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Detransitioners expose Deadly Truth about Transgenderism

Many young women and men who have undergone “gender-affirming” treatments, now realize that they were misled and deeply harmed. They recognize that they could never have become the opposite sex, and that they were rushed into life-altering procedures when their underlying mental-health issues should have been addressed instead. Notably, children and adolescents with gender dysphoria often have mental-health comorbidities, including severe depression, anxiety, autism, self-harm, eating disorders, and post-traumatic stress from past sexual abuse. These “detransitioners” feel betrayed. Their mental-health problems have not been solved by the medical interventions. In many cases, those problems are much worse and compounded by the realization that the promised cure was irreparably harmful.


Some detransitioners are seeking justice. Some detransitioners have been able to bring legal action to hold their health care providers accountable and prevent others from being harmed as they were.

In December 2024, the US Supreme Court will decide whether 25 US States can ban giving Trans drugs to minors. Currently, dozens of states and other organizations have submitted briefs to the Supreme Court. You can read these briefs at this link:


Naturally, the Washington AG, Bob Ferguson, submitted a brief opposing the banning of Trans drugs. According to Bob, it is OK to give kids toxic drugs but it is not OK to counsel kids about the drawbacks of getting addicted to these toxic drugs. By contrast, on October 15, 2024, the Alabama AG, Steve Marshall, submitted a 52 page brief exposing the deadly truth about Transgenderism. You can download and read his brief at this link:


This brief refers to over 30 court documents and hundreds of pages of research reports which have all been posted at this link: https://www.alabamaag.gov/boe-v-marshall/

Here is a quote from the Alabama brief to the Supreme Court:

Alabama has exposed a medical, legal, and political scandal that will be studied for decades to come.”

Here is the scandal the Alabama brief refers to: The state-sponsored and state-supported drugging of thousands of children with drugs so toxic that they are known to cause cancer, tumors, sterilization as well as increasing the suicide rate – not to help gender confused children but to make billions of dollars for those pushing Trans Drugs. The Alabama brief then goes on to provide evidence that the leaders of the Trans Cult, such as WPATH and he American Academy of Pediatics (AAP) suppressed evidence of the harms of Trans drugs while lying about the safety and effectiveness of Trans Drugs. One of the many lies was the WPATH and AAP claim that Puberty Blockers were not only safe and effective, but that they were “reversible” – falsely claiming that they did not harm a child’s brain development or ability to have children of their own later in life.

The latest brief was submitted by the American College of Pediatrics. Here is the link:


Here are quotes from this brief:

Scientific research shows that children with gender incongruence or dysphoria almost always have significant mental health struggles and adverse childhood events that contribute to if not cause their dysphoria. And multiple studies show that these children almost always grow out of or desist from such gender incongruity while going through puberty.”

Hormonal and surgical interventions do nothing to treat the underlying mental health struggles these children face. Rather than push a pre-teen to drugs and permanent body-altering surgery, the appropriate medical treatment is to address the child’s underlying mental health issues while allowing the child to go through natural puberty.”

Transitioning” to a Different Sex Is Biologically Impossible

From a purely scientific standpoint, human beings possess a biologically determined sex and innate sex differences. No physician or surgeon could actually change a person’s genes through hormones and surgery. Sex change is objectively impossible.”

There is no evidence that a child benefits from social “transition,” use of puberty-blockers, cross-sex hormones, or surgery to alter the body’s physical appearance to look like the opposite or no sex… The available, credible science suggests that mental health treatment should be the focus for children expressing gender incongruence and not hormonal or surgical interventions. Avoiding invasive, dangerous, and irreversible medical interventions such as those prohibited by Tennessee benefits children and saves them from serious and life-long harms.”

Puberty Blockers Harm Children
“In addition to making a child sterile, puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones have significant impact on brain development. Indeed, as the Cass Review noted, as a result of such hormones offered for “gender transition” purposes, “brain maturation may be temporarily or permanently disrupted by the use of puberty blockers, which could have a significant impact on the young person’s ability to make complex risk-laden decisions, as well as having possible longer-term neuropsychological consequences.”

