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9 Trans Cult Survivors file lawsuits against the Trans Drug Cartel

There are about 50 million school children in the US. If 2% are taken in by the Transgender Cult, this would be one million children whose lives have been destroyed by toxic Trans Drugs. In Washington, there are about one million school children. Two percent would be 20,000. Other evidence I have cited in our previous reports indicates that the actual number of kids sucked into the Trans Black Hole is closer to 60,000. Recent studies indicate that more than 50% of these kids will eventually regret becoming addicted to Trans Drugs. Unfortunately, once a person has been sterilized by the Trans Drugs, there is no going back.

In a preview of the tidal wave of litigation about to occur over this issue, several formerly Trans kids have filed lawsuits asking for damages for the harm that was inflicted on them due to the Transgender lies they are told while they were minors. Currently, the lawsuits are against either individual doctors (who made millions of dollars in giving kids toxic drugs and sterlizing surgeries). In one case, the lawsuit is against the American Academy of Pediatricians (AAP) which also makes millions of dollars pushing the Drug Cult agenda.

It is likely that over time additional plaintiffs will be named. This should include teachers who brainwashed kids into transitioning and school boards who promoted the Trans Drug Cult. Defendents should also include State Superintendent Chris Reykdal and State Attorney Genderl Bob Ferguson. Imagine 10,000 such cases here in Washington State – each asking for one million dollars in damages. The total could exceed $10 billion dollars – an amount we the tax payers would be on the hook to pay. Therefore, in this article, we will briefly review eight of these first Trans complaints.

For each case, we include the date filed, the name of the case and a link to the complaint with a couple of quotes from the complaint. What is important about all ten of these complaints is that each victim suffered from adverse childhood events that led to serious mental health problems before being brainwashed into transitioning – under the promise that taking Trans Drugs would resolve their mental health problems. But in each case, the drugs only made their mental health problems worse. In every case, instead of providing the child with counseling, they were given toxic drugs instead. As these cases go to trial, we are also learning more about the dark secrets of the Transgender Drug Cartel.

Case #1: 2022 December Oregon Camille Kiefel v Ruff

In December 2022, attorneys for Camille Kiefel filed a 14 page complaint in Oregon. Her is a link to her complaint:


Here are some quotes from their complaint:

Plaintiff is a 32 year old woman who has struggled with numerous mental health issues and diagnoses since her pre-teen and teenage years. Plaintiff experienced severe childhood traumatic events leading to her feeling discomfort and dissociation with her body. Plaintiff was diagnosed with ADHD, Childhood PTSD, major depressive disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder.

In about 2016, while still experiencing serious symptoms of depression, anxiety, Childhood PTSD, and ADHD, including regular episodes of suicidal ideation, Plaintiff began to identify herself as having a “non-binary” “gender identity” and describing to therapists a feeling of distress (“dysphoria”) regarding her breasts. In the spring of 2020 Plaintiff feeling as though she had tried “everything” to help her mental health issues, identifying as “non-binary” at the time, and feeling dysphoria over her breasts, Plaintiff came to believe that breast reduction or breast removal (double mastectomy) would finally solve her mental health problems.

After an initial one hour Zoom session, Defendant Ruff made statements in the Ruff Referral that Defendant Ruff knew were factually false and/or misleading or made with conscious disregard for the truth or falsity thereof, or that in the exercise of reasonable care Defendant Ruff ought to have known were false or misleading, which statements were not based upon the information provided to Defendant Ruff by Plaintiff, and which were contradicted by Plaintiff’s medical or mental health treatment records (none of which Defendant Ruff obtained or reviewed prior to completing the Ruff Referral), including but not limited to: (a) stating that Plaintiff’s mental health conditions were “successfully managed…with the help of mental health professionals and medication management”; (b) the statement that “At this time, any other symptoms reported appear to be well enough managed that they should not impact the medical experience or outcomes”.

