


Note that the average age for the entire sample was 23.4 which was also the average age for those not given drugs. Meanwhile, the average age for those given drugs was only 21.7. But a huge flaw of this online self report survey was that the minimum age to take the survey was 18. Also, the most common response for age was 18 – which clearly indicates a non-random response. In fact, it is certain that many 16 and 17 year olds took the survey and checked the 18 box because there was no 16 ot 17 box. These younger people were very likely to be in the group given drugs since government payment for those drugs in the US was only available since passage of the Affordable Care Act 4 years before the survey. When we adjust for this fact, the actual age of those given Trans drugs is about 20.

In addition, it is known that suicide risk is much higher, Trans or Not, after the onset of puberty. We will assume puberty starts at age 12. Thus the Trans Drug group had a Suicide “Lifetime” of 20 minus 12 equals 8 years while the Trans No Drug group had a Suicide “Lifetime” of 23.4 minus 12 equals 11.4 years. Therefore, the Trans Drug group Suicide Attempts Percent per year was 41.6% divided by 8 years equals 5.2% percent per year. Trans No Drug group Suicide Attempts Percent per year was 51.2% divided by 11.4 years equals 4.5% per year. Combining this fact with the fact that in the previous 12 months before the survey, the Trans Drug group had more suicide attempts than the Trans No Drug group, it becomes obvious that giving drugs to transgender youth increases their rate of suicide – for the equally obvious reason that Trans drugs do not deal with the underlying mental health problems like Depression that led to the Gender Confusion in the first place. In short, the data from this study leads to the opposite of the claim made by Bob Ferguson and his accomplices.

What caring, rational person would advocate spending hundreds of millions of dollars giving tens of thousands of minors gender mutilation drugs when the result of giving them those drugs results in a huge increase in suicide attempts that result in hospitalization?

To promote giving kids toxic drugs, Ferguson blatantly lied to the federal Court of Appeals. But he did not merely lie to the Court of Appeals, he lied to the American people, including millions of parents and children, about a gender mutilation policy that is currently harming millions of children and costing the tax payers billions of dollars. In short, this may be one of the worst crimes Bob Ferguson has ever committed. The voters need to know about this crime because Ferguson is now running for Governor here in Washington state.

Here is another study confirming that giving kids trans drugs does not reduce their risk of suicide. States that started giving kids Trans Drugs in the past 9 years have seen a dramatic rise in the number of suicides between the ages of 12 to 23 to the point that the rate is now 3 and a half times higher than in states where kids are not given trans drugs.



A stdy of transgender patients from Sweden found 30 years after surgery, the rate of suicide among post-operative transgender adults was nearly 20 times greater than that of the general population. Look at the far right column in this table to see the risk ratio for transgender adults compared to control adults. For example, those who had gender mutilation surgery were 3 times more likely to abuse drugs.



While giving kids toxic drugs increases the suicide rate, giving them counseling reduces the suicide rate. 40 different studies found that counseling consistently reduces both suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts.



This combination of studies showing that drugs do not work while counseling does work led Sweden to move away from recommending gender mutilation drugs and towards counseling as the best option for minors. Sweden concluded the risks of puberty blockers and sex hormones outweigh any benefits. They stated that “Health care should not provide interventions that we do not know to be safe and beneficial.”



In the United Kingdom: school children will no longer be taught gender identity after a several hundred page study called the Cass Review found that the curriculum was extremely harmful to child development. The study was written by Dr Hilary Cass, past president of the Royal College of Pediatrics and Child Health.


In Denmark, there has been a marked shift in their approach to caring for youth with gender confusion. Youth referred to their gender clinic no longer get a prescription for puberty blockers, hormones or surgery. Instead they receive counseling to address their underlying mental health problems.


In Finland: They concluded that “medical gender reassignment is not enough to improve functioning and relieve psychiatric comorbidities among adolescents with gender dysphoria.” They therefore now recommend that minors experiencing gender confusion be provided with counseling.



The Norwegian Healthcare Investigation Board concluded that “Gender Affirming Care is not evidence based. The French National Academy of Medicine recommended the “greatest reserve” when considering puberty blockers or hormone treatments due to the risk of infertility.


In Australia: A 9 year study found that giving minors gender mutilation drugs did not improve their mental health. Before taking the drugs, 88.6% suffered from mental health problems. After taking the drugs, in a follow up 9 years later, 88% still suffered from their mental health problems.