In short, as the renowned Swedish psychiatrist Dr. Christopher Gillberg has said, pediatric transition is “‘possibly one of the greatest scandals in medical history,’ which is why he also called for “an immediate moratorium on the use of puberty blocker drugs because of their unknown long-term effects… The Proper Standard of Care for Minors with Gender Incongruity or Dysphoria is Mental Health Counseling, Not Hormones and Surgery.”

Some of children harmed by Trans Drugs wrote a 25 page Brief to the Supreme Court. You can read their Brief at this link: https://www.supremecourt.gov/DocketPDF/23/23A763/301057/20240221152619095_Burleigh%20et%20al.%20Amicus%20Brief%20No.%2023A763%20PDFA.pdf

Here are quotes from this Brief:

They were led to believe that “affirming” medical interventions for the purpose of “gender transition,” such as cross-sex hormones and surgical procedures, would resolve their gender dysphoria and permit them to live healthy, well-adjusted lives. Sadly, they learned through their experiences that such interventions did not resolve their mental health issues or gender dysphoria, but only caused physical harm and increased their distress as they realized their bodies had been irreversibly altered based upon a false promise.”

These kids need therapy and a safe environment to work through and address the severe mental health issues they are experiencing. Children facing struggles need help with their thoughts, not a body “fix” with hormones and surgery.”

A detransitioner named KathyGrace “realized that she was living a lie built upon years of repressed pain and abuse. Hormones and surgery had not helped her resolve underlying issues of rejection, abuse, and sexual assault. Her desire to live as a man was a symptom of deeper, unmet needs.”

Another detransitioner named Laura stated: “During the time that she lived as a man, Laura was constantly reminded of the truth, but had to constantly override it, which she found to be exhausting. After seven years of medical transition treatments, Laura was depressed and suicidal… he began working through a healing community, which restored her emotionally and psychologically as a woman. She received counseling that helped her see the broken patterns, process negative thinking towards herself, and understand healthy womanhood. She began to realize that she was not a man but had fixated on becoming a person who would be loved… Based on her experience, Laura believes transition procedures do not solve anything but only give temporary relief, like taking a pain killer for a broken bone. From personal experience, Laura knows there are far healthier ways to help children resolve distress with their bodies.”

In 2017, the National Geographic magazine posted a cover story about a boy who was transitioning to be a girl.


The boy then told his parents he "changed his mind." His mother wouldn't let him. She forced him to stay on the trans track.

He grew out of the "girl" phase, but because he had taken cross sex hormones and had been casterated, it was too late. No one warned him that there was no going back to being a boy. This boy was the victim of a perverted ideology that mangled him for life.

Three scientific studies have been published on the history and needs of detransitioners. In 2021, Littman published a survey of 100 detransitioners where 60% reported their decision to detransition was motivated by the fact that they “became comfortable identifying with their natal sex.” Here is the link: https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC8604821/

In 2022, Vandenbussche published a survey of 237 detransitioners with 70% reporting that they detransitioned after realizing their gender dysphoria was related to other issues. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00918369.2021.1919479#abstract

In 2023, Jorgensen published a summary of why detransitioners decided to return to their biological sex. Here is the link: https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC10322945/

Reddit’s “detrans” forum has more than doubled, from over 23,000 members in November 2021 to 56,000 members in 2024. Here is this link: http://www.reddit.com/r/detrans/


Meanwhile the Transgender Drug Cartel keeps making Billions by killing our kids
There are now more than 400 pediatric gender clinics in North America, according to the Gender Mapping Project. The U.S. sex-reassignment-surgery market was valued at $1.9 billion in 2021 and is expected to reach $5 billion by 2030, according to Grand View Research. AbbVie reported $720 million in net revenue in 2019 from sales of Lupron, a powerful puberty blocker.

Regardless of the outcome of this election, we need to continue organizing politically to hold those accountable for this monsterous crime and to get justice for their victims – which is all of us. As always, I look forward to your questions and comments.


David Spring M. Ed.

David (at) Washington Parents Network.com