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1 Why Encouraging Gender Mutilation is Child Abuse - 7 State Superintendent Reykdal orders teachers to lie to parents

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7 State Superintendent Reykdal orders teachers to lie to parents

Washington State Superintendent has a long history of ignoring science on everything from masks and PCR tests to school closures. Due to his utter lack of research, children in Washington state have been harmed more than any other children in the nation. It should therefore not be surprising that Reykdal has ignored the scientific research on gender mutilation. Instead, he has insisted on brainwashing teachers and children with some shocking mandatory regulations which you can read at this link:


His radical new policies, launched in January 2020, begin by falsely claiming that some sort of unspecified federal laws require schools to lie to parents in order to protect the gender change “choices” of children. Elsewhere in this report, we review the current federal laws and recent court decisions. In short, while the rights of parents are firmly established, the right of a 5 year old to make major decisions about anything do not exist. But Reykdal has a long history of lying when it comes to rationalizing any agenda he is in favor of.

Here are just a few of Reykdal’s insane policy mandates:

Students have the right to be addressed by their requested name, pronoun (e.g., he/him, she/her, they/them, etc.), and gender designation.

Public schools must allow students to use the restroom that corresponds to their gender identity.

Public schools should provide access to the locker room that corresponds to a student's gender identity.

Public schools must allow all students to participate in physical education and athletics that correspond to their gender identity.

A designated school employee should offer to meet with a student who is transgender, either upon the student’s enrollment or when there’s a change to an enrolled student’s gender identity or expression. During that meeting, the designated school employee should:

Consult with the student about their preferences for family involvement, in advance of contacting the student’s parents or guardians.

Privately ask the student how they would like to be addressed in class, in correspondence sent home, and in conferences with their parents.

In short, the student is encouraged to lie to their parents.


Parents Rights… What information about a student’s gender can a school share with their parents or guardians?

It depends. Federal and state privacy laws protect personally identifiable student information from unauthorized disclosure. The federal Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) gives parents and legal guardians the right to request their student’s education records, and if requested, the school district will provide those records to the parent or legal guardian. Education records can include grades, transcripts, class lists, student course schedules, health records, and student discipline files.

OSPI is not aware of any applicable federal or state law that requires a local education agency (LEA) to affirmatively disclose a student’s gender identity to their parents or legal guardians. LEAs should not disclose a student’s gender identity to others, including their parents or legal guardians, unless the student authorizes the disclosure or the disclosure is required by law, such as when a parent or legal guardian requests the student’s education record under FERPA.

In short, teachers are required to lie to parents.

Students who identify as transgender or gender-expansive may wish to transition socially and/or medically. Social transition may include changes to a person’s name, pronouns, clothing, hairstyle, behavior, mannerisms, and choice of activities. Medical transition may include medications used for hormone therapy or gender affirming surgeries. Transitioning either socially or medically is a personal decision. In all cases, Washington’s public schools have a civil rights obligation to treat students consistently with their gender identity and gender expression at school.

Are classroom lessons on gender age-appropriate?

Yes. Starting this school year, all public schools must provide comprehensive sexual health education (CSHE) to all students consistent with the Health Education K–12 Learning Standards. Washington state law requires CSHE to be “medically accurate, age appropriate, and inclusive of all students” for students in grades 4–12. State law makes clear that the only CSHE requirement for students in kindergarten through third grade is instruction in Social Emotional Learning.

Here are some quotes on how school districts are implementing Reykdal’s WOKE agenda:

Educators are going much farther than teaching gender identity to Kindergarteners. They’re actively withholding information from parents about a student’s purported gender identity. This isn’t merely dangerous; it’s keeping families apart. Schools in Washington are either adopting or implementing policies that keep parents in the dark. Educators and administrators will not reveal gender identity, different names a student may adopt, and even mental health concerns that could help parents connect their child with objective mental health experts. In some cases, they’re ignoring direct instructions from parents.

An updated policy in the Puyallup School District instructs staff to have secret meetings with students it believes to be transgender. A Northshore District school keeps detailed records on students, informing teachers what pronouns or names to use when talking to their child’s parents. In Bellingham, the superintendent endorses a worksheet teachers use to ask students what secret name and personal pronouns they prefer to be kept from parents.