We need a Children’s Bill of Rights including the right to grow up in a drug free environment & schools where they learn how to think by considering all points of view rather than being brainwashed by a dishonest drug cult.


Because of the mountain of research confirm the harm of giving kids toxic drugs and the benefit of giving kids counseling, 25 states have already banned giving kids toxic trangender drugs.


However, 23 states have banned giving Counseling to Gender Confused kids. This is because corrupt politicians like Bob Ferguson have falsely claimed that kids will kill themselves if you give them counseling instead of drugs. The “drugs only” states include Washington and Minnesota. The fine for providing a child with counseling to deal with their Gender Confusion in Washington is $5,000 plus loss of license!


We need to ask ourselves - in the face of all of this evidence that drugs do not help kids while counseling does help kids - why any caring person would advocate for giving kids toxic drugs – and why any state legislature would pass a law prohibiting counseling and requiring toxic drugs?


Sadly, the reason Ferguson and Reykdal want to brainwash our kids into taking toxic drugs is to make billions of dollars for the drug companies that paid for their re-election campaigns. Each child they convinced to take their toxic drugs makes a million dollars or more for their drug pushing bosses. Even worse, the people who get stuck paying the bill for these toxic drugs are the tax payers.


Thanks to misinformed teachers pushing the Trans agenda on students, in the past 15 years, there has been an explosion of Gender Confused students. In 2009, only 7% of students claimed to be LBGTX. By 2015, 11% were Gender Confused. The 2021 National Survey found that 26% were Gender Confused. Of the Seattle School District high school students who completed the survey, 34% were Gender Confused. In short, nearly one in three Seattle High School students now claim to be LBGTX.


Gallup Polls confirm the rise in LBGTX students is a social trend.
One of the key goals of growing up is to find a group you can fit in with and belong to. A danger of this need to belong is that teenagers are highly susceptible to joining cults. We define a cult as a group that uses magical thinking to create a myth that promotes a radical lifestyle based on a series of lies. Believing that a person can magically change their gender just by changing their pronouns and then taking toxic drugs is an example of a dangerous cult. As evidence that what is really happening is related to this generational cult formation, Gallup polls found that the rise in the percentage of those who claim to be Trans is related to their age group. Each younger generation is about twice as likely as the generation that preceded it to identify as LBGTX.

More than one in five Gen Z adults, ranging in age from 18 to 26, identify as LBGTX, as do nearly one in 10 Millennials. The percentage drops to less than 2% of baby boomers and 1% of the Silent Generation. We are thus witnessing the formation of a Trans Cult based on lies and propaganda being spread in our schools using the false claim that students need to be able to take drugs in order to reduce the risk of suicide.


How many students are takingTrans Drugs here in Washington state and what is the cost to tax payers? While the brainwashing starts in First grade, most kids do not fall victim until they are exposed to social media influences in middle school and high school. We have about 550,000 Middle and High School kids in our schools. In the 2021 Healthy Youth Survey, 1% claimed to be Trans. In the 2023 Survey, 4% or 22,000 claimed to be Trans. At this rate, by 2025, 7% or 38,000 will be Trans. By 2027, 10% or 55,000 will be Trans. 38,000 students times $20,000 per year equals $760 million dollars per year spent getting tens of thousands of students permanently addicted to toxic drugs. The lifetime cost of Trans Drugs and Surgery is about a half million dollars or one billion per 2000 kids which comes to tens of billions of dollars paid for by tax payers.


In the past few years, school based health centers have popped up all across Washington state. The purpose of these so-called “health centers” is to give kids toxic drugs without their parents permission. It is a way to evade Parental Disclosure laws. Because the clinic is not actually part of the school, they can give kids toxic drugs without telling parents. https://wasbha.org/sbhcs-in-washington-2/


Why did Reykdal have to block the Parents Rights Initiative?

One of the key provisions of the Parents Rights Initiative is that school districts would be required to tell parents about children who were being given gender transition treatments without the parents consent. Had Reykdal not issued his last minute block of the Parents Rights Initiative, at least some of the current gender mutilation cases occurring at school based health centers might have been exposed.


As Chris Reykdal has been in office nearly 8 years, the 8th Grade includes students who have been subjected to Reykdal’s radical policies during his entire 8 years in office. When Reykdal took office, 54% of students failed the 8th Grade Math test. In May 2023, 68%% of students failed the 8th Grade Math test. In many school districts, 80 to 90% of the students failed this test.


