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1 Why Encouraging Gender Mutilation is Child Abuse - 22 King County Judge Rules Against Parental Notification

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22 King County Judge Rules against Parental Notification

On June 24, 2024, King County Judge Michael Scott issued an Injunction blocking the Parental Notice section of the Washington State Parental Rights Act – also known as Initiative 2081. Judge Scott, who was appointed to the court by Jay Inslee in 2018, ruled:

“Washington State shall cease all implementation and enforcement of Initiative 2081’s portions related to the time in which schools must provide records, including the requirement that parents “receive a copy of their child’s records within 10 business days of submitting a written request;” and Initiative 2081 to the extent that it requires disclosure of medical, health, and mental health records and/or information protected by RCW 70.02.020.”

This judge explained verbally that he was concerned about the 10 day notice because the federal law allows 45 days for educational records. What the judge failed to mention is that states are allowed to have health and education laws that are more strict than federal laws. For example, the law that Senate Bill 5599 amended (and that the Parents Rights Act is clarifying) requires parental notice in a maximum of 3 days. So the concern raised by the judge about 10 days notice is simply absurd.

In addition, there is not a single word in RCW 70.02.020 that prevents health care records of minors from being disclosed to their parents. So there are no records of minors that need to be protected from parents in RCW 70.02.020. Again, the judge’s reasoning for the Injunction is simply absurd.

But while it may be absurd, the Injunction will have devastating consequences for tens of thousands of parents and children here in Washington state. The injunction against parental notice of medical and mental health records will now stay in effect throughout the rest of the legal proceedings. These proceedings could take months or even years while the issue works its way through trial and appeals.

The injunction blocks important God-given parental rights that have existed throughout human history. Yet this judge has placed his opinion above the wishes of nearly a half million voters who signed the Initiative, and more than 10,000 voters who committed on the bill during legislative hearings – and above the opinion of a 49 to 0 vote in the Senate and an 80 to 14 vote in the House – with absolutely not even a hint during any of the Hearings – or a single claim by a single legislator – that the bill might not comply with either existing state law or our state constitution.

Equally bad, the injunction will likely stay in effect until the 2025 legislative session – at which time corrupt legislators are likely to strip Parental Notice from the Parents Rights Act – rendering the act meaningless. Two years of work by thousands of people to get Parents Rights in Washington State will have gone down the drain.

But worst of all is the fact that this judge’s ruling will keep hidden from parents child mutilation crimes currently being committed against their children – child mutilation procedures that are based on lies and not supported by any science and are certain to cause a lifetime of harm for their victims, lies and harms.

Finally, this injunction will keep these crimes hidden from the voters through the remainder of the 2024 election. This is something we must not let happen. It is now up to all parents and grandparents to make Parents Rights an election issue in the 2024 election.

Verbal comments by Judge Scott
In his verbal decision to grant the preliminary injunction against the Parents Rights Act, Scott raised concerns over the language in the initiative calling for schools to turn over all medical and mental health records and to do so within 10 days of a parents request. He noted that the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) requires schools to turn over records as soon as possible, or within 45 days of the request.

The opponents of the Parents Rights Initiative claim in their lawsuit that existing Washington law (Senate Bill 5599 passed in 2023) gave minors in Washington the right to hide experimental and life-harming drug doses – administered while they are in school - from their parents. However, the actual wording in the Parents Rights Act does not contradict the child’s right to be given these drugs. It merely requires that parents be notified about the life-harming drugs before the drugs are given to the child. With the Injunction, parents will continue to be kept in the dark.