The Puyallup School District recently updated its Gender Inclusive School policy. It encourages staff to meet with transgender students in secret to come up with ways to keep information away from parents at the student’s request. The policy reads: “The principal or building administrator—or an appropriate, designated school employee—is encouraged to request a meeting with a transgender or gender-expansive student upon the student’s enrollment in the district or in response to a currently enrolled student’s change of gender expression or identity. Before contacting a student’s parents, the school will consult with the student about the student’s preferences regarding family involvement and consider whether safety concerns are present for the student.”

The district’s policy knowingly lies to parents about their son or daughter, potentially driving a bigger and unnecessary wedge between them. Staff must “ask known transgender students how they would like to be addressed in class, in correspondence to the home, and at conferences with the student’s parent/guardian.”

Before communicating with parents of transgender students, it’s important to ask the student how school employees should refer to the student when talking with their parents and guardians,” the policy states. “For parents who are not supportive, or who are not aware of the student’s transition at school, referring to their name and pronoun could be very dangerous. The district will not condone the intentional or persistent refusal to respect a student’s gender identity or gender expression, or inappropriate release of information regarding a student’s transgender status.”

The Central Valley School District (CVSD) in Liberty Lake, Washington, near Spokane, offered a presentation of its gender inclusivity policy Monday, during which time parents were not permitted to ask questions.Districts are tearing families apart, rather than strengthening them. Kids experiencing confusion over their gender are better off navigating their feelings with parents — not teachers who may have political agendas. Teachers will never truly love these kids as much as their parents. How do kids benefit by living two separate lives where they can’t be themselves in front of their parents? Loving mothers and fathers can help guide their kids and provide quality mental health professionals when necessary. But they can’t help if they don’t know. Teachers should help connect kids with parents, not encourage them to keep secrets.

The rationale for teaching 7 year olds about magical gender options.

The Edmonds School District developed lesson plans on self-identity that includes the claim that sometimes, gender does not exist. Other times, a person can have two genders. First graders learn about the “nonbinary experience” and teachers are told to ask students to list their gender identities so that “gender nonconforming” students can feel more comfortable.


Here is a link to the 125 page state standards:


Under state guidelines, Washington public schools must provide age-appropriate lesson plans on a variety of sexual health topics. Under the theme of “self-identity,” kindergartners and first graders should learn “that there are many ways to express gender.” But the intent does not appear to be to promote the concept of gender identity because that topic is listed by the state as appropriate starting in the fourth grade.

Though the book publisher says it’s meant for a second-grade reading level, the Edmonds School District uses it for students in the first grade. In a note to teachers, the publisher says the book “helps normalize the idea that gender identity is fluid.”

The publisher explained that the lesson plans were based on state-mandated health standards.

“Teachers use the standards to design lessons to provide a variety of age-appropriate and grade-level learning,” she/her explained via email.

This isn’t age-appropriate. The mother was correct to question the curriculum. Neither gender identity nor the idea that gender doesn’t exist is appropriate for first graders. Not only is it false to claim gender doesn’t exist, but it would also obviously be confusing to 7-year-olds.

A teacher in Washington state who spoke with The Daily Wire broke down on the phone as she described how helpless she feels in the face of the new gender identity policies.

“You know, I love teaching and I love being with the kids and I’m thinking, I’m one of the last conservative teachers in my building. If I’m gone, there’s no one,” she said, her voice breaking. “There’s no one there that would tell them any kind of truth.”

Teachers at her school were told by school counselors to use students’ preferred pronouns and names without letting parents know, she said. Last year, this teacher said she made the mistake of calling up a parent and telling them their child wanted to adopt a new name and gender identity. She asked the parent whether that was okay. The parent responded along the lines of, “definitely not, we’re Christians,” and the teacher was pulled into the principal’s office and counselor’s office and reprimanded for divulging that information to the parent. At the beginning of this school year, that school made a point of spending time going over the OSPI guidelines on parental notification and gender identity with teachers in detail.


When a teacher tells her students to lie to their parents, or conceal information, there is something evil at work here. Harm is intended. We should never deceive ourselves into thinking that there may be some innocent explanation.