The Burmeister 40 minute Zoom Assessment and Burmeister Surgery Letter contain numerous statements demonstrating that Defendant Burmeister knew, or in the exercise of reasonable care ought to have known, Plaintiff was a high-risk candidate for regretting or not benefitting from undergoing a double mastectomy for the purpose of “gender affirmation” and demonstrating that Defendant Burmeister failed to conduct an individualized, comprehensive mental health assessment prior to recommending that Plaintiff undergo double mastectomy surgery.

In May 2022 Plaintiff realized that she did not have “gender identity disorder” or “gender dysphoria,” that she has accepted the fact of being a woman, that her long history of mental health problems were finally improving through engaging in non-invasive mental health therapies involving embodiment and health and wellness and physical health improvements through holistic and alternative therapies, and that having her breasts surgically removed worsened rather than improved her mental, emotional, psychological, social, and physical health and well-being, including increased suicidal ideation after and because of the Gender Surgery.

As the direct cause of Defendants’ intentional or reckless abuse of Defendants’ positions of trust and authority as mental health professionals, Plaintiff did suffer and is still suffering extreme, excruciating, severe emotional distress including but not limited to feelings of betrayal by mental health professionals, humiliation, distress, and anxiety over having lost her breasts and living with a permanently scarred, disfigured, and physically painful or discomfiting chest, deep feelings of regret over unnecessarily and permanently losing her choice ever to breastfeed a child.

Case #2 2023 February California Cloe Brockman aka Chloe Cole v Kaiser Permanente et al

In February 2023, attorneys for Chloe Brockman submitted a 110 page complaint in California State Superior Court providing evidence of Medical Neglegence against Kaiser Permanente Medical Group, 3 doctors and 51 others. Here is a link to this 110 page complaint:


Here is a summary of this case:

At just 9 years old, Chloe Cole began suffering from gender dysphoria. She first expressed her struggle with gender dysphoria to her pediatrician when she was 12 years old. Then, under the advice and supervision of medical professionals, Chloe was coerced into undergoing a “gender transition.” Between the ages of 13 and 16 years old, physicians placed Chloe on puberty blockers, off-label cross-sex hormone treatment, and performed a double mastectomy on her to remove her breasts.

Doctors told Chloe and her parents that Chloe’s gender dysphoria would never resolve itself. That was a lie. They also told Chloe and her parents that Chloe was at a high risk for suicide unless she socially and medically transitioned. Chloe’s doctors told her parents, “would you rather have a dead daughter or a live son?” That was a lie too.

But Chloe’s gender dysphoria did resolve itself. And despite an undeniable body of relevant medical literature, Chloe’s doctors never informed her of the possibly—the high likelihood—that her gender dysphoria would resolve itself, without cross-sex treatment, by the time she reached adulthood.

Chloe’s doctors never once informed her or her parents of non-invasive psychological or psychiatric counseling options.

Instead, her doctors fraudulently informed her that the only way to resolve her gender dysphoria was to undergo a physical, chemical, and social transition to a male role. And the result of their concealment—their fraud—is a lifetime of irreversible physical and psychological damage to Chloe.

Chloe was the victim of Defendants who did not have any interest in taking the time necessary to sit with her and perform the regular, weekly psychotherapy that Chloe needed. Defendants grossly breached the standard of care by pushing Chloe into this harmful experimental treatment regimen without a proper period of psychological evaluation, without evaluating and treating her serious co-morbidities, without providing informed consent, and while actively utilizing emotionally super-charged and false information to derail the rational decision-making process of Chloe and her parents. Defendants were not “caring” for Chloe, they were experimenting on her, and doing so all to their own great financial benefit.

Today, Chloe is fighting back and seeking justice—justice for herself and for other kids who struggle with gender dysphoria and are being coerced into irreversible medical “care.” Chloe’s lawsuit seeks to hold her doctors responsible for the bodily mutilation she has suffered.

