On Friday January 24, 2025 from 10 am to 11 am, there will be a hearing on the Parents Rights Initiative at the King County Courthouse, 516 3rd Ave, Seattle, WA 98104 before Judge Micheal Scott. The hearing will be for a Plaintiffs (ACLU) Motion for Summary Judgement. If the judge rules in favor of the ALCU motion, the Parents Rights Initiative will be dead. I intend to be at this hearing and I encourage anyone who cares about the future of Parental Rights here in Washington State to also be at that hearing. The Courthouse opens at 9 am and space in the courtroom is limited. Parking near the courthouse is also limited. My advice is from I-5, use the right lane to take the Union Street exit #165B. Then go South- West on Union 5 blocks and turn left on 5th Avenue. Go south 2 blocks and park at the Olympic Garage at 5th and Seneca. The rate for 9 am to Noon is $20 and you can reserve your spot online. Then, walk south on 3rd avenue 6 blocks to the Courthouse at 3rd and James. There will likely be a line at the entrance. You will then I think take the elevator to the 5th Floor.
Even if the judge rules in favor of the Parents Rights Initiative, there is a bill in the Washington State legislature that will also kill the Parents Rights Initiative. In this article, we will expose the entire year long plot by the Trans Drug Cult to gut the Parents Rights Initiative.
Background… Events that led to the Parents Rights Initiative
Over the past 10 years, due to the lies and distortions pushed by Trans Cult leaders Bob Ferguson and Chris Reykdal, Washington state schools have been gradually overtaken by a toxic Trans Cult cancer. Like any cult, a key component of the Trans Drug Cult has been to keep parents in the dark about the Trans brainwashing being inflicted on their children. All cults require lies and secrecy.
The goal of the Trans Drug Cult appears to be the destruction of families, the destruction of Parents Rights and the destruction of normal child development. First, it was lying to children by telling them that if a child changed their pronouns and started taking Trans Drugs without the knowledge of their parents, they would magically change from a boy to a girl. Then it was boys taking over girls sports. Then boys were suddenly allowed in girls bathrooms and girls locker rooms. Then in 2023, it was allowing the Trans Drug Cartel the right to kidnap our kids!
2023 Senate Bill 5599 leads to Parents Rights Initiative
In 2023, passage of the draconian Senate Bill 5599, which encourages state-sponsored kidnapping of kids and failing to even tell parents where their child had been taken, created a movement to repeal it by passing a Parents Rights Initiative. Here is a link to the text and votes and hearings on this bill: https://app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary?BillNumber=5599&Year=2023
Thousands of parents spoke out against giving the state the right kidnap their kids and give kids Trans drugs without parental notice. But our pleas fell on deaf ears. In response to passage of this horrible attack on Parents Rights, Representative Jim Walsh wrote the Parents Rights Initiative – an Initiative that not only repealed Senate Bill 5599 but clarified in plain English the right of parents to be keep informed about anything involving the education, health and well being of their child. Thanks to Brian Haywood and Let’s Go Washington, supporters of the Parents Rights Initiative were able to gather a half million signatures.
2024 Legislature Passes Parents Rights Initiative in order to gut it
The 2024 State legislature was faced with a choice. Either they could pass the Parents Rights Initiative as written, or they could allow the Initiative to go before the voters in the 2024 General Election. Had the Parents Rights Initiative come before the voters, it certainly would have passed in a landslide – and the legislature would not be able to amend it for two years. So opponents of the Parents Rights Initiative voted to pass the Initiative in 2024 – so that they would retain the right to gut the Initiative in 2025.
Diabolical Plot to Block the Parents Rights Initiative
The Trans Cult that runs Olympia still had a problem. The new Parents Rights Law would go into effect in June 2025. It would then have required school district administrators and teachers to tell parents the truth about the brainwashing their kids were being subjected to – and the drugs their kids were taking without the parents knowledge or consent. This in turn would have likely outraged tens of thousands of parents to the point that Reykdal and Ferguson might not have been re-elected. So in June 2024, Chris Reykdal told school districts to ignore the Parents Rights Initiative and the ACLU filed a frivilous fake lawsuit against the Parents Rights Initiative in King County Court.
On June 24, 2024, King County Judge Michael Scott, who was appointed by Jay Inslee in 2018, issued a written order granting the ACLU’s ridiculous motion for an injunction against the Parents Rights Initiative. The injunction blocked – and continues to block - the rights of more than a million parents to be notified about their children medical records here in Washington state. The Injunction was really just an excuse to continue hiding the truth from parents while the issue was debated in court – and give the legislature the cover they needed to gut the Parents Rights Initiative in 2025.
