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1 Why Encouraging Gender Mutilation is Child Abuse - 20 Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria

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20 Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria

Since 2018, hundreds of parents have claimed that their previously normal children, who are mostly girls, suddenly began identifying with Trans after spending a lot of time online and or with friends who became Trans.

In 2023, a study was published of 1,655 parent reports of Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria. Here is a link to this study:


Here are quotes:

During the past decade there has been a dramatic increase in adolescents and young adults (AYAs) complaining of gender dysphoria. One explanation is that the increase reflects a socially contagious syndrome among emotionally vulnerable youth: rapid-onset gender dysphoria (ROGD). Advocates of the ROGD theory view the dramatic increase in referrals to gender clinics with alarm. They are concerned that adolescents with ROGD are at risk of unnecessary, harmful, and irreversible psychological and medical interventions.

Some of these groups are quite large, with Gender Critical Support Board exceeding 3,500 registered members, and Parents of Transgender Children exceeding 8,000 members. (Both numbers taken from their respective websites on April 12, 2022.

We report results from a survey of parents who contacted the website ParentsofROGDKids.com because they believed their AYA children had ROGD. Results focused on parent reports on 1,655 AYA children whose gender dysphoria began between ages 11 and 21 years, inclusive. These youths were disproportionately (75%) natal female. Natal males had later onset (by 1.9 years) than females, and they were much less likely to have taken steps towards social gender transition (65.7% for females versus 28.6% for males). Pre-existing mental health issues were common, and youths with mental health issues were more likely than those without them to have socially and medically transitioned. Parents reported that they had often felt pressured by clinicians to affirm their AYA child’s new gender and support their transition. According to the parents, AYA children’s mental health deteriorated considerably after social transition.