Case #3 2023 June in California Kayla Jane v Kaiser Hospital Foundation

In June 2023, attorneys for Layla Jane filed a 35 page Medical Negligence complaint. Here is a link to this complaint: https://libertycenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Complaint-06-15-23.pdf

Here are quotes from this complaint:

This case is about a team of doctors (i.e., the Defendants) who decided to perform a damaging, imitation sex change experiment on Kayla, then a twelve-year-old vulnerable girl struggling with complex mental health co-morbidities, who needed care, attention, and psychotherapy, not cross-sex hormones and mutilating surgery.

Kayla is a biological female who suffered from a complex, multi-faceted array of mental health symptoms as a child and adolescent. Her presentation of symptoms and concerns included, among other things, recurrent intense anxiety and panic, extreme mood fluctuations and self-harm.

At age 11, Kayla was exposed to online transgender influencers who prompted Kayla to entertain the erroneous belief that she was transgender. As a result, Kayla informed her parents that she was a boy. Prior to being exposed to online influences, Kayla never had expressed to anyone that she was transgender. Her parents didn’t know what to do and promptly sought guidance from various doctors and eventually the Defendants. Three Kaiser doctors, including Defendant Dr. Escalante, advised Kayla and her parents that Kayla was too young for cross-sex hormones. But Kayla and her parents eventually were referred to Defendants Dr. Watson, Dr. Taylor, and Dr. Tong, who immediately, and negligently, affirmed Kayla’s self-diagnosed transgenderism without adequate psychological evaluation. They instead promptly placed her on puberty blockers and testosterone at age 12, and performed a double mastectomy within six months at age 13. This all occurred after Dr. Watson determined in a single, 75-minute transition evaluation that Kayla was transgender.

Defendants did not question, elicit, or attempt to understand the psychological events that led Kayla to the mistaken belief that she was transgender, nor did they evaluate, appreciate, or treat her multi-faceted presentation of co-morbid symptoms.

Instead, Defendants assumed that Kayla, a twelve-year-old emotionally troubled girl, knew best what she needed to improve her mental health and figuratively handed her the prescription pad. There is no other area of medicine where doctors will surgically remove a perfectly healthy body part and intentionally induce a diseased state of the pituitary gland misfunction based simply on the young adolescent patient’s wishes.

Defendants were horribly, and inexcusably wrong, as Kayla was not transgender and was not a person that any reasonable physician could ascertain would permanently maintain a transgender identity. Consequently, she detransitioned when she was 17 years old, and she eventually started regular psychotherapy sessions for her mental health symptoms, which is the care she should have been receiving all along.

Among others, three critical facts establish that Defendants should not have recommended or performed transition “treatment” on Kayla. First, desistence in childhood cross gender identities is well studied and demonstrates that around 80%-90% of gender dysphoria cases involving minors resolve by adulthood, with gender identity realigning to biological sex. Second, minors with co-morbid health symptoms, such as Kayla, are at a particularly high risk for dissatisfaction and complications.

Third, the medical studies in this area regarding minors, particularly minor girls, are dubious at best and do not indicate improved mental health outcomes from this affirmation treatment. One of the best studies in this area is a 30-year, population-based study of adults in Sweden, which found that transgender individuals who chemically/surgically “transition” have poor mental health outcomes, increased psychiatric morbidity, suicidality, and a 19-fold increased rate of suicide as compared with the general population (40-fold for biological females). A 2023 smaller scale 2-year study of adolescents found a 49-fold increased rate of suicide as compared with the general population; in that study, two of the participants actually committed suicide and suicidality was the most common side-effect of this so called “treatment.”

At age 17 years old, Kayla began a period of detransition and no longer identifies as a male. Unfortunately, as a result of the so-called transgender “treatment” that Defendants performed on Kayla, she now has deep physical and emotional wounds and severe regrets. Kayla has suffered

physically, socially, neurologically, and psychologically. Among other harms, she has suffered mutilation to her body, fertility risks, health risks, and lost opportunities for social and physical development along with her peers, and at key developmental milestones that can never be regained. Defendants were not “caring” for Kayla; they were experimenting on her.

