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1 Why Encouraging Gender Mutilation is Child Abuse - 1 Lies about Child Gender Transitions (Mutilations)

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1 Lies about Child Gender Transitions (Mutilations)

There is a propaganda war being waged against parents and children by people making millions of dollars spreading monstrous lies. The biggest lie is for an authority figure, such as a teacher, to tell a child they can magically change their sex simply by changing the pronouns they use. Then to add insult to injury, for this same teacher to undermine the parent-child relationship by telling the child they must not tell their parent of their new “gender identity.” The fact is that it is not possible for anyone to change their biological sex. Instead, convincing a child to go down this path is likely to lead the child to a broken life of misery, cancer and early death.

Here are 6 of the biggest lies of the Gender Mutilation Industry.

Lie #1 Some children are born with the wrong sex and need to be given drugs to mimic their preferred gender.
FACTS: Science shows that while about 1% of children are not happy with their biological sex, more than 90% of these children outgrow this feeling by the time they reach adulthood. The remaining 10% suffered from serious mental health problems PRIOR to their gender concerns. Gender concerns are therefore a symptom of an underlying mental health problem – not a condition to be “fixed” with drugs. https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/psychiatry/articles/10.3389/fpsyt.2021.632784/full


Lie #2 Giving kids gender drugs restores their happiness
FACTS: There is no research that giving kids drugs improves their happiness over time. Gender mutilation advocates are quick to point out that when people who want gender drugs do not get them, they suffer a 40% risk of attempting suicide suicide 40%. What they fail to mention is that people who want gender drugs and do get them have a 42% risk of attempting suicide. So if anything giving kids gender drugs increases their risk of attempting suicide. Instead of giving troubled kids expensive ineffective experimental drugs, addressing their underlying mental health problems through counseling is what leads to long term happiness. Giving a child experimental drugs simply leads them down a path to a life of misery. See page 18 of this study: https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/publications/suicidality-transgender-adults/


Lie #3 Giving kids gender drugs is safe
FACTS: In 2019, a study was published of more than 3,000 minors given hormone drugs. The study confirmed that the risk of breast cancer rose 46 times (4,600 percent) in minors subjected to trans hormone drugs. https://www.bmj.com/content/bmj/365/bmj.l1652.full.pdf

The study and several others that found similar risks has led many countries including Sweden and Great Britain to move away from promoting gender drugs to banning giving them to minors.


Lie #4 Parents do not know about or care about their children
FACTS: The vast majority of parents care about their children and know more about their children that any teacher or other state worker. Parents should assumed to be good caregivers and should not have to fear the state kidnapping or brain washing their kids as a result of attending school. It is not parents we should worry about abusing children. Instead, it is the state that is abusing our children with experimental drugs.


Lie #5 A troubled child should be told to lie to their parents
FACTS: There is almost nothing one can do that is more harmful to a child than to tell them that their parents can not be trusted or that they need to lead a “double life” of lying to their parents when they are at home and constructing an alternate identity at school. It is not parents we should distrust. It is the drug industry that makes millions of dollars by convincing children that their snake oil will bring the child happiness.


Lie #6 It is only polite to encourage a five-year old child to use a series of made-up pronouns rather than their real pronouns
FACTS: Forcing children to use a series of made up alternate genders and confusing pronouns leads children to needless doubt and fear – both harmful to learning and brain development - at a time when children should be focused on learning to read, write and do basic math.


Four Steps to Brainwash Kids

Brainwashing Step 1 Encourage children to use fake pronouns
The brain washing begins with stories about gay role models as soon as Kindergarten. Here is an image of an assignment given to First Graders asking them to magically choose from among several gender options:


Brainwashing Step 2: Normalizing gender mutilation by bringing in drag queens to First Grade classes
NYC spent more than $200k sending drag queens into schools to read to kids as young as THREE - sometimes without parental consent. In 2022 alone, Drag Story Hour made 49 appearances at 34 public schools.


Brainwashing Step 3: Encourage kids to take Trans hormones


Looks like a lot of fun, doesn’t it? Note that there is no mention that the Gender Hormones will cost the family or state tax payers $40,000 each year for 5 to 10 years and greatly increase the risk of cancer.

Brainwashing Step 4: Promote Sex Change Surgery


Sadly, even after all this money spent trying to change a person’s sex, the person is still left with the underlying mental health problems that led to the compulsion to change their sex in the first place.

End Result: Cancer Treatment
Even sadder, all of the experimental drugs are highly likely to lead to both cancer and an early death.


No rational adult would want any child to go down such an expensive, unhappy and deadly road.

Distortions of Science
The debate over the harm of gender mutilation is currently being played out in state legislatures and federal courts. 26 states have banned gender mutilation of minors while 14 states (including Washington state attorney general Bob Ferguson) have submitted court filings in favor of gender mutilation. Several federal judges have ruled in favor of state laws banning gender mutilation of minors. On August 21, 2023, one of the most significant federal court rulings was a 59 page decision by a three judge panel who agreed that Alabama has a rational basis for banning gender mutilation of minors in their state. The case was called Eknes-Tucker v. Governor, State of Alabama https://media.ca11.uscourts.gov/opinions/pub/files/202211707.pdf

Here are some quotes from this decision:

“There is no binding authority that indicates that the general right to "make decisions concerning the care, custody, and control of [one's] children" includes the right to give one's children puberty blockers and cross-sex hormone treatment.

Several studies demonstrate that hormonal and surgical interventions often do not resolve the underlying psychological issues affecting the individual. For example, individuals who undergo cross-sex cosmetic surgical procedures have been found to suffer from elevated mortality rates higher than the general population. They experience significantly higher rates of substance abuse, depression, and psychiatric hospitalizations. Minors, and often their parents, are unable to comprehend and fully appreciate the risk and life implications, including permanent sterility, that result from the use of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgical procedures.

Alabama produced documents showing that public healthcare entities of Sweden, Finland, France, Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom have raised concerns about the risks associated with puberty blockers and cross-sex hormone treatment and supported greater caution and/or more restrictive criteria in connection with such interventions. “

In response to this Alabama ruling, a group of doctors making millions of dollars pushing gender transition drugs on kids issued a 30 page report claiming that the three federal judges did not use “accurate science.” Here is a link to their report:


Their report claims that gender altering drugs and surgeries are “safe and effective.” We will provide studies showing that the drugs are not safe - as they often lead to cancer and other health problems. Here we will look at their claim that gender drugs (hormones) are effective. After 10 pages of propaganda and unsupported claims, the discussion claims on page 11: “40% of trans individuals who do not receive hormones will attempt or complete suicide in their lifetime.”

The implication of this claim is that if we do not give trans kids hormone drugs, 40% of them might wind up committing suicide. To support this shocking claim, the report links to a study published in 2019 at this link:

This data comes from an online self report – which is not exactly scientific. The 2015 U.S. Transgender Survey was an online survey of transgender adults, ages 18 and over, which was fielded in August and September of 2015. The 27,715 respondents came from all 50 US states.

There were huge problems with this report. For example, the median age was 26 compared to the US median age of 38. Also, there were a huge number of respondents reporting to be 18 years old which was the minimum age required to fill out the report. This indicates that many younger people filled out the report and lied about their age – claiming they were 18 when they were really younger than 18.

Also the percentage of white adults in the report was 82% which is much higher than the actual percentage of white adults in our population which is 62%. Finally, median household income was reported to be $35,000 when actual median household income that year was $56,500. Ignoring these glaring problems, scroll down to page 18 and read Table 4.



It does indeed indicate that: 41% of trans individuals who want hormones and do not receive hormones will attempt or complete suicide in their lifetime. However, in the very next line, it indicates that those who wanted hormones and have had them reported a lifetime suicide rate of 42%

Please read the above sentence ten more times and let it sink it. The authors of the so-called science based report assumed that we would not read the actual study – which indicates the exact opposite of what the gender – mutilation pushing doctors are claiming. It is bad that 40% of trans individuals who do not receive hormones attempt to commit suicide. However, it is much worse that 42% of trans individuals who do receive hormones will attempt to commit suicides. In other words, giving trans kids the hormones INCREASES their risk of committing suicide.

Also, in the same table it notes that “the lifetime attempted suicide rate for those wanting surgery but not getting was 41 percent while the lifetime rate for those wanting surgery and having gotten surgery was 40 percent. “

Put bluntly, the study these crooked doctors used to claim that drugs and surgery were effective concluded the exact opposite – that trans drugs and trans surgery are NOT safe or effective!