An example of Frivilous claims made in the ACLU complaint
The ACLU motion (and judges order) falsely claimed that the Washington State Parents Rights Initiative violated a federal law called FERPA. Here are the actual facts about this ridiculous claim. The Parents Rights Initiative, aka I-2081, requires that schools provide public school records including medical health records within ten business days of the request of the parent. RCW 28A.605.005(2)(b)(i).
In his written decision to grant the injunction, Judge Scott raised concerns about the initiative calling for schools to turn over all medical and mental health records within 10 days. The federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) provides that student records be disclosed “within a reasonable period of time, but in no case more than forty-five days after the request has been made.” Even a 5 year old would understand that 10 days -while it is less than 45 days - is still within the time period of the 45 days. Moreover, school administrators know if a child is at school and could let parents know within one hour what is happening with their child. So there is no doubt that 10 days is a reasonable period of time to respond to a parents request for information about their child.
Yet here is what judge Scott wrote in his order granting the injunction:
“Washington State shall cease all implementation and enforcement of: a. Initiative 2081’s portions related to the time in which schools must provide records, including subsection (2)(b)(i)’s requirement that parents “receive a copy of their child’s records within 10 business days of submitting a written request, either electronically or on paper;” and b. Initiative 2081 to the extent that it requires disclosure of medical, health, and mental health records and/or information protected by RCW 70.02.020.”
To be clear, RCW 70.02.020 is the crazy law granting the state the right to hide minors from their parents under the claim that hiding them from their parents was protecting the right of the minors. RCW 70.02.020 prohibits disclosure of health care information, including a minors mental health care, by a “health care provider.” However, RCW 70.02.900 expressly disclaims applicability where disclosure is mandated by separate state or federal law. It clearly states: “This chapter does not restrict a health care provider, a third-party payor, or an insurer regulated under Title 48 RCW from complying with obligations imposed by federal or state health care payment programs or federal or state law.”
The Parents Rights Initiative is clearly “a separate state law” that would take priority over RCW 70.02.020. Indeed, that is the whole point of the Parents Rights Initiative.
Yet despite the fact that 10 days is clearly a reasonable period of time and complies with FERPA and the fact that RCW 70.02 includes a specific exemption for federal or state laws, judge Scott used these two “concerns” to issue an injunction blocking the rights of more than one million parents to know about the medical health problems their kids are facing.
Can you see how insane this injunction is???
Additional Concerns about Judge Scott
In addition to the legal claims being ridiculous, there are several other reasons to be concerned about whether Judge Scott will be able to fairly rule on this case. Judge Scott is a gay person and gay rights advocate who served on the Pride Foundation Board of Directors from 2007 to 2015. In addition, in 2020, three boys claimed that between 1999 and 2005, Judge Scott sexually abused them while he was a deacon at their church on Bainbridge Island – charges which were summarized in this article: https://goldbarreporter.wordpress.com/2020/07/21/three-boys-make-allegations-of-child-sexual-abuse-against-king-county-superior-court-judge-michael-scott/
The three boys claimed that Judge Michael Scott groomed them by buying them gifts, like candy and pornographic magazines, and often would supply them with marijuana and booze.
In addition these serious allegations, the 2020 article claimed that Judge Scott was “corrupt after public records reveal that he served as a Special Assistant Prosecutor for King and Snohomish County, received over 22 Million from Lloyds of London syndicates at Association of Washington Cities, worked as a Special Assistant Attorney General (SAAG) and was a paid speaker for the Washington State Bar Association without disclosing his pecuniary interests with the State of Washington and the County governments before making decisions on hundreds of cases involving his contractors (AG, Counties, AWC, WSBA.”
It appears that none of these allegations have ever been resolved. But whether the allegations are true or not, they call into question judge Scott’s ability to issue a fair ruling on a case involving the rights of parents to be notified about the mental health problems of their children.
Also, regardless of these allegations, the claim that 10 days notice violates FERPA or that the Parents Rights Initiative violates RCW 70.02 are both obviously false claims. Thus, the Injunction against the Parents Rights Initiative in June 2024 should never have been granted in the first place. As it now stands, this Injunction will remain in place through at least January 24 2025 (when there will be a hearing in King County Superior Court). This means that the rights of one million parents will be denied for over 6 months based on an obviously frivilous motion. It also means that the 2025 legislature will be able to amend and get rid of the Parents Rights Initiative in the 2025 legislative session – effectively voiding the Parents Rights Initiative through a series of legal delays and political manuvers.