Case #4 2023 July North Carolina Prisha Mosley v Emerson et al.
In July 2023, attorneys for Prisha Mosley, who received testosterone injections and a double mastectomy filed a 53 page complaint in North Carolina. Her is a link to her complaint:


Here are some quotes from their complaint:

Instead of telling Prisha the truth and informing her accurately and fully, Defendants lied to Prisha. They lied when they told Prisha she was actually a boy. They lied when they told her that injecting testosterone into her body would solve her numerous mental health problems. They lied to and withheld critical information from and about a young and vulnerable teenage girl who was a victim of sexual assault and suffered from severe psychological impairment. Instead of providing competent treatment for her depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation and self-harm, they convinced her that changing her body to appear as the opposite sex would solve her mental health problems. These individuals whom Prisha trusted lied to and misled her for the purpose of making money off of her gender confusion.

Case #5 2023 July Texas Soren Aldaco v Perry, Crane Clinic, TX Health Physicians Grp

In July 2023, attorneys for Soren Aldaco filed a 29 page complaint. Here is a link to this complaint:


Here are quotes from this complaint:

Plaintiff Soren Aldaco was a vulnerable teenager struggling with a slew of mental health issues. Soren’s experiences with these providers shock the conscious. The Defendants deliberately and recklessly propelled Soren down a path of permanent physical disfigurement and worsening psychological distress.

By the tenth grade, Soren’s depression and anxiety had become crippling. Once a straight-A student, Soren now found herself falling behind both academically and socially. In addition to depression, anxiety, and the social disorders she would later discover with the help of competent counseling, Soren experienced the added psychological stress of meeting her biological father for the first time in December of 2017. The next month, as a 15-year-old, these stresses and issues coalesced and manifested into a manic episode that resulted in her psychiatric hospitalization at Mesa Springs Psychiatric Hospital in Fort Worth, Texas.

Dr. Nekkalapu did not do any meaningful or comprehensive psychobehavioral examination, did not explore Soren’s existing mental and psychological issues, and did not discuss or attempt to address her glaring comorbidities. Instead, he appeared to simply jump to—and indeed encourage—the conclusion that the sole explanation for Soren’s psychotic break was her needing to embrace a transgender identity, after only knowing her for mere minutes.

Three months after her manic episode and treatment at Mesa Springs, Soren began treating with other therapist and psychologist who helped Soren discover that in addition to her Major Depressive Disorder, ADHD, and other diagnoses, Soren also suffered from Autism Spectrum Disorder. Soren’s autism was never discussed or even considered by Dr. Nekkalapu.

On January 28, 2020, at Soren’s first ever appointment at Perry’s office—a visit lasting only approximately 30 minutes—Perry wrote Soren a prescription for her first round of cross-sex hormones, anastrozole (an estrogen blocker) and testosterone cypionate (together with the anastrozole, the “cross-sex hormones”), at an outrageously large, off-label dosage. Perry gave her instructions on how to inject herself with the drugs and sent her on her way. Notably, to this day, it is still clinically uncertain what the long-term consequences are for the use of these cross-sex hormones in minors, but certain grotesque risks are well known within the medical literature including, for women, infertility, vaginal atrophy, bone density and growth complications, and many other disfiguring side-effects.

Perry failed to discuss or address any of Soren’s numerous mental health issues and existing comorbidities and conducted no psychobehavioral mental health analysis before providing Soren’s first injection of life-altering cross-sex hormones. Soren was, at he time, only 17 years old, and Perry never sought or obtained any written parental consent from Soren’s parents to guide her down this path.

The Crane Clinic surgeons simply accepted the recommendation letter at face value, conducted no independent medical assessment of their own, ignored the red flags, and put Soren under the knife, permanently and irreversibly disfiguring and disabling her. Because of Soren’s comorbidities, age, and other similar red flags, simply approving Soren for the double mastectomy and agreeing to perform it was itself a gross breach of the medical standard of care.

Following her problematic recovery from the Crane Clinic surgery, Soren began to realize that neither the testosterone nor the double mastectomy had helped her feel entirely comfortable in her body. After considerable thought and research, around November of 2021, Soren discovered that the “gender-affirming care” she received from these Defendants was a controversial and experimental practice with little reputable research or science supporting it.

Case #6 2023 September Nebraska Luka Hein v UNMC, et al

In September 2023, attorneys for Luka Hein filed a 28 page complaint of Medical Malpractice. Here is a link to this complaint:


Here are quotes from this complaint:

When Luka was just 16 years-old, her breasts were surgically amputated as the first step in her “gender affirming care” with the Defendants.

Defendants deceive gender-distressed patients by leading them to believe that chemical and surgical procedures will medically “transition” them from male to female and vice versa. This is not reality. In fact, it is not medically or biologically possible. Proceeding straight to breast amputation in a depressed, anxiety-ridden, gender-confused adolescent, who was incapable of understanding the lasting consequences of her decision, constitutes negligence.

Luka was in the partial care program until September 7, 2017. The progress notes from the program are replete with references to family conflict, social isolation, anxiety, depression, and difficulty attending school. The treating therapists spent their time addressing “family relationships, strategies to decrease anxiety at home, and strategies to complete homework”. The partial care program psychiatrist prescribed ADHD medication and diagnosed Luka with: (1) severe recurrent major depression without psychotic features; (2) generalized anxiety disorder; and (3) attention deficit disorder without hyperactivity.

Rather than counsel Luka through these difficulties, Megan Smith-Sallans referred her to the gender clinic for “top surgery”. When Luka’s parents expressed hesitancy about breast removal surgery, it was implied that if they did not consent, Luka would take her own life. This was a manipulative tactic to get Luka’s parents on board with surgery. Luka had no suicidal ideation for almost one year prior to surgery

Dr. Johnson failed to discuss the most consequential risk of double mastectomy at 16: that Luka might regret the loss of her breasts when she was older and more mature in her thinking. Dr. Johnson also failed to advise Luka that historically most gender-questioning adolescents become comfortable in their bodies by the time they are through their teen years.

Case #7 2023 October Rhode Island Isabelle Ayala v American Academy of Pediatrics

In October 2023, attorneys for Isabelle Ayala filed a 62 page lawsuit. Her is a link to their complaint: https://www.cmppllc.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/1303610/2023/12/202310231612AyalaOriginalComplaint.pdf

Here are quotes from this complaint:

Plaintiff Isabelle Ayala is an unfortunate victim of a collection of actors who prioritized politics and ideology over children’s safety, health, and well-being. Isabelle brings this complaint against Defendants for civil conspiracy, fraud, medical malpractice, and other related causes of action in connection with their collective failure to treat her properly in the name of a so-called “gender-affirmative” model of care, a then-new and experimental model of treating transgender and gender diverse children and adolescents that Defendants created, promoted, and have continued to advocated for despite (1) immediate criticism that its stated evidence base was misleadingly presented and/or failed to actuallysupport any of its recommendations, conclusions, or proposed treatments, and (2) a growing international skepticism for the evidence base for the recommended interventions and concerns about their harms.

Despite immediate and sustained criticism pointing out the misrepresentations and apparent lack of evidentiary backing in this policy statement, as well as a continually growing body of international research undercutting the policy statement’s conclusions and recommendations, Defendants have doubled- and tripled-down on their commitment to the policy statement and its “affirmative model” of treatment, while continuing to promote and profit off it

Early traumatic experiences in her life had left Isabelle in a severely compromised mental state at age fourteen and in need of compassionate, professional medical care. As her mental health issues began manifesting in her belief that she was a boy, Isabelle and her family turned to the group they had identified as “the experts” in this area. Rather than seeking Isabelle’s best interest, they lied to her and her family and coerced them into immediately sending Isabelle down their path of “gender-affirming” medicalization that has forever damaged Isabelle’s physical and mental health. They misled Isabelle into believing that taking testosterone would resolve her mental health issues, particularly her depression and anxiety, and restore her overall health and well-being.

Rather than resolving her numerous health issues, Isabelle’s depression and anxiety worsened, ultimately leading to an unsuccessful suicide attempt approximately six months after first taking testosterone. She still has mental health issues and deals with episodes of anxiety and depression, further compounded by a sense of regret; and she has since contracted an autoimmune disease that only the males in her family have a history of.

The suit alleges that while Ms. Ayala was in their care, Dr. Rafferty and his mentor at Brown, pediatrician Michelle Forcier, engaged in a conspiracy with the AAP – one that the suit claims directly harmed Ms. Ayala – for him to draft the medical organization’s policy statement on pediatric gender-transition treatment. In particular, the suit argues that the statement, which was published in 2018, violates consumer protection laws by deceiving the public with non-evidence-based claims.The policy statement has become a cornerstone of the contemporary American approach to caring for gender dysphoric children.

The AAP has remained largely opaque regarding the policy statement in the wake of the lawsuit, which alleges that the document is compromised by a “lack of scientific basis and outright misrepresentations.” The legal complaint refers in particular to a scathing critique of the policy statement that Canadian psychologist and sex researcher James Cantor published in 2019.

The portion of Ms. Ayala’s suit that focuses on Dr. Rafferty and his colleagues caring for her—and ultimately prescribing her testosterone for gender dysphoria—hinges in particular on a March 2017 meeting between the care team, Ms. Ayala, and her parents. Her mother was reluctant to consent to the testosterone prescription. One of the care providers then suggested to the mother that her child would kill herself absent hormonal treatment. The mother subsequently relented. The suit alleges that this suicide-related assertion amounted to non-evidence-based coercion, given the lack of research directly supporting the claim that gender-transition treatment for minors lowers the risk of suicide death.

In an April 2019 email exchange a fellow pediatrician asked Dr. Rafferty about a friend’s depressed trans-identified teenage child who had recently attempted suicide. The doctor asked Dr. Rafferty, “Is there data to support the intuition that gender reaffirming hormones help prevent suicide attempts?”

Dr. Rafferty’s reply was equivocal. “The perfect study does not yet exist – actually, no population study answers the question of whether hormones are right for any particular person.”

As for the question of whether gender-transition treatment is indeed evidenced-based, following the 2018 publication of Dr. Rafferty’s policy statement, new analyses conducted by evidence-based medicine experts have cast a shadow of doubt across the pediatric gender medicine field. Since 2020, a half-dozen systematic literature reviews—the gold standard of scientific evidence—have emerged that have found the research backing pediatric gender-transition treatment wanting and inconclusive

Most notably, in April came the publication of the United Kingdom’s Cass Review, a four-year effort that offered withering criticism of pediatric gender-transition treatment as based on “remarkably weak evidence.” In response, the UK promptly joined four Scandinavian nations in sharply restricting pediatric access to gender-transition treatment.

On Tuesday, a group of 20 Republican attorneys general, led by Idaho’s Raúl R. Labrador submitted a letter to the AAP requesting responses to a series of probing questions that suggested that the organization may have violated state consumer protection laws by claiming—falsely, the letter asserts—that puberty blockers are “reversible.”

“That claim is misleading and deceptive and requires immediate retraction and correction,” the letter states.

This isn’t the first time a state attorney general has sought internal documents from medical groups that are leaders in the pediatric gender medicine field. In June, a federal judge unsealed a trove of internal emails from Wpath, the influential medical-activist group largely based in the United States, that was subpoenaed by Alabama’s attorney general. 

These documents revealed that in 2022, Rachel Levine, the Biden administration health official, had pressured Wpath – for explicitly political purposes – to remove from its forthcoming revision of its influential transgender-care guidelines all age restrictions on gender-transition treatment. Then, shortly before WPATH published the new guidelines in the fall of that year, an AAP representative threatened Wpath that if it did not remove the age restrictions, the AAP would not only not endorse the guidelines, it would come out publicly against them. Wpath promptly acceded to this demand, and did so without engaging in its standard scientific process for reaching internal consensus, the subpoenaed documents demonstrate

Case #8 2024 April Cristina Hineman v Planned Parenthood Federation of America

In April 2024, attorneys for Cristina Hineman filed a 35 page complaint against Planned Parenthood. Here is a link to this complaint:


Here are quotes from this complaint:

Plaintiff Cristina Hineman is an example of the growing number of young people who have been victims of so-called “gender-affirming care,” characterized by the immediate, no-questions-asked “affirmation” of one’s desired gender identity, irrespective of the underlying reasons for such desire and without any mental health assessment.

At every step of the way, Cristina was failed by the medical and mental health providers that she and her family sought out for help with her depression, anxiety, social exclusion or rejection disorder, and other mental health conditions.

As she entered into her teen years, Cristina began dealing with significant mental health issues. Cristina began to suffer from anxiety and major depressive disorder, social exclusion disorder, self-harm, and passive suicidal ideation. After visiting online websites, Cristina became convinced that her numerous mental health struggles would resolve if she adopted a different gender identity. When she told her mental health providers that she was adopting a transgender identity, they unquestioningly “affirmed” this suddenly onset new identity, without conducting appropriate mental health evaluations or offering Cristina appropriate psychological counseling. They would eventually encourage her to pursue life-altering cross-sex hormones and even a double-mastectomy of her healthy breasts

Cristina’s mental health struggles, however, continued to persist and worsen. But convinced that gender transition was the only thing that could fix her, a mere week after switching her identity from agender to transgender male, she went to Planned Parenthood, where, after a single, roughly thirty-minute visit, she was prescribed life-altering cross-sex hormones. The clinicians at that Planned Parenthood would continue to prescribe her testosterone without question for well over a year, and in fact would increase her dosage at Cristina’s request (rather than their own clinical judgment). Those clinicians, however, were simply following the orders from Planned Parenthood Federation, which mandates the treatment protocols Planned Parenthood affiliates, individual health centers, and their clinicians and practitioners must abide by for any patient seeking “gender-affirming” cross-sex hormones; and those mandated protocols are that a Planned Parenthood clinician must give any patient “gender- affirming” cross-sex hormones upon request, without any mental health evaluation or even review of records.

Cristina ultimately sought “top surgery,” or an unnecessary removal of her healthy breasts, all the while cheered on by her supposed mental health providers. Settling on the cheapest option she could find, Cristina had a double mastectomy performed on her.

It was almost immediately thereafter that she experienced profound regret and realized that transitioning was not resolving her mental health issues but was in fact worsening them, that surgery and hormones had not made her a man. After this realization, she began to detransition.

Cristina is now 20 years old and recognizes that she had been betrayed by the lack of care and concern Defendants showed her in facilitating life-altering medical decisions. The scars across her chest and the irreversible changes to her body from prolonged usage of testosterone are constant reminders that she needed an unbiased medical expert willing to evaluate her properly and provide the care she needed.


While Trans Drug companies make billions of dollars selling trans drugs and Trans Doctors make millions of dollars doing Trans Gender Mutilation surgeries, tens of thousands of kids are left to deal with a lifetime of cancer and regret. These kids deserve more than a day in court and a financial settlement. We owe it to these kids to end this child abuse and put the perpetrators of this horrendous crime behind bars.