On April 29, 2024 the Biden Department of Education issued a new “sex includes gender identity” final rule – despite more than 240,000 comments opposing it. In the next month, 26 states went to 10 federal courts asking for an Injunction claiming that the Biden rule did not comply with Title IX and also violated the First Amendment. Nine courts agreed and granted the Injunction for 22 states. However, on July 31, 2024, the Alabama Court made a ridiculous ruling in favor of the Biden Final Rule! Alabama appealed to the 11th Ciruit which granted a Temporary Injunction pending a decision on August 23, 2024.


As of August 1, 2024, the Biden Final Rule has taken effect in 24 states. 26 states will stay with the Trump rule.


Unfortunately, Washington is not one of the 26 states protected from the Biden Final Rule. Thus, for the coming school year, Washington students, Teachers and parents will see their speech monitored by Title IX “Gestapo” Coodinators with Kangaroos Courts To prosecute anyone who steps out of line. The First Amendment no longer applies in Washington state. Neither does our girls right to privacy. Expect a Trans Takeover of Girls Sports this year.


The Biden Final Rule requires every school to hire a Title IX Coordinator to identity and prosecute anyone who speaks out. The Transgender Gestapo does not even need a written complaint. Even a single wrong word can be “Sexual Harassment” They can investigate in secret & find anyone guilty in their Transgender Kangaroo Court!

43In California, the Transgender Gestapo kidnapped a kid after her mother objected to them drugging her kid, her daughter was taken away from her and put in foster care. Two years later, her daughter committed suicide.


This image shows a boy that finished nearly last in a regional boys meet finishing way ahead of the fastest girls in Washington state in the 2024 Girls state track championship. If girls are required to compete with biological males, it is likely that million of girls will suffer physical, mental, and emotional and harm from being forced to compete against biological males. Losing any hope of fair competition, girls would certainly exercise less and therefore the obesity rate among girls would surely rise.


How to restore Title IX in Washington State: On August 16, 2024, the US Surpreme Court ruled unanimously that at least three provisions of the Biden Final Rule were illegal. These were: #1 The requirement that Trans Rights replace Girls Rights. #2 The requirement that Trans males be allowed in Girls Bathrooms & Locker Rooms. #3 Defining “Harassment” so broadly that it restricts the First Amendment rights of teachers, parents & students. Based on this ruling, the Washington Parents Network & other Parents rights groups intend to ask for an Injunction against the Biden Final Rule here in Washington state.


If Trump is elected, he has promised to to rescind the Biden Final Rule which will bring the entire nation back to the 2020 Trump Final Rule. Sadly, this will not solve our problem here in Washington state. Ferguson and Reykdal have been violating Title IX for more than 7 years. They are likely to continue to violate Title IX. Therefore, we need to work hard to prevent Ferguson and Reykdal from being re-elected this fall. Second, if they are re-elected, we need to be ready to take them to federal court in 2025 should they continue with their Trans Takeover of our Schools & our kids.


The good news is that the vast majority of Americans support birth sex over gender to participate in girls sports. They also believe that boys should not be allowed in girls bathrooms and locker rooms.


The Transgender Cult is not just about Title IX or Girls Sports! The Satanic Transgender Ritual mocking the Last Supper at the 2024 Olympics is proof that the Transgender Cult is a WAR between Good versus Evil, Truth versus Lies, Freedom versus Slavery & Life versus Death It is time to return to family values and focus on common sense issues like lowering taxes, lowering food costs and lowering heating costs.


If our candidates focus on Common Sense Issues and Family Values, we can not only elect the first Republican Governor in 40 years but also a Common Sense Superintendent, Attorney General & Secretary of State.


In order to end this war against our familes and restore common sense to our schools, there are three things you can do. First, sign up for our Washington Parents Network newsletter and start attending our weekly Sunday online video conference meetings – which are on Sundays from 3 to 4 pm. For a link to our next meeting, send an email to David at Washington Parents Network.com. Second, reach out to every parent you know and ask them to watch and share this video. Our goal is to organize parents in every school district in Washington state.


Third, help us elect David Olson to replace Chris Reykdal – either by donating to his campaign and by giving his fliers to every parent you know. If you are a member of a club, a church or local community group, send us an email and we will find a date and time to arrange an in-person meeting with your group.


If you have any questions or comments, feel free to email me using David at Washington Parents Network dot com. Thanks for helping us build our Washington Parents Network. We look forward to meeting you!