Problems with the Washington State Attorney General Motion
On September 18, 2024, the Washington State Attorney General’s office filed a 38 page Motion for Summary Judgement. Here are quotes from the State Motion for Summary Judgement:
“Initiative 2081 is a complete act that does not deceive or mislead those reading it. Plaintiffs therefore cannot meet their burden to show beyond a reasonable doubt that I-2081 violates article II, section 37 (of the Washington state constitution)... Section 37’s purpose is to prevent acts that defraud legislators and the public by hiding their true effect… The State is only aware of one such case in Washington history, and there, the act did the opposite of what it appeared to do. I-2081 is simply a list of parental rights requiring public schools to give parents access to certain information, notice of certain things, and control over certain aspects of their children’s education. I-2081 straightforwardly requires schools to give parents access to their child’s “medical or health records” and notifications of the child’s “medical treatment.” I-2081 requires disclosure of student medical records, and RCW 70.02 imposes privacy requirements unless another law, like I-2081, requires disclosure.”
Thus, the above makes it appear as if Bob Ferguson is in favor of retaining the Parents Rights Initiative. However, his motion makes claims about the Parents Rights Initiative that interpret Parents Rights in a narrow rather than broad manner – adding subtle but important loopholes to the parental notification process. For example, on page 34 of the state’s 38 page brief, it states: “I-2081’s requirement that schools give parents immediate notification “if their child is taken or removed from the public school campus without parental permission, including to stay at a youth shelter or ‘host home’” (RCW 28A.605.005(h)), does not render preexisting laws that govern other entities erroneous… I-2081 does not “frustrate” RCW 13.32.082, since RCW 13.32.082 imposes parental notification obligations on youth shelters and the Department of Children, Youth, and Families, and I-2081 only applies to public schools… Compare RCW 13.32A.082 (requiring youth shelters and the Department of Children, Youth, and Families to provide parental notifications in most circumstances and providing for exceptions from the parental notification requirement in others) with RCW 28A.605.005(h) (requiring public schools to notify parents when children are removed from the school).”
In plain English, according to Ferguson, only school personnel must comply. Other medical personnel or state personnel do not need to comply with the Parents Rights Initiative.
ACLU also filed a Summary Judgement Motion
On October 16, 2024, the ACLU filed a Motion for Summary Judgement. Here are quotes from their 37 page motion:
“Initiative 2081 is part of a nationwide trend pushing legislation taking aim at curriculum inclusive of the histories and perspectives of historically marginalized and underrepresented groups, the rights and safety of LGBTQ+ students, and youth access to health care.”
“Initiative 2081’s proponents explicitly intended for the law to attack youth medical privacy rights—explaining that the Initiative was intended to address “an erosion of the parents’ rights to know what has been going on with their child medically.” The Initiative was also drafted in response to ESSB 5599, a law passed during the 2023 legislative session that targeted the overlooked causes of youth homelessness, including transgender youth facing familial rejection.”
“First, the Initiative’s drafters added two additional parental rights to receive notification regarding medical services, including when the school has arranged directly or indirectly for medical treatment... Second, the Initiative’ drafters added language to specify that if a child is removed from school to go to a youth shelter, the parent must be notified immediately.”
“On June 5, 2024, one day before Initiative 2081 became effective law, OSPI issued a statement that provisions of Initiative 2081 “conflict with current law––particularly around students’ right to privacy in school.”
“The Initiative requires schools to provide parents with a copy of their child’s records within 10 business days of submitting a written request. I-2081(2)(b)(i) (requiring record production within 10 days). In contrast, existing law allows schools up to 45 days to produce records.”
“Requiring schools to notify parents about any health care offered to students, directly or indirectly, will have a chilling effect on educators and cut off referrals and care that vulnerable students need… Eroding confidentiality is especially harmful to LGBTQ+ students and youth of color “who fear being ‘outed’ or labeled as LGBTQ+ if their parents learn about their interest in sexual health services.”
“When RCW 13.32A.082 was amended by ESSB 5599, the Washington Republican party raised concerns that the law allowed youth to access gender affirming care without parental permission… Proponents of the Initiative highlighted it as a path to undo ESSB 5599… The Initiative’s drafters included a clause to specifically target ESSB 5599’s protections, requiring immediate notification from the school, bypassing the procedure set forth in ESSB 5599, when youth access shelters directly from school.”
The ACLU claims that the Parents Rights Initiative is ambiguous. But their Motion confirms that they know exactly what the Parents Rights Initiative is intended to do – which is the real reason they want to block it.
Silent Majority Response to ACLU Summary Judgement Motion
On November 22, 2024, the Silent Majority Foundation filed an 11 page Response to the ACLU Motion for Summary Judgment. Here are some quotes from their response:
“I-2081 was not a narrowly passed bill split along ideological party lines; it was overwhelmingly approved by the House, unanimously approved by the Senate, and supported by Washingtonians.”
“Plaintiffs essentially argue for an expansion of the mature minor doctrine to every child in public schools. That is not only wrong from a legal and factual standpoint, but also contrary to the “history and culture of Western civilization which reflect a strong tradition of parental concern for the nurture and upbringing of their children. This primary role of the parents in the upbringing of their children is now established beyond debate as an enduring American tradition.”
“As sagely noted, “because he may not foresee the consequences of his decision, a minor may not make an enforceable bargain.”
“Parents have the fundamental right to determine what is best for their child. Minors do not receive a presumption of possessing the necessary maturity to be declared emancipated, able to direct their own affairs… That is the sacred duty of parents, as recognized by I-2081. It is an inescapable reality that “children are dependent upon others to provide for their basic needs. The importance of family and familiar relationships to a natural and healthy childhood seems well established.”.. Protection of the family unit and parental rights is a protection of children.”
“I-2081 is simply an acknowledgment of the “constitutional dimension of the right of parents to direct the upbringing of their children. ‘It is cardinal with us that the custody, care and nurture of the child reside first in the parents, whose primary function and freedom include preparation for obligations the state can neither supply nor hinder.’”. I-2081 is simply a codification of fundamental rights of parents to nurture and direct the upbringing of their children.”
“Plaintiffs’ allegations fail by simply reading the statutes. As a more general matter, they fail because parental rights and the custody and care of their children are among the oldest of common law rights.”
The Final Step in Gutting Parents Rights… Senate Bill 5181
On January 8, 2025, Senators C. Wilson and Pedersen Prefiled a 6 page bill numbered Senate Bill 5181. The title was: Amending the parents rights initiative to bring it into alignment with existing law. This is an extremely ironic title because if there was no difference between the Parents Rights Initiative and existing law, there would have been no need to pass it in the first place. Here is the link to this bill: https://lawfilesext.leg.wa.gov/biennium/2025-26/Pdf/Bills/Senate%20Bills/5181.pdf?q=20250109205918
Here are a few of the most significant changes to the bill:
Page 1 starting at Line 15:
The problem with this change is that school districts are required to have policies such as Policy #3211 to deny parents the right to examine controversial gender propaganda materials.
Page 2 starting at Line 19 changes the definition of Public School records:
Notice that medical records, health records and mental health counseling are all crossed out.
Page 3 beginning at Line 3 further restricts information provided to parents:
The records kept soley for the “personal memory of the maker” are the fake names students will be called by in school without the knowledge or consent of their parents. Also, the phrase “access and disclosure provisions established in chapter 70.02 RCW related to health care information” means “a health care provider may not disclose health care information about a patient to any other person without the patient's written authorization. "Patient" means an individual who receives health care.”
RCW 70.02.130 If the patient is a minor and is authorized to consent to health care without parental consent under federal and state law, only the minor may exercise the rights of a patient under this chapter as to information pertaining to health care to which the minor lawfully consented.
In short, the above laws all combine to mean that schools can hide medical records from parents.
Page 3 beginning at Line 10 further eliminates notice to parents:
Page 4 Line 1 restores the draconian Senate Bill 5599 which led to the movement for the Parents Rights Initiative in the first place:
Page 4 beginning at Line 7 replaces sincerely held religious beliefs with Transgender Cult propaganda:
Page 4 beginning at Line 16 replaces comprehensive opt out rights with narrowly defined opt out rights:
Page 6 beginning at Line 12 eliminates any legal redress for a parent whose rights under the Parent Rights Initiative have been violated:
In short, Senate Bill 5181 completely guts parents rights here in Washington state. Sadly, this bill is likely to pass along a party line vote. The only good news is that passing this bill will once and for all expose the fact that leaders of the Washington State Democratic Party are completely against Parents Rights.
I wish I could recommend testifying against this bill. But in my opinion, it would be a better use of our time to work on informing parents about the attack on their rights and on the rights of their children. Hopefully, this monsterous bill will encourage more parents to join our Washington Parents Network and start attending our Sunday meetings from 4 to 5 pm and help us build community news websites all across this state so that we can boot these insane anti-parent legislators out of office in the 2026 General Election.
However, what we really need is to create a series of community news websites to better inform Independent voters about the Trans Drug cult. I have written an 80 plan on how to do this:
It is a four year plan to build a series of Common Sense Community News websites in communities all over Washington state. Our course on how to do this is 12 weeks long and begins in March 2025.
These community news websites are easy to run and have an operating cost of only $2 per month. They can be run by a single person or a group of friends:
If you are interested in helping with our plan, email me and I will email you back with a copy of this plan. As always, I look forward to your questions and comments. Also email me if you would like the link to our next online meeting – Sundays 4 to 5 pm – where we will discuss this article and the hearing in Seattle and our community news websites in greater detail.
David Spring M. Ed.