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Click on this video to learn about how Washington Parents Network can help you provide more educational options for your kids.

Welcome to Washington Parents Network

Welcome to Washington Parents Network! Our goal is to provide you with better choices and more options for your kids by helping you build relationships with other parents in your local community.

Why Parents Need More and Better Choices

For the first time in the history of our state, parents have been abandoned and left with no good educational options for their kids. Billionaire controlled politicians along with their partners in crime, the drug company controlled CDC and drug company funded mass media would like us to believe that we as parents have only two very bad choices. Either our kids must attend fear mongering corona indoctrination camps – or they must stay home and sit in front of a computer all day watching horrible boring robotic online “instruction modules.” Neither of these options have anything to do with REAL education – and both options are extremely harmful to our kids. Either of these two terrible choices deprives our kids of the education they need and deserve.


The problem with Fear Mongering Corona Indoctrination Camps is they are in fact a form of severe child abuse. Their goal is to teach children to believe that if they do not wear masks and isolate themselves, they will be responsible for the death of their teachers, parents and grandparents.


Children are very susceptible to this form of brain washing. The problem is that real learning can not occur in an atmosphere of fear. Schools instead will turn into mind control madness promoting the corona virus cult.


For many kids, corona indoctrination camps will not be an option. Instead, they are being forced into equally horrible online only programs. The problem with Stay at Home Computer Programs is that they set kids up for failure.

Years of research on online programs have confirmed several terrible facts about them:

> Half of all online students fail to make it through their first year.

> Three out of four students drop out within two years.

> Less than one in three online students graduate from high school.


Online programs are particularly harmful to younger students, lower income students, minority students, special needs students and rural students (who often lack even basic internet access).

, online programs are not a substitute for real learning with real teachers in real schools. So if both options being offered to parents and students are terrible, what can parents do? Here are some additional options.

There is a third option… Reopen normal child friendly schools!
Nearly 100 studies from nations around the world that reopened their schools confirm it is completely safe to reopen normal full time child friendly schools.


Thanks to their remarkable immune system, students rarely get sick from the corona virus. Even when they are infected, they do not transmit the virus to other kids or to any adults. Even for teachers, a mountain of evidence has shown that schools are much safer than staying at home! There never was any rational reason to shut down schools and there is no rational reason to keep schools closed.

There is also a fourth option… Home School your kids???
Sadly, thanks to corrupt politicians and the mass hysteria media, it does not look like returning to normal child friendly schools will be available to our kids any time soon. Parents therefore need a fourth option. Some parents have considered Home Schooling their kids. The problem with this option is that many parents lack the time or the training to home school their kids. Home schooling places a huge burden on working parents – preventing parents from doing their own jobs.


Home schooling can also be isolating for students who will not learn the social skills they develop by being in real classes at real schools.

So if online programs and corona indoctrination camps are the only options offered to parents and if real schools are not available and a parent does not have the time or training to home school their kids, we need another option!

There is a fifth option… Washington Parents Network and community based schooling!
The primary purpose of Washington Parents Network is to provide parents with more options so your kids do not have to endure either corona indoctrination camps or robotic computer programs or the isolation of home schooling. We call this fifth option creative community based schooling.

We provide a platform where local parents can build relationships directly with other local parents, local teachers and local education organizations to provide more educational options for their kids outside of the normal school district. Our platform provides special search functions where parents can search for other parents by school district, by subject and or by the grade of their student. Groups of parents can their share ideas and resources. For example, one of the parents might specialize in one topic and a different parents could assist all of the kids on a different topic. The parents could also hire independent teachers or educational organizations to provide instruction on areas the students are interested in.


Our goal is to create and encourage community mentoring networks:


Our longer range goal is to help educate parents on the real reasons our schools have been closed and how the corona virus actually compares to other risks like the seasonal flu. Our ultimate goal is to reopen safe, normal child friendly public schools.

Why our Parents Network is Better than Facebook
While it may be useful to create a Facebook group as a means of promoting your local parents network, there are several serious drawbacks of using Facebook groups as your primary networking tool. The first is that Facebook is not private. Even so-called private groups are continuously monitored placing both you and your child at risk. Our Parents Network is much more secure from the prying eyes of hackers and the government.

Facebook also can stop sharing your posts and even ban your group without notice. Many people have spent years building up a social network of as many as 10,000 people on Facebook only to have Facebook suddenly stop sharing their posts. Facebook is simply not trustworthy.

Facebook also makes it impossible to search for other parents with similar needs in your community. By contrast, our Parents Network allows you to search for friends by location, by interest and needs and even by the grade your child is in or the subject your child is interested in learning.

Finally, Facebook has a terrible reputation for data mining every one of your posts and selling them to advertisers who turn around and try to sell you their products. Our Parents Network is not about making money. It is about helping you create more local educational options for your child!

How to Join and Use Washington Parents Network
The process is simple. Click on the Join Now button at the top of the page. Fill out the short registration form and click Submit. You will be sent an email with a link to confirm you own your email address. Click on this link and you will be taken as a logged in member to our Washington Parents Network Home Page. Click on the Account > Profile Menu item in the upper right corner of the Home page. This will take you to your Personal Profile page. Click on the Edit Profile button to add more information about you and your child. Then click on Groups in the top menu to join an existing group of create a new group for your own school district. Finally, click on the Invite Friends button to send an email to other parents you know asking them to join our Parents Network and join the group you created. These parents can then invite any other parents they know. This will allow you to have a private group where you can share educational options available in your community and even create new options and events as a group!

The Possibilities are Endless
Never in the history of our state have our schools been closed for such a long period of time. Thus, there has never been a greater need for parents to learn how to work together to provide more educational opportunities for their kids. We anticipate that it will take time for this new Parents Networking tool to catch on. But once parents understand how helpful this online networking tool can be for giving them more options to help their kids, we are certain that this tool will become very popular. In fact, we hope that some parents will want to use this tool to set up their own more local parents network. This is fine with us. We will even help you build it!

Learn More
We also have a series of articles on how to use various tools in our Social Network. For example, how to create your own in person and online events, how to post questions and information on our community forum, how to send private messages to other members of our group. How to create your own blog articles. Finally, we also have a news section covering all kinds of topics of interest to Washington parents.

Feel free to contact us. Our email address is spring for schools at gmail dot com.

We look forward to hearing from you!


David Spring M. Ed.