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1 Why Encouraging Gender Mutilation is Child Abuse - 21 Florida judge rules gender mutilation is safe and effective

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21 Florida judge rules gender mutilation is safe and effective

In the first section of this report, we quoted an August 21, 2023 decision by a three judge panel who agreed that Alabama has a rational basis for banning gender mutilation of minors in their state. The case was called Eknes-Tucker v. Governor, State of Alabama.

Sadly, on June 11, 2024, a single federal judge in Florida named Robert Hinkle ignored this three judge Alabama decision and ruled that Florida did not have a rational basis for banning gender mutilation of minors in their state.


Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis’ office blasted Hinkle’s ruling, issuing a statement calling it “erroneous,” and vowing to appeal.

“Through their elected representatives, the people of Florida acted to protect children in this state, and the Court was wrong to override their wishes,” the statement said. “As we’ve seen here in Florida, the United Kingdom, and across Europe, there is no quality evidence to support the chemical and physical mutilation of children. These procedures do permanent, life-altering damage to children, and history will look back on this fad in horror.”

The Florida judge dismissed the statements of all of the state’s witnesses by claiming without any supporting evidence that anyone opposed to gender mutilation must be an irrational religious zealot who was misled by their religious biases into discriminating against a trans child. The judge appeared to be completely unaware of underlying mental health problems or that more than 90% of such children no longer wanted to change their gender once they grew up. The judge also seemed to be completely unaware that Sweden changed course on drugging children after long term studies found extreme harm to these children. Clearly, the leaders of Sweden are not irrational religious zealots.

At the same time, the judge blindly accepted - again without evidence - that the supporters of gender mutilation represented the accepted opinion of the medical community.

The judge also accepted the claim that giving kids drugs and subjecting them to surgeries was safe and effective – never bothering to read the actual studies that concluded that the drugs and surgeries were not safe or effective.

Instead, the judge accepted the claims of drug pushers as as if gender mutilation was no more harmful to a child than giving the disturbed child a free trip to Disneyland. The judge repeatedly used the misleading term “gender-affirming care” as if gender mutilation and experimental drug interventions had not a single adverse consequence.

The truth will hopefully eventually come out that gender mutilation is indeed harmful to children as we get more long term scientific evidence of the results of this grotesque